PHP - Auto Populate Price Based On Selected Product
Hi all,
How can i auto populate the price of an item based on a chosen product and then auto calculate the price and quantity before hitting the ADD button. The Unit price should be auto populated based on valu from the database. The amount is the Unit Price times the Quantity of the Product Selected. Thanks My form <form action="" method="post" data-toggle="validator"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="form-group"> <label>Item Name</label> <select id="username" name="item_name" class="form-control inputs" data-error="Select Item" required> <option value="">Chose Item</option> <?php $stmt = $pdo->query(" SELECT item_name FROM stocks ORDER BY item_name ASC "); while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $item_name = $row['item_name']; echo "<option value=\"$item_name\"> $item_name </option>"; } ?> </select> <div class="help-block with-errors"></div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-2"> <div class="form-group"> <label>Unit Price</label> <input type="number" class="form-control" name="item_price"> <div class="help-block with-errors"></div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-2"> <div class="form-group"> <label>Item Quantity</label> <input type="number" class="form-control" name="item_qty" required data-error="Stock Quantity is missing"> <div class="help-block with-errors"></div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-2"> <div class="form-group"> <label>Amount</label> <input type="number" class="form-control" name="amount" > <div class="help-block with-errors"></div> </div> </div> </div> <br> <span class="input-group-btn"> <input name="send" type="submit" class="btn btn-danger btn-form display-4 rounded" value="ADD"> </span> </form>Edited May 4, 2019 by I-AM-OBODO Similar TutorialsI am getting ready to code my e-commerce module, and could use some helping figuring out how to submit the product price. On the product details page, if I have a button called "Add to Cart", would I want to use a hidden HTML field to submit the "product_price"?
$id = $_GET['id']; $pdf = new FPDF('P','mm', array(80,200)); $pdf->AddPage();
$select = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM tbl_invoice_detail WHERE invoice_id=$id");
$pdf->SetFont('Arial','BU',5); $pdf->Output(); Say I have two functions that convert from Dollar to Cents and Cents to Dollar. function convertToDollar($value) { $amount = $value / 100; return $amount; } function convertToCents($value) { $amount = $value * 100; return $amount; } Currently I convert all the Dollar amounts to cents and store the cents in the mysql database column. When I showcase those amounts on a page, I simply convert the Cents back to Dollar. Am I doing this correctly or is there a better way to store product pricing in mysql table? I have one restricted product, here how to do selected single product should be purchased alone? No other products are eligible to add add-to-cart if this product available in the add-to-cart, same if other products available in add-to-cart this product not eligible to add add-to-cart. How to achieve this in Magento? Hi Good day Can someone pls help me regarding with this matter. I have a page for inserting records. And I have a combobox that is fetched through the specific field in database. I also have a table of records, for each row i have an href edit which throws the values to its respective texbox and combobox. THE PROBLEM is that when i click the href edit, the value from a selected row was not displayed from the combobox I am working on a web app, here's the page I am on : The fields choices are being pulled from a database. What I am trying to do is when someone types in a name and selects that person that it would look in the table for the 'Terms' and pull whatever value there is for that person and choose it automatically in the drop down menu. Could you point me in the right direction to do that or show me a code snippet. Thanks hey guys i can't seem to get my second list box to work? the first one is good it shows the brands but the second one does not show at all? i have 2 DB Brands and others products so in brands i have id and name .. second i have product_id-product_Nand Brand this is my query(select the brand then it list the products that are associated with the brand) <?php $Brand_N = $Product_N = null; //declare vars $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "2", "2"); $db = mysql_select_db('2',$conn); if(isset($_POST["Brand_N"]) && is_numeric($_POST["Brand_N"])) { $Brand_N = $_POST["Brand_N"]; } if(isset($_POST["Product_N"]) && is_numeric($_POST["Product_N"])) { $Product_N = $_POST["Product_N"]; } ?