PHP - Outputting Mysql Data That Contains ' Into Php Variables
Hi All, I have done a select from my DB and the data contains a '. echo "<td><a class='btn btn-primary col-sm-12' data-toggle='modal' data-userid='" . $uid . "' href='#userModal' data-firstname='" . $ufn ."' data-lastname='". $uln."' data-email='" . $ue . "' data-accountlevel='" . $ualid . "' data-mobile='".$um ."'data-role='".$urid."' data-active-sheets='".$ename."'>Manage</a></td>"; outputs <a class="btn btn-primary col-sm-12" data-toggle="modal" data-userid="2" href="#userModal" data-firstname="Chelsea" data-lastname="Hockley" data-email="" data-accountlevel="1" data-mobile="0774882" data-role="1" data-active-sheets="A new event,Chelsea" s="" event'="">Manage</a> the issue part data-active-sheets="A new event,Chelsea" s="" event'="" Should be data-active-sheets="A new event,Chelsea's event" How do i prevent the ' from causing me this issue? Similar TutorialsI'm a beginner to PHP and am stuck as to how I can fetch data from a MYSQL database and output that information in html to the website.
Currently I get the information from the database using normal php:
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM truffleProducts");Then I assign each field from the database to a php variable in a while loop: while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $id = $row{'id'}; $name = $row{'name'}; $price = $row{'Price_per_kg'}; $season = $row{'Season'}; $country = $row{'Country'}; $image = $row{'image'}; $review = $row{'review'}; }Then I just print each variable in a table using simple html and php. My problem is that it only outputs the latest element or row from my database. I want to output the database within a HTML template so that it is professional and tidy, but i cant figure out how to do that. Any help? Edited by louiscb, 22 October 2014 - 07:58 AM. Hello, I have a script that processes data from a form, and then outputs data from a MySQL table based on which selections are made on the form. What I'm trying to do is create columns showing data for each month depending on which months the user selects, and then a "Total" column at the end of that. The output first determines the "family" the results are in, then the ID the product is for the parent family, and then it outputs the data based on what ID is listed. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to do this without nesting while loops inside other while loops which I know is bad for server performance - and yes this does take a long time to complete. Here is some of my code for this to show what I'm doing wrong: Code: [Select] $searchdatabase5 = "SELECT field3 FROM slssum2 WHERE company = '$companyname' AND CONCAT(year,month) BETWEEN '$startyear$startmonth' AND '$endyear$endmonth' AND field3 != 0 AND field4 != '995' GROUP BY field3"; $run5 = mysql_query($searchdatabase5) or die(mysql_error()); while($row5 = mysql_fetch_assoc($run5)) { $field5_3 = $row5['field3']; echo '<tr><td colspan="0"><hr style="width: 100%; height: 1px; color: #a0a0a0;"></td></tr><tr><td colspan="0" bgcolor="#ccffcc"><strong>FAMILY '. $field5_3 .'</strong><br /></td></tr>'; $searchdatabase12 = "SELECT field4 FROM slssum2 WHERE company = '$companyname' AND CONCAT(year,month) BETWEEN '$startyear$startmonth' AND '$endyear$endmonth' AND field3 = '$field5_3' AND field4 != 0 GROUP BY field4"; $run12 = mysql_query($searchdatabase12) or die(mysql_error()); while($row12 = mysql_fetch_assoc($run12)) { $field12_4 = $row12['field4']; $searchdatabase6 = "SELECT field3,field4,field5,field6 FROM slssum2 WHERE company = '$companyname' AND CONCAT(year,month) BETWEEN '$startyear$startmonth' AND '$endyear$endmonth' AND field4 = '$field12_4' GROUP BY field3,field4,field5"; $run6 = mysql_query($searchdatabase6) or die(mysql_error()); while($row6 = mysql_fetch_assoc($run6)) { $field6_3 = $row6['field3']; $field6_4 = $row6['field4']; $field6_5 = $row6['field5']; $field6_6 = $row6['field6']; echo '<tr><td colspan="0">'. $field6_5 .' - '. $field6_6 .'