PHP - String Not Converted To Date
PLEASEEE no matter what i do... datepicker always post the dates as string i do whatever ways know convert string to date but no way!! how convert string to date so i can sarch in a mysql table... tnx in advanced <!--HTML-->
<div class="control-group"> <!--PHP-->
$yfromx=$_POST['from'] ;
$t1=gettype ( $yfromx ) ;
Similar TutorialsI am preparing $begin and $end for DatePeriod() but I can't get passed this error "getting the error Recoverable fatal error: Object of class DateTime could not be converted to string". $today = date("Y-m-d"); $datestop=$_POST['datestop']; //echo "$today<br /><br />$datestop<br /><br />"; $begin = new DateTime("$today"); $end = new DateTime("$datestop");
The following is an extract of PHP code I have interacting with a MySQL database and I keep getting the "object of class mysqli_result could not be converted to string" error on the line of code inside my loop. This is my code.
#This is just storing a single integer, a moduleID
$sqlmodID = mysqli_query($con,"select moduleID from module_details WHERE moduleName = '$moduleName' AND lecturerID = '$lecturerID'"); #This is a query to get relevant idNumbers $sqlstudent = "select idNum from user_info WHERE courseCode = '$courseCode'";
#Running the previous statement $result = mysqli_query($con, $sqlstudent);
#Storing the statements results in an array $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
#I'm not sure if this line is necessary but it converts the array values into a string (I'm storing the ID's as strings as they contain numbers and letters) $studentArray = array_map('strval', $row);
#The error flashes on my condition of this loop. I'm trying to take each element of my array, and enter it to my table, assigning each variable the same ModuleID.
for($i=0; $i < count($studentArray); $i++){
Any help would be much appreciated. I hope I've explained my code sufficiently. I'm receiving the error "Object of class player could not be converted to string" yet I cannot find why what I'm inputting is an object and not a string. As far as I can see it is a string and this error shouldn't be happening, yet it is... A form submits to a page which gets the data thus: Code: [Select] <?php case "updplayer": if(!isset($_GET['id']) || !isset($_POST['kit']) || !isset($_POST['level']) || !isset($_POST['group']) || !isset($_POST['state'])) { header("location:admin.php?mode=settings&error=info&sid=$user->sid"); exit; } $var = "player" . $_GET['id']; $$var->kit = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['kit']); $$var->level = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['level']); $$var->group = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['group']); $$var->state = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['state']); $$var->update(); header("location:admin.php?sid=$user->sid"); exit; break; The update function is: Code: [Select] <?php function update() { echo "Name: $this->name <br /> Kit: $this->kit <br /> Level: $this->level <br /> Group: $this->group <br /> State: $this->state <br />"; $sql = "UPDATE `players` SET `name` = '" . $this->name . "', `preferredKit` = '" . $this-kit . "', `gamingLevel` = '" . $this->level . "', `group` = '" . $this->group . "', `draftState` = " . $this->state; if(!mysql_query($sql)) { return mysql_error(); } return TRUE; } I added the echo's in for error checking. They output exactly what was expected. What is wrong with this? Error occurs on the "$sql = " line. why do i keep getting this error from line 7? Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string Code: [Select] <?php include_once"../includes/db_connect.php"; $item_number="2"; $custom="54298"; $query=mysql_query("SELECT `prodID`, `quanity` FROM `cart` WHERE `sessID`='$custom'") or mysql_error(); while($cart=mysql_fetch_object($query)){ mysql_query("INSERT INTO `orderItems` ( `id` , `orderInfoID` , `productID` , `quanity` ) VALUES ('', '$item_number', '$cart-> prodID', '$cart->quanity');"); } mysql_query("UPDATE `cart` SET `show`='1' WHERE `sessID`='$custom'"); ?> I have the following script: <?php $tijd[] = '2012-05-23T02:00:00'; $date = new DateTime($tijd[0]); echo $date; ?