PHP - Problem With Form Output
Hi I am having a problem with my form output. No matter what I search I get "No matching records". Even if I am searching words that I know should return a result. Any help would be much appreciated
<?php define("PERPAGE", 15); // number of records on each page /************************************************************************************** * function to output page selection buttons * * @param int $total total records * @param int $page current page number * @return string selection buttons html */ function page_selector($total, $page) { if ($total==0) { return ''; } $kPages = ceil($total/PERPAGE); $filler = ' · · · '; $lim1 = max(1, $page-2); $lim2 = min($kPages, $page+3); $p = $page==1 ? 1 : $page - 1; $n = $page== $kPages ? $kPages : $page + 1;; $out = "$kPages page" . ($kPages==1 ? '' : 's') . "  "; if ($kPages==1) { return $out; } $out .= ($page > 1) ? "<div class='pagipage' data-pn='$p'>Prev</div> " : ''; if ($page > 4) { $out .= "<div class='pagipage' data-pn='1'>1</div> $filler"; } elseif ($page==4) { $out .= "<div class='pagipage' data-pn='1'>1</div>"; } for ($i=$lim1; $i<=$lim2; $i++) { if ($page==$i) $out .= "<div class='pagicurrent'>$i</div>"; else $out .= "<div class='pagipage' data-pn='$i'>$i</div>"; } if ($page < $kPages-3) { $out .= "$filler <div class='pagipage' data-pn='$kPages'>$kPages</div>"; } $out .= $page < $kPages ? " <div class='pagipage' data-pn='$n'>Next</div>" : ''; return $out; } /*********************************************** ** SEARCH FOR MATCHING TVS ************************************************/ $showResults = 0; $search = ''; if (isset($_GET['tag'])) { $showResults = 1; $search = $_GET['tag']; $srch = array_unique(explode(' ', trim($_GET['tag']))); foreach ($srch as $t) { $repl[] = "<span class='hilite'>$t</span>"; $placeholders[] = '?'; $params[] = $t; } $params[] = count($srch); // // FINDTOTAL RECORDS IN SEARCH RESULTS // $res = $db->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) as tot FROM television WHERE MATCH(title,description,keywords) AGAINST(? IN BOOLEAN MODE) "); $res->execute($params); $total = $res->fetchColumn(); $page = $_GET['page'] ?? 1; $params[] = ($page-1)*PERPAGE; // append parameters offset $params[] = PERPAGE; // and number of records for limit clause // // GET A PAGEFUL OF RECORDS // $sql = "SELECT id , title , description , keywords FROM television WHERE MATCH(title,description,keywords) AGAINST(? IN BOOLEAN MODE) ORDER BY TITLE LIMIT ?,? "; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute($params); if ($stmt->rowCount()==0) { $results = "<h3>No matching records</h3>"; } else { $results = "<tr><th>Product Id</th><th>Title</th><th>Description</th><th>Tags</th><th>Edit</th></tr>\n"; foreach ($stmt as $rec) { $alltags = str_replace($srch, $repl, $rec['keywords']); $results .= "<tr><td>{$rec['id']}</td><td>{$rec['title']}</td><td>{$rec['description']}</td><td>$alltags</td> <td><a href='?action=edit&id={$rec['id']}'><img src='edit-icon.png' alt='edit'></a></td> </tr>\n"; } } } ?> <div id='title'>Television Search</div> <form id='form1'> <fieldset> <legend>Search for tags</legend> <input type='text' name='tag' size='50' value='<?=$search?>' placeholder='Search for...' > <input type="hidden" name="page" id="page" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="action" id="page" value="search"> <input type="submit" name="btnSub" value="Search"> </fieldset> <div id='formfoot'></div> </form> <?php if ($showResults) { ?> <div class="paginate_panel"> <?=page_selector($total, $page)?> </div> <table border='1'> <?=$results?> </table> <?php } ?>
