PHP - Comparing Whether Files Are Identical
When a file is uploaded, I wish to determine whether an existing identical file (regardless of what it is named or what extension it has) already exists and if so don't save the newly uploaded file but just point it to the existing one. My primary reason for doing so is not really to save hard drive space but to be able to manage duplicate documents. One option is to store a hash of the documents in the DB and when a new document is uploaded, query the DB to see if an identical hash exists. How certain can one be that two hashes will never be duplicated? Another option is to compare the byte stream. For this, I would first query the DB to see if a file with same size and media type exists, and then compare the document to all existing files which have that same criteria. Or many some other approach? Recommendations? Thanks
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); ini_set('display_errors', 1); function compareFilesTest(string $file_a, string $file_b) { $time = microtime(true); display($time, $file_a, $file_b, 'compareFilesTest', compareFiles($file_a, $file_b)); } function compareFilesTest2(string $file_a, string $file_b) { $time = microtime(true); display($time, $file_a, $file_b, 'compareFilesTest2', identical($file_a, $file_b)); } function compareFilesHashTest(string $file_a, string $file_b, string $algo = 'md5') { $time = microtime(true); display($time, $file_a, $file_b, 'compareFilesHashTest', hash_file($algo, $file_a)===hash_file($algo, $file_b), $algo); } function display(float $time, string $file_a, string $file_b, string $test, bool $status, string $algorithm=null) { printf("\n%s\nFile1: %s\nFile2: %s\nStatus: %s\nTime (uS): %d\n", $test.($algorithm?" ($algorithm)":''), $file_a, $file_b, $status?'EQUAL':'NOT EQUAL', 1000000*(microtime(true) - $time)); } function compareFiles(string $file_a, string $file_b):bool { if (filesize($file_a) == filesize($file_b)) { $fp_a = fopen($file_a, 'rb'); $fp_b = fopen($file_b, 'rb'); while (!feof($fp_a) && ($b = fread($fp_a, 4096)) !== false) { $b_b = fread($fp_b, 4096); if ($b !== $b_b) { fclose($fp_a); fclose($fp_b); return false; } } fclose($fp_a); fclose($fp_b); return true; } return false; } function identical($fileOne, $fileTwo) { if (filetype($fileOne) !== filetype($fileTwo)) return false; if (filesize($fileOne) !== filesize($fileTwo)) return false; if (! $fp1 = fopen($fileOne, 'rb')) return false; if (! $fp2 = fopen($fileTwo, 'rb')) { fclose($fp1); return false; } $same = true; while (! feof($fp1) and ! feof($fp2)) if (fread($fp1, 4096) !== fread($fp2, 4096)) { $same = false; break; } if (feof($fp1) !== feof($fp2)) $same = false; fclose($fp1); fclose($fp2); return $same; } $path = __DIR__.'/test_documents/'; //print_r(hash_algos()); compareFilesHashTest($path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg', $path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg'); compareFilesHashTest($path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg', $path.'602a9c1c96440_MasterFormat-2016.pdf'); compareFilesHashTest($path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg', $path.'x602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg'); compareFilesHashTest($path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg', $path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpgx'); compareFilesHashTest($path.'file1.txt', $path.''); compareFilesHashTest($path.'file1.txt', $path.'file3.txt'); compareFilesHashTest($path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg', $path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg', 'sha256'); compareFilesHashTest($path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg', $path.'602a9c1c96440_MasterFormat-2016.pdf', 'sha256'); compareFilesHashTest($path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg', $path.'x602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg', 'sha256'); compareFilesHashTest($path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg', $path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpgx', 'sha256'); compareFilesHashTest($path.'file1.txt', $path.'', 'sha256'); compareFilesHashTest($path.'file1.txt', $path.'file3.txt', 'sha256'); compareFilesTest($path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg', $path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg'); compareFilesTest($path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg', $path.'602a9c1c96440_MasterFormat-2016.pdf'); compareFilesTest($path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg', $path.'x602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg'); compareFilesTest($path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg', $path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpgx'); compareFilesTest($path.'file1.txt', $path.''); compareFilesTest($path.'file1.txt', $path.'file3.txt'); compareFilesTest2($path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg', $path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg'); compareFilesTest2($path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg', $path.'602a9c1c96440_MasterFormat-2016.pdf'); compareFilesTest2($path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg', $path.'x602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg'); compareFilesTest2($path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpg', $path.'602a9c07af00c_IMG_1225.jpgx'); compareFilesTest2($path.'file1.txt', $path.''); compareFilesTest2($path.'file1.txt', $path.'file3.txt');