> However it is not working and resulting in: Quote Catchable fatal error: Object of class DateTime could not be converted to string in time3.php on line 7 I think to solve this issue, I have to convert $tijd[0] into a string. Right? If this is correct, how do I do that? Hi everyone, I get this error: Catchable fatal error: Object of class Category could not be converted to string The code: public static function list_all_cat_names() { $result_array = self::find_by_sql("SELECT name FROM ".self::$table_name); return !empty($result_array) ? array_shift($result_array) : false; } $categories = Category::find_all(); foreach ($categories as $cats): echo $cats; endforeach; Where could be the problem? Hello , I have a made a PHP website where users signup and send their Date of Birth and gets an OTP on their email after signup. The OTP is recieved but when we enter the OTP this problem occurs QuoteError! Something went wrong and I am facing this error in the error log QuotePHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Object of class DateTime could not be converted to string This is my config.php code <?php session_start(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Confirmation Page - Kanha Stories</title> <style> body { background-color: #330000; background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='100%25' height='100%25' viewBox='0 0 800 400'%3E%3Cdefs%3E%3CradialGradient id='a' cx='396' cy='281' r='514' gradientUnits='userSpaceOnUse'%3E%3Cstop offset='0' stop-color='%23D18'/%3E%3Cstop offset='1' stop-color='%23330000'/%3E%3C/radialGradient%3E%3ClinearGradient id='b' gradientUnits='userSpaceOnUse' x1='400' y1='148' x2='400' y2='333'%3E%3Cstop offset='0' stop-color='%23FA3' stop-opacity='0'/%3E%3Cstop offset='1' stop-color='%23FA3' stop-opacity='0.5'/%3E%3C/linearGradient%3E%3C/defs%3E%3Crect fill='url(%23a)' width='800' height='400'/%3E%3Cg fill-opacity='0.4'%3E%3Ccircle fill='url(%23b)' cx='267.5' cy='61' r='300'/%3E%3Ccircle fill='url(%23b)' cx='532.5' cy='61' r='300'/%3E%3Ccircle fill='url(%23b)' cx='400' cy='30' r='300'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E"); background-attachment: fixed; background-size: cover; padding: 20px; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; color:#ffffff; overflow-x: hidden; } .cont { padding: 20px 40px; position: relative; border-right: 4px solid rgb(184, 182, 182); border-bottom: 4px solid rgb(184, 182, 182); border-radius: 15px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; } #left{ float: left; } #right{ float: right; } input{ margin: 10px 0px; } s{ padding: 5px; } .error{ padding: 5px; color: #ffffff; } .resend{ color: rgb(14, 14, 196); padding: 5px; } .s:hover{ cursor: pointer; background-color:gray; color: rgb(243, 237, 237); border-radius: 5px; } </style> </head> <body> <?php $code=""; $err=""; $error=""; if(($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]=="GET" && $_SESSION['xyz'] === 'xyz') || isset($_POST['verify']) || isset($_POST['resend'])) { unset($_SESSION["xyz"]); if($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] ==="POST") { if(isset($_POST['verify'])) { if(empty($_POST['code'])) { $err="Enter the code!"; } else { $code=$_POST['code']; if(password_verify($code,$_SESSION['code'])) { $name=$_SESSION['name']; $email=$_SESSION['email']; $tel=$_SESSION['tel']; $dob=$_SESSION['dob']; $password=$_SESSION['password']; $age_category=$_SESSION['age_category']; require_once('./all_utils/connection.php'); $sql="INSERT INTO identity_table(name,email,password,tel,dob,age_category) VALUES ('$name','$email','".$password."','$tel','$dob','$age_category')"; if(mysqli_query($conn,$sql) === TRUE) { unset($_SESSION["name"]); unset($_SESSION["password"]); unset($_SESSION["dob"]); unset($_SESSION["tel"]); unset($_SESSION["age_category"]); header("location:welcome/welcome.php"); } else { $err="Error! Something went wrong"; } } else { $err="Incorrect code!"; } } } elseif(isset($_POST['resend'])) { require_once('./all_utils/mail.php'); $error="OTP has been sent again!"; } } } else{ header("location:signup.php"); } ?> <div class="cont"> <h2> Email Verification</h2> <form action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ?>" method="POST"> <label for="verification">Enter the 5 digit code</label> <br/> <p> Didn't got the mail? Please check your spam folder </p> <input type="text" name="code" placeholder="Eg. 12345" value="<?php echo $code; ?>"> <br/> <div class="error"><?php echo $err; ?></div> <div class="resend"><?php echo $error;?></div> <input type="submit" name="resend" class="s" id="left" value="Resend OTP"> <input type="submit" name="verify" class="s" id="right" value="Verify"> </form> </div> </body> </html>