</td></tr><tr><td valign="middle" align="left" bgcolor="#ccc" width="183px">Units</td>'; $searchdatabase7 = "SELECT * FROM slssum2 WHERE company = '$companyname' AND CONCAT(year,month) BETWEEN '$startyear$startmonth' AND '$endyear$endmonth' AND field5 = '$field6_5' ORDER BY year,month ASC"; $run7 = mysql_query($searchdatabase7) or die(mysql_error()); while($row7 = mysql_fetch_assoc($run7)) { $field7_3 = $row7['field3']; $field7_4 = $row7['field4']; $field7_5 = $row7['field5']; $field7_9 = $row7['field9']; $field7_10 = $row7['field10']; $field7_month = $row7['month']; $field7_year = $row7['year']; $startmonth2 = ltrim($startmonth, '0'); echo '<td bgcolor="#e6e6e6" width="95px" nowrap="nowrap" align="right">'; echo $field7_10; echo '</td>'; } Here is the output: I know the code is very bad, but what would be the best way to recreate what I have in the image? Thank you. I have a table and the structure is Code: [Select] ID, UID, Site, Uname, PassI already have this <?php $result = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM Logins WHERE UID = %d", $_COOKIE['UID_WatsonN'])); //check login table against cookie if(($num = mysql_num_rows($result)) > 0){ mysql_close(); ?> <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <th>ID</th> <th>UID</th> <th>Site</th> <th>Uname</th> <th>Pass</th> </tr> <center> <?php $i=0; while ($i < $num) { $f1=mysql_result($result,$i,"ID"); $f2=mysql_result($result,$i,"UID"); $f3=mysql_result($result,$i,"Site"); $f4=mysql_result($result,$i,"Uname"); $f5=mysql_result($result,$i,"Pass"); ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $f1; ?></td> <td><?php echo $f2; ?></td> <td><?php echo $f3; ?></td> <td><?php echo $f4; ?></td> <td><?php echo $f5; ?></td> </tr> <?php $i++; } } ?> which only gets the data from that one person. What is in the table is usernames and passwords for diffrent sites and i want to take all the usernames and passwords and put them into variables to pass on to the login form. Hi Everyone, I'm trying to convert my MySql data into variables so I can use them on my website. For example, if I want to convert a city or even first or last name into a variable. How would I go about doing that? Thanks everyone! Not sure why this isnt working. Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript">bkLib.onDomLoaded(nicEditors.allTextAreas);</script> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF="inc/dyn_style.css" TYPE="text/css" MEDIA=screen /> <?php ?> <?php include(''); mysqlConnect(); ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="bbeditor/ed.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="dyn_style.css" /> <title> Social </title> <script type="text/javascript"> function changeTitle(title) { document.title = title; } </script> </head> <body> <?php $inc = 'new_story.php'; $view = 'Newest '; $by = 'added'; $where = " "; $where2 = " "; $order = "ASC"; $gen = "All"; $rat = 'All'; $blerg = ""; $sort = 'newest'; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- if(isset($_GET['sub'])) { $sort = $_GET['sort']; switch($sort) { case "Most Popular"; $by = 'views'; $view = 'Most Popular '; $order = 'DESC'; break; case "Most Reviewed"; $view= 'Most Reviewed '; $by = 'reviews'; $order = 'DESC'; break; case "Newest"; $by = 'added'; $view = 'Newest'; $order = 'ASC'; break; } $genre = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['cat']); $rating = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['rat']); if($gen == 'All') { $where = " "; $blerg = ""; } else { $where = "WHERE cat='$gen'"; } if ($rat == "All") { $where2 = ' '; $blerg = 'AND'; } else { $where2 = $blerg ." rating = '$rat' "; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?> <?php serch(); ?> <form action="story.php" method="get"> <label id='inline'> Order By: </label> <select name='sort'> <option selected='yes' label='Currently Selected' > <?php echo $view; ?> </option> <option> Newest </option> <option> Most Popular</option> <option> Most Reviewed </option> </select> <input type='hidden' value='spec_view' name='p' /> <label id='inline'> Genre/Catagory: </label> <select name='gen'> <option selected='yes' label = 'Selected Genre - <?php echo $gen; ?>'> <?php echo $gen; ?> </option> <option> All </option> <option> Fantasy </option> <option> Adventure </option> <option> Science Fiction</option> <option> Drama</option> <option> Fable </option> <option> Horror</option> <option> Humor</option> <option> Realistic Fiction </option> <option> Tall Tale</option> <option> Mystery </option> <option> Mythology </option> <option> Poetry </option> <option> Shorty Story </option> <option> Romance </option> </select> <label id='inline'> Rating: </label> <select name='rat'> <option selected='yes' label = "Selected Genre - <?php echo $rat; ?