PHP - Create Sku (stock Keeping Unit) Using Php
I need to create the unique SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) name for each products mixed with i.e.: SKU for a product with
id=13, becomes : BI-IKHA0013 This is how I tried: $inm = "Bio Clean green500ml"; $cnm = "INSECTS KILLERS"; $bnm = "HARPIC "; echo SKU_gen($inm, $cnm,$bnm,20).'<br>'; function SKU_gen($pname, $cat=null, $brand=null, $id = null, $l = 2){ $results = ''; // empty string $str1 = array_shift(explode(' ',$pname)); $str1 = strtoupper(substr($str1, 0, $l)); $str2 = array_shift(explode(' ',$cat)); $str2 = strtoupper(substr($str2, 0, $l)); $str3 = array_shift(explode(' ',$brand)); $str3 = strtoupper(substr($str3, 0, $l)); $id = str_pad($id , 4, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT); $results .= "{$str1}-{$str2}{$str3}{$id}"; return $results; } But this function is not working as expected when category of brand values become NULL. Similar TutorialsCode: [Select] $sqlCommand = "CREATE TABLE products ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, product_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, price varchar(16) NOT NULL, details text NOT NULL, category varchar(16) NOT NULL, subcategory varchar(16) NOT NULL, m_tag text NOT NULL, date_added date NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY product_name (product_name) ) ";. this is currently my database, i would like to create a stock level count so im assuming i need a new field called (stock) also on my homepage i would like a list of best selling items so im probably going to need a (total sold) my website has a basket, when you click check out it goes to paypal so you can pay for your transaction. i have a ipn script to verify with payal. but i dont have a clue how to update my stock level after each transaction. can someone please help and point me in the right direction Hello Is there anyone here who can answer me if it is possible to get stock prices into a php script? to use the rate constant feedback to a stock market game. I hope someone can help .. Good morning. I need to subtract stock levels from oldest stock first then to the next date. It is allowed to move into negative values. example 01-10 stock in 10 stock out 5 - stock count 5 02-10 stock in 10 stock out 7 stock count ... here we need to subtract the 7 from previous days 5 til it reches 0 then stock in subtraction 01-10 stock =0 02-10 stock = 8 --- as 7 -5 gives me -2 in incoming stock is 10 leaving me with stock count of 8. 03-10 stock in 8 stock out 21 02-10 stck level must be 0 03-10 stock lever now is 8-14 = -6 and so on below is my code. $lq_in = new ListQuery('stock_audit5f5795042f369'); $lq_in->addSimpleFilter('name', '%PEPPER yellow%', 'LIKE' ); //$lq_in->addSimpleFilter('product_id', $product_id, '='); $lq_in->setOrderBy('date_entered'); $res_in = $lq_in->fetchAll(); $StockArray = []; foreach($res_in as $out_rec) { /*$upd_out = array(); $upd_out['stock_out_done'] = 0; $out_rec_u = ListQuery::quick_fetch('stock_audit5f5795042f369', $out_rec->getField('id')); $aud_upd_out = RowUpdate::for_result($out_rec_u); $aud_upd_out->set($upd_out); $aud_upd_out->save(); continue; */ $stock_out = $out_rec->getField('stock_out'); $stock_out_done = $out_rec->getField('stock_out_done'); $date_entered = $out_rec->getField('date_entered'); $product_id = $out_rec->getField('product_id'); //echo '<pre>'; // print_r($out_rec->row); $StockItems[] = $out_rec->row; //$stock_done = 0; /* foreach($res_in as $in_rec) { $upd = array(); if($stock_out_new > $in_rec->getField('stock_level')) { $upd['stock_level'] = 0; $stock_out_new = $stock_out_new-$in_rec->getField('stock_level'); $stock_done = $in_rec->getField('stock_level'); } elseif ($stock_out_new == $in_rec->getField('stock_level')) { $upd['stock_level'] = 0; $stock_out_new = 0; $stock_done = $stock_out; } elseif($stock_out_new < $in_rec->getField('stock_level')) { $upd['stock_level'] = $in_rec->getField('stock_level')-$stock_out_new; $stock_out_new = 0; $stock_done = $stock_out; } else { continue; } $in_rec_u = ListQuery::quick_fetch('stock_audit5f5795042f369', $in_rec->getField('id')); $aud_upd = RowUpdate::for_result($in_rec_u); $aud_upd->set($upd); $aud_upd->save(); if($stock_out_new == $stock_done) break; } $upd_out = array(); $upd_out['stock_out_done'] = $stock_done; $out_rec_u = ListQuery::quick_fetch('stock_audit5f5795042f369', $out_rec->getField('id')); $aud_upd_out = RowUpdate::for_result($out_rec_u); $aud_upd_out->set($upd_out); $aud_upd_out->save(); */ } function GetFirstItemWithStockKey($StockItemsarrayk = null){ if($StockItemsarrayk != null){ foreach($StockItemsarrayk as $key => $value){ if(((int) $StockItemsarrayk[$key]['stock_level']) > 0){ return $key; } } } } function SetFirstItemWithStock($StockItemsarray = null){ if($StockItemsarray != null){ foreach($StockItemsarray as $key => $value){ if(((int) $StockItemsarray[$key]['stock_level']) > 0){ return $StockItemsarray[$key]; } } } } $remainder = 0; $pkey = ""; $StockLevelKey = 0; $StockIn = []; $StockOut = []; $InStock = []; $NewStockItems = $StockItems; $ArrayKeys = []; foreach($StockItems as $key => $value){ $StockIn[$key] = (int) $StockItems[$key]['stock_in']; $StockOut[$key] = (int) $StockItems[$key]['stock_out']; $InStock[$key] = (int) $StockItems[$key]['stock_level']; $ArrayKeys[] = (int)$key; } //var_dump($InStock); foreach($NewStockItems as $key => $value){ if($key < 1){ if($StockIn[$key] > 0 && $StockOut[$key] == 0 && $InStock[$key] == 0){ $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = ($InStock[$key] + $StockIn[$key]); } if($StockIn[$key] == 0 && $StockOut[$key] > 0 && $InStock[$key] == 0){ $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = ($InStock[$key] - $StockOut[$key]); } if($StockIn[$key] > 0 && $StockOut[$key] > 0 && $InStock[$key] == 0){ $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = ($InStock[$key] - $StockOut[$key] + $StockIn[$key]); $StockItems[$key]['stock_out'] = 0; } } if($key > 0){ $previousWithStockItem = SetFirstItemWithStock($StockItems); $previousItemWithStockKey = GetFirstItemWithStockKey($StockItems); // echo "<pre>"; // print_r($previousWithStockItem); // var_dump($StockIn[$key]); echo " --IN"; // var_dump($InStock[$key]); echo " --- current"; // var_dump($StockOut[$key]); echo " --- OUT"; while($StockOut[$key] > 0){ if($StockOut[$key] > 0 && $previousWithStockItem['stock_level'] > 0){ $Counter = 0; $maxIteration = 0; for($Counter = $previousWithStockItem['stock_level']; $Counter >= 0; $Counter--){ $StockItems[$previousItemWithStockKey]['stock_level'] = $Counter; if($Counter == 0){ $StockOut[$key] = $StockOut[$key] - $maxIteration; } $maxIteration++; } } if((((int) $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] < 0) || ((int) $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] === 0))&& ($StockIn[$key] > 0)){ $valueTotal = $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] + $StockIn[$key]; $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = $valueTotal; } echo "<hr/>"; echo (int) $StockOut[$key]; echo "<br/>"; echo (int) $StockItems[$key]['stock_level']; echo "<br/>"; echo "<hr/>"; if(((int) $StockOut[$key] > 0) && ((int) $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] > 0) && ((int) $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] > $StockOut[$key])){ $newStockLevel = $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] - $StockOut[$key]; echo $newStockLevel; $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = $newStockLevel; $StockItems[$key]['stock_out'] = 0; $StockOut[$key] = 0; } if((((int) $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] < 0) || ((int) $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] === 0))&& ($StockIn[$key] > 0)){ $valueTotal = $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] + $StockIn[$key]; echo $valueTotal; $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = $valueTotal; } } } } echo "<table><tr><td><pre>"; print_r($NewStockItems); echo "</pre></td><td><pre>"; print_r($StockItems); echo "</pre></td></table>"; /* if($StockIn[$key] > 0 && $StockOut[$key] >0 && $InStock[$key] == 0){ $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = ($InStock[$key] + ($StockIn[$key] + $StockOut[$key])); $StockOut[$key] = 0; $StockItems[$key]['stock_out'] = 0; } if($StockIn[$key] != 0 && $StockOut[$key] != 0 && $InStock[$key] != 0){ $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = ($InStock[$key] - ($StockOut[$key] + $StockIn[$key])); $StockOut[$key] = 