Similar TutorialsI have a form that searches a database then outputs the data via php how do I take the info from the radio button and the age range and search the database with it Code: [Select] <?php $max_age = 18; $ageOptions = "<option value='00'>From</option>\n"; for($age=1; $age<=$max_age; $age++) { $ageOptions .= "<option value='{$age}'>{$age}</option>\n"; } ?> <form name="child_info" action="selectdata.php" method="post" id="child_info"> <table width="444" align="center" > <tr> <td width="208">Choose Male or Female:</td> <td width="224"> <input type="radio" name="gender" value="male" /> Male <input type="radio" name="gender" value="Female" /> Female </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Choose age range:</td> <td> <select name="first_age" id="first_age"> <?php echo $ageOptions; ?> </select> <select name="second_age" id="second_age"> <?php echo $ageOptions; ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td> <div align="right"> <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="submit" /> <input type="reset" name="reset" id="reset" value="reset" /> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("", $con); $query = "SELECT picture_number, first_name, middle_name, first_family_name, second_family_name, DATE_FORMAT(birthdate, '%c-%e-%Y') as birthdate, gender FROM child_info ORDER BY picture_number ASC"; $result = mysql_query($query); if(!$result) { echo "There was a problem getting the data"; } else if(!$result) { echo "There were no results"; } else { echo "<b><center>Children to be sponsored</center></b><br><br>\n"; while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo "<table border='1'> <tr> <th>Picture Number</th> <th>First Name</th> <th>Middle Name</th> <th>First Family Name</th> <th>Second Family Name</th> <th>Birthdate<br> M-D-Y</th> <th>Gender</th> </tr>"; { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>" . $row['picture_number'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $row['first_name'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $row['middle_name'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $row['first_family_name'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $row['second_family_name'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $row['birthdate'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $row['gender'] . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; } } mysql_close(); ?> I have my form outputting the checked boxes using echo "Your Selected Markets = " . $markets ; when it comes out it is displayed as... Your Selected Markets = Aviation and Aerospace Banks Oil and Gas How can I change the output so it for example looks like this. Your Selected Markets = Aviation and Aerospace, Banks & Oil and Gas or Your Selected Markets = Aviation and Aerospace Banks Oil and Gas I am working on a form that takes in 5 numbers as INPUT (the number range is from 1 to 10). Then, the OUTPUT will display the 5 numbers entered with their associated color. I am having problems getting the color value to show on the browser. Can someone please help as to what I am doing wrong? Below is the code I have so far. <?php
{ $color1 = $position1;
if ($position1 == "2,4,6,8,10") $color2 = $position2;
if ($position2 == "2,4,6,8,10") $color3 = $position3;
if ($position3 == "2,4,6,8,10") $color4 = $position4;
if ($position4 == "2,4,6,8,10") $color5 = $position5;
if ($position5 == "2,4,6,8,10") }
<!-- START :: Input Form -->
</body> ----- EOF ----
I have two (2) forms on the same pages, each with 3 buttons. When a button is clicked, it will include the desired page. Since I have 2 of these forms, clicking one of them will refresh the page thus "delete" the info former retrieved from the other form. Is there a way to make the page "remember" the last form action? Hello all! First, I'm a complete noob when it comes to php coding so bare with me on this. I know this might seem like a super simple thing to do, but as I said I'm a beginner at best. What I have is a very simple contact form with three fields: name, email, and comments. The way I have it set up is that when someone fills out the form and hits the submit button, it