>"> <?php echo $gen; ?> </option> <option> All </option> <option> C </option> <option> C13 </option> <option> YA </option> <option> A </option> </select> <input type='submit' value='Go!' name = 'go' /> </form> <?php $query = " SELECT * FROM story_info ORDER BY $by $order $where $where2 "; echo $query; $select = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); while($rows = mysql_fetch_assoc($select)) { $viewsdb = $rows['views']; $titledb = $rows['title']; $userdb = $rows['user']; $catdb = $rows['cat']; $ratdb = $rows['rating']; $id_db = $rows['story_id']; $sumdb = shorten($rows['sum']); echo "<h3><a href='?p=page&id=$id_db'> $titledb </a> </h3>"; echo "<div id='fun_info'>"; echo "$sumdb <br />"; echo "By <a href='?p=profile&user=$userdb'> $userdb </a> <br /> "; echo "$viewsdb Views | Rated: $ratdb | Catagory: <a href='?p=cat_view&gen=$catdb'> $catdb </a> </div>"; } ?> </div> </body> </html> Hello guys. I am facing a little problem on my website when I am trying to output the data from the database in the form of a table. If you go to and enter any on of the following B/L No's: 123456789 987651234 543216789 You can see that the table is being created but the data is not being shown to the user. If I switch back to the old code in which there was no table, then the data is being shown to the user upon entering the B/L No. Please help me guys. Attached below are the codes which I have inside the file and the index.php file. Code: [Select] <?php include ''; function search_results($keywords) { $returned_results = array(); $where = ""; $keywords = preg_split('/[\s]+/', $keywords); $total_keywords = count($keywords); foreach($keywords as $key=>$keyword){ $where .= "`keywords` LIKE '%$keyword%'"; if ($key != ($total_keywords - 1)) { $where .= " AND "; } } $results = "SELECT `Bill_No`, `Origin_City`, `Origin_Country`, `Destination_City`, `Destination_Country`, `Status`, `Current_Location` FROM `billoflading` WHERE $where"; $results_num = ($results = mysql_query($results)) ? mysql_num_rows($results) : 0; if ($results_num === 0) { return false; } else { while ($results_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) { $returned_results[] = array ( 'Bill_No' => $results_row['Bill_No'], 'Origin_City' => $results_row['Origin_City'], 'Origin_Country' => $results_row['Origin_Country'], 'Destination_City' => $results_row['Destination_City'], 'Destination_Country' => $results_row['Destination_Country'], 'Status' => $results_row['Status'], 'Current_Location' => $results_row['Current_Location'] ); } return $returned_results; } } ?> index.php Code: [Select] <?php include ''; ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>search</title> </head> <body> <form action="" method="POST"> <p> <input type="text" name="keywords" size="17" maxlength="9" value="Enter B/L No." onfocus="if(this.value == 'Enter B/L No.'){this.value = '';}" /> <input type="submit" class="formbutton" value="Track" /> </p> </form> <?php if (isset($_POST['keywords'])) { $suffix = ""; $keywords = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(trim($_POST['keywords']))); $errors = array(); if (empty($keywords)) { $errors[] = ''; } else if (strlen($keywords)<9) { $errors[] = '<br><strong>Your Bill of Lading Number must contain 9-digits.</strong>'; } else if (search_results($keywords) === false) { $errors[] = '<br><strong>Please enter a valid Bill of Lading Number.</strong>'; } if (empty($errors)) { $results = search_results($keywords); $results_num = count($results); $suffix = ($results_num !=1) ? 's' : ''; foreach($results as $result) { echo '<br><table> <thead> <tr> <th><strong>B/L No.</strong></th> <th><strong>Origin City</strong></th> <th><strong>Origin Country</strong></th> <th><strong>Destination City</strong></th> <th><strong>Destination Country</strong></th> <th><strong>Status</strong></th> <th><strong>Current Location</strong></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $row["Bill_No"]; ?></td> <td><?php echo $row["Origin_City"]; ?></td> <td><?php echo $row["Origin_Country"]; ?></td> <td><?php echo $row["Destination_City"]; ?></td> <td><?php echo $row["Destination_Country"]; ?></td> <td><?php echo $row["Status"]; ?></td> <td><?php echo $row["Current_Location"]; ?