PHP - Php Community Bingo
Hi All, im a beginner so please bear with me - as part of teh COVID-19 response we have been running a little free bingo night for our local village the numbers are called on facebook live on a saturday night and the village join in for a bit of fun, its taken off well and were finding that issuing the tickets is taking all day so were trying to simplify it - Ive got half way there with a peice of code i found online - but i cant quite get 'the whole way'! Wouldbe greatful if someone could helpo with a few issues! <?php DEFINE('BR', "<br />\n"); $number_of_cards = 6; // the amount of unique cards to generate. don't make too many! $columns = array( range(1,15), range(16,30), range(31,45), range(46,60), range(61,90) ); $bingo_cards = array(); $card_hashes = array(); $i = 0; /* GENERATE THE CARDS */ while($i < $number_of_cards) { $bingo_card = array(); for($j=0; $j<5; $j++) { $random_keys = array_rand($columns[$j], 5); $random_values = array_intersect_key($columns[$j], array_flip($random_keys)); // $bingo_card = array_merge($bingo_card, $random_values); } // generate a unique hash for this card and compare it to the ones we already have $card_hash = md5(json_encode($bingo_card)); // or whatever hashing algorithm is preferred if(!in_array($card_hash, $card_hashes)) { $bingo_cards[] = $bingo_card; $card_hashes[] = $card_hash; $i += 1; } if($i > 10000) break; // safety exit } /* OUTPUT, if needed (output with monospace font). could be made into an html table. */ foreach($bingo_cards as $card) { for($k=0; $k<(sizeof($card)/5); $k++) { echo(str_pad($card[$k], 2, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT).' | '); echo($card[$k+5].' | '); echo($card[$k+10].' | '); echo($card[$k+15].' | '); echo($card[$k+20].BR); if($k < 4) echo(str_repeat('-', 22).BR); } echo(BR.BR); } ?> This code does what i need - sort of but creates a grid / table /array (?) thats 5 rows / 5 columns - what i would like to do is replciate (as close as possible) the tickets we have been sending out for the last few weeks these are 3 rows per ticket and 9 columns with the numbers 1-9 in C1, 10-19 in C2, 20-29 in c3 etc tec this makes it easy for older users to find the numbers while they are been called - see example below So far ive achieved this: each user visiting the page is presented with 3 Games (Green Pink and Brown) and 6 sets of numbers in each game (thats how we do it at the moment) Im 75% of the way there just need to get this to 3 rows and 9 columns per game and if possible randomly add the blanks. Any help would be massivly appreciated! Thanks in advance
Similar TutorialsHello, Is it even feasible to create a multiplayer online poker or bingo site with PHP and AJAX? What type of architecture and programming languages are normally used for apps like that? hello i am makeing a community site and i am make the part where you can comment on you own wall and let people know what you are up to, i have make that but i need help with the commenting on other peoples wall this is the profile script, i think this is all you need for this, also i want all the comments to go into a mysql database, the comment box is called the blab form and it is under the <?php echo $the_blab_form; ?> <?php // Start_session, check if user is logged in or not, and connect to the database all in one included file include_once("scripts/checkuserlog.php"); // Include the class files for auto making links out of full URLs and for Time Ago date formatting include_once("wi_class_files/autoMakeLinks.php"); include_once ("wi_class_files/agoTimeFormat.php"); // Create the two new objects before we can use them below in this script $activeLinkObject = new autoActiveLink; $myObject = new convertToAgo; ?