sends me an email via Gmail with the values of the form. Pretty basic stuff. The thing is, when I get the values in the email, it's all on one line and rather unflattering looking. It works for just me, I don't care really. But I'd like to turn around and use this form/php code I have for a client. The form for them is going to have a lot more input fields and I can only imagine the string of text that it's going to create. What I would like to do is format the values that I or they receive via email so that it's a bit more presentable. I have no idea how to do this. Here's my php code connected to my form: Code: [Select] <?php include_once("phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php"); $name = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; $comments = $_POST['comments']; $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Host = ""; $mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; $mail->Port = 465; $mail->Username = ""; $mail->Password = "xxxxxx"; $mail->AddAddress(""); $mail->From = ""; $mail->FromName = $_POST['name']; $mail->Subject = "User Comment"; $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->Body = "Name: $name\n Email: $email\n Comments: $comments"; if($mail->Send()) { echo "Message sent! Thanks for your comments!"; } ?> so right now with that I get an email for example that looks like this: Name: Bob Email: Comments: I like soda! where I would rather have something like: Name: Bob Email: Comments: I like soda! Any advice would very much appreciated! Hey Guys, I've got a section of code that generates a date and time. This is currently standalone however I'm looking to integrate it with a standard page. This is the code page: <?php error_reporting(0); include("options.php"); include("include/functions.php"); include("include/class.php"); list($year,$month,$day) = explode("-",date("Y-n-j",strtotime($_REQUEST["date"]))); $bookFrom = formatDateByCalendarId($day,$month,$year,$_REQUEST["cid"]); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$TABLES["Calendars"]." WHERE id=".$_REQUEST["cid"]; $sql_result = mysql_query ($sql, $connection ) or die ('request "Could not execute SQL query" '.$sql); $Calendar = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql_result); $CalendarOptions = unserialize($Calendar["options"]); $fontFamily = $Fonts[$CalendarOptions["fonts"]]; $daysFontSize = $FontSize[$CalendarOptions["daysFontSize"]]; $daysFontStyle = $Styles[$CalendarOptions["daysFontStyle"]]; $availableDaysFontSize = $FontSize[$CalendarOptions["availableDaysFontSize"]]; $availableDaysFontStyle = $Styles[$CalendarOptions["availableDaysFontStyle"]]; $timeSlot=new Timeslot($_REQUEST["cid"]); $reservations=$timeSlot->getFreeFilter($CalendarOptions["startTime"],$CalendarOptions["endTime"],$year,$month,$day,$CalendarOptions["timeSlot"]); if (!isset($_REQUEST["view"])) { $view = '1'; } else { $view = $_REQUEST["view"]; }; if ($_REQUEST["ac"]=='book') { $message =''; $format = GetCalendarDateFormat($_REQUEST["cid"]); $sYear = GetYear($format,$_REQUEST["startDate"]); $sMonth = GetMonth($format,$_REQUEST["startDate"]); $sDay = GetDay($format,$_REQUEST["startDate"]); $reservations=$timeSlot->getFreeFilter($CalendarOptions["startTime"],$CalendarOptions["endTime"],$sYear,$sMonth,$sDay,$CalendarOptions["timeSlot"]); $sDateLong = strtotime($CalendarOptions["startTime"],mktime(0,0,0,$sMonth,$sDay,$sYear)); $first=-1; $last=-1; for ($i=0;$i<count($reservations);$i++) { if (($_REQUEST[$i]=="on")&&((($reservations[$i]>0)&&($reservations[$i]==$_REQUEST["rid"]))||(!$reservations[$i]))) { if ($first<0) $first=$i; $last=$i; } } $eDateLong = strtotime("+".($CalendarOptions["timeSlot"]*($last+1))." minutes",$sDateLong); $sDateLong= strtotime("+".