PHP - Help With Substituting Variable/values In A Script’s Array
The php web script that I’m trying to modify shows an html page of transactions. I’d like to change what is displayed there. The array that generates what is displayed begins on approx line 184 (in bold, near the bottom of the code below, with the line: $ads_list .= PT_LoadPage('transactions/list',array( I’d like help to substitute what appears on the html transaction page by changing what is listed in the transaction/list array (with data from the ‘u_paid_videos’ table, which has these columns: id, id_user, id_video, video_title, time, user_id_uploaded, time_date, earned_amount, currency). Here is current the php code: <?php error_reporting(-1); // set maximum errors ini_set('display_errors' , 'true'); if (!IS_LOGGED || ($pt->config->sell_videos_system == 'off' && $pt->config->usr_v_mon == 'off') ) { header('Location: ' . PT_Link('404')); exit; } $currency = '$'; if ($pt->config->payment_currency == 'EUR') { $currency = '€'; } $types = array('today','this_week','this_month','this_year'); $type = 'today'; if (!empty($_GET['type']) && in_array($_GET['type'], $types)) { $type = $_GET['type']; } if ($type == 'today') { $start = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 12:00am"); $end = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 11:59pm"); $array = array('00' => 0 ,'01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0); $ads_array = $array; $date_type = 'H'; $pt->cat_type = 'today'; $pt->chart_title = $lang->today; $pt->chart_text = date("l"); } elseif ($type == 'this_week') { $time = strtotime(date('l').", ".date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')); if (date('l') == 'Saturday') { $start = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 12:00am"); } else{ $start = strtotime('last saturday, 12:00am', $time); } if (date('l') == 'Friday') { $end = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 11:59pm"); } else{ $end = strtotime('next Friday, 11:59pm', $time); } $array = array('Saturday' => 0 , 'Sunday' => 0 , 'Monday' => 0 , 'Tuesday' => 0 , 'Wednesday' => 0 , 'Thursday' => 0 , 'Friday' => 0); $ads_array = $array; $date_type = 'l'; $pt->cat_type = 'this_week'; $pt->chart_title = $lang->this_week; $pt->chart_text = date('y/M/d',$start)." To ".date('y/M/d',$end); } elseif ($type == 'this_month') { $start = strtotime("1 ".date('M')." ".date('Y')." 12:00am"); $end = strtotime(cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y'))." ".date('M')." ".date('Y')." 11:59pm"); if (cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y')) == 31) { $array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0,'24' => 0 ,'25' => 0 ,'26' => 0 ,'27' => 0 ,'28' => 0 ,'29' => 0 ,'30' => 0 ,'31' => 0); }elseif (cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y')) == 30) { $array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0,'24' => 0 ,'25' => 0 ,'26' => 0 ,'27' => 0 ,'28' => 0 ,'29' => 0 ,'30' => 0); }elseif (cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y')) == 29) { $array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0,'24' => 0 ,'25' => 0 ,'26' => 0 ,'27' => 0 ,'28' => 0 ,'29' => 0); }elseif (cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y')) == 28) { $array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0,'24' => 0 ,'25' => 0 ,'26' => 0 ,'27' => 0 ,'28' => 0); } $ads_array = $array; $pt->month_days = count($array); $date_type = 'd'; $pt->cat_type = 'this_month'; $pt->chart_title = $lang->this_month; $pt->chart_text = date("M"); } elseif ($type == 'this_year') { $start = strtotime("1 January ".date('Y')." 12:00am"); $end = strtotime("31 December ".date('Y')." 11:59pm"); $array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0); $ads_array = $array; $date_type = 'm'; $pt->cat_type = 'this_year'; $pt->chart_title = $lang->this_year; $pt->chart_text = date("Y"); } $day_start = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 12:00am"); $day_end = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 11:59pm"); $this_day_ads_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT SUM(amount) AS sum FROM ".T_ADS_TRANS." c WHERE `time` >= ".