> <?php // ------- INITIALIZE SOME VARIABLES --------- // they must be initialized in some server environments or else errors will get thrown $id = ""; $username = ""; $firstname = ""; $lastname = ""; $mainNameLine = ""; $country = ""; $state = ""; $city = ""; $zip = ""; $bio_body = ""; $website = ""; $youtube = ""; $facebook = ""; $twitter = ""; $twitterWidget = ""; $locationInfo = ""; $user_pic = ""; $blabberDisplayList = ""; $interactionBox = ""; $cacheBuster = rand(999999999,9999999999999); // Put on an image URL will help always show new when changed // ------- END INITIALIZE SOME VARIABLES --------- // ------- ESTABLISH THE PAGE ID ACCORDING TO CONDITIONS --------- if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = preg_replace('#[^0-9]#i', '', $_GET['id']); // filter everything but numbers } else if (isset($_SESSION['idx'])) { $id = $logOptions_id; } else { header("location: index.php"); exit(); } // ------- END ESTABLISH THE PAGE ID ACCORDING TO CONDITIONS --------- // ------- FILTER THE ID AND QUERY THE DATABASE -------- $id = preg_replace('#[^0-9]#i', '', $id); // filter everything but numbers on the ID just in case $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM myMembers WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1"); // query the member // ------- FILTER THE ID AND QUERY THE DATABASE -------- // ------- MAKE SURE PERSON EXISTS IN DATABASE --------- $existCount = mysql_num_rows($sql); // count the row nums if ($existCount == 0) { // evaluate the count header("location: index.php?msg=user_does_not_exist"); exit(); } // ------- END MAKE SURE PERSON EXISTS IN DATABASE --------- // ------- WHILE LOOP FOR GETTING THE MEMBER DATA --------- while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ $username = $row["username"]; $firstname = $row["firstname"]; $lastname = $row["lastname"]; $country = $row["country"]; $state = $row["state"]; $city = $row["city"]; $sign_up_date = $row["sign_up_date"]; $sign_up_date = strftime("%b %d, %Y", strtotime($sign_up_date)); $last_log_date = $row["last_log_date"]; $last_log_date = strftime("%b %d, %Y", strtotime($last_log_date)); $bio_body = $row["bio_body"]; $bio_body = str_replace("&#39;", "'", $bio_body); $bio_body = stripslashes($bio_body); $website = $row["website"]; $youtube = $row["youtube"]; $facebook = $row["facebook"]; $twitter = $row["twitter"]; $friend_array = $row["friend_array"]; /////// Mechanism to Display Pic. See if they have uploaded a pic or not ////////////////////////// $check_pic = "members/$id/image01.jpg"; $default_pic = "members/0/image01.jpg"; if (file_exists($check_pic)) { $user_pic = "<img src=\"$check_pic?$cacheBuster\" width=\"218px\" />"; } else { $user_pic = "<img src=\"$default_pic\" width=\"218px\" />"; } /////// Mechanism to Display Real Name Next to Username - real name(username) ////////////////////////// if ($firstname != "") {; $mainNameLine = "$firstname $lastname ($username)"; $username = $firstname; } else { $mainNameLine = $username; } /////// Mechanism to Display Youtube channel link or not ////////////////////////// if ($youtube == "") { $youtube = ""; } else { $youtube = '<br /><br /><img src="images/youtubeIcon.jpg" width="18" height="12" alt="Youtube Channel for ' . $username . '" /> <strong>YouTube Channel:</strong><br /><a href="' . $youtube . '" target="_blank">' . $youtube . '</a>'; } /////// Mechanism to Display Facebook Profile link or not ////////////////////////// if ($facebook == "") { $facebook = ""; } else { $facebook = '<br /><br /><img src="images/facebookIcon.jpg" width="18" height="12" alt="Facebook Profile for ' . $username . '" /> <strong>Facebook Profile:</strong><br /><a href="' . $facebook . '" target="_blank">profile.php?id=' . $facebook . '</a>'; } /////// Mechanism to Display Twitter Tweet Widget or not ////////////////////////// if ($twitter == "") { $twitterWidget = ""; } else { $twitterWidget = "<script