($CalendarOptions["timeSlot"]*$first)." minutes",$sDateLong); if($_REQUEST["rid"]>0) { $updateRange = $_REQUEST["rid"]; } else $updateRange = NULL; if(! $timeSlot->checkInterval($sDateLong,$eDateLong,$updateRange)){ $message = "Some of the timeslots on the selected date are already booked."; } else { $settings["status"]=$CalendarOptions["reservationStatus"]; $settings["notes"]=mysql_escape_string(utf8_encode($_REQUEST["notes"])); $settings["customerName"]=mysql_escape_string(utf8_encode($_REQUEST["customerName"])); $settings["phone"]=mysql_escape_string(utf8_encode($_REQUEST["phone"])); $settings["email"]=mysql_escape_string(utf8_encode($_REQUEST["email"])); $settings["price"]=$_REQUEST["price"]; if (! isset($updateRange)) $settings["dt"]=date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); if (! $timeSlot->addReservation($sDateLong,$eDateLong,$settings,$updateRange)) $message = 'Failed saving'; else { if($_REQUEST["findReservation"]=="1") $_REQUEST["ac"]='findReservation'; else $_REQUEST["ac"]='view'; $_REQUEST["month"] = $sMonth*1; $_REQUEST["year"] = $sYear; $search_tokens=array("<Name>","<Email>","<Phone>","<Notes>","<Date>","<StartTime>","<EndTime>","<Price>"); $replace_tokens=array($_REQUEST["customerName"],$_REQUEST["email"],$_REQUEST["phone"],stripslashes($_REQUEST["notes"]),$_REQUEST["startDate"],formatTime($sDateLong,$_REQUEST["cid"]),formatTime($eDateLong,$_REQUEST["cid"]),$_REQUEST["price"]); $MESSAGE_BODY=$CalendarOptions["emailMessage"]; $MESSAGE_BODY=nl2br(str_replace($search_tokens,$replace_tokens,$MESSAGE_BODY)); $mailheader = "From: ".$CalendarOptions["NotificationEmail"]."\r\n"; $mailheader .= "Reply-To: ".$CalendarOptions["NotificationEmail"]."\r\n"; $mailheader .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; if ($CalendarOptions["NotificationEmail"]<>'') { if(!mail($CalendarOptions["NotificationEmail"], 'Reservation Confirmation', $MESSAGE_BODY, $mailheader)) $message="Failure sending e-mails.<br />"; }; if ($_REQUEST["email"]<>'') { if (!mail($_REQUEST["email"], 'Reservation Confirmation', $MESSAGE_BODY, $mailheader)) $message="Failure sending e-mails.<br />"; }; if($CalendarOptions["allowPaypal"]=="true" and $CalendarOptions["paypalAddress"]<>"" and $CalendarOptions["depositPayment"]>0 and isset($_REQUEST["price"]) and $_REQUEST["price"]>0){ $price = $_REQUEST["price"]; $deposit = $price * ($CalendarOptions["depositPayment"] / 100); $_REQUEST["ac"] = "redirectToPaypal"; } else { unset($_REQUEST["ac"]); } $message.='Reservation saved.'; } } } echo '<div style="font-family:'.$fontFamily.'; color:#'.$CalendarOptions["availableDaysFontColor"].'; font-size:'.$availableDaysFontSize.'px; font-weight:bold">'.$message.'</div>'; if($_REQUEST["ac"]=="redirectToPaypal"){ } else { ?> <?php if(isset($_REQUEST["date"])){ ?> <form action="load-bookingform.php" method="post" name="frm" style="margin:0px; padding:0px" onsubmit="return false"> <table width="<?php echo $CalendarOptions["width"]; ?>" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" style='font-family:"<?php echo $fontFamily; ?>"; color:#<?php echo $CalendarOptions["availableDaysFontColor"]; ?>; font-size:<?php echo $availableDaysFontSize; ?>px; <?php echo $availableDaysFontStyle; ?>'> <tr> <td width="16%" align="left">Date:</td> <td width="85%" align="left" name="startDate" id="startDate"><strong><?php echo $bookFrom; ?></strong></td> </tr> <?php $price = 0; ?> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td width="33%" valign="top" bgcolor="#DDDDDD">Start time</td> <td width="33%" valign="top" bgcolor="#DDDDDD">End time</td> <td colspan="2" valign="top" bgcolor="#DDDDDD">Book </td> </tr> <?php for ($i=0;$i<count($reservations);$i++) { ?> <tr> <td align="left" style="border-bottom:1px solid #DFE4E8"><?php if ($CalendarOptions["timeFormat"]=='12') echo date("h:i A",strtotime("+".($CalendarOptions["timeSlot"]*$i)." minutes",strtotime($CalendarOptions["startTime"]))); else echo date("H:i",strtotime("+".($CalendarOptions["timeSlot"]*$i)." minutes",strtotime($CalendarOptions["startTime"]))); ?