> <script language="JavaScript"> function autoSubmit() { var formObject = document.forms['theForm']; formObject.submit(); } </script> <form name="theForm" method="post"> <select name="brand" onChange="autoSubmit();"> <option value="Brand">Brand</option> <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM Brand"; $Brand = mysql_query($sql,$conn); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($Brand)) { echo ("<option value=\"$row[Brand_id]\" " . ($Brand_N == $row["Brand_N"]? " selected" : "") . ">$row[Brand_N]</option>"); } ?> </select> <?php if($Brand_N!= null && is_numeric($Brand_N)) { ?> <select name="Product" onChange="autoSubmit();"> <option value="Product">Product</option> <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE Brand = $Brand_N "; $Products = mysql_query($sql,$conn); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($Products)) { echo ("<option value=\"$row[Product_id]\" " . ($Product_N == $row["Product_N"]? " selected" : "") . ">$row[Products_N]</option>"); } ?> </select> </form> <?php } ?> original sql Code: [Select] -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `countries` -- CREATE TABLE `countries` ( `id` int(6) NOT NULL auto_increment, `value` varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=243 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `countries` -- INSERT INTO `countries` VALUES (1, 'Vancouver'); New Sql Code: [Select] -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `countries` -- CREATE TABLE `countries` ( `id` int(6) NOT NULL auto_increment, `value` varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', `code` varchar(12) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=243 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `countries` -- INSERT INTO `countries` VALUES (1, 'Vancouver', 'BC-50'); PHP code for the job Code: [Select] <?php // PHP5 Implementation - uses MySQLi. // mysqli('localhost', 'yourUsername', 'yourPassword', 'yourDatabase'); $db = new mysqli('localhost', 'root' ,'password', 'weather'); if(!$db) { // Show error if we cannot connect. echo 'ERROR: Could not connect to the database.'; } else { // Is there a posted query string? if(isset($_POST['queryString'])) { $queryString = $db->real_escape_string($_POST['queryString']); // Is the string length greater than 0? if(strlen($queryString) >0) { // Run the query: We use LIKE '$queryString%' // The percentage sign is a wild-card, in my example of countries it works like this... // $queryString = 'Uni'; // Returned data = 'United States, United Kindom'; // YOU NEED TO ALTER THE QUERY TO MATCH YOUR DATABASE. // eg: SELECT yourColumnName FROM yourTable WHERE yourColumnName LIKE '$queryString%' LIMIT 10 $query = $db->query("SELECT your_column FROM your_db_table WHERE your_column LIKE '$queryString%' LIMIT 10"); if($query) { // While there are results loop through them - fetching an Object (i like PHP5 btw!). while ($result = $query ->fetch_object()) { // Format the results, im using <li> for the list, you can change it. // The onClick function fills the textbox with the result. // YOU MUST CHANGE: $result->value to $result->your_colum echo '<li onClick="fill(\''.$result->value.'\');">'.$result->value.'</li>'; } } else { echo 'ERROR: There was a problem with the query.'; } } else { // Dont do anything. } // There is a queryString. } else { echo 'There should be no direct access to this script!'; } } ?> What the original code does 1) you start typing your city (eg. Van) 2) when you type the first letter (eg. V), it looks into mysql and auto fills a dropdown menu with all possible cities What i need it to do 1) you start typing your city (eg. Van) 2) when you type the first letter (eg. V), it looks into mysql and auto fills a dropdown menu with all possible cities 3) when you find your city you click it or press enter, and it POST's the city code as well now how do i munipulate the script to do that... another thing, when i put the extra sql entry in "code", the auto fill stopped working, why? Thanks Hi All, Long long long time lurker here!