This is my signup.php code <?php session_start(); if(!empty($_SESSION['email'])) { require_once('./all_utils/connection.php'); $query="SELECT * FROM identity_table WHERE email='".$_SESSION['email']."'"; $result=mysqli_query($conn,$query); if(mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { header("location:welcome/welcome.php"); } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>SignUp - Kanha Stories</title> <style> * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { width: 100vw; height: 100vh; display: flex; align-items: center; background-color: #ff9d00; background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='100%25' height='100%25' viewBox='0 0 1600 800'%3E%3Cg stroke='%23000' stroke-width='66.7' stroke-opacity='0' %3E%3Ccircle fill='%23ff9d00' cx='0' cy='0' r='1800'/%3E%3Ccircle fill='%23f27d00' cx='0' cy='0' r='1700'/%3E%3Ccircle fill='%23e55f00' cx='0' cy='0' r='1600'/%3E%3Ccircle fill='%23d84400' cx='0' cy='0' r='1500'/%3E%3Ccircle fill='%23cb2c00' cx='0' cy='0' r='1400'/%3E%3Ccircle fill='%23bf1600' cx='0' cy='0' r='1300'/%3E%3Ccircle fill='%23b20300' cx='0' cy='0' r='1200'/%3E%3Ccircle fill='%23a5000e' cx='0' cy='0' r='1100'/%3E%3Ccircle fill='%2398001c' cx='0' cy='0' r='1000'/%3E%3Ccircle fill='%238b0027' cx='0' cy='0' r='900'/%3E%3Ccircle fill='%237e0030' cx='0' cy='0' r='800'/%3E%3Ccircle fill='%23710037' cx='0' cy='0' r='700'/%3E%3Ccircle fill='%2364003b' cx='0' cy='0' r='600'/%3E%3Ccircle fill='%2358003c' cx='0' cy='0' r='500'/%3E%3Ccircle fill='%234b003a' cx='0' cy='0' r='400'/%3E%3Ccircle fill='%233e0037' cx='0' cy='0' r='300'/%3E%3Ccircle fill='%23310030' cx='0' cy='0' r='200'/%3E%3Ccircle fill='%23210024' cx='0' cy='0' r='100'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E"); background-attachment: fixed; background-size: cover; overflow-x: hidden; } .cont { color: #ffffff; width: 500px; margin: auto; } h2 { color: #ffffff; text-align: center; padding: 1.5px; } .error { text-align: center; padding: 20px; font-size: 1rem; color: rgb(233, 76, 76); } form { font-size: 1.2rem; /* width: 40%; */ /* margin: auto; */ } .in{ margin: 5px 0; } input { border: 2px solid white; padding: 10px; margin: 5px 0; font-size: 1rem; width: 100%; } input:hover { border: 2px solid rgb(228, 81, 81); cursor: text; } p,a{ text-align: center; font-size: 1rem; } a{ color: deepskyblue; font-size:20px; } #s{ text-decoration:none; border-radius: 12px; } #s:hover { cursor: pointer; } a { text-decoration: none; } @media only screen and (max-width: 600px){ .cont{ width: 300px; } .error,input{ font-size: 0.8rem; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 400px){ .cont{ width: 70%; } h2{ font-size: 1.3rem; } a,p{ font-size: 0.7rem; } label{ font-size: 1.0rem; } input{ padding: 4px; } } </style> </head> <body> <?php $name=""; $email=""; $tel=""; $dob=""; $err=""; $name_err=""; $email_err=""; $tel_err=""; $dob_err=""; $password_err=""; if($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]=="POST") { if(isset($_POST['signup'])) { if(empty($_POST['name']) || empty($_POST['dob']) || empty($_POST['tel']) || empty($_POST['email']) || empty($_POST['password'])) { if(empty($_POST['name'])) { $name_err="Name is required!"; } else{ $name=$_POST['name']; } if(empty($_POST['email'])) { $email_err="Email is required!"; } else{ $email=$_POST['email']; } if(empty($_POST['tel'])) { $tel_err="Contact Number is required!"; } else{ $tel=$_POST['tel']; } if(empty($_POST['dob'])) { $dob_err="D.O.B is required!"; } else{ $dob=$_POST['dob']; } if(empty($_POST['password'])) { $password_err="Password is required!"; } } else { $today = new DateTime(date('m.d.y')); $dob = new DateTime($_POST['dob']); $diff1 = $today->diff($dob); $age = $diff1->y; if($age > 15 || $age <3) { $dob = $_POST['dob']; $dob_err = "Age criteria not satisfied , child's age must be between 3-15 years"; } else { require_once("./all_utils/connection.php"); $email=$_POST['email']; $query="SELECT * FROM identity_table WHERE email='".