></td> <td align="left" style="border-bottom:1px solid #DFE4E8"><?php if ($CalendarOptions["timeFormat"]=='12') echo date("h:i A",strtotime("+".($CalendarOptions["timeSlot"]*($i+1))." minutes",strtotime($CalendarOptions["startTime"]))); else echo date("H:i",strtotime("+".($CalendarOptions["timeSlot"]*($i+1))." minutes",strtotime($CalendarOptions["startTime"]))); ?></td> <td width="34%" align="left" valign="top" style="border-bottom:1px solid #DFE4E8"><input type="checkbox" id="<?php echo $i; ?>" name="<?php echo $i; ?>" <?php if ($reservations[$i]) { echo "checked"; echo ' disabled="disabled"'; } ?> onclick="selectTimeSlot()" /></td> </tr> <?php }; ?> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left"> </td> <td align="left"> <input type="button" name="Button" value="Book" onclick="pass=checkForm(); if (pass) submitBooking('<?php echo $bookFrom; ?>','<?php echo date("n",strtotime($_REQUEST["date"])); ?>','<?php echo date("Y",strtotime($_REQUEST["date"])); ?>')" /> <input type="button" name="Button" value="Cancel" onclick="javascript: ajaxpage('<?php echo $SETTINGS["installFolder"]; ?>load-bookingform.php?cid=<?php echo $_REQUEST["cid"]; ?>','DateBookings<?php echo $_REQUEST["cid"]; ?>','get'); " /> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </form> <?php }; ?> I already have a checkout page, that this info needs to be parsed to. Any ideas how I can integrate it? Hello,
I have a problem with the pdf output file from my system.
The code is:
<table> Code: [Select] <?php include("global-settings.php"); session_start(); mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass)or die("Could Not Connect: " . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($dbname) or die(mysql_error()); $email = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($_POST['email'])); $password = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags(sha1($_POST['password']))); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$email' AND password='$password'"); while (mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($email != $row['username'] && $password != $row['password']) { $_SESSION['user_pid'] = $row['user_pid']; $_SESSION['firstname'] = $row['first_name']; header("Location: ../protected/home.php"); } else { $userid_generator = uniqid(rand(), false); $date = date("Y/m/d"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (user_pid, username, password, datetime_registered) VALUES('$userid_generator', '$email', '$password', '$date')") or die(mysql_error()); $_SESSION['userid'] = $userid_generator; $result1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM leaders"); $id = $result1['id']; mysql_query("INSERT IGNORE INTO friends (node1id, node2id, is_leader, friends_since, friend_type) VALUES('$id', '$userid_generator', 'Yes', '$date', 'full')") or die(mysql_error()); } } ?> For some reason this code outputs a blank screen. It either has to do with my while loop or my if...else statement. Any help? Code: [Select] <?php if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) { ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>"> <input type="submit" value="Toon Output" name="submit"/> <?php $dranken = array("cola", "fanta", "bier", "koffie", "thee"); $prijzen = array("2", "2", "1.80", "2.20", "2.20"); $i = 0; echo "<table>"; while ($dranken[$i]) { $listnaam = $dranken[$i] . "_aantal"; $optionlist = "<select name= '$listnaam'><option>0</option><option>1</option><option>2</option><option>3</option></select>"; echo "<tr><td >" . $dranken[$i] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $prijzen[$i] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $optionlist . "</td></tr>"; $i++; } echo "</table>"; ?