PHP - Why Am I Getting No Response From My Loginizer.php File?
I am making a simple login with jQuery ajax but I have a little problem. I get no response from my loginizer.php . My login page (index.php) contains the following code.
<form action="loginizer.php" onsubmit="return submitForm();" method="post" class="box"> <div id="error" ></div> <input id="matNo" name="matNo" class="input is-link is-rounded" type="text" placeholder="e.g. 2015/1/55852EE"> <input id="password" name="password" class="input is-link is-rounded" type="password" placeholder="********"> <button type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" class="button is-link is-small">Login</button></form>
My loginizer php contains the code:
<?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ require("db.php"); $table="Students"; $pUser=$_POST['matNo']; $pPass=$_POST['password']; $sql= $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE Email=?"); $sql->bind_param("s",$pUser); $sql->execute(); $result = $sql->get_result(); $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); $user= $row['Email']; $pass = $row['Password']; $errMsg="Invalid Credentials"; $errMsg1="username doesn't exist"; $successMsg = "successLogin"; if($result->num_rows < 1) { echo json_encode($errMsg1); exit; } elseif($pUser == $user && $pPass !== $pass) { echo json_encode($errMsg); exit; } else{ echo json_encode($successMsg); exit; } } ?>
Ans lastly myJquery.js file which contains:
function submitForm() { var userid=$("#matNo").val(); var pass=$("#password").val(); if(userid!="" && pass!="") { $("#submit").html("Please Wait..."); $.ajax ({ type:'post', url:'loginizer.php', data:{ matNo:userid, password:pass }, dataType:'json', success:function(response) { if(response=="successLogin") { window.location.href="dash/home/"; } else { $("#error").html(response); //alert("Wrong Details"); } } }); } else { alert("All details are required"); } return false; }
The issue is that I get blank response . If I also change the url in the jQuery/Ajax code to index.php, it comes back with a response consisting of the html of the index.php. If I remove the dataType: 'json', it's still no response.
Thanks for your help in advance!!! Similar TutorialsI set up a Twilio number so a client could have a SMS keyword response setup... but I don't know how to get the contents of a file to be returned as the response. I am using the php functions.. I setup a system so that my client could change the responses to different keywords. Basicly it uses a webform to change the contents of a file which gets returned as a response. What I need to know is how to read in the contents of the file into this function: BTW... this works fine and will return "READ_FILE_CONTENTS_INTO_HERE" function app(){ $response = new Services_Twilio_Twiml(); $response->sms("READ_FILE_CONTENTS_INTO_HERE"); echo $response; } I tried this but it stopped the script dead: function app(){ $response = new Services_Twilio_Twiml(); $response->sms("<?php include 'file.txt'; ?>"); echo $response; } Any ideas? Thanks BTW... below is the entire php script: <?php /* Include twilio-php, the official Twilio PHP Helper Library, * which can be found at * */ include('Services/Twilio.php'); /* Controller: Match the keyword with the customized SMS reply. */ function index(){ $response = new Services_Twilio_Twiml(); $response->sms("Thank You For Contacting - Reply with one of the following keywords: APP = Make Appt, CS = Current Strains, DP = Delivery Prices, SP = Current Specials."); echo $response; } function app(){ $response = new Services_Twilio_Twiml(); $response->sms(""); echo $response; } function cs(){ $response = new Services_Twilio_Twiml(); $response->sms("http://mobile.dudamo...sweetleafaz2"); echo $response; } function dp(){ $response = new Services_Twilio_Twiml(); $response->sms("As of Sept 26 2014, Our Delivery Rates are $2 per mile during the hours of 9am to 6pm. No deliveries will be made after 6pm."); echo $response; } function sp(){ $response = new Services_Twilio_Twiml(); $response->sms("We are currently offering FREE delivery within 10 miles for orders over $100."); echo $response; } /* Read the contents of the 'Body' field of the Request. */ $body = $_REQUEST['Body']; /* Remove formatting from $body until it is just lowercase characters without punctuation or spaces. */ $result = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/u", " ", $body); $result = trim($result); $result = strtolower($result); /* Router: Match the ‘Body’ field with index of keywords */ switch ($result) { case 'app’': app(); break; case 'cs': cs(); break; case 'dp': dp(); break; case 'sp': sp(); break; /* Optional: Add new routing logic above this line. */ default: index(); } A HTTP request is made to the server, Slim creates a Request and Response object, content in the Request is sent to another server using cURL via Guzzle, Guzzle returns its own Response, and content from Guzzle's response must be returned by the original Slim response. Would you recommend white-listing or black-listing response headers, and which specific headers? Similarly, would you recommend white-listing or black-listing the request headers sent via cURL, and which specific headers? Thanks <?php use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as Response; use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response as CurlResponse; class ApiResponder { public function delete(Response $httpResponse, CurlResponse $curlResponse) { return $this->proxy($httpResponse, $curlResponse); } //other public methods... private function proxy(Response $httpResponse, CurlResponse $curlResponse) { foreach($this->getResponseHeaders($curlResponse) as $name=>$value) { $httpResponse=$httpResponse->withHeader($name, $value); } return $httpResponse->withBody($curlResponse->getBody())->withStatus($curlResponse->getStatusCode()); } private function getResponseHeaders(Response $httpResponse):array { //Blacklist headers which should be returned to original client. TBD whether I should whitelist headers instead. $blacklist=['Date'=>null, 'Server'=>null, 'X-Powered-By'=>null, 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'=>null, 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods'=>null, 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers'=>null, 'Set-Cookie'=>null]; return array_diff_key($curlResponse->getHeaders(), $blacklist); } /** * This method doesn't really exist in this class, but is just included to show which headers I am forwarding in the cURL request. */ private function getRequestHeaders($clientRequest):array { $whitelist=['connection'=>null,'accept'=>null,'accept-encoding'=>null,'accept-language'=>null,'content-type'=>null,'content-length'=>null]; return array_intersect_key($clientRequest->getHeaders(), $whitelist); } }
I send off this: <?php $data = "<egateway> <eCardExpiryMonth>01</eCardExpiryMonth> <eCardExpiryYear>04</eCardExpiryYear> <eCardHoldersName>Joe Bloke</eCardHoldersName> <eCardNumber>4444333322221111</eCardNumber> <eCVN>123</eCVN> <eTotalAmount>100</eTotalAmount> </egateway> "; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $edata); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); ?> In return, I get the following XML: Code: [Select] <eResponse> <eTrxnStatus>True</eTrxnStatus> <eTrxnNumber>20219</eTrxnNumber> <eAuthCode>123456</eAuthCode> <eReturnAmount>100</eReturnAmount> <eTrxnError>00,Transaction Approved(Test CVN Gateway)</eTrxnError> </eResponse> Is there a way to make it so this does not show, and instead I can make PHP do something like: if (eTrxnStatus == True) {// do stuff}; ? Hello, I'm trying to get webservice response in xml format. I'm getting the response but it's not in xml. It's just text. Can someone please look at the code ? <?php $targeturl=""; $DevKey= "xxxxx"; // return xml feed $ch = curl_init($targeturl); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, FAlSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Authorization: '.$DevKey)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); $response = curl_exec($ch); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response); curl_close($ch); echo $response; // will print in browser all country codes in an xml format /* ADD YOUR OWN CODE HERE TO DO WHAT YOU WANT WITH THE RESPONSE. MAYBE SAVE RESULTS TO A FILE OR THE PARSE THE RESULTS INTO A DATABASE? */ ?> How can I receive a response from the server with JSON data, when the function that retrieves the data and returns it to the browser has been completely commented out? I am making an AJAX request for JSON formatted data and for some reason it returns a response when it shouldn't as there is no function? Hello All, running into a situation that I have not seen before. I have been seeing in multiple areas of my application that the response received from the server has 2 JSON responses in it. Here is a sample function: private function getCatalogItems(){ $start = ($_REQUEST["start"] == null)? 