></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table>'; } } else { foreach($errors as $error) { echo $error, '</br>'; } } } ?> </body> </html> Below is my code: Code: [Select] function outputModule($courseId, $courseName, $moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionData) { if(!count($sessionData)) { return false; } $markTotal = 0; $markGrade = 0; $weightSession = 0; $grade = ""; $sessionsHTML = ""; foreach($sessionData as $session) { $sessionsHTML .= "<p><strong>Session:</strong> {$session['SessionId']} <strong>Session Mark:</strong> {$session['Mark']}</strong> <strong>Session Weight Contribution</strong> {$session['SessionWeight']}%</p>\n"; $markTotal += round($session['Mark'] / 100 * $session['SessionWeight']); $weightSession += ($session['SessionWeight']); $markGrade = round($markTotal / $weightSession * 100); if ($markGrade >= 70) { $grade = "A"; } else if ($markGrade >= 60 && $markGrade <= 69) { $grade = "B"; } else if ($markGrade >= 50 && $markGrade <= 59) { $grade = "C"; } else if ($markGrade >= 40 && $markGrade <= 49) { $grade = "D"; } else if ($markGrade >= 30 && $markGrade <= 39) { $grade = "E"; } else if ($markGrade >= 0 && $markGrade <= 29) { $grade = "F"; } } $courseHTML = "<p><br><strong>Course:</strong> {$courseId} - {$courseName}</p><br>\n"; $moduleHTML = "<p><strong>Module:</strong> {$moduleId} - {$moduleName} <strong>Module Mark:</strong> {$markTotal} <strong>Mark Percentage:</strong> {$markGrade} <strong>Grade:</strong> {$grade} </p>\n"; return $courseHTML . $moduleHTML . $sessionsHTML; } $output = ""; $studentId = false; $courseId = false; $moduleId = false; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($courseId != $row['CourseId']) { //Course has changed $courseName = $row['CourseName']; $courseId = $row['CourseId']; $output .= outputModule($courseId, $courseName); } if($moduleId != $row['ModuleId']) { //Module has changed if(isset($sessionsAry)) //Don't run function for first record { //Get output for last module and sessions $output .= outputModule($courseId, $courseName, $moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); } //Reset sessions data array and Set values for new module $sessionsAry = array(); $moduleId = $row['ModuleId']; $moduleName = $row['ModuleName']; } //Add session data to array for current module $sessionsAry[] = array('SessionId'=>$row['SessionId'], 'Mark'=>$row['Mark'], 'SessionWeight'=>$row['SessionWeight']); } //Get output for last module $output .= outputModule($moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); //Display the output echo $output; Below is the output: Notice: Undefined variable: sessionData in /web/stud/u0867587/Mobile_app/student_overall_grade.php on line 69 Notice: Undefined variable: sessionData in /web/stud/u0867587/Mobile_app/student_overall_grade.php on line 69 Course: INFO101 - Bsc Information Communication Technology Module: CHI2550 - Modern Database Applications Module Mark: 41 Mark Percentage: 68 Grade: B Session: AAB Session Mark: 72 Session Weight Contribution 20% Session: AAE Session Mark: 67 Session Weight Contribution 40% There is suppose to be another module with its own sessions below this but it does not show it. Also it is giving me notices that $SessionData is undefined. Why can it not find the variable $SessionData? Below is what it should of outputted: Course: INFO101 - Bsc Information Communication Technology Course Mark Grade Year: 3 Module: CHI2550 - Modern Database Applications Module Mark: 41 Mark Percentage: 68 Grade: B Session: AAB Session Mark: 72 Session Weight Contribution 20% Session: AAE Session Mark: 67 Session Weight Contribution 40% Module: CHI2513 - Systems Strategy Module Mark: 31 Mark Percentage: 62 Grade: B Session: AAD Session Mark: 61 Session Weight Contribution 50% Hi guys, I am very simply inserting text into a table with php and mysql, and outputting it, it all works fine but when I use paragraphs when inserting it, and then try to ouput it, all the paragraphs are gone and it looks like one big block of text, I suppose the way to go around this is to use <br> instead of just enters as it probably doesnt read this, but is it possible to make this text area do read and insert <br>'s where people use enter to make paragraphs? Much help appreciated, I realize this must be a very beginner