src=\"\"></script> <script> new TWTR.Widget({ version: 2, type: 'profile', rpp: 5, interval: 6000, width: 218, height: 160, theme: { shell: { background: '#BDF', color: '#000000' }, tweets: { background: '#ffffff', color: '#000000', links: '#0066FF', } }, features: { scrollbar: true, loop: false, live: false, hashtags: true, timestamp: true, avatars: false, behavior: 'all' } }).render().setUser('$twitter').start(); </script>"; } /////// Mechanism to Display Website URL or not ////////////////////////// if ($website == "") { $website = ""; } else { $website = '<br /><br /><img src="images/websiteIcon.jpg" width="18" height="12" alt="Website URL for ' . $username . '" /> <strong>Website:</strong><br /><a href="http://' . $website . '" target="_blank">' . $website . '</a>'; } /////// Mechanism to Display About me text or not ////////////////////////// if ($bio_body == "") { $bio_body = ""; } else { $bio_body = '<div class="infoBody">' . $bio_body . '</div>'; } /////// Mechanism to Display Location Info or not ////////////////////////// if ($country == "" && $state == "" && $city == "") { $locationInfo = ""; } else { $locationInfo = "$city · $state<br />$country ".'<a href="#" onclick="return false" onmousedown="javascript:toggleViewMap(\'google_map\');">view map</a>'; } } // close while loop // ------- END WHILE LOOP FOR GETTING THE MEMBER DATA --------- // ------- POST NEW BLAB TO DATABASE --------- $blab_outout_msg = ""; if (isset($_POST['blab_field']) && $_POST['blab_field'] != "" && $_POST['blab_field'] != " "){ $blabWipit = $_POST['blabWipit']; $sessWipit = base64_decode($_SESSION['wipit']); if (!isset($_SESSION['wipit'])) { } else if ($blabWipit == $sessWipit) { // Delete any blabs over 50 for this member $sqlDeleteBlabs = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM blabbing WHERE mem_id='$id' ORDER BY blab_date DESC LIMIT 50"); $bi = 1; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sqlDeleteBlabs)) { $blad_id = $row["id"]; if ($bi > 20) { $deleteBlabs = mysql_query("DELETE FROM blabbing WHERE id='$blad_id'"); } $bi++; } // End Delete any blabs over 20 for this member $blab_field = $_POST['blab_field']; $blab_field = stripslashes($blab_field); $blab_field = strip_tags($blab_field); $blab_field = mysql_real_escape_string($blab_field); $blab_field = str_replace("'", "&#39;", $blab_field); $sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO blabbing (mem_id, the_blab, blab_date) VALUES('$id','$blab_field', now())") or die (mysql_error()); $blab_outout_msg = ""; } } // ------- END POST NEW BLAB TO DATABASE --------- // ------- MEMBER BLABS OUTPUT CONSTRUCTION --------- /////// Mechanism to Display Pic if (file_exists($check_pic)) { $blab_pic = '<div style="overflow:hidden; height:40px;"><a href="profile.php?id=' . $id . '"><img src="' . $check_pic . '" width="40px" border="0" /></a></div>'; } else { $blab_pic = '<div style="overflow:hidden; height:40px;"><a href="profile.php?id=' . $id . '"><img src="' . $default_pic . '" width="40px" border="0" /></a></div>'; } /////// END Mechanism to Display Pic $sql_blabs = mysql_query("SELECT id, mem_id, the_blab, blab_date FROM blabbing WHERE mem_id='$id' ORDER BY blab_date DESC LIMIT 20"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_blabs)){ $blabid = $row["id"]; $uid = $row["mem_id"]; $the_blab = $row["the_blab"]; $the_blab = ($activeLinkObject -> makeActiveLink($the_blab)); $blab_date = $row["blab_date"]; $convertedTime = ($myObject -> convert_datetime($blab_date)); $whenBlab = ($myObject -> makeAgo($convertedTime)); $blabberDisplayList .