$day_start." AND `time` <= ".$day_end." AND type = 'video' AND video_owner = ".$pt->user->id); //$this_day_video_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT * FROM ".T_VIDEOS_TRSNS." c WHERE `time` >= ".$day_start." AND `time` <= ".$day_end." AND user_id = ".$pt->user->id); $this_day_video_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT * FROM u_paid_videos c WHERE `time` >= ".$day_start." AND `time` <= ".$day_end." AND user_id_uploaded = ".$pt->user->id); $day_net = 0; foreach ($this_day_video_earn as $tr) { if ($tr->currency == "USD") { //$day_net = $day_net + ($tr->amount - $tr->admin_com); $day_net = $day_net + ($tr->earned_amount); } } $today_earn = $this_day_ads_earn[0]->sum + $day_net ; $month_start = strtotime("1 ".date('M')." ".date('Y')." 12:00am"); $month_end = strtotime(cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y'))." ".date('M')." ".date('Y')." 11:59pm"); $this_month_ads_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT SUM(amount) AS sum FROM ".T_ADS_TRANS." c WHERE `time` >= ".$month_start." AND `time` <= ".$month_end." AND type = 'video' AND video_owner = ".$pt->user->id); //$this_month_video_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT * FROM ".T_VIDEOS_TRSNS." c WHERE `time` >= ".$month_start." AND `time` <= ".$month_end." AND user_id = ".$pt->user->id); $this_month_video_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT * FROM u_paid_videos c WHERE `time` >= ".$month_start." AND `time` <= ".$month_end." AND user_id_uploaded = ".$pt->user->id); $month_net = 0; foreach ($this_month_video_earn as $tr) { if ($tr->currency == "USD") { //$month_net = $month_net + ($tr->amount - $tr->admin_com); $month_net = $month_net + ($tr->earned_amount); } } $month_earn = $this_month_ads_earn[0]->sum + $month_net ; //$trans = $db->where('user_id',$user->id)->orderBy('id','DESC')->get(T_VIDEOS_TRSNS); $trans = $db->where('user_id_uploaded',$user->id)->orderBy('id_user')->get('u_paid_videos'); $ads_trans = $db->where('time',$start,'>=')->where('time',$end,'<=')->where('video_owner',$pt->user->id)->where('type','video')->get(T_ADS_TRANS); $total_ads = 0; if (!empty($ads_trans)) { foreach ($ads_trans as $key => $ad) { if ($ad->time >= $start && $ad->time <= $end) { $day = date($date_type,$ad->time); if (in_array($day, array_keys($ads_array))) { $ads_array[$day] += $ad->amount; $total_ads += $ad->amount; } } } } $ads_list = ""; $total_earn = 0; if (!empty($trans)) { foreach ($trans as $tr) { //$video = PT_GetVideoByID($tr->video_id, 0, 0, 2); $video = PT_GetVideoByID($tr->id_video, 0, 0, 2); $user_data = PT_UserData($tr->id); $currency = ""; $admin_currency = ""; $net = 0; if ($tr->currency == "USD") { $currency = "$"; //$admin_currency = "$".$tr->admin_com; $net = $tr->earned_amount; } else if($tr->currency == "EUR"){ $currency = "€"; //$admin_currency = "€".$tr->admin_com; //$net = $tr->amount - $tr->admin_com; $net = $tr->earned_amount; } elseif ($tr->currency == "EUR_PERCENT") { $currency = "€"; //$admin_currency = $tr->admin_com."%"; //$net = $tr->amount - ($tr->admin_com * $tr->amount)/100; $net = $tr->earned_amount; } elseif ($tr->currency == "USD_PERCENT") { $currency = "$"; //$admin_currency = $tr->admin_com."%"; //$net = $tr->amount - ($tr->admin_com * $tr->amount)/100; $net = $tr->earned_amount; } if ($tr->time >= $start && $tr->time <= $end) { $day = date($date_type,$tr->time); if (in_array($day, array_keys($array))) { $array[$day] += $net; } } $total_earn = $total_earn + (float)$net; if (!empty($video) && !empty($user_data)) { **$ads_list .= PT_LoadPage('transactions/list',array(** 'ID' => $tr->id, 'PAID_USER' => substr($user_data->name, 0,20), 'PAID_URL' => $user_data->url, 'USER_NAME' => $user_data->username, 'VIDEO_NAME' => substr($video->title, 0,20) , 'VIDEO_URL' => $video->url, 'VIDEO_ID_' => PT_Slug($video->title, $video->video_id), 'AMOUNT' => $tr->earned_amount, "CURRENCY" => $currency, "A_CURRENCY" => $admin_currency, "NET" => $net, "TIME" => PT_Time_Elapsed_String($tr->time) )); } } } $total_earn = $total_earn + $total_ads; $pt->array = implode(', ', $array); $pt->ads_array = implode(', ', $ads_array); $pt->page_url_ = $pt->config->site_url.'/transactions'; $pt->title = $lang->earnings . ' | ' . $pt->config->title; $pt->page = "transactions"; $pt->description = $pt->config->description; $pt->keyword = @$pt->config->keyword; $pt->currency = $currency; $pt->content = PT_LoadPage('transactions/content',array( 'CURRENCY' => $currency, 'ADS_LIST' => $ads_list, 'TOTAL_EARN' => $total_earn, 'TODAY_EARN' => $today_earn, 'MONTH_EARN' => $month_earn )); any help/guidance/suggestion is appreciated