Similar TutorialsI wrote a piece of code that lists images that don't have a match in the database: Code: [Select] $dir_path = '../images/productImages'; $images = scandir($dir_path); $query = "SELECT image FROM Database_table ORDER BY name DESC"; $results = mysql_query($query); $output = "<h1>Missing Images</h1>"; $output .= "<div class=\"missingImages\">"; $output .= "<p>The following data was found in the Database_table.images field but not in /images/productImages:</p>"; $output .= "<div class=\"missingImg\">"; $output .= "<p class=\"fieldName\">Database_table.images:</p>"; while ($fetch = mysql_fetch_array($results)) { $clean_fetch = str_replace("productImages/", "", $fetch); $diff = array_diff($clean_fetch, $images); foreach (array_unique($diff) as $key => $value) { $output .= $value . "<br />"; } } $output .= "</div>"; $output .= "</div>"; echo $output; Works. Now I would like to check whether there are any files in the folder that are not in the database table. I thought it would be as easy as swapping the array_diff parameters around but it's not. When i swap the parameters like so - array_diff($images, $clean_fetch) it gives me a list of ALMOST all the images in the image folder, which i don't understand. Why does it not give me only the images that are present in the folder but not in the database? Ok, so I have grabbed a free template and attempted to put a dynamic table into one of the div's. I've got it to work on on my index.php, but I copied and pasted the entire code into member2.php and only changed the query and altered the table just a little bit For some reason though my table doesn't show up on the member2.php even though 90% of the code is the same. Here are the pages and codes... <div id="layoutBodyContent"> <h1>Aces Guild Donations Page </h1> <h2>Are you on top of your game? WE are!</h2> <?PHP require_once('./mylib.php'); $rank = 1; $olddate = strtotime(date("Y-m-d")); $newdate; $datecounter = 1; //connects to db dbconnect(); $query="SELECT name, date, SUM(amount) as total_money, SUM(bricks) as total_bricks FROM Aces_Donations GROUP BY Name ORDER BY total_money DESC, total_bricks DESC"; $result=mysql_query($query); //Opens the table echo "<table border = '3' width = 40% bgcolor=#A85045><caption><center>30 Day Rankings".'</center></caption>'; //Loop to run until eof while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ //turns date into a comparable string $newdate = strtotime($row['date']); /*checks to see if date of new record matches date of previous record. If dates dont match the table is closed and a new table is opened for the new date. Rank is reset to reflect rankings for each specific date*/ if($newdate !== $olddate){ $olddate = $newdate; $datetracker++; if($datetracker == 30){ echo "<center><tr><td alignment = 'center'>".$rank."</td> <td alignment = 'center'>".$row['name']. "</td><td alignment = 'center'>". $row['total_money']."</td><td alignment= 'center'>".$row['total_bricks']."</tr></table></center>"; break; } } echo "<center><tr><td alignment = 'center'>".$rank."</td> <td alignment = 'center'>".$row['name']. "</td><td alignment = 'center'>". $row['total_money']."</td><td alignment= 'center'>".$row['total_bricks'].'</td></tr>'; echo '<br />'; $rank++; } echo '</table>'; ?> <br /><br /></p> </div> <div id="layoutBodyContent"> <h1>Aces Guild Donations Page </h1> <h2>Are you on top of your game? WE are!</h2> <?PHP require_once('./mylib.php'); $membername = $_GET['member']; $rank = 1; $olddate = strtotime(date("Y-m-d")); $newdate; $datecounter = 1; //connects to db dbconnect(); $query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM `Aces_Donations` WHERE `name` = '%s'", $membername); //sets the results to a variable $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); //opens table, sets width, color, border and headers echo '<table bgcolor=#A85045 border = "3" width = 40%>'; echo "<tr><th alignment = 'center'>Member</th> <th alignment = 'center'>Amount</th><th alignment = 'center'>Date</th></tr>"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo "<center><tr><td alignment = 'center'>".$row['name']. "</td><td alignment = 'center'>". $row['amount']."</td><td alignment = 'center'>".$row['date']."</td></tr></center>"; var_dump ($row['name']); var_dump ($row['amount']); echo "<br />"; } echo '</center></table>'; ?