question but I am not really sure how to word this so I wasn't sure on specific search on this. I'm outputting my DB to a table. I want to include a JOIN so the table shows name, email, and company (which is in a different table). Not sure where to put the join. 2 other things I'd like to do: Not all users have email and I want any NULL to output as N/A instead of NULL. Would like the rows to alternate background color between white and blue for each row. Any hints appreciated. $query= "select * from Managers"; $result=mysql_query($query); echo mysql_error(); echo '<table align="center" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td align="left"><b>Name</b></td> <td align="left"><b>Email</b></td> <td align="left"><b>Company</b></td> </tr> '; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { echo '<tr bgcolor="' . $bg . '"> <td align="left">' . $row['name'] . '</td> <td align="left">' . $row['email'] . '</td> <td align="left">' . $row[''] . '</td> //Need JOIN here </tr> '; } I have whiled my way through any number of forums and help pages so far. However, since I am not quite comfortable yet with PHP, I am not sure which option I have been given would be the right one. What I am trying to do: Create the source for a set of drop-down menus. The dropdown menu has columns, and then a H2 and P that go in each column, in varied numbers, so you have column1, h2 p; h2 p; h2 p column2, h2 p; h2 p etc....make sense? I am using an MySQL table as source so I can have a little CMS dashboard where I can change these and other values on the fly. So I have a MySQL table where I have a field that identifies the column (page name), and then values to fill the h2 and p tags. I.E.: page_name, content_title, content_text The idea, therefore, is to use PHP to figure out what the column names (that are repeated) in the mysql table and then create the dropdown based on the value in the subsidiary fields. Output is as a string in a variable value that is output via return (); My best estimation of how to do this is to use php to create a multidimensional array from the query result, where the first column is the page_name, followed by an array, the array being the remainder of the information. Based on information scrounged from other sources, I have come up with this so far: $query = "SELECT * FROM tbl_mainmenu WHERE mainmenu_type = '$mmtype'"; // what the query is $result = mysql_query ($query, $dbc); // connect to database and run query, setting the the result to dummy array variable '$result' // establish the multidimensional array $mmcontent_array = array (); //create the array where the values are content page and associated values in an array per each content page while ($result = mysql_fetch_assoc ()) { $page_name = $result['content_page']; $mmcontent_array['content_page'] = $result; } foreach ($mmContent_array[] as $key=>$value) { foreach () { $tmpelements[] = '<div class="col_2"><h2>' . $element[content_title] . "</h2>\n<p>" . $element[content_text] . "</p>\n</div>"; $elements = implode("\n",$tmpelements) . "\n" } $tmp[] = '<li><a href="#" class="drop">Products</a><!-- Begin Products Item -->\n<div class="dropdown_2columns"><!-- Begin 2 columns container -->' . $elements . 'whatever tags will close this') } Am I even in the ballpark? I am not sure which way to nest the foreach ()'s. The example I was working from used echo ()'s, and I am not sure if using $variable = implode () makes the task different. As a start, I am just wondering if I am creating the multidimensional array correctly? Hello to all, I have problem figuring out how to properly display data fetched from MySQL database in a HTML table. In the below example I am using two while loops, where the second one is nested inside first one, that check two different expressions fetching data from tables found in a MySQL database. The second expression compares the two tables IDs and after their match it displays the email of the account holder in each column in the HTML table. The main problem is that the 'email' row is displayed properly while its while expression is not nested and alone(meaning the other data is omitted or commented out), but either nested or neighbored to the first while loop, it is displayed horizontally and the other data ('validity', 'valid_from', 'valid_to') is not displayed.'