0 : $_REQUEST["start"]; $count = ($_REQUEST["limit"] == null)? 20 : $_REQUEST["limit"]; $q = "SELECT c.`id`, c.`catalog_number`, c.`long_description`, CONCAT(c.`catalog_number`, ' - ', c.`long_description`) AS `display` FROM catalog c"; if(!empty($_REQUEST['query'])){ $q .= " WHERE c.`catalog_number` LIKE '%".$_POST['query']."%'"; } $q .= " ORDER BY c.`catalog_number` ASC LIMIT ".$start.",".$count; $rs = $this->db->get_results($q); $total = $this->db->num_rows; $buff = '{"total":"'.$total.'","data":'.json_encode($rs).'}'; $this->c->returnJSON($buff); } The "returnJSON" function looks like this. public function returnJSON($json){ $contentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"; header("Content-Type: {$contentType}"); header("Content-Size: " . strlen($json)); echo $json; } As you can see this simply sets the headers of the response. It has been a real head scratcher. Anyone come across something like this before? Folks, I have a mysql tbl called "links". In it a column named "keywords". The row 0 has a keyword "search" in the "keywords" column. I am doing a search for the words "search" in the html form. Clicking the button gives no response! What is wrong ? I get no mysql connection error. Nor any php error. So it should work and respond! <form name = "search" method = "POST" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"> <label for="keywords">Keywords:*</label> <input type="text" name="keywords" id="keywords" placeholder="Input Keywords" required> <br> <input type="button" name="search_links" id="search_links" value="Search Links!"> <br> <input type="reset"> <br> </form>
Full short code ... <?php //include('error_reporting.php'); ini_set('error_reporting','E_ALL');//Same as: error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors','1'); ini_set('display_startup_errors','1'); ?> <form name = "search" method = "POST" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"> <label for="keywords">Keywords:*</label> <input type="text" name="keywords" id="keywords" placeholder="Input Keywords" required> <br> <input type="button" name="search_links" id="search_links" value="Search Links!"> <br> <input type="reset"> <br> </form> <?php if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') { if(ISSET($_POST['search_links'])) { if(ISSET($_POST['keywords'])) { $keywords = $_POST['keywords']; } mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_ALL|MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT); mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_ERROR | MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT); $conn = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","test"); $db_server = 'localhost'; $db_user = 'root'; $db_password = ''; $db_database = 'test'; $conn->set_charset('utf8mb4');//Always use Charset. if (!$conn) { //Error Message to show user in technical/development mode to see errors. die("Database Error : " . mysqli_error($conn)); //Error Message to show User in Layman's mode to see errors. die("Database error."); exit(); } $query = "SELECT page_url,link_anchor_text,page_description,keyphrases,keywords FROM links WHERE keywords = ?"; $stmt = mysqli_stmt_init($conn); if(mysqli_stmt_prepare($stmt,$query)) { mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt,'s',$keywords); $result = mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt,$page_url,$link_anchor_text,$page_description,$keyphrase,$keywords); mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt); mysqli_stmt_fetch($stmt); while(mysqli_stmt_fetch($result)) { echo "url"; echo "<br>"; echo "anchor_text"; echo "<br>"; echo "description"; echo "<br>"; echo "keyphrases"; echo "<br>"; echo "keywords"; echo "<br>"; echo "|"; echo "<br>"; } mysqli_stmt_close($stmt); mysqli_close($conn); } else { echo "1. QUERY failed!"; } if(mysqli_stmt_prepare($stmt,$query)) { mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt,'s',$keywords); mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt); $result = mysqli_stmt_get_result($stmt); while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result,mysqli_assoc)) { $page_url = $row['page_url']; echo $page_url; echo "<br>"; $link_anchor_text = $row['link_anchor_text']; echo $link_anchor_text; echo "<br>"; $page_description = $row['page_description']; echo $page_description; echo "<br>"; $keyphrases = $row['keyphrases']; echo $keyphrases; echo "<br>"; $keywords = $row['keywords']; echo $keywords; echo "<br>"; echo "|"; echo "<br>"; } mysqli_stmt_close($stmt); mysqli_close($conn); } else { die("2. QUERY failed!"); } } } ?