$email."'"; $result=mysqli_query($conn,$query); if(mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $err="Email alredy registered!"; $name=$_POST['name']; $email=$_POST['email']; } else { if($age < 7) { $_SESSION['age_category'] = '1'; } else { $_SESSION['age_category'] = '2'; } $_SESSION['name']=$_POST['name']; $_SESSION['email']=$_POST['email']; $_SESSION['password'] = password_hash($_POST['password'],PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $_SESSION['tel']=$_POST['tel']; $_SESSION['dob']=$_POST['dob']; $_SESSION['xyz']='xyz'; require_once("all_utils/mail.php"); header("location:conf.php"); } } } } } ?> <div class="cont"> <h2>SignUp - Kanha Stories</h2> <form action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])?>" method="POST"> <span class="error"><?php echo $err; ?></span> <br/> <label for="name">Name</label><br /> <input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Enter your name" value="<?php echo $name; ?>"> <span class="error"><?php echo $name_err; ?></span> <br/> <label for="email">Email</label><br /> <input type="email" name="email" placeholder="Enter your Email ID" value="<?php echo $email; ?>"> <span class="error"><?php echo $email_err;?></span> <br/> <label for="tel">Mobile Number</label><br /> <input type="tel" name="tel" placeholder="Enter Mobile Number" value="<?php echo $tel; ?>"> <span class="error"><?php echo $tel_err;?></span> <br/> <label for="date">D.O.B. of Child (Click on Calander icon)</label><br /> <input type="date" name="dob" placeholder="Enter date of birth " value="<?php echo $dob;?>"> <span class="error"><?php echo $dob_err;?></span> <br/> <label for="password">Password</label><br /> <input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Enter your Password"> <span class="error"><?php echo $password_err; ?></span> <br/> <div class="sub"> <input type="submit" name="signup" id="s" placeholder="Submit"><br /> </div> </form> <p>Already registered? <a href="./login.php">log in here</a></p> </div> </body> </html>
I don't know what I can do now , Please try to give me the solutions as soon as possible. Thanks Hi, I am trying to convert a String date into numeric date using PHP function's, but haven't found such function. Had a look at date(), strtotime(), getdate(); e.g. Apr 1 2011 -> 04-01-2011 Could someone please shed some light on this? Regards, Abhishek Hi Guys, I have got a date string which looks like the following: Quote Thu Feb 09 2012 07:25:00 GMT 0000 (GMT Standard Time) I need to convert it to Quote d-m-Y H:i format. Any ideas on how to do this? Thanks! I have another question related to string searches. What I have is a string of couple thousand characters of all types but the date format is allways the same: dd-mth-year (two digits for day-three letters for month-four digits for year). Can I use the format alone to determine where the date is located which in turn would make it very easy to store that date into variables for inserting into database, etc. Is there anyway to tell php the format to look for or do I have to have actual numbers/letters to perform the search? Hi, Sorry, me again! Ok, so i've got my url: I've then got the following code to get the values: $afterDateParts = split("-", $_GET['ec3_after']); $after = $afterDateParts[2] . " " . $afterDateParts[1] . " " . $afterDateParts[0]; echo $after; which returns: 01 08 2010 (correct for this demo) I've then got this to convert the above into a nicer format: $convertMe = strtotime($after); echo date('d-M-Y', $convertMe); But it always returns: 01 Jan 1970 For the love of god, I cannot work out why. Is it really not that simple? Please someone put me out my misery. I'm loosing hair by the minute! Lol TIA Hi, I am creating a date string using the following: $curDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); However, what I want to do is take one hour off this so that $curDate now becomes the current date and time minus one hour. Thanks for your help. I'm getting this error "Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/westiehi/public_html/groupBOS.php on line 36" for this code: Code: [Select] $query_rs_specialty = "SELECT * FROM specialty WHERE Group_Place <> '' and Date>= DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH) ORDER BY Date DESC"; I've tried everything to get this to take records where the one field is blank and the date is greater than a date 6 months ago but nothing seems to work. Help would sure be appreciated!! Hi There, I'm feeling really dumb but i can't figure out how to get the data from an array that has been