Similar TutorialsHi all, Just curious why this works: Code: [Select] while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE){ $import="INSERT into $prodtblname ($csvheaders1) values('$data[0]','$data[1]','$data[2]','$data[3]','$data[4]','$data[5]','$data[6]')"; } And this does not: $headdata_1 = "'$data[0]','$data[1]','$data[2]','$data[3]','$data[4]','$data[5]','$data[6]'"; while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE){ $import="INSERT into $prodtblname ($csvheaders1) values($headdata_1)"; }it puts $data[#'s] in the database fields instead of the actual data that '$data[0]','$data[1]'... relates to. I wrote a script to create the values in $headdata_1 based on the number of headers in $csvheaders1 but can't seem to get it working in the sql statement. Thanks The original web script that I'm using calculates daily earnings from video purchase transactions. I have added my own videos purchase transactions code into this web script successfully, and I'm trying to integrate my successfully working code part in with the original web script's page - that displays the daily earnings. Here is (part) of the original web script's code: $day_start = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 12:00am"); $day_end = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 11:59pm"); $this_day_ads_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT SUM(amount) AS sum FROM ".T_ADS_TRANS." c WHERE `time` >= ".$day_start." AND `time` <= ".$day_end." AND type = 'video' AND video_owner = ".$pt->user->id); $this_day_video_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT * FROM ".T_VIDEOS_TRSNS." c WHERE `time` >= ".$day_start." AND `time` <= ".$day_end." AND user_id = ".$pt->user->id); $day_net = 0; foreach ($this_day_video_earn as $tr) { if ($tr->currency == "USD") { $day_net = $day_net + ($tr->amount - $tr->admin_com); } else if($tr->currency == "EUR"){ $day_net = $day_net + ($tr->amount - $tr->admin_com); } } $today_earn = $this_day_ads_earn[0]->sum + $day_net ; The table they are using is T_VIDEOS_TRSNS, my modification stores video transactions in the table T_U_PAID_VIDEOS, and the earnings amount is stored in the 'earned_amount' column. I'd like to substitute my code in, so the purchase transaction from my mod shows on the original web script's already set up page. I look forward to, and appreciate, any suggestions, or requests for more info/code. Hi all, I'm a first time poster here and I would really appreciate some guidance with my latest php challenge! I've spent the entire day googling and reading and to be honest I think I'm really over my head and need the assistance of someone experienced to advise the best way to go! I have a multi dimensional array that looks like (see below); the array is created by CodeIgniter's database library (the rows returned from a select query) but I think this is a generic PHP question as opposed to having anything to do with CI because it related to working with arrays. I'm wondering how I might go about searching the array below for the key problem_id and a value equal to a variable which I would provide. Then, when it finds an array with a the matching key and variable, it outputs the other values in that part of the array too. For example, using the sample data below. How would you recommend that I search the array for all the arrays that have the key problem_id and the value 3 and then have it output the value of the key problem_update_date and the value of the key problem_update_text. Then keep searching to find the next occurrence? Thanks in advance, as