Can someone help me on this, I guess the problem lies in the while loop? <thead> <tr> <th data-column-id="id" data-type="numeric">ID</th> <th data-column-id="email">Subscriber's Email</th> <th data-column-id="validity">Validity</th> <th data-column-id="valid_from">Valid From</th> <th data-column-id="valid_to">Valid To</th> </tr> </thead> Here is part of the PHP code:
<?php while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { echo ' <tr> <td>'.$row["id"].'</td> '; while ($row1 = $stmt1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { echo ' <td>'.$row1["email"].'</td> '; } if($row["validity"] == 1) { echo '<td>'.$row["validity"].' month</td>'; }else{ echo '<td>'.$row["validity"].' months</td>'; } echo ' <td>'.$row["valid_from"].'</td> <td>'.$row["valid_to"].'</td> </tr>'; } ?>
Thank you. This could be PHP or MySql so putting it in PHP forum for now... I have code below (last code listed) which processes a dynamically created Form which could have anywhere from 0 to 6 fields. So I clean all fields whether they were posted or not and then I update the mySQL table. The problem with this code below is that if, say, $cextra was not posted (i.e. it wasnt on the dynamically created form), then this code would enter a blank into the table for $cextra (i.e. if there was already a value in the table for $cextra, it gets overwritten, which is bad). What is the best way to handle this? I'm thinking i have to break my SQL query into a bunch of if/else statements like this... Code: [Select] $sql = "UPDATE cluesanswers SET "; if (isset($_POST['ctext'])){ echo "ctext='$ctext',"; } else { //do nothing } and so on 5 more times.... That seems horribly hackish/inefficient. Is there a better way? Code: [Select] if (isset($_POST['hidden']) && $_POST['hidden'] == "edit") { $cimage=trim(mysql_prep($_POST['cimage'])); $ctext=trim(mysql_prep($_POST['ctext'])); $cextra=trim(mysql_prep($_POST['cextra'])); $atext=trim(mysql_prep($_POST['atext'])); $aextra=trim(mysql_prep($_POST['aextra'])); $aimage=trim(mysql_prep($_POST['aimage'])); //update the answer edits $sql = "UPDATE cluesanswers SET ctext='$ctext', cextra='$cextra', cimage='$cimage', atext='$atext', aextra='$aextra', aimage='$aimage'"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $connection); if (!$result) { die("Database query failed: " . mysql_error()); } else { } Hi I am trying to select and order data/numbers from a colum in a mysql data base however i run the code and it returns no value just a blank page no errors or any thing so i think the code is working right but then it returns no result? Please help thanks Here is the code: <?php $host= "XXXXXX"; $mysql_user = "XXXXXX"; $mysql_password = "XXXXXX"; $mysql_database = "XXXXXXX"; $connection = mysql_connect("$host","$mysql_user","$mysql_password") or die ("Unable to connect to MySQL server."); mysql_select_db($mysql_database) or die ("Unable to select requested database."); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( mysql_query( "SELECT XP FROM Game ORDER BY number DESC LIMIT 1" ) ); $number = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT XP FROM Game ORDER BY number DESC LIMIT 1"), 0); echo "The the highest XP is $number"; ?> hi guys, im new to this forum I'm new also to php, I need help from you guys: I want to display personal information from a certain person (the data is on the mysql database) using his name as a link: example: (index.php) names 1. Bill Gates 2. Mr. nice Guy i want to click Bill Gates (output.php) Name: Bill Gates Country:xxxx Age: xx etc. How can i make this or how to learn this? I'm new to PHP and I have an html page I would like to pull specific data into certain areas on the page that I will modified for php. Here are some details. The page is a static html page that has the prices of 40+ products in a standard <li> list. When I update the prices in our database through our shopping cart, I have to change these prices manually in the html. It would be great if I could link the field for Base_Price in the products table to each affiliated <li> tag, I am pulling all the data I need into ($results) and can display it all but I don't know how to get just the single products Base_Price in my <li> tag. <?=$row['Base_Price'] ?> I know this code is not correct but to get the point across, can I create a variable that I define in each <li> tag with a statement like,,,, <?=$row['Base_Price with Product_Code=123456'] ?