> When I submit the login form its not returning anything and it was working until I added in the $remember part so I'm wondering why its still not returning TRUE. Code: [Select] /** * Login user on the site. Return TRUE if login is successful * (user exists and activated, password is correct), otherwise FALSE. * * @param string * @param string * @param int * @return bool */ function login($username, $password, $remember) { $this->ci->load->model('kow_auth/users'); $user_data = $this->ci->users->get_user_by_username($username); if ($user_data) { $regenFromPostPW = $this->ci->genfunc->reGenPassHash($password, $user_data->password2); if ($regenFromPostPW == $user_data->password) { $this->ci->session->set_userdata(array( 'xtr' => 'yes', 'user_id' => $user_data->user_id, 'username' => $user_data->username, 'status' => $user_data->users_statuses_id, 'role' => $user_data->users_roles_id )); if ($remember == 1) { $timeTOexpire = time()+(60*60*24*31*2); $this->input->set_cookie('xtrcook', '1', $timeTOexpire); } else { $cookie = trim(get_cookie('xtrcook')); if ($cookie || is_numeric($cookie)) { delete_cookie('xtrcook'); } } $this->clear_login_attempts($user_data->user_id); $this->ci->users->insert_session($this->ci->session->userdata('session_id'), $this->ci->session->userdata('user_id'), $this->ci->genfunc->getRealIpAddr(), $this->ci->genfunc->getUserOS()); return TRUE; } else { $this->increase_login_attempt($user_data->user_id); } } else { return NULL; } } Hello All, Just working with PHP's snap v1 functions I can use snmpget fine but snmpset produces the following error; Warning: snmpset() [function.snmpset]: No response from 192..... Code Code: [Select] <?PHP echo 'File started <br />'; $ip = ''; echo 'Read:<br />'; $sysdescr = snmpget($ip, 'public', '.', 300); echo $sysdescr; echo 'Write Started:<br />'; snmpset("$ip", 'public', '.', 's', '', 300); ?> Like i said the get works fine just the set does not. Does anyone have any ideas? Sam Hi,
I'm getting the following response using:
$json_object = json_decode($unparsed_json, true); array(1) { [""]=> array(2) { ["status"]=> string(16) "regthroughothers" ["classkey"]=> string(6) "domcno" } }How do I echo the attribute of the ['status']? I have tried using: echo $json_object->['status'];Thanks, MoFish I have been using PHP CURL to obtain stock data... The URL is
Essentially, it is supposed to return date, time, and price of stock tick data
But it returns stuff like "HrCy/h6wsw4esLL+HrCzDh6wsw4esLMOHrCzDh6wsu4esLLeHrCy7h6wsu4esLL"
So... I would like to know, what is this format, and how do I decode it? Thanks
Here is the full response....
{"InstrumentName":"Facebook","InstrumentID":1350,"StartPointDate":"2014-12-19 20:42:45.837","LastPointDate":"2014-12-19 20:59:59.463","SellRate":"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","DeltaDateTime":"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12:36:48.939","PrecisionDigits":2,"SpreadPipsCount":5,"IsDynamicSpread":false}
I have this php file that processes Form field entries. Apparently I need to modify it, I'm told, to "validate the input and then send some response back": <?php if($_POST){ $to = ''; $subject = 'Thank you for your info'; $name = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; $message = $_POST['message']; $message1 = $_POST['message']; $headers = $name; $headers = 'from:'; $message1 .= "\r\n\r\nName: ".$_POST['name']." \r\n Email: ".$_POST['email']." "; $message = "Hello {$_POST['name']}, ~ Thank you for your input\r\n\r\n"; mail( $to, $subject, $message1, $headers ); mail( $email, $subject, $message, $headers ); header('Location: https://....'); exit; } ?> The corresponding js looks like this: $.ajax({ url: 'https://...../submit.php', method: 'post', data: { name: $('#name').val(), email: $('#email').val() }, success: function (response) { console.log(response); if (response.success) { alert('Success'); } else { alert('Error'); } } }); I look forward to any guidance with adding "validate the input and then send some response back".