> <br /><br /></p> </div> I'm dying here and would love even shot in the dark at this point. The php code on member2.php works just fine when executed on its own page, so I don't really understand how this is happening. I put the var_dump in there just to make sure the data was being retrieved from the database, but the table should be positioned where the var_dump displays on the page Trying to create a very simple API script sending XML data. When I send the "hard coded" XML, it works perfectly. When I add a form to supply the data for the XML, I get a 500 Internal Server error. Have tried it on two different servers. No error in the logs. Stumped. Examples below are VERY simplified (and obviously won't do anything as-is) to show what I'm dealing with. This one works fine: <?php $xml = "<Order><UserId>foo</UserId><Password>foo</Password><Mode>Test</Mode><Name>Charles R. Hodges</Name>"; $xml .= "</Order>"; $url = ''; $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xml); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $xml = simplexml_load_string($response); print_r($xml); ?> And then I use this one and all heck breaks loose with the 500 Internal Error: <?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $xml = "<Order><UserId>foo</UserId><Password>foo</Password><Mode>Test</Mode><Name>{$_POST['name']}</Name>"; $xml .= "</Order>"; $url = ''; $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xml); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $xml = simplexml_load_string($response); print_r($xml); exit; } ?> <html>... etc <form method="post" action=""> Name: <input type="text" name="name" /> <p><input type="submit" name="submit" "Add to XML string and send" /> </form> ?>
So on a cloud computing platform such as AWS, how would one keep the /html folder in Apache identical?
I can FTP into one "instance" and modify code easily enough, but how would I push reversions to multiple servers at once?
It seems like such a simple question, but the answer eludes me.
Edited by arbitrageur, 20 November 2014 - 04:43 PM. Hello, Experts! Need you advice. Here is the code: <?php if ($var == "") { echo "text"; } if ($var == "*") { echo "text"; } else if ($var != "") { $query = "SELECT * FROM bd WHERE ....."; $data = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $anymatches=mysql_num_rows($data); if ($anymatches != 0) { echo "text"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($data)) { echo "text"; } } if ($anymatches == 0) { $query2 = "SELECT * FROM bd WHERE....."; $data2 = mysql_query($query2) or die(mysql_error()); $anymatches2=mysql_num_rows($data2); if ($anymatches2 != 0) { echo "text" else { mysql_query("INSERT INTO notfound (notfound) VALUES ('$var')") or die(mysql_error()); } } } ?> The last line adds two identical lines to my table. Do I run it twice? Thanks in advance! I'm surely doing something wrong here, but I just cannot see it. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. In a login script I read the following two variables from an SQL database. Both fields are defined as int. $this->ScheduleA = $rs->fetchCol('ScheduleA'); $this->SchedConst = $rs->fetchCol('SchedConstant'); Later, I retrieve these variables and attempt to compare them. $schA = $sess['ScheduleA']; $schC = $sess['SchedConst']; if ($schA == $schC) { require('Testing.php'); } else { require('NotAllowed.php'); } They never compare as equal, even though they contain the same value. What, pray tell, am I missing? Well, the title says it all, I do have a class named Database and one Users with multiple methods (code below). When i do try to use one user method (find_all) it returns 2 identical results from the database (and there is only one record in the DB). I tried to spot some mistake in the code but i couldn't find it, if you find something please tell... Database Class: Code: [Select] <?php /** * Class Name: MySQLDatabase * * Most of the methods in this class are * database-neutral methods for code reusability. * * Author: hisk */ require_once("config.php"); class MySQLDatabase { private $connection; private $last_query; private $magic_quotes_active; private $real_escape_string; function __construct() { $this->open_connection(); $this->magic_quotes_active = get_magic_quotes_gpc(); $this->real_escape_string = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string"); } public function open_connection() { $this->connection = mysql_connect(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASS); if(!$this->connection) { die("Database connection failed: " . mysql_error()); } else { $db_select = mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $this->connection); if (!$db_select) { die("Database selection failed: " . mysql_error()); } } } public function close_connection() { if(isset($this->connection)) { mysql_close($this->connection); unset($this->connection); } } public function query($sql) { $this->last_query = $sql; $result = mysql_query($sql, $this->connection); $this->confirm_query($result); return $result; } private function confirm_query($result) { // usable only in query() function (private) if(!