0; $StockItems[$key]['stock_out'] = 0; }*/ /** @Rule 1 # Stockin has value and stock_out = 0 and stock_level = 0 and stock_out_done = null, actualstock to show actual stock level; # */ /*if($StockCalculation[$Skey]['stock_out'] >= $StockItems[$key]['stock_level']){ $StockItems[$key]['stock_out'] = ($StockItems[$key] - 1); $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = ($StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] - 1); // If StockOut == 0 next StockOutItem if($StockCalculation[$Skey]['stock_out'] == 0){ $remainder = 0; continue; }elseif($StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] == 0){ //CurrentInStock == 0 then continue to next CurrentItem $remainder = $StockItems[$key]['stock_out']; continue(2); } } $CurrentStockIn = $StockItems[$key]['stock_in']; $CurrentStockOut = $StockItems[$key]['stock_out']; $CurrentInStock = $StockItems[$key]['stock_level']; if($key == 0){ if($CurrentStockIn > 0 && $CurrentStockOut === 0 && $CurrentInStock == 0){ $CurrentInStock = $CurrentStockIn; //Query update stock level set = stock_in //"UPDATE STOCK SET stock_level = {$CurrentStockIn} where id = {$StockItems[$key]['id']}"; $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = $CurrentStockIn; } if($CurrentStockIn != 0 && $CurrentStockOut != 0 && $CurrentInStock == 0){ //Query Update Stocklevel if stock_out > 0 and stock_level = 0 //"UPDATE STOCK SET stock_level = "+($CurrentStockIn - $CurrentStockOut) + "where id = {$StockItems[$key]['id']}"; if($CurrentStockIn > $CurrentStockOut && $CurrentStockOut == 0){ $StockItems[$key]['stock_out'] = 0; $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = $CurrentInStock = $CurrentStockIn - $CurrentStockOut; } if($CurrentStockOut > $CurrentStockIn){ $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = $CurrentInStock = $CurrentInStock - $CurrentStockOut; } } if($CurrentInStock != 0 && $CurrentStockOut > 0){ //If Current in stock below 0 and stock out > 0 then negative more //"UPDATE STOCK SET stock_level = "+($CurrentInStock - $CurrentStockOut) + "where id = {$StockItems[$key]['id']}"; $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = $CurrentInStock = ($CurrentInStock - $CurrentStockOut); $StockItems[$key]['stock_out'] = 0; } if($CurrentInStock != 0 && $CurrentStockIn > 0){ //If Current in stock below 0 and stock out > 0 then negative more //"UPDATE STOCK SET stock_level = "+($CurrentInStock - $CurrentStockOut) + "where id = {$StockItems[$key]['id']}"; $StockItems[$key]['stock_level'] = $CurrentInStock = ($CurrentInStock + $CurrentStockIn); } // Run row update for first item }else{ foreach($StockCalculation as $Skey => $Sval){ $NextStockOut = $Sval['stock_out']; $NextStockIn = $Sval['stock_in']; $NextStockLevel = $Sval['stock_level']; if($Skey > 0 && $key > 0){ // print_r($NextStockOut); for($i = $NextStockOut; $i >= -1; $i--){ if($NextStockOut > 0){ if($NextStockOut > 0){ /* if($StockItems[$StockLevelKey]['stock_level'] != 0){ $StockItems[($StockLevelKey)]['stock_level'] = ($StockItems[($StockLevelKey)]['stock_level'] - 1); //$StockItems[($Skey-1)]['stock_out'] = ($StockItems[($Skey-1)]['stock_out'] -1); } if($StockItems[($Skey-1)]['stock_level'] != 0){ $StockItems[($Skey-1)]['stock_level'] = ($StockItems[($Skey-1)]['stock_level'] - 1); } } } $NextStockOut = ($NextStockOut -1); if($NextStockOut != 0){ $StockItems[$Skey]['stock_out'] = 0; break; } } } unset($StockCalculation[$Skey]); } }/* */
Hi.. I started designing stock form. and I need to display automatically the stock number, the format is:yymmddxxx for example : 120323001 I need to display that stock number in my textbox when I first visit in my form... Thank you so much... I have somewhat of a dilemma. When someone clicks on a Buy Now button and subsequently follows necessary steps to complete process of purchase, when that transaction is completed, in my product table, I want to subtract 1 from whatever value is in the field. E.g. say product one is being purchased, prior to purchase in product table, there are 5 product one's in stock, when purchase is complete, subtract 1 from 5 (to get 4). Here is my code Code: [Select] <?php $title = "Like This Product, Buy It NOW!!!"; require ('includes/'); include ('./includes/header.html'); require (MYSQL); include ('./includes/main.html'); if($id = isset($_GET['prodID'])) { $query = "SELECT `prodID`, `product`, `prod_descr`, `image`, `price` FROM product WHERE `prodID`='{$_GET['prodID']}'"; $r = mysqli_query($dbc, $query); $showHeader = true; echo "<div id='right'>"; while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($r)) { if($showHeader) { //Display category header echo "<h1>" . "<span>" . "# " . "</span>" . $row['product'] . "<span>" . " #" . "</span>" . "</h1>"; echo "<div id='item'>"; // div class 'item' echo "<div class='item_left'>"; echo "<p id='p_desc'>"; echo $row['prod_descr']; echo "</p>"; echo "<p>" . "<span>" . "£" . $row['price'] . "</span>" . "</p>"; echo "</div>"; echo "<div class='item_right'>"; echo "<img src='db/images/".$row['image']."' />"; $showHeader = false; echo "</div>"; ?> <p> <form target="paypal" action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="7UCL9YCYYXL3J"> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="<?php echo $row['product']; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="item_number" value="<?php echo $row['prodID']; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="<?php echo $row['price']; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="GBP"> <input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!"> <img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1"> </form> </p> <p> <form name="_xclick" action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="GBP"> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="<?php echo $row['product']; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="<?php echo $row['price']; ?>"> <input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!"> </form> </p> <?php echo "</div>"; // End of div class 'item' $strSQL = "SELECT prodID, product, price, image FROM product ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"; $objQuery = mysqli_query($dbc, $strSQL) or die ("Error Query [".$strSQL."]"); while($objResult = mysqli_fetch_array($objQuery)) { echo "<div class='love'>"; echo "<h6>Like'll love this!!!</h6>"; echo "<ul>"; echo "<li>" . "<img src='db/images/" . $objResult['image'] . "' width='50' height='50' />" . "</li>"; echo "<br />"; echo "<li>" . "<a href='item.php?prodID={$objResult['prodID']}' title='{$objResult['product']}'>" . $objResult['product'] . "</a>" . " - " . "£" . $objResult['price'] . "</li>"; echo "</ul>"; echo "</div>"; } } } ?> <?php echo "</div>"; } include ('./includes/footer.html'); ?> How is this achievable please? Hi, I have a class XMLtool where one of the functions is to output a parameter-passed dom document and then output to the browser screen, so basically: function outputXML($domDocument) { if has attributes print cur nodes attributes for each child, if child is element node outputXML(cur node) else if child is text print text end for each } Please I am not sure what type of unit tests I can perform. I'd appreciate all the help! Just wanted some general advice/guidance, I know there are plenty of articles and tutorials online about unit testing, but I just wanted to get a first hand perspective off of some of you guys... What are some real world examples of actual PHP Unit Testing? Also any unit testing frameworks you can recommend? Apologies if this has been covered before. I’ve got a colleague who was brought in as a testing specialist to help improve code quality and reduce bugs. I’ve done a little testing before, but am no means an expert. When they joined I was really excited to learn from them as testing is definitely an area I lack experience. He’s got good coverage and he writes tests for literally everything he does, but it’s something like 95% mocks as opposed to what I would call “black box” testing; testing the input and output. Does that sound reasonable? As I say, I’m not an expert, but his testing strategy doesn’t seem particularly effective and it puts constraints over exactly how code is implemented rather than testing that things behave correctly. Let's say there is an application where a user would like to use English and Metric systems to enter values. For example, to handle customer orders where customers give data in this or that system, (but not both).