I have a soap client written up that works well on small requests, but on large ones I face out of memory issues. I want to be able to write the response directly to a file as an xml document, so I can use something like xpath. When I try this even on small responses it seems to go into a loop: $infile = $client->Retrieve($criteria); $outfile = fopen('./sites/all/modules/cvent/data.txt', 'w'); while (!feof($infile)) { fwrite($outfile, fread($infile, 2048)); } how can I put the data into a file straight from the response and still be economical on memory? It's been quite a while since I have coded in PHP and I am running into difficulties looping through the returned response from an API. I am pretty comfortable in my PHP skills, but for some reason I keep getting caught up trying to loop through the following... Many of the returns from the API include several more layers of Objects, the example below is about the most simplistic return from the API.
I'm sure I'm just missing something easy and any help or example code simply looping through and echoing each result would be greatly appreciated!! Ideally I would like to be able to loop through both of the scenarios below.
I did a var_dump on the response and here is what I get:
array (size=1) 'Body' => object(stdClass)[6] public 'userContext' => object(stdClass)[8] public 'convCred' => object(stdClass)[10] ... public 'valid' => boolean true public 'isPasswordExpired' => boolean false public 'cbId' => int 0083802121 public 'cnId' => int 1000545 public 'locale' => string 'en_US' (length=5) public 'tncVersion' => int 2 public 'applicationId' => string 'ECFDA1FDBC00270772870CDC1786FFED' (length=32) public 'cbConvCred' => object(stdClass)[9] ... public 'preferenceInfo' => object(stdClass)[7] ... public 'lastLoginTime' => int 1406729928 public 'loginCount' => int 282 public 'passwordRecovered' => boolean false public 'emailAddress' => string '' (length=11) public 'loginName' => string 'TEST' (length=8) public 'userId' => int 15932274 public 'userType' => object(stdClass)[14] public 'userTypeId' => int 1 public 'userTypeName' => string 'normal_user' (length=11) public 'isConfirmed' => boolean falseIf I jsonencode and jsondecode the response this is what I get: object(stdClass)[13] public 'Body' => object(stdClass)[17] public 'userContext' => object(stdClass)[18] public 'convCred' => object(stdClass)[19] ... public 'valid' => boolean true public 'isPasswordExpired' => boolean false public 'cbId' => int 0083802121 public 'cnId' => int 1000545 public 'locale' => string 'en_US' (length=5) public 'tncVersion' => int 2 public 'applicationId' => string 'ECFDA1FDBC00270772870CDC1786FFED' (length=32) public 'cbConvCred' => object(stdClass)[20] ... public 'preferenceInfo' => object(stdClass)[21] ... public 'lastLoginTime' => int 1406729953 public 'loginCount' => int 283 public 'passwordRecovered' => boolean false public 'emailAddress' => string '' (length=11) public 'loginName' => string 'TEST' (length=8) public 'userId' => int 15932274 public 'userType' => object(stdClass)[24] public 'userTypeId' => int 1 public 'userTypeName' => string 'normal_user' (length=11) public 'isConfirmed' => boolean false Is there anything different between a response and a responder? My thought is maybe a response is something that one application gives to another, and a responder is used only by a single application to create a response. interface TrendInterface { public function getResponse($blabla):TrendResponse; public function getResponder($blabla):TrendResponder; }
Hi, I currently have this code: Code: [Select] <?php function respond_xml($status, $message) { $out = new XMLWriter(); $out->openURI("php://output"); $out->setIndent(true); $out->startDocument("1.0", "ISO-8859-1"); $out->startElement("statuscheck"); $out->writeElement("status", $status); $out->writeElement("message", $message); $out->endElement(); $out->endDocument(); $out->flush(); } function main() { header("Content-type: text/xml"); if (!isset($_GET["file"])) respond_xml("ERROR", "File parameter missing"); else if (file_exists($_GET["file"])) return respond_xml("OK", "File exists"); else return respond_xml("NOT OK", "File does not exist"); } main(); ?