above, I've been searching really hard for the answer and believe i'm over my head! Output of print_r($updates); CI_DB_mysql_result Object ( [conn_id] => Resource id #30 [result_id] => Resource id #35 [result_array] => Array ( ) [result_object] => Array ( ) [current_row] => 0 [num_rows] => 5 [row_data] => ) Output of print_r($updates->result_array()); Array ( [0] => Array ( [problem_update_id] => 1 [problem_id] => 3 [problem_update_date] => 2010-10-01 [problem_update_text] => Some details about a paricular issue [problem_update_active] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [problem_update_id] => 4 [problem_id] => 3 [problem_update_date] => 2010-10-01 [problem_update_text] => Another update about the problem with an ID of 3 [problem_update_active] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [problem_update_id] => 5 [problem_id] => 4 [problem_update_date] => 2010-10-12 [problem_update_text] => An update about the problem with an ID of four [problem_update_active] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [problem_update_id] => 6 [problem_id] => 4 [problem_update_date] => 2010-10-12 [problem_update_text] => An update about the problem with an ID of 6 [problem_update_active] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [problem_update_id] => 7 [problem_id] => 3 [problem_update_date] => 2010-10-12 [problem_update_text] => Some new update about the problem with the ID of 3 [problem_update_active] => 1 ) ) I have mysql select query shown below retrieving data from a database:
$sql = " SELECT student, sum( test_score ) as score FROM test INNER JOIN level ON test.level_id = level.level_id GROUP BY student" $result = $mysqli->query($sql, MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT); if($result) { while ($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { var_dump($row); } }On inspection of the retrieved array with var_dump(), i have these result below: array (size=2) 'John' => string 'English' (length=2) 'Score' => string '20' (length=3) array (size=2) 'Mary' => string 'Math' (length=3) 'Score' => string '35' (length=3) array (size=2) 'Samuel' => string 'Physics' (length=3) 'Score' => string '5' (length=3)How do I get at and print out the highest score from this set of array values within this context. I tried this echo max($row['count']) but i understandably got this feedback: Warning: max(): When only one parameter is given, it must be an array Thanks. Hello all, I have yet again trouble finding a logical solution to my problem. I'm fetching an array which can hold 1 or more values. The problem is, I want these values to ouput in my json_encode function, but this also needs to happen dynamically depending on the amount of values. I can't explain it further, so here's the code so far: Code: (php) [Select] $files = mysql_fetch_array($get_files); $a = count($files); $i = 1; while ($files) { $variablename = 'fileName' . $i; $$variablename = $files['fileName']; $i++; } $output = array( OTHER VALUES , 'fileName1' => $fileName1, 'fileName2' => $fileName2, 'fileName3' => $fileName3, ............); // How do I add the fileNames dynamically depending on how many there are? This got me thinking, I also need to dynamically GET the values with jQuery. How would I do that, when the above eventually works? Thank you. Hi there, Basic question, but I can't seem to find a page in the PHP docs that answers (though I'm sure such a one exists, I just can't seem to think up the right search terms - anyway) My question is: is there a short-hand way to use a value from an associative array as the key in another associative array? So for example, given this array: $the_array = array(0 => array('name': 'the_name', 'value' : 'the_value'), 1 => etc....); then this kind of foreach loop doesn't work Code: [Select] $new_data = array(); foreach($the_array as $element){ $new_data[$element['name']] = $element['value']; } Obviously I can just save out the values, like $name = $element['name'] --- but I was just wondering if there was a more efficient way to do it? Cheers, PS. I tried encapsulating with {} - i.e. $new_data[{$element['name']}] --- but