A little background to understand how this fits in So I am building a local directory for my local area as part of a community project. Part of this there is the ability for local stores to sell online locally for people to have delivered or collect. So in the UK we have postcodes in the formats: AB12 3CD, A1 2BC A12 3CD, A1B 2CD
Most delivery pricing solutions only care about the full postcode as they are all about national delivery or at best only care about the first half. Due to the local nature we need more granularity to it so we have some rules: Delivery Available EH => Price EH3 => Price EH3 1 => Price EH3 1-4 => Price
Exceptions - No Delivery allowed EH => null EH3 => null EH3 1 => null EH3 1-4 => null
Can mix and match for example:
EH3 = £2.00 EH3 2 => £2.25 EH3 5 => null
This means that ALL EH3 address the delivery cost is £2 BUT If they are in EH3 2 then its £2.25 or if the are in EH3 5 then no delivery is possible.
I have came up with this monstrosity of code that for the most part works but also can throw the wrong delivery prices out due to bugs and issues that I can't seem to work out!
Main Function: function isDeliverable($postcode, $rules){ $canDeliver = false; $deliveryValue = 0.00; $found = false; list($outward, $inward) = explode(' ', $postcode); $area = substr($outward, 0, 2); $district = substr($outward, 2); $sector = substr($inward, 0, 1); $unit = substr($inward, 1,1); $rulez = json_decode($rules, true); //RULE START - EH10 9RJ $pcFound = inRule($rulez, $postcode); if($pcFound){ return ['canDeliver' => $pcFound['deliverable'], 'deliveryValue' => $pcFound['price']]; } //RULE END - EH10 9RJ //RULE START - EH10 9R $pcFound = inRule($rulez, $area.$district.' '.$sector.$unit); if($pcFound && !strpos($pcFound['postcode'], "-")){ return ['canDeliver' => $pcFound['deliverable'], 'deliveryValue' => $pcFound['price']]; } //RULE END - EH10 9R //RULE START - EH10 9A-F $pcFound = inRule($rulez, $area.$district.' '.$sector.$unit, 1); if($pcFound){ $postArray = postcodeExploder($pcFound, 1); $pcFound = inRule($postArray, $area.$district.' '.$sector.$unit); if($pcFound){ return ['canDeliver' => $pcFound['deliverable'], 'deliveryValue' => $pcFound['price']]; } } //RULE END - EH10 9A-F //RULE START - EH10 9 $pcFound = inRule($rulez, $area.$district.' '.$sector); if($pcFound && !strpos($pcFound['postcode'], "-")){ return ['canDeliver' => $pcFound['deliverable'], 'deliveryValue' => $pcFound['price']]; } //RULE END - EH10 9 //RULE START - EH10 1-4 $pcFound = inRule($rulez, $area.$district.' '.$sector, 2); if($pcFound){ $postArray = postcodeExploder($pcFound, 2); $pcFound = inRule($postArray, $area.$district.' '.$sector); if($pcFound){ return ['canDeliver' => $pcFound['deliverable'], 'deliveryValue' => $pcFound['price']]; } } //RULE END - EH10 1-4 //RULE START - EH10 $pcFound = inRule($rulez, $area.$district); if($pcFound && !strpos($pcFound['postcode'], "-")){ return ['canDeliver' => $pcFound['deliverable'], 'deliveryValue' => $pcFound['price']]; } //RULE END - EH20 //RULE START - EH1-20 $pcFound = inRule($rulez, $area.$district, 3); if($pcFound){ $postArray = postcodeExploder($pcFound, 3); $pcFound = inRule($postArray, $area.$district); if($pcFound){ return ['canDeliver' => $pcFound['deliverable'], 'deliveryValue' => $pcFound['price']]; } } //RULE END - EH1-20 //RULE START - EH $pcFound = inRule($rulez, $area); if($pcFound && !strpos($pcFound['postcode'], "-")){ return ['canDeliver' => $pcFound['deliverable'], 'deliveryValue' => $pcFound['price']]; } //RULE END - EH return ['canDeliver' => $canDeliver, 'deliveryValue' => $deliveryValue]; }