> This code works and gives a correct XML response when you type in for example "http://localhost:8080/php/script.php?file=test" it's says: Code: [Select] <statuscheck> <status>NOT OK</status> <message>File does not exist</message> </statuscheck> Now, I need it to be able to check it every 5 seconds so i've use this code Code: [Select] header("Refresh: 5; URL=http://localhost:8080/php/script.php?file=test"); Here's my problem: The first 5 or 10 tries it should say "file not found". After the 10th try it should automatically say "file found". BUT it should also time out after like 50 tries and it hasn't found the file. But i don't know how to do this.. Could i use curl to check api response time and if so how? Hi
I'm having this issue, when i put an url who must show me records i have blank html page
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL | E_NOTICE); ini_set('display_errors', '1'); require_once 'database_connection.php'; $post=array( 'limit'=>(isset($_REQUEST['rows']))?$_REQUEST['rows']:'', 'page'=>(isset($_REQUEST['page']))?$_REQUEST['page']:'', 'orderby'=>(isset($_REQUEST['sidx']))?$_REQUEST['sidx']:'', 'orden'=>(isset($_REQUEST['sord']))?$_REQUEST['sord']:'', 'search'=>(isset($_REQUEST['_search']))?$_REQUEST['_search']:'', ); $se =""; if($post['search'] == 'true'){ $b = array(); $search['like']=elements(array('utilizador','email'),$_REQUEST); foreach($search['like'] as $key => $value){ if($value != false) $b[]="$key like '%$value%'"; } $search['where']=elements(array('nome','utilizador','email'),$_REQUEST); foreach($search['where'] as $key => $value){ if($value != false) $b[]="$key = '$value'"; } $se=" where ".implode(' and ',$b ); } $query = mysql_query("select count(*) as t from utilizador".$se); if(!$query) echo mysql_error(); $count = mysql_result($query,0); if( $count > 0 && $post['limit'] > 0) { $total_pages = ceil($count/$post['limit']); if ($post['page'] > $total_pages) $post['page']=$total_pages; $post['offset']=$post['limit']*$post['page'] - $post['limit']; } else { $total_pages = 0; $post['page']=0; $post['offset']=0; } $sql = "SELECT idutilizador, nome, utilizador, telefone, email, password FROM utilizador ".$se; if( !empty($post['orden']) && !empty($post['orderby'])) $sql .= " ORDER BY $post[orderby] $post[orden] "; if($post['limit'] && $post['offset']) $sql.=" limit $post[offset], $post[limit]"; elseif($post['limit']) $sql .=" limit 0,$post[limit]"; $query = mysql_query($sql); if(!$query) echo mysql_error(); $result = array(); $i = 0; while($row = mysql_fetch_object($query)){ $result[$i]['id']=$row->idutilizador; $result[$i]['cell']=array($row->idutilizador,$row->nome,$row->utilizador,$row->telefone,$row->email,$row->password); $i++; } $json = new stdClass(); $json->rows=$result; $json->total=$total_pages; $json->page=$post['page']; $json->records=$count; echo json_encode($json); function elements($items, $array, $default = FALSE) { $return = array(); if ( ! is_array($items)){ $items = array($items); } foreach ($items as $item){ if (isset($array[$item])){ $return[$item] = $array[$item]; }else{ $return[$item] = $default; } } return $return; } ?>*Update It works if i put $result[$i]['cell']=array($row->idutilizador,$row->telefone,$row->email,$row->password);So i'm think it's because in $nome(ex: Luis Miguel) and $utlizador(ex Susana Maria) don't accept this (space between words) it is correct? Edited by alphasil, 19 January 2015 - 08:54 AM. Hi, I submit form data as an xml string - $strXML - using curl: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, '1'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array('lead'=>$strXML)); $strResult = curl_exec($ch); // close cURL resource, and free up system resources curl_close($ch); The xml response is: <result> <posting_error>0</posting_error> <lead>0</lead> <valid>1</valid> <redirect_url></redirect_url> </result> and I need to redirect the user to <redirect_url>. I am trying the following: $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($strResult); header("Location:" . $xml->result->redirect_url); but with no joy. Could anyone suggest how I can achieve what I want? Thanks. |