that also fails. I have the following array structu Code: [Select] [0] => Array ( [id] => Array ( [$t] => ) [updated] => Array ( [$t] => 2011-08-31T11:43:05.942Z ) [category] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [scheme] => [term] => ) ) [title] => Array ( [type] => text [$t] => Name ) [link] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rel] => [type] => image/* [href] => ) [1] => Array ( [rel] => self [type] => application/atom+xml [href] => ) [2] => Array ( [rel] => edit [type] => application/atom+xml [href] => ) ) [gd$email] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rel] => [address] => [primary] => true ) ) ) I am tried to display name and email address. I am using following method, can anyone tell me is there any better way? Thank u 4u help. NAME $name=( $emp_det[0]['title'][t]); $email =( $emp_det[0]['gdemail'][0][address]); I need to some how pull comma separated images $data[23] from this $data array and then put them into there own array so I can insert them into separate rows in a database. This is the provided array: $data[0] => VIN $data[1] => StockNumber ...(all the other number here) $data[23] => Image_URLs (comma seperated) $data[24] => Equipment // I need something like this (obviously doesn't work?!@#) $delimiter = ","; $img = explode($delimiter, $data[23]); foreach($img as $pic){ $sqlPic = "insert into class_prodimages (pid image rank) values('".$LastId['id']."', '$pic', '".rand(1,20)."')"; } Any help here? I have an array created to control the down states of the my buttons in my navigation. Which is working well. This array will have quite a few strings in it before I'm done. I then want to conditionally load a CSS file for all the files in that array with the exception of two, is this possible? In plain in english I want to say If in array apart from these values then load my css file. My array (will have more values when complete) Code: [Select] $otherTitles = array('Product Selector', 'Avon Range', 'Knightsbridge Range', 'Kingston Range' ); My code to load a css file Code: [Select] <?php if (in_array($title, $otherTitles)) { ?> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="homepage.css"/> <?php } ?> I want all titles in the otherTitles array to get this CSS file apart from two Product Selector and Avon Range. Thanks Richard Hi guys im in the middle of optimizing code.. Code: [Select] $sql = "SELECT * FROM sa_enemystats WHERE username='$username'"; $res = mysql_query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $enemy['current_health'] = $row['current_health']; $enemy['current_skill'] = $row['current_skill']; $enemy['level'] = $row['level']; $enemy['damage'] = $row['damage']; $enemy['evade'] = $row['evade']; $enemy['accuracy'] = $row['accuracy']; $enemy['speed'] = $row['speed']; $enemy['luck'] = $row['luck']; echo 'debug: variables synced with db table'; }I know that the setting of these variables are messy and can be done in a better way... but how? I have tried foreach and copying other's code for an array copy but it lead no where. Then again my syntax could be wrong... I used something like Code: [Select] foreach ( $enemy[$value] as $row => $value) { $enemy[$value] = $row[$value]; } I need a help in the following : I have an admin page from where the admin attaches an gif image.This attached image should be shown to the user as a scrolling image. The code for the scrolling image is done through javascript. So my actual problem is getting the name of the attached gif image to the javascript array which is used for scrolling horizontally. i've google but no luck on finding what i there a way in javascript to compare 2 variables ie.
var him = "jack"; var her = "jill"; if (him == her){ alert('same name'); }thank you Hi Guys, I don't know how to do this but basically I want the value of $postcode3 to equal the value of $postcodep1 aswell as $postcodep2 like this... else {$postcode3 = $postcodep1 $postcodep2;} That doesn't work... Say $postcodep1 = LS14 $postcodep2 = 2AB Then $postcode3 = LS14 2AB How do I write this in the above php code?! Thanks, S Hello there again!