Helper Functions: function inRule($rules, $postcode, $type = null){ foreach($rules as $key => $rule){ if(substr_count($rule['postcode'], '-') !== 0 && strlen($postcode) > 2){ $pEX = postcodeExploder($rule, $type); foreach($pEX as $r){ if($r['postcode'] == $postcode){ return $rules[$key]; } //$rule['postcode'] = trim(substr($rule['postcode'], 0, strpos($rule['postcode'], "-")-1)); } } if ( $rule['postcode'] == $postcode ) return $rules[$key]; } return false; } function postcodeExploder($rule, $type){ $out = []; $r = explode(' ', $rule['postcode']); $count = count($r); //It must be in the form AB1 1C //$first = AB1 //$last = 1C-G if($count == 2){ list($first, $last) = $r; } else { $last = $r[0]; } list($left, $right) = explode('-', $last); $sec = $left[0]; $leftInward = substr($last, strpos($last, '-')-1,1); $rightInward = substr($last, strpos($last, '-')+1,1); $range = range($leftInward, $rightInward); foreach($range as $key => $ra){ if($type == 1){ $out['a'.$key] = [ 'postcode' => $first.' '.$sec.$ra, 'deliverable' => $rule['deliverable'], 'price' => $rule['price'] ]; } else if($type == 2){ $out['a'.$key] = [ 'postcode' => $first.' '.$ra, 'deliverable' => $rule['deliverable'], 'price' => $rule['price'] ]; } else { $out['a'.$key] = [ 'postcode' => preg_replace('/\PL/u', '', $left).$ra, 'deliverable' => $rule['deliverable'], 'price' => $rule['price'] ]; } } return $out; } Stores Rules: $rules = '{"a1":{"postcode":"EH9","deliverable":true,"price":"1.50"},"a2":{"postcode":"EH9 7","deliverable":true,"price":"1.60"},"a3":{"postcode":"EH9 7A","deliverable":true,"price":"1.70"},"a4":{"postcode":"EH9 7AY","deliverable":true,"price":"1.80"},"a5":{"postcode":"EH1-2","deliverable":true,"price":"1.90"},"a6":{"postcode":"EH1 2-3","deliverable":true,"price":"2.00"},"a7":{"postcode":"EH4 5A-N","deliverable":true,"price":"2.10"},"a8":{"postcode":"EH","deliverable":true,"price":"1.40"},"a9":{"postcode":"TD14","deliverable":true,"price":"2.00"},"a10":{"postcode":"TD14 5DC","deliverable":false,"price":null}}';
I have a form which creates a drop down list from data in a MySQL database. I would like to be able to have data from my database automatically populate based upon the selection from the list. How can I do that? Javascript? AJAX? Any help would be appreciated. Code: [Select] <?php $query2="SELECT tournament,id FROM 2011_Tournament"; $result2=mysql_query($query2); echo "<select name=2011_Tournament value='tournament'>Tournament</option>"; while($tournament=mysql_fetch_array($result2)){ echo "<option value='$tournament[tournament]'>$tournament[tournament]</option>"; } echo "</select>";?> I need to build a hierarchical product category table with data from another table. The original product info table has a basic structu ID | SKU | Category1 | Category2 | Category3 1 | 001 | Apparel | Boots | Work Boots 2 | 002 | Apparel | Shirts | Long Sleeve The categories table this is going into: ID | Name | Parent_ID 1 | Apparel | 0 2 | Boots | 1 3 | Work Boots | 2 4 | Shirts | 1 5 | Long Sleeve | 4 I've been trying to use PHP to increment ID's by: SELECT DISTINCT Category1 SELECT DISTINCT Category1,Category2 SELECT DISTINCT Category1, Category2, Category3 Code: [Select] $i='0'; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $i++; echo $i . " - ". $row['Category1'] . "<br>"; } One problem is that I can't get the parent ID that was generated in this method. Another is that Category2 and 3 are not uniquely named at all. So my question is, how do I distinctly select all three categories, and get each parent ID also? Hi Guys, I have successfully managed to get my select drop down boxes to populate from a DB which i am very proud of as I'm still learning PHP but I really need some help on the next part please... I want to display a price based on the drop down selections so in my DB i have this... id colours size quantity sides price stock variations 1 1 A6 0-99 SINGLE 200 100g GLOSS 1 2 1 A6 100-199 SINGLE 300 100g GLOSS 1 What would i need to add to my PHP so that it checks the selections made by the user and displays the relevant price in the price filed in my page????? Hopefully someone can help. thanks Craig Hi Everyone, Please can you guide me to solving my issue: I have Form1 with fields one being the PK in mySQL (called callsign) Once I submit the data it enters into the DB no issues. I want to be able to take Form1.callsign once submitted, redirect and insert it into Form2.callsign Is this possible? I got the Redirect to work no problem after the data is inserted. I