From the user-view, all the user cares about is if they can select English or Metric system, enter their values, click submit, and have their data added to the page in their choice of system, and have their values (and choice of system) stay the same.
The back end however is set up to do "compute" operations with English system in mind only. So inside back end, before the compute module, all the values should be converted to English. Some things like precomputed constants, that exist in computations are in English unit of measurements.
So I have attached an image of what I am thinking ..
* first (top) way is one where the front-end takes care of conversions. Back-end is not aware of another system (which makes it difficult sometimes, when trying to display a page back to the user saying "We know you chose system X"), and being aware of chosen system is something that I think is beneficial.
* the second (bottom) way is where front end is merely a passing device to back end, and bac-end takes care of conversions. Back-end is also aware of the two systems
My question is -- is there a preferred way to design an application when it comes to considerations above? Have a system-aware back-end, or try to localize system to front end only?
Attached Files
ways of encoding unit system.png 207.92KB
0 downloads I must confess, I've not really done much unit testing at all in the last 3 years. Can anyone give me an idea of what they would test and why that would be faster or more efficient than running the code as a user? One area I can see it having huge benefits is when I'm testing methods which interact with a database, like user registration, which I would probably test by registering several times - fixing any bugs, making amendments and repeating. Ok, so I kinda sold the idea to myself there But, what about for small applications? I've seen people testing whether a variable is countable...why would I not just check the output immediately? Appreciate any advice. pls help me.. i am new to PHP unit testing concept. i just wrote a PHP unit test case for a login module in ZEND frame work. for that we have to see the result via command promt. but in some places of zend frame work we are using '$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']' to get server host name but it can get only by hitting via browser so while am hitting via command promt it will give error message lik this(given below) Generating code coverage report, this may take a moment.PHP Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_HOST in /opt/coolstack/apache2/htdocs/LPS/application/bootstrap/Bootstrap.php on line 147 Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_HOST in /opt/coolstack/apache2/htdocs/LPS/application/bootstrap/Bootstrap.php on line 147 PHP Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_HOST in /opt/coolstack/apache2/htdocs/LPS/application/bootstrap/Bootstrap.php on line 197 Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_HOST in /opt/coolstack/apache2/htdocs/LPS/application/bootstrap/Bootstrap.php on line 197 PHP Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_HOST in /opt/coolstack/apache2/htdocs/LPS/library/Zaah/Controller/Plugin/Ssl.php on line 79 Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_HOST in /opt/coolstack/apache2/htdocs/LPS/library/Zaah/Controller/Plugin/Ssl.php on line 79 i cant give server host name at all the places. so please help me how to solve this problem.... thanks Yogesh I'm updating my database with a set of data from another database. When there is an item deleted from the source db, how would I make sure it's deleted from the db copy given that I have to run the update in a batch and can't run it when the item is deleted? Would I truncate the db at the beginning of each update, then pull all the of data over? Like 6 years ago I had made a forum software for me and my buddies to post on. It had worked all great until my friend had posted a character that skewed my whole database, unintentionly, he knew nothing about computers. But I really haven't dabbed in PHP since 2008, I'm just now getting back into it again. I need to know how I can make data from an input to be put into an MySQL database and not screw up my code. So something along the lines that make the code safe and not exploitable. Also any third party scripts on captcha would be great! I've got a weird problem which affects only Safari browsers. Site A offers user a login page and validates the credentials by calling HTTPRequest on site B ( this call starts new session, user password is checked and session id stored in the db). If user login details are OK, site A redirects user to site B ( different domains and physical boxes). It worked well before the last Safari update (5.0.1) - when user login is being checked, server B creates session X, after the redirect, session_start() creates absolutely different session Y. All sessions are maintained by cookies only (SSL). Any ideas how to maintain the same session during the redirect? Thanks! What are the different ways you can keep a User "logged in"? From what I *vaguely* recall from a year or two ago when I read a whole hoard of PHP books, you commonly use cookies and sessions. But I'm asking this more from an OOP standpoint than a PHP standpoint. Let's say I have a User record in my database, and a User comes along and attempts to log in. In OOP terms, I would think you'd call some class to help log them in, and upon successfully logging in, you would "load" the User object into memory and set the "LoggedIn" field to "True". Then as long as that field was set in their object, they could surf all over the place and do things like change their account and buy things. Is that how you would do it in OOP? TomTees In my Payment Form, I have an ExpMonth (e.g. '01') and ExpYear (e.g. '2011'). Each value is assigned to $expMonth and $expYear respectively. I then need to combine them and keep the format ('MMYYYY'). I am afraid that this code may truncate leading zeros... Code: [Select] $expDate = $expMonth . $expYear Will my code work, or do I need to do something else to ensure the Month stays ('MM') and the year stays ('YYYY')? Debbie Hello everyone, I am working on a form that is similar to a shopping cart system and I am thinking of creating a button that submits the checked value and saves them to a $_SESSION variable. And also a link that links to a cart.html that takes the values of a $_SESSION variable. I am have trouble figuring what tag/attribute should I use in order to achieve that.