= ' <table style="background-color:#FFF; border:#999 1px solid; border-top:none;" cellpadding="5" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="10%" valign="top">' . $blab_pic . '</td> <td width="90%" valign="top" style="line-height:1.5em;"><span class="greenColor textsize10">' . $whenBlab . ' <a href="profile.php?id=' . $uid . '">' . $username . '</a> said:</span><br /> ' . $the_blab . '</td> </tr></table>'; } // ------- END MEMBER BLABS OUTPUT CONSTRUCTION --------- // ------- ESTABLISH THE PROFILE INTERACTION TOKEN --------- $thisRandNum = rand(9999999999999,999999999999999999); $_SESSION['wipit'] = base64_encode($thisRandNum); // Will always overwrite itself each time this script runs // ------- END ESTABLISH THE PROFILE INTERACTION TOKEN --------- // ------- EVALUATE WHAT CONTENT TO PLACE IN THE MEMBER INTERACTION BOX ------------------- // initialize some output variables $friendLink = ""; $the_blab_form = ""; if (isset($_SESSION['idx']) && $logOptions_id != $id) { // If SESSION idx is set, AND it does not equal the profile owner's ID // SQL Query the friend array for the logged in viewer of this profile if not the owner $sqlArray = mysql_query("SELECT friend_array FROM myMembers WHERE id='" . $logOptions_id ."' LIMIT 1"); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($sqlArray)) { $iFriend_array = $row["friend_array"]; } $iFriend_array = explode(",", $iFriend_array); if (in_array($id, $iFriend_array)) { $friendLink = '<a href="#" onclick="return false" onmousedown="javascript:toggleInteractContainers(\'remove_friend\');">Remove Friend</a>'; } else { $friendLink = '<a href="#" onclick="return false" onmousedown="javascript:toggleInteractContainers(\'add_friend\');">Add as Friend</a>'; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $interactionBox = '<br /><br /><div class="interactionLinksDiv"> ' . $friendLink . ' <a href="#" onclick="return false" onmousedown="javascript:toggleInteractContainers(\'private_message\');">Private Message</a> </div><br />'; $the_blab_form = '<div style="background-color:#BDF; border:#999 1px solid; padding:8px;"> <textarea name="blab_field" rows="3" style="width:99%;"></textarea> <strong>Write on ' . $username . '\'s Board (coming soon)</strong> </div>'; } else if (isset($_SESSION['idx']) && $logOptions_id == $id) { // If SESSION idx is set, AND it does equal the profile owner's ID $interactionBox = '<br /><br /><div class="interactionLinksDiv"> <a href="#" onclick="return false" onmousedown="javascript:toggleInteractContainers(\'friend_requests\');">Friend Requests</a> </div><br />'; $the_blab_form = ' ' . $blab_outout_msg . ' <div style="background-color:#BDF; border:#999 1px solid; padding:8px;"> <form action="profile.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="blab_from"> <textarea name="blab_field" rows="3" style="width:99%;"></textarea> <input name="blabWipit" type="hidden" value="' . $thisRandNum . '" /> <strong>Blab away ' . $username . '</strong> (220 char max) <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Blab" /> </form></div>'; } else { // If no SESSION id is set, which means we have a person who is not logged in $interactionBox = '<div style="border:#CCC 1px solid; padding:5px; background-color:#E4E4E4; color:#999; font-size:11px;"> <a href="register.php">Sign Up</a> or <a href="login.php">Log In</a> to interact with ' . $username . ' </div>'; $the_blab_form = '<div style="background-color:#BDF; border:#999 1px solid; padding:8px;"> <textarea name="blab_field" rows="3" style="width:99%;"></textarea> <a href="register.php">Sign Up</a> or <a href="login.php">Log In</a> to write on ' . $username . '\'s Board </div>'; } // ------- END EVALUATE WHAT CONTENT TO PLACE IN THE MEMBER INTERACTION BOX ------------------- // ------- POPULATE FRIEND DISPLAY LISTS IF THEY HAVE AT LEAST ONE FRIEND ------------------- $friendList = ""; $friendPopBoxList = ""; if ($friend_array != "") { // ASSEMBLE FRIEND LIST AND LINKS TO VIEW UP TO 6 ON PROFILE $friendArray = explode(",", $friend_array); $friendCount = count($friendArray); $friendArray6 = array_slice($friendArray, 0, 6); $friendList .