have been looking on Web and here and cant seem to find the answer to populate form2 from form1 field. Can I use a Variable somehow? I know there is an issue with submitting data to a 3rd party for security reasons etc, but I want when entering records on my own domain to autopopulate the next form with this callsign (which is the primary key) This way I get to link all 10 tables together using this key making the entire full record for the member. Any Assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Allen This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. Dear All I want to display my data in tabular columns with the headings of table like 00:06-00:08,00:08-00:10,00:10:00:12:00........22:00-24:00.i.e.time In database I have two columns one containing value and other containing time when this reading was done. I could retrieve data from my mysql table in php and look at time. I want to know how could I insert the value to the correct column of table based on the time. e.g If I have record in table in database say containing value 09:45 and 5. I want this value to go to the column heading 00:08-00:10 and same thing for the other values. I hope I am clear with the problem definition but if you need more info.Please let me know. Thanks, elp I am trying to populate a custom field called "Customer Type" current user role. The custom field is displayed on my checkout page. I tried the below in my functions.php of my child theme and thought it would work but it does nothing. Can anyone tell me what I might be doing wrong?
$user = wp_get_current_user(); $fields['customertype'] = $user;
return $fields; add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields', 'onboarding_update_fields' ); Edited April 11 by JayXI have couple of shipping methods DHL & FedEx, if selected products exits in cart show only selected shipping method, how to archive using shopping cart pricing rule or any other way to do this?
Hi freaks, I'm new to php first of all. I'm dynamically binding a dropdownlist with mysql database . After the user selects an item from it , I want to match that item with another table so as to populate another database. The code I'm using to populate dropdown: Code: [Select] <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if(!$con) { die ('Can not connect to : '.mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("ims",$con); $result=mysql_query("select cat_id,cat_name from category"); echo "<select name=cat>"; while($nt=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<option value=$nt[cat_id]> $nt[cat_name] </option>"; } echo "</select>"; mysql_close($con); ?> Now after the user selects any one of the item , I want to bind another dropdown on the same page using such query like $result=mysql_query("select subcategory.sc_id,subactegory.sc_name from subcategory,category where subcategory.sc_id=$nt[cat_id]"); Please anyone tell me the logic and code to do it. Also tell me do I need an intermediate page to post the 1st dropdown value and then continue with 2nd dropdown. I couldn't figure out the concept anyhow. Help on this will be highly appreiable . (Tell me if I'm not clear with my question) I'm new to this form and php/mysql so sorry if this isn't the right place to post this. This is what is in the first dropdown box. Code: [Select] $selValues['john'] = "a, b, c, d, e"; These are the different lists I want it to put in the second drop down box depending on what they choose in the first. Code: [Select] $selValues['list1']= " a1, a2, a3, a4, a5"; $selValues['list2']= " b1, b2, b3, b4, b5"; This is how I made an attempt to make it work before posting here. Along with plently of other ways. Code: [Select] if ($selValues['john']=a) { $chan_input = selectBuilder($selValues['$list1'] }; else if ($selValues['john']=b) { $chan_input = selectBuilder($selValues['$list2'] }; Basicly how I need it to work is there are two drop down boxes. First they will chose between a,b,c,d,e. If they chose a then on the second drop down box I only want them to be able to select a1,a2,a3,a4,a5. |