I have the following construct of array now (schematics):
array[0] array[id] = "1" array[title] = "title" array[1] array[id] = "3" array[title] = "another title"Now what i want to do, is to assign the parent-array keys to the IDs of it's contents. This is what it should look like: array[1] array[id] = "1" array[title] = "title" array[3] array[id] = "3" array[title] = "another title"How do I do that again? I know I did this some years ago, but I can not remember how. hi all, I have an language pack for example: languages/en.php: Code: [Select] $en['mail']['letter closing'] = "regards,\n your friend!"; and in my config: Code: [Select] $language = "en"; $include_language = @include("languages/".$language.".php"); if(!($include_language)) { $try_default_language = @include("languages/nl.php"); if(!($try_default_language)) { echo "kan de taalpakket niet vinden<br>"; echo "Could not find the language pack.<br>"; echo "example on error: ".$test." shows nothing"; exit; } } In my function I want to include the language pack for example i have $language = 'en' so I want to include $en['general']['letter closing'] I will do this: Code: [Select] global $language,${$language}['general']; But that gives an error unexpected '[' blah blah. How can i call the variable variable array in the valid php way? Hi folks, I was wondering how to do this. I want the if statement to detect if the query string has any of these values. so im trying to assign them all to the same variable. However, this code wont work. Whats the trick here? <?php $primary=$_GET['intro']; $primary=$_GET['port']; $primary=$_GET['about']; $primary=$_GET['contact']; if(isset($primary)){ echo "<img src='graphics/left-a.png'>";} else {echo "<img src='graphics/leftb.png'>";}?> are all of the following same, or some same or all different: $variable="" $variable=0 $variable=NULL and which of the above will satisfy if(empty($variable)) { blah!; } Hey everyone, I'm new to this forum and I came here looking for some help with PHP. I've just started getting into PHP and you guys are probably a smile ahead. So basically, I have some inputs and want them to be sent to my email in a basic layout shown below. Code: [Select] Inputs: Title = _title Forum Name = _forumname Name = _irlname Age = _age I want the email to be sent to me like: Code: [Select] Email Title --------------- Forum Name: TextGiven Real Life Name: TextGiven Age: TextGiven Here is my current code which titles the email correctly, but I want to figure out how to make $message set to the example email I showed above. Code: [Select] <?php $to = "******@*********.net"; $subject = $_REQUEST['_title']; $headers = "From: ***** Applicant \r\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" . "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\r\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n"; $message = $_REQUEST['_forumname' & '_irlname']; <--- Part I want fixed if(mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) { echo 'MAIL SENT'; } else { echo 'MAIL FAILED'; } ?> I have this code, and it works. But I want $message = "" to make the message contain not just the forum name, but as well as the name, age, and all other inputs I want. I have 2 file names, which are uploaded, stored in the variable $files. I want to be able to assign a variable to each file name. What's the best way of doing it?? I want to be able to insert each file into a mysql database on the same line but in different fields. Here is a sample part of my code: Code: [Select] var_dump($files); print_r(array_slice(array($files),0)); //I want to split this into 2 variables. One for each file name??????? list($file1)=$files; //insert the values/filenames into mysql fields "itm_pic_name & itm_pic_name2" $mysqli = new mysqli(DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PASSWORD,DB_NAME); $this->execSQL("INSERT INTO itm_pic_detail(itm_pic_name,itm_pic_name2,itm_pic_type, itm_pic_size) VALUES (?,?,?,?)", array('ssss',$file1,$file1,$type, $size),true); I would really like some input. : This topic has been moved to Miscellaneous. |