= '<div class="infoHeader">' . $username . '\'s Friends (<a href="#" onclick="return false" onmousedown="javascript:toggleViewAllFriends(\'view_all_friends\');">' . $friendCount . '</a>)</div>'; $i = 0; // create a varible that will tell us how many items we looped over $friendList .= '<div class="infoBody" style="border-bottom:#666 1px solid;"><table id="friendTable" align="center" cellspacing="4"></tr>'; foreach ($friendArray6 as $key => $value) { $i++; // increment $i by one each loop pass $check_pic = 'members/' . $value . '/image01.jpg'; if (file_exists($check_pic)) { $frnd_pic = '<a href="profile.php?id=' . $value . '"><img src="' . $check_pic . '" width="54px" border="1"/></a>'; } else { $frnd_pic = '<a href="profile.php?id=' . $value . '"><img src="members/0/image01.jpg" width="54px" border="1"/></a> '; } $sqlName = mysql_query("SELECT username, firstname FROM myMembers WHERE id='$value' LIMIT 1") or die ("Sorry we had a mysql error!"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sqlName)) { $friendUserName = substr($row["username"],0,12); $friendFirstName = substr($row["firstname"],0,12);} if (!$friendUserName) {$friendUserName = $friendFirstName;} // If username is blank use the firstname... programming changes in v1.32 call for this if ($i % 6 == 4){ $friendList .= '<tr><td><div style="width:56px; height:68px; overflow:hidden;" title="' . $friendUserName . '"> <a href="profile.php?id=' . $value . '">' . $friendUserName . '</a><br />' . $frnd_pic . ' </div></td>'; } else { $friendList .= '<td><div style="width:56px; height:68px; overflow:hidden;" title="' . $friendUserName . '"> <a href="profile.php?id=' . $value . '">' . $friendUserName . '</a><br />' . $frnd_pic . ' </div></td>'; } } $friendList .= '</tr></table> <div align="right"><a href="#" onclick="return false" onmousedown="javascript:toggleViewAllFriends(\'view_all_friends\');">view all</a></div> </div>'; // END ASSEMBLE FRIEND LIST... TO VIEW UP TO 6 ON PROFILE // ASSEMBLE FRIEND LIST AND LINKS TO VIEW ALL(50 for now until we paginate the array) $i = 0; $friendArray50 = array_slice($friendArray, 0, 50); $friendPopBoxList = '<table id="friendPopBoxTable" width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">'; foreach ($friendArray50 as $key => $value) { $i++; // increment $i by one each loop pass $check_pic = 'members/' . $value . '/image01.jpg'; if (file_exists($check_pic)) { $frnd_pic = '<a href="profile.php?id=' . $value . '"><img src="' . $check_pic . '" width="54px" border="1"/></a>'; } else { $frnd_pic = '<a href="profile.php?id=' . $value . '"><img src="members/0/image01.jpg" width="54px" border="1"/></a> '; } $sqlName = mysql_query("SELECT username, firstname, country, state, city FROM myMembers WHERE id='$value' LIMIT 1") or die ("Sorry we had a mysql error!"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sqlName)) { $funame = $row["username"]; $ffname = $row["firstname"]; $fcountry = $row["country"]; $fstate = $row["state"]; $fcity = $row["city"]; } if (!$funame) {$funame = $ffname;} // If username is blank use the firstname... programming changes in v1.32 call for this if ($i % 2) { $friendPopBoxList .= '<tr bgcolor="#F4F4F4"><td width="14%" valign="top"> <div style="width:56px; height:56px; overflow:hidden;" title="' . $funame . '">' . $frnd_pic . '</div></td> <td width="86%" valign="top"><a href="profile.php?id=' . $value . '">' . $funame . '</a><br /><font size="-2"><em>' . $fcity . '<br />' . $fstate . '<br />' . $fcountry . '</em></font></td> </tr>'; } else { $friendPopBoxList .= '<tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0"><td width="14%" valign="top"> <div style="width:56px; height:56px; overflow:hidden;" title="' . $funame . '">' . $frnd_pic . '</div></td> <td width="86%" valign="top"><a href="profile.php?id=' . $value . '">' . $funame . '</a><br /><font size="-2"><em>' . $fcity . '<br />' . $fstate . '<br />' . $fcountry . '</em></font></td> </tr>'; } } $friendPopBoxList .