$result) { echo "DB Query Failed: " . mysql_error(); // The last query that might got us the problem echo "Last Query Was: " . $this->last_query; } } // agnostic public function num_rows($result) { return mysql_num_rows($result); } public function affected_rows($result) { return mysql_affected_rows($result); } public function insert_id($result) { return mysql_insert_id($result); } public function fetch_array($result) { return mysql_fetch_array($result); } public function escape_value($value) { if($this->real_escape_string) { // undo any magic quote effect so mysql_real_esc_str can work if($this->magic_quotes_active) { $value = stripslashes($value);} $value = mysql_real_escape_string($value); } else { if (!$this->magic_quotes_active) { $value = addslashes($value); } } return $value; } } $database = new MySQLDatabase(); ?> User Class: Code: [Select] <?php // smart to include the database class require_once("database.php"); class User { public static function find_by_id($id=0) { global $database; $result_set = self::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = {$id}"); $result = $database->fetch_array($result_set); return $result; } public static function find_all() { global $database; $result_set = self::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM users"); return $result_set; } public static function find_by_sql($sql="") { global $database; $result_set = $database->query($sql); return $result_set; } } ?> TEST FILE: Code: [Select] <?php require_once("../includes/database.php"); require_once("../includes/user.php"); $users = User::find_all(); $result = $database->fetch_array($users); foreach($result as $user) { echo "<pre>" . $user . "</pre>"; } ?> I am building online dictionary with php. The following code allows the user to search a word and display the definition results from the database. The problem is the user has to input the identical words only. If the words are not exactly similar to the database words it returns error message. But in this case I need it to give a suggestion along with the error message based on the few beginning words of the submitted word. eg. if the user type a word "suggestion", and the word "suggestion" is not available in the database .... instead of just the error message to also search and include other stored data closer to the submitted word ... like "TRY the word SUGGEST". can any one help me on this please. Thank you in advance. here is the code Code: [Select] <?php $script = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if(isset($_POST['sbm']) && isset($_POST['word']) ) { submited(); } else { show_form(); } function show_form() { ?> <p><center> Type <span style='font-weight:bold;'>ENGLISH</span> word Only! <span style='font-weight:bold;'>SPELL IT CORRECTLY!!!.</span></center></P> <p><center>Search</center></p> <center><form name=frm method=POST action="<?php echo $script ?>"> <p><input type=text name="word"><br /></p> <p><input type=submit name="sbm" value="Submit"> </form> </center></p> <?php } function submited() { require(""); $word=$_POST['word']; $sql="select * from words where eng like '".mysql_real_escape_string($word)."'"; $result=mysql_query($sql,$link); // I assume $link is defined in if(@mysql_num_rows($result)!=0) { $rows=mysql_fetch_array($result); $am=$rows["am"]; echo("<center>The Word <h1><b>$word</b></h1> in Am is : <h1><b>$am </b></h1><br></center>"); } else { echo("<center><span style='font-weight:bold;color:#FF0000;'>Could not find it! Check the spelling and try again !!</span></center>"); } // The connection will close automatically since // this is near the end of the script. mysql_close($link); show_form(); } ?> Hi, The main idea is that I have a client running on certain desktops. Each 5th minute the client sends and update to the web-server, increasing "tick" by one. Tick start out as 0, so after 5 minutes ticket should be greater than 5. If tick is not greater than 0 then do <code omitted> I Guess I would need some kind of cronjob to complete this, but i'd love to avoid sessions & cookies at all costs, as the same server is checking the same tick but for different accounts.. Any suggestions are highly appreciated ^.