> I could create a new SQL query for each <li> like "SELECT Base_Price from Products WHERE Product_Code='123456' ", but that's a lot of calls to the DB and a lot of code on the page. And just so I weed out the hard core coders, I can not rebuild the entire page. This is too big of a project for me and my limited coding with PHP. Can anyone help?? Thanks in advance Michael Hey all, I am having a situation where I have a singleton class with a static array in it. I insert an element into that array, and then I redirect the user to another page. At that page, I then retrieve that array (it's stored in the session vars), but the array is then empty when I retrieve it. I can't figure out why. Here are some pertinent code snippets. First, the class with the static array: class Logger { private static $instance = NULL; private static $messages = array(); //Private constructor to prevent this class from being instantiated multiple times private function __construct() { } //The clone function is private to prevent cloning of this class private function __clone() { } //Returns the singleton instance of this class public static function GetInstance() { if (!self::$instance) { self::$instance = new Logger; } return self::$instance; } public static function GetMessageCount() { return count(self::$messages); } public static function LogMessage($new_message) { self::$messages[] = $new_message; } public static function GetMessages() { return self::$messages; } public static function ClearMessages() { self::$messages = array(); } } Here is the code where I insert something into the aformentioned array (the process is that a user tries to log in, but the login fails, and so we insert a message into the array saying that the login credentials failed). //Retrieve the message logging instance from the session data to be able to pass messages to the user. $message_log = $_SESSION['user_messages']; $user = $_SESSION['user_account']; //Create a new instance of the database management class and //try to connect to the database $dbm = new DBM(); if ( !$dbm->isConnected() ) { $message_log::LogMessage("We are sorry, but we are unable to access the database at this time. Please try again later."); } else { //Retrieve the user login information $useremail_dirty = $_POST['useremail']; $password_dirty = $_POST['userpassword']; //Check to see if the email we were given exists in the database, and if the password matches $doesPasswordMatch = $dbm->doesPasswordMatch ( $useremail_dirty, $password_dirty ); if ( $doesPasswordMatch ) { //Correct login information was received. Login the user and redirect appropriately. $user->Login(); header ( "Location: ".BASE_URL."/userpage.php" ); exit; } else { //If an incorrect email or password was given, report that information to the user. $message_log::LogMessage("Incorrect login information."); } } //The user has failed to login. Redirect to the appropriate page. header ( "Location: ".BASE_URL."/loginfailed.php" ); And finally, given an unsuccessful login attempt, this is where I pick back up the array of messages to display the messages to the user: $message_log = $_SESSION['user_messages']; $all_messages = $message_log::GetMessages(); print $message_log::GetMessageCount()."<br>"; print count($all_messages)."<br>"; foreach ($all_messages as $message_string) { $prepared_string = prepare_text_for_html_output($message_string); echo $prepared_string."<br>"; } $message_log::ClearMessages(); Unfortunately, the "all_messages" variable has nothing in's like the messages that I logged in the previous PHP script never even existed. I am calling session_start, so don't worry about that (even though it's not seen in these code snippets). What could be going wrong? warning: I'm a self taught advanced newbie. I'm working on a multipage PHP app that has need to pass values between pages, usually very small text strings or small integers. I've designed it primarily using _SESSION variables to pass these bits of data. Some of them are written to SQL, but most of them are temporary in nature. Is using _SESSION variables in this capacity considered reasonable? Is there something else or a different way to go about this? (Page A writes a value into $_SESSION['myvalue'], and then page B grabs that data and does something with it.) ARRAY Example scaled down to two (renamed example only) fields $data = array( "field1" => "Text within quotes processes OK", "field2" => "Text within quotes processes OK" );
The frustating thing has been trying to figure out how to $text1 = $db_field['sampletext1']; $text2 = $db_field['sampletext2']; I have tried: $data = array( "field1" => $text1, "field2" => $text2 ); *** (AND) *** $data = array( "field1 => '$text1', "field2 => '$text2' );
But neither approach works, even though the text in both $data = array( "field1 => "text1", "field2 => "text2" ); I also tried using strval but that did not work.
So how on earth to get the (actual) text from $text1 and
It is probably something simple, so maybe I don't know Thanks for any enlightenent. -FreakingOUT
Edited January 28, 2019 by FreakingOUT Hello all, I'm hoping someone can help me out. Here is the code I have for a page that contains a user form: <?php include "include/dbc.php"; include "include/"; ?> <style type="text/css"> .mydate{ color:#00F; text-decoration:underline; cursor:pointer; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function displayDate(d){ var date=new Date(); var D=date.getDate(); date.setDate(D+d); var YYYY=date.getFullYear(); var MM=date.getMonth()+1; MM<10?MM='0'+MM:null; var DD=date.getDate(); DD<10?DD='0'+DD:null; var span=document.getElementById('date'); span.innerHTML= 'Entries for '+MM+'/'+DD+'/'+YYYY; } onload=function(){displayDate(0)}; </script> <h1>Food Diary</h1> <div class="full"> <center><div><span class="mydate" onclick="displayDate(-1)"><img src="images/left_arrow.png" border="0">Yesterday</span> <span id="date" style="font-size:2em;"></span> <span class="mydate" onclick="displayDate(1)">Tomorrow<img src="images/right_arrow.png" border="0"></span></div><br /> <a href="#" onclick="displayDate(0);return false;">Today</a> </center> <div class="full"> <form name="exercise" id="exercise" method="GET" action=""> <center><table> <tr> <td><h3>Add an Activity</h3></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input name="NewSearchString" style="width: 100px" type="text"/> <input type="submit" value="Search" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <select name="activity"> <option value="_">Activity Browse...