= '</table>'; // END ASSEMBLE FRIEND LIST AND LINKS TO VIEW ALL(50 for now until we paginate the array) } // ------- END POPULATE FRIEND DISPLAY LISTS IF THEY HAVE AT LEAST ONE FRIEND ------------------- ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" /> <meta name="Description" content="Profile for <?php echo "$username"; ?>" /> <meta name="Keywords" content="<?php echo "$username, $city, $state, $country"; ?>" /> <meta name="rating" content="General" /> <meta name="ROBOTS" content="All" /> <title>Site Profile for <?php echo "$username"; ?></title> <link href="style/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> <script src="js/jquery-1.4.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .infoHeader { background-color: #BDF; font-size:11px; font-weight:bold; padding:8px; border: #999 1px solid; border-bottom:none; width:200px; } .infoBody{ background-color: #FFF; font-size:11px; padding:8px; border: #999 1px solid; border-bottom:none; width:200px; } /* ------- Interaction Links Class -------- */ .interactionLinksDiv a { border:#B9B9B9 1px solid; padding:5px; color:#060; font-size:11px; background-image:url(style/headerBtnsBG.jpg); text-decoration:none; } .interactionLinksDiv a:hover { border:#090 1px solid; padding:5px; color:#060; font-size:11px; background-image:url(style/headerBtnsBGover.jpg); } /* ------- Interaction Containers Class -------- */ .interactContainers { padding:8px; background-color:#BDF; border:#999 1px solid; display:none; } #add_friend_loader { display:none; } #remove_friend_loader { display:none; } #interactionResults { display:none; font-size:16px; padding:8px; } #friendTable td{ font-size:9px; } #friendTable td a{ color:#03C; text-decoration:none; } #view_all_friends { background-image:url(style/opaqueDark.png); width:270px; padding:20px; position:fixed; top:150px; display:none; z-index:100; margin-left:50px; } #google_map { background-image:url(style/opaqueDark.png); padding:20px; position:fixed; top:150px; display:none; z-index:100; margin-left:50px; } #Layer1 { position:absolute; left:292px; top:170px; width:399px; height:230px; z-index:1; } #Layer2 { position:absolute; left:0px; top:532px; width:1103px; height:386px; z-index:2; } #Layer3 { position:absolute; left:255px; top:517px; width:111px; height:102px; z-index:3; } #Layer4 { position:absolute; left:304px; top:266px; width:637px; height:209px; z-index:4; } body { background-color: #3c60a4; } --> </style> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> // jQuery functionality for toggling member interaction containers function toggleInteractContainers(x) { if ($('#'+x).is(":hidden")) { $('#'+x).slideDown(200); } else { $('#'+x).hide(); } $('.interactContainers').hide(); } function toggleViewAllFriends(x) { if ($('#'+x).is(":hidden")) { $('#'+x).fadeIn(200); } else { $('#'+x).fadeOut(200); } } function toggleViewMap(x) { if ($('#'+x).is(":hidden")) { $('#'+x).fadeIn(200); } else { $('#'+x).fadeOut(200); } } // Friend adding and accepting stuff var thisRandNum = "<?php echo $thisRandNum; ?>"; var friendRequestURL = "scripts_for_profile/request_as_friend.php"; function addAsFriend(a,b) { $("#add_friend_loader").show(); $.post(friendRequestURL,{ request: "requestFriendship", mem1: a, mem2: b, thisWipit: thisRandNum } ,function(data) { $("#add_friend").html(data).show().fadeOut(12000); }); } function acceptFriendRequest (x) { $.post(friendRequestURL,{ request: "acceptFriend", reqID: x, thisWipit: thisRandNum } ,function(data) { $("#req"+x).html(data).show(); }); } function denyFriendRequest (x) { $.post(friendRequestURL,{ request: "denyFriend", reqID: x, thisWipit: thisRandNum } ,function(data) { $("#req"+x).html(data).show(); }); } // End Friend adding and accepting stuff // Friend removal stuff function removeAsFriend(a,b) { $("#remove_friend_loader").show(); $.post(friendRequestURL,{ request: "removeFriendship", mem1: a, mem2: b, thisWipit: thisRandNum } ,function(data) { $("#remove_friend").html(data).show().fadeOut(12000); }); } // End Friend removal stuff // Start Private Messaging stuff $('#pmForm').submit(function(){$('input[type=submit]', this).attr('disabled', 'disabled');}); function sendPM ( ) { var pmSubject = $("#pmSubject"); var pmTextArea = $("#pmTextArea"); var sendername = $("#pm_sender_name"); var senderid = $("#pm_sender_id"); var recName = $("#pm_rec_name"); var recID = $("#pm_rec_id"); var pm_wipit = $("#pmWipit"); var url = "scripts_for_profile/private_msg_parse.php"; if (pmSubject.val() == "") { $("#interactionResults").html('<img src="images/round_error.png" alt="Error" width="31" height="30" /> Please type a subject.').show().fadeOut(6000); } else if (pmTextArea.val() == "") { $("#interactionResults").html('<img src="images/round_error.png" alt="Error" width="31" height="30" /> Please type in your message.').show().fadeOut(6000); } else { $("#pmFormProcessGif").show(); $.post(url,{ subject: pmSubject.val(), message: pmTextArea.val(), senderName: sendername.val(), senderID: senderid.val(), rcpntName: recName.val(), rcpntID: recID.val(), thisWipit: pm_wipit.val() } , function(data) { $('#private_message').slideUp("fast"); $("#interactionResults").html(data).show().fadeOut(10000); document.pmForm.pmTextArea.value=''; document.pmForm.pmSubject.value=''; $("#pmFormProcessGif").hide(); }); } } // End Private Messaging stuff </script> </head> <body> <?php include_once "header_template.php"; ?> <table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="mainBodyTable"> <tr> <td width="738" valign="top"><br /> <table width="98%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="6"> <tr> <td width="33%" valign="top"><?php echo $user_pic; ?> <?php echo $bio_body; ?> <div class="infoHeader"><?php echo $username; ?>'s Information</div> <div class="infoBody"> <?php echo $locationInfo; ?> <?php echo $website; ?> <?php echo $youtube; ?> <?php echo $facebook; ?> </div> <?php echo $friendList; ?> <div id="view_all_friends"> <div align="right" style="padding:6px; background-color:#FFF; border-bottom:#666 1px solid;"> <div style="display:inline; font-size:14px; font-weight:bold; margin-right:150px;">All Friends</div> <a href="#" onclick="return false" onmousedown="javascript:toggleViewAllFriends('view_all_friends');">close </a> </div> <div style="background-color:#FFF; height:240px; overflow:auto;"> <?php echo $friendPopBoxList; ?> </div> <div style="padding:6px; background-color:#000; border-top:#666 1px solid; font-size:10px; color: #0F0;"> Temporary programming shows 50 maximum. Navigating through the full list is coming soon. </div> </div> <?php echo $twitterWidget; ?> & I have good knowledge of HTML, Css, Php and mysql, i would want to know, the best approach to creating an online dating site. any help The php code won`t redirect to user/member.php need some help <?php session_start(); include 'includes/database.php'; if(isset($_POST['login'])) { $username = trim(addslashes($_POST['username'])); $password = md5(trim($_POST['password'])); $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username = '$username' AND Password = '$password' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_array($query); if(mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) { if($row['Activated'] > 0) { $_SESSION['s_logged_n'] = 'true'; $_SESSION['s_username'] = $username; $_SESSION['s_name'] = $row['Name']; header("Location: user/member.php"); } else { echo "You have to activate your account!"; } } } else { echo "You have to fill out the login form!"; } ?> |