> </form> <?php } $dranken = array("cola", "fanta", "bier", "koffie", "thee"); $prijzen = array("2", "2", "1.80", "2.20", "2.20"); $i = 0; $totaalPrijs = 0; while ($dranken[$i]) { $aantal = $_POST[$dranken[$i] . "_aantal"]; if ($aantal > 0) { $prijsperDrank = $aantal * $prijzen[$i]; echo $dranken[$i] . " : " . $aantal . " Prijs: " . $prijsperDrank . "</br>"; $totaalPrijs += $prijsperDrank; echo " totaal: $totaalPrijs"; } $i++; } ?> </html> My output is like this cola : 2 Prijs: 4 totaal: 4fanta : 1 Prijs: 2 totaal: 6 but I want it like this cola : 2 Prijs: 4 fanta : 1 Prijs: 2 totaal: 6 Thanks in advance: price = prijs, totaal = total, dranken = drinks I have a form where people enter in values and I need these values displayed in the proper format. I need the output string to have a "<" at the beginning and a ">" at the end but whenever I put the code in to add the < in the beginning nothing shows up. Here is my code. I am able to get it to work with just adding the > at the end but it seems when I add "<" to the beginning this is where nothing shows up. Code: [Select] <?php $hairbald = trim($_POST['HairBald']); $eyes = trim($_POST['Eyes']); $test =$eyes.'.'.$hairbald; if(empty($test)) { $test = $test; } else $test = '<'.$test.'>'; ?> If the user selects blue eyes and bald head I need the output to be <blue.bald> I am trying to work on a code for php where you first have a form that asks the user to input a message then input a color. When they click the submit button it takes them to the output page. It should take their message and output it into boxes in a square. And the background should turn the color that they types in. Hi,
I need to create a landing page with a form. That form needs to be recorded somewhere instead of sent to email. I know I can write it to a SQL database, and then to an excel file. But I only need a temporary solution so I figured I'd just go straight to CSV.
Is this bad practice? What potential problems might I encounter other than security issues?
im testing the following script and it wont send 1 2 3 until the script has finished executing. What can i do to flush the buffer after every echo statement?? <?php echo "1"; ob_flush();flush(); sleep(5); echo "2"; ob_flush();flush(); sleep(5); echo "3"; ob_flush();flush(); ?> Hi everyone I'm new around here but thought it's about time I joined a good PHP forum! I'll introduce myself properly on the right section, but for now, I'll my post my coding problem on here. I wonder if any has any knowledge or can help. I'm setting up a connection from my web server to a potential data supplier web server, which involves a load of encryption. One of the stages is generating a SHA1 hash of an encrypted string. Now I've got some old example code, however the "mhash" function used in this old code appears to obsolete. Thus is doesn't work. I've tried using the available "sha1" and "hash" functions but cannot replicate the hashed output they provide. Here's the original code: Code: [Select] $encrypted_string = "B0436CBFBC5CAAFB7339AF4A1DF845974D53B9D369146E2E4F1451929D9EBE254363E983F4F94517EB9585FDB112E7B1CCE11A33C5BBA23F8D5DE9D3415BA526489AC796A36FBA76D4293C8DFB673708CED10C9732EEC472D9E43D2626AA104121666E79DD8F2FF6BAC0143BD62E0EE826AF6459779C162613508D48BFE2FC8DD558A1834D7205F96EA8D446E9B371E78E990A3995B1052DCBA9CA0AF99CC77ED2A8B55B2B882BA29D4BB4B07FA91AB4D2F10FBB93732B077335A7E6D96FE813AEDC3711A85CD0C13AE22B28C14FCCE3AF4C1F5D2C0F7697DEC7487CCFC0ED4E77B1B65F39BAD5236E3D3C69D33FC484"; $hashBinaryValue = mhash(MHASH_SHA1, $encrypted_string); $hashValue = bin2hex($hashBinaryValue); echo 'hashValue='.$hashValue.'