Right now my code attached below submits the checked values to cart.html directly. However I want my submit button to save the checked box to a $_SESSION variable and STAY on the same page. And then I will implement a <a> to link to the cart.php.
I researched a little bit about this subject and I know it's somewhat related to ajax/jquery. I just wanted to know more about it from you guys. I appreciate your attention for reading the post and Thanks!
Below is the form that I currently have:
<form name= "finalForm" method="POST" action="cart.php"> <input type="Submit" name="finalSelected"/> <?php foreach($FinalName as $key => $item) {?> <tr> <td><input type="checkbox" name="fSelected[]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($FinalID[$key])?>" /> <?php echo "$FinalID[$key] & $item";?> </td> </tr> <?php } ;?>Below is the code for cart.php <?php require ('connect_db.php'); if(isset($_POST['finalSelected'])) { if(!empty($_POST['fSelected'])) { $chosen = $_POST['fSelected']; foreach ($chosen as $item) echo "aID selected: $item </br>"; $delimit = implode(", ", $chosen); print_r($delimit); } } if(isset($delimit)) { $cartSQL = "SELECT * from article where aID in ($delimit)"; $cartQuery = mysqli_query($dbc, $cartSQL) or die (mysqli_error($dbc)); while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($cartQuery, MYSQLI_BOTH)) { $aTitle[] = $row[ 'name' ]; } } ?> <table> <?php if(isset($delimit)) { $c=0; foreach($aTitle as $item) {?> <tr> <td> <?php echo $aTitle[$c]; $c++;?> </td> </tr> <?php }}?> </table> I've finished designing my website home page and I've now moved on the some of the other pages, I want my header and footer to appear the same on every page. I've tried this basic way of linking the same stylesheet that makes up my header/footer in the second HTML file (already used in the homepage):
<link rel="stylesheet" href="footer.css" type="text/css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="header.css" type="text/css"/> I now understand that this isn't going to work. Would a server-side scripting language be my best bet here? Something like PHP? If so, would anyone be able to link me with an article on how I could do this in PHP, I presume with the include function? I've had answers elsewhere but this, for me, isn't working: "You are currently only linking the css for the header and footer. If you want to include the html as the same, create two separate files header.php and footer.php, then include them into each webpage. <?php include('path/to/header.php');?> // in the location you want the header in the page <?php include('path/to/footer.php');?> // in the location you want the footer Essentially, you're making partials and placing them wherever you want them" Any help would be greatly appreciated. Edited by Coplestone, 15 January 2015 - 11:52 AM. Hello, I am having an issue where PHP nulls the donation amount after multiple form submits. Here is a synopsis of what is happening. 1: User enters donation amount and clicks 'submit' 2: Is taken to a confirmation page where they must agree to terms 3: User fails to agree to the terms, the page is reloaded with an error message, and the donation amount is set to null I want to make the donation amount display despite multiple confirm page reloads. How would I do this? Here is the site to test it yourself. Ignore the steamid input and check "do not change my rank upon donation" to test. Please note: If you use IE, the formatting is messed up, that is a problem I will look into later I have a directory in public WWW. The files throughout the directory have many PHP includes amongst themselves. For example, the file "registration.php" begins with require('../parameters.php'); The directory is complex, like this:
/Public WWW directory/ How would I do that without breaking all the include paths? (I know the solution is probably a one-liner involving __DIR__ ... but I can't seem to code it so it works). Thank you!!