converted from xml so I can put it into a table. I've tried looping through based on simple array code but i just get array to string errors. my code looks like this $projects = array(); $xml=simplexml_load_string($response) or die("Error: Cannot create object"); foreach($xml->Jobs->Job as $item) { $projects[] = array( 'job_no' => (string)$item->ID, 'job_name' => (string)$item->Name, 'job_due' => (string)$item->DueDate, ); //array_sort_by_column($projects, 'job_due'); print_r($projects); print_r just dumps the whole lot on the page. Id like to grab each of those items and put them in a table cell then sort them by the due date etc. $job_no =""; $job_name =""; $job_due =""; //$item1 = $item->Client->Name; //$job_no = "$item->ID"; //$job_name = "$item->Name"; // $job_client = "$item1"; //$job_start = "$item->StartDate"; //$job_due = "$item->DueDate"; //$job_status = "$item->State"; $date = new DateTime($job_due); $due_date = $date->format('d-m-Y'); echo "<tr>"; echo "<td><a href='managejob.php?job_id=$job_no'><strong>$job_no</strong></td>"; echo "<td>$job_name</a></td>"; echo "<td>$job_priority</td>"; echo "<td>$job_status_1</td>"; echo "<td>$job_status_2</td>"; echo "<td>$job_status_3</td>"; echo "<td>$job_status_4</td>"; echo "<td>$job_status_5</td>"; echo "<td>$job_status_6</td>"; echo "<td>$job_status_7</td>"; echo "<td>$due_date</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } } Any help on this would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. Everywhere I look for an answer to this there is a page and a half explanation about time zones and DST and different functions and unix epochs, gah. I made a login script that logs the gmmktime of when the user registered and there are now a bunch of members so I can't just go change the script, I definitely need a way to convert these timestamps to the date AND time that the timestamp was set, preferably in an easy to use way such as an array with "month" "day" "year" AND "time" in EST. Does anyone know of a way to do this? Every one I come across either converts it to just a date or to just grabs the time and makes it super confusing as to what it is converting to and questions what arguments were sent with gmmktime when it was set (hint: none were sent with it.) Thanks for any help. Hi all
i am using the code below, but am getting the error
Object of class mysqli_result could not be converted to int
<?php $sql="SELECT lng,lng_prefix FROM tbl_languages where active = 1"; $result=mysqli_query($dbConn, $sql)or die(mysqli_error($dbConn)); //problem line if(mysqli_num_rows($result==1)){ ?>The code continues with what I want to happen based on the result. What does the error mean and how do I fix it? Hi guys, I have below values in array Code: [Select] stdClass Object ( [Category] => stdClass Object ( [ChildCategoryDescription] => 50s / 60s ERA [ChildCategoryID] => 87 [GrandchildCategoryDescription] => - [GrandchildCategoryID] => 25 [ParentCategoryDescription] => CONCERTS [ParentCategoryID] => 2 ) [Description] => Tony Bennett [ID] => 1073 [HomeVenueID] => 0 ) When am calling Desciption object by $resultsObj->Description then i got the result " Tony Bennett" but i do not know to get the value GrandchildCategoryID . Just i tried this Code: [Select] echo $resultsObj->$resultsObj->ParentCategoryID and i got below error. Catchable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in D:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\t1\genericLib.php on line 255. How i can get this value... The following script came from using-custom-paths. It appears that these are PHP 8's new attributes, correct? <?php // api/src/Entity/Question.php #[ApiResource( subresourceOperations: [ 'api_questions_answer_get_subresource' => [ 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/questions/{id}/all-answers', ], ], )] class Question { }
I currently am using PHP7 and will need to convert them. Does the following look correct? Thanks /** * @ApiResource( * subresourceOperations = { * "api_questions_answer_get_subresource" = { * "method" = "GET", * "path" = "/questions/{id}/all-answers" * } * } * ) */
Hi guys I was just wondering if there is some date combination for which this type of comparisons will not work. var_dump("2010-15-1">"2010-4-01"); Provided the date is always in the YYYY-mm-dd format with optional preceding 0 . Thanks |