</option> <option value="all">All Activities</option> <option value="biking">Biking</option> <option value="condition">Conditioning</option> <option value="dancing">Dancing</option> <option value="fish">Fishing & Hunting</option> <option value="Home">Home Activities</option> <option value="misc">Miscellaneous</option> <option value="music">Music Playing</option> <option value="occupation">Occupation</option> <option value="running">Running</option> <option value="sports">Sports</option> <option value="walking">Walking</option> <option value="water">Water Activities</option> <option value="winter">Winter Activities</option> </select> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /></td></tr></table></center></form> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <table width="100%"> <tr bgcolor="#66CC33"> <td><div>Activity</div></td> <td><div>Specific Activity</div></td> <td><div>Time (hh:mm)</div></td> <td><div>Distance</div></td> <td><div>Units</div></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#66CC33"> <td><div></div></td> <td><div></div></td> <td><div></div></td> <td><div class="Float"></div></td> <td class="cp_Distance"><div></div></td> </tr> <?php if(isset($_GET[activity])) { $category=$_GET[activity]; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM exercise WHERE type='$category'"); ?> <form action="add_activity.php" method="POST"> <?php while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo '<tr><td><div>'.$row[Type].'</div></td>'; echo '<td><div>'.$row[Name].'<input type="hidden" name="exerciseid" value="'.$row[Name].'"></div></td>'; echo '<td><div><input type="text" name="duration['.$row['Name'].']"></div></td>'; echo '<td><div><input type="text" name="distance['.$row['Name'].']"></div></td>'; echo '<td><div><select name="metric[]"> <option value="mile" name="mile">mile</option> <option value="Km" name="Km">km</option> <option value="M" name="M">m</option> <option value="Yard" name="yard">yrd</option> <option value="Feet" name="feet">ft</option> </select></div></td></tr>'; } mysql_close(); ?> <tr><td colspan="6" align="center"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add Activities" onClick="return confirm( 'Are you sure you want to submit the activities?');"></td></tr> </form> <?php } ?> <tr bgcolor="#66CC33"> <td><div></div></td> <td><div></div></td> <td><div></div></td> <td><div class="Float"></div></td> <td class="cp_Distance"><div></div></td> </tr></table> And here is the page that the user information is supposed to be passed to: <?php include "include/dbc.php"; include "include/"; $duration = $_POST["duration['.$row['Name'].']"]; echo '<h1>Added Activities</h1>'; echo $duration; ?> Well, this isn't working for me. The second page code returns this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING When I execute print_r, the values are returned to me. So I have two questions: 1) What do I need to do to change the code on the 2nd page to echo and POST the array? 2)The database contains multiple exercises under the same name. So, when the variables are passed to the 2nd page. All the values are returned regardless of whether they have been filled out or not. What can be done to only returned the user input and not the blank variables? Hey Guys, I have to insert some data in MySQL but it wont work . Please have a look. <?php // to values are set to empty $vatsim=""; $ivao=""; // values from form in other page are set if(isset($_POST["pilotid"])) $pilotid=$_POST["pilotid"]; if(isset($_POST["network"])) $network=$_POST["network"]; if(isset($_POST["vid"])) $vid=$_POST["vid"]; if(isset($_POST["pilot"])) $pilot=$_POST["pilot"]; // if value is that copy data in this value, otherways in that value if ($network == "IVAO") { $ivao="$vid";} if ($network == "VATSIM") { $vatsim="$ivao";} // connect db include(; // first sql to update some data in one table $sql = "UPDATE `360283`.`jos_users` SET `IPS` = \'1\' WHERE `jos_users`.`id` = \'$pilotid\'"; $result1 = mysql_query($sql); // 2nd sql to insert some data in other table $sql2 = "INSERT INTO `360283`.`IPS_Pilots` (`ID`, `Name`, `Hours`, `Flights`, `LastFlight`, `IVAO`, `VATSIM`, `Enabled`, `Rating`) VALUES ('$pilotid', '$pilot', NULL, NULL, NULL, '$ivao', '$vatsim', '1', '0');"; $result2 = mysql_query($sql2); // sql to check if it was succesful $sql3 = "SELECT * FROM `IPS_Pilots` WHERE `ID` = '$pilotid' LIMIT 0, 30 "; $result3 = mysql_query($sql3); $num3 = mysql_numrows($result3); // echo succesfull or not if (!$num3) { echo "Sorry, but I failed to apply this pilot."; } else { echo "Pilot succesfully applied."; } ?> Thanks |