^ Hello I am having a problem getting the difference between two arrays. The first array $list has all codes that can be linked to a specific id The second array $exist has the values select and linked to a specfic id. Both arrays are storing integers array $list should have 110,111,112,113,114,115. Array $exist gets 110, 114 115 from the database the difference should be 111 & 112 I think the problem is with array $exist that is getting its values from the database. Could the problem be that the arrys are storing data differently? How do I resolve this problem? /**==========ARRAY 1=======**/ /**All values for this type in array for comparison against**/ Code: [Select] $list = array('110','111','112','113','114','115'); /**view values in array $list**/ Code: [Select] var_dump($list); array(6) { [0]=> string(3) "110" [1]=> string(3) "111" [2]=> string(3) "112" [3]=> string(3) "113" [4]=> string(3) "114" [5]=> string(3) "115" } /**==========ARRAY 2=======**/ /**Get stored types for specific id **/ Code: [Select] $exist = array();//create array //store values in array $query = "SELECT type FROM contact WHERE id ='$id' AND deleted = 'N' ORDER BY type"; $result = mysqli_query ($mysqli, $query); while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $exist[] = $row; } /**View values in array for specific id in array $exist**/ Code: [Select] var_dump($exist); array(3){ [0]=>array(2){ [0]=>string(3) "110" ["contact_type"]=> string(3) "110"} [1]=> array(2){[0]=> string(3) "114" ["contact_type"]=> string(3) "114"} [2]=> array(2){ [0]=> string(3) "115"["contact_type"]=> string(3) "115"}} /**==========RESULT=======**/ /**Get the difference between all possible type and stored values linked to a specific id **/ Code: [Select] $difference = array_diff($list, $exist); /**viewthe difference between the two arrays**/ Code: [Select] var_dump($difference); array(6) { [0]=> string(3) "110" [1]=> string(3) "111" [2]=> string(3) "112" [3]=> string(3) "113" [4]=> string(3) "114" [5]=> string(3) "115" } Hello
I have two arrays of mysql values $a1, $b1
I am trying to loop through each $a value, no problem,
but I want to see if each element in $a = one of the values in $b
$a = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); $b = array(4, 6); $y = ''; foreach ($a1 as $a){ foreach ($b1 as $b){ if ($a[val] == $b[val]){ $y = '*'; } } echo $y.$a.'<br />'; }I was kinna hoping it would give me 1 2 3 *4 5 *6 Its most definitely not though... Im sure Im flawed in my logic but have coded so much other crap I just can't see the answer! ty for the look/help. I am writing a program which checks the results for a student. If the results are same as the ones inside the table, then correct message is printed. If the results are not the same then the right answer should be printed as well as wrong message and the answer the user selected. I am using checkbox to let the user choose the answers and this is saved on to the database. I need to retrieve this and compare this with the original table. my tables are Answer: ,Ans_ID,Ans_Answer1, Ans_Answer2, Ans_Answer3, Ans_Answer4,Que_ID Question:Que_ID, Que_Answer1, Que_Answer2, Que_Answer3, Que_Answer4 Answer table is what the user enters and the question table is the one with the correct answer. Code: [Select] SELECT Ans_ID, IF(answer.Ans_Answer1 = question.Que_Answer1 AND answer.Ans_Answer1 = question.Que_Answer1 AND answer.Ans_Answer1 = question.Que_Answer1 AND answer.Ans_Answer1 = question.Que_Answer1, "Correct","Wrong") AS result FROM answer LEFT JOIN question ON answer_id = question_id can someone give me ideas, not asking for you to write the code for me. just help me out as I am stuckk im having problem comparing timestamps in my where clause for some strange query works perfect but when adding WHERE it doesn't bring up a result although it should...I've been playing about with it for almost a day now...and it doesn't make sense
unix_timestamp values start_date_time 1406411505 end_date_time 1407275505 now 1406461573my query SELECT i.item_id, i.title, i.price, @start_date_time := CONVERT_TZ(i.start_date_time, '+00:00', u.time_zone), @end_date_time := DATE_ADD(@start_date_time, INTERVAL 10 DAY), @end_date_time AS `end_date_time` FROM items i LEFT JOIN sub_categories sc ON sc.sub_category_id = i.sub_category_id LEFT JOIN categories c ON c.category_id = sc.category_id JOIN users u ON username = 'Destramic' WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(@start_date_time) < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(@end_date_time) >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())if anyone can diagnose my problem I'd it would be much appreciated Hello everyone, I'm currently working on a large inventory management screen; the website has multiple "distributors" with their own inventory of products. Each distributor has the potential to carry the entire catalog of SKU's so right now, I have the stock/sku/dealer ID/product ID in one table with the product data/ID in another and am only inserting new rows if they are carrying the product. However they want to manage all of the inventory at once so I need to determine which IDs are update queries and which are insert queries. I'm trying to achieve this by comparing an array of the submitted data against an array of their existing inventory. If they don't have an entry for the submitted data key, we need to insert a new row for it to track their inventory. I just can't figure out how to get the keys to line up. Here is what I have; I tried to put it all into obviously defined variables for this forum. Code: (php) [Select] // assign our submitted values to an array $submitted_data = $_POST; // remove the SKUs with 0 or no inventory submitted $submitted_data = array_filter($submitted_data); // pull the distributor id out of the array before the insertion loop $distributors_inventory_distributor_ID = array_pop($submitted_data); // pull all existing inventory for this distributor to see if we are adding new inventory // or updating old inventory $existing_Inventory_Result = mysql_query("SELECT distributors_inventory_product_ID FROM distributors_inventory WHERE distributors_inventory_distributor_ID = $distributors_inventory_distributor_ID ORDER BY distributors_inventory_product_ID ASC", $db); // verify there is a result $existing_Inventory_num_results = mysql_num_rows($existing_Inventory_Result); if ($existing_Inventory_num_results > 0){ while($existing_Inventory_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($existing_Inventory_Result)){ // put existing inventory into an array $existing_Inventory[] = $existing_Inventory_row['distributors_inventory_product_ID']; } } $update_Inventory_Array = array_diff($submitted_data, $existing_Inventory); // print the array [DEBUG ONLY] echo '<h1>$update_Inventory_Array:</h1>'; print_r($update_Inventory_Array); echo '<hr/>'; echo '<h1>$submitted_data:</h1>'; print_r($submitted_data); echo '<hr/>'; echo '<h1>$existing_Inventory:</h1>'; print_r($existing_Inventory); That is outputting this: Quote $update_Inventory_Array: Array ( [963] => 5 [979] => 2 [982] => 2 [974] => 1 [32] => 5 ) $submitted_data: Array ( [963] => 5 [979] => 2 [982] => 2 [974] => 1 [32] => 5 ) $existing_Inventory: Array ( => 32 [1] => 963 [2] => 974 [3] => 979 ) I'd like it to be: Quote $update_Inventory_Array: Array ( [963] => 5 [979] => 2 [974] => 1 [32] => 5 ) $submitted_data: Array ( [982] => 2 ) $existing_Inventory: Array ( [32] => 5 [963] => 1 [974] => 1 [979] => 2 ) Can anyone suggest how to do this? I think if I could make the existing_Inventory array line up with my submitted_data array I could sort the rest out but I'm not sure how to get the keys/data to line up properly. +-----------+----------------------------------+ | username | password | +-----------+----------------------------------+ | user | Hash | +-----------+----------------------------------+ This is what I have set up in my database(obviously I'm not going to put the real user or hash). I'm trying to md5 what the user inputs for a password and compare it to the database, but I keep getting failed login attempts. Code: [Select] <?php error_reporting(-1); ini_set('display_errors', 1); $host = "localhost"; $dbuser = "****"; $pass = "****"; $databasename = "login"; mysql_connect($host,$dbuser,$pass)or die('Could not connect: '.mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($databasename) or die(mysql_error()); if (isset($_POST["user"]) && isset($_POST["pwd"])) { $admin = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM members"); $pass = mysql_query("SELECT password FROM members"); if ($_POST["user"] == $admin && md5($_POST["pwd"]) == $pass) { session_register("admin"); session_register("pass"); header('Location:'); } else { echo"<center><h1>Failed login attempt.</h1></center>"; } } ?> Hey I have a quick question. I am trying to have a part of this PHP script compare two numbers. There is a randomly generated two-digit number named $random and There is another two digit number named $number. I want to make it so the PHP checks to see if $number has any of the same charcters as $random. I don't know how to do this though. I suspect that somehow both numbers need to be broken apart somehow. Any advice would be appreciated. Let me know if I should explain it more clearly Thanks a ton! Hi. I have a MySQL database with 4 different fields. id, customer, case and status. No problems of getting them to show up on my page but.. I would like to change the row bgcolor depending of field value on "customer". For example row color would be white until customer changes, then color yellow until customer changes again and back to white etc.. Hope you get the point. Is this possible? Thanks. How in PHP am i able to select a date from a table and compare that date with a period of 2 months? In sql we use something like Quote select @2_months_later_date =dateadd(mm,2,getdate()) how would that be done in php? Hey guys, im having a slight issue with comparing mysql time stamp. I'm using the timestamp in mysql to show how many people are online with in 5 minutes. $sql = mysql_query("SELECT name,id FROM users WHERE DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 5 MINUTE) <= last_active ORDER BY id ASC"); But I want to grab last_active from the data base and compare it like below. I dont know if strtotime just doesnt compare with mysql time stamp or what? if($last_active > strtotime('-5 minutes')) { echo "<td>Online</td>"; }else{ echo "<td>Offline</td>"; } This topic has been moved to MySQL Help. |