<br>'; The example hashed output should be: Code: [Select] 31f6d26b18d3c04895cdc2cc05cbd9ad003f2d3e I cannot seem to replicate this output using the available functions? I've tried the following: Code: [Select] $hashBinaryValue = hash('sha1', $encrypted_string); $hashValue = bin2hex($hashBinaryValue); And also: Code: [Select] $hashBinaryValue = sha1($encrypted_string); $hashValue = bin2hex($hashBinaryValue); Both generate: Code: [Select] 37333736363862393037313732326265346438396433633236383936363430376434613665363231 I've found a webpage that can generate the SHA1 hash, but do not know what language they've done it in. Any help or input would be greatly appreciated =) Well I have a script that executes a scan on a system set to run infinitely, and I need it to echo out a message each time it loops through, but I don't want it to echo out the message with the next loop message below it, and the next one below that etc... I've tried using the flush(); function and been messing around with that with no luck. For security reasons I don't want to release any of the processing code, but here is the basic construction of the script: <?PHP ***PROCESSING AND SCAN CODE*** ***PROCESSING AND SCAN CODE*** ***PROCESSING AND SCAN CODE*** ***PROCESSING AND SCAN CODE*** $RepeatIt = -1; for($g=1; $g!=$RepeatIt+1; $g++) { ***PROCESSING AND SCAN CODE*** ***PROCESSING AND SCAN CODE*** ***PROCESSING AND SCAN CODE*** ***PROCESSING AND SCAN CODE*** $ScanMessage = ":.:.: SCANNING THE HITLIST FOR MOBSTER: ".$MobName." (SCAN #$g) :.:.:"."<br/><br/>"; echo $ScanMessage; ***PROCESSING AND SCAN CODE*** ***PROCESSING AND SCAN CODE*** ***PROCESSING AND SCAN CODE*** ***PROCESSING AND SCAN CODE*** } ?> At the moment it's returning: :.:.: SCANNING THE HITLIST FOR MOBSTER: DEUS EX DESTROYER (SCAN #1) :.:.: :.:.: SCANNING THE HITLIST FOR MOBSTER: DEUS EX DESTROYER (SCAN #2) :.:.: :.:.: SCANNING THE HITLIST FOR MOBSTER: DEUS EX DESTROYER (SCAN #3) :.:.: :.:.: SCANNING THE HITLIST FOR MOBSTER: DEUS EX DESTROYER (SCAN #4) :.:.: So what I want it to do is just delete the scanning message and replace it with the next scan message so while running this script you would see just the number increment on the same line. Any suggestions? Thanks. Create a data form that should accept odd number of words in a particular sentence
Input Example: I am working in retailon.
and should display the output as reversing first and last word and second word to fourth word
and so on and the middle word should be same and should also display the number of words.
Output Example: retailon in working am i.
Input:I am Working in Google.
Output:Google in Working am I.
Hello everyone. I need help with the following PHP APP. I am running on (Version PHP 7.2.10) I am trying to have a page table form on table.php pass the input variable of “5-Numbers” to another page called table_results.php I want that variable string of “5-Numbers” to be compared against 4 arrays and output any duplicates found within each of those 4 lists. If nothing is found, I still want some visual output that reads “None found”.
Lets pretend I have the following example .. On table.php, I typed inside my table form the 5-Numbers .. INPUT: 2,15,37,13,28 On table_results.php, the 4 arrays to be compared against my input numbers “ 2,15,37,13,28” are ..
$array_A = array(2,6,8,11,14,18,24); $array_B = array(1,2,9,10,13,14,25,28,); $array_C = array(1,3,7,9,13,15,20,21,24); $array_D = array(4,5,12,22,23,27,28,29);
So my output should read as follows below .. OUTPUT:
TABLE COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 ROW 1 Matches Found Results .. ROW 2 GROUP A: 2 ROW 3 GROUP B: 2,13,28 ROW 4 GROUP ? 13,15 ROW 5 GROUP ? 28 ROW 6 5#s Input: 2,15,37,13,28
Please let me know if anyone has any suggestions on how to go about it. Thanks. Edited January 1, 2019 by Jayfromsandiego Wanted to include image example Im a having a problem and im thinking maybe i cant do it with php and will have to look into java script I have several If statements but will only display two of them below. both inputs run on the same button $_POST['build'] the first if statement updates $naqahdah in the database. Its a number being subtracted. I need the 2nd if statement to grab the new updated naqahdah field in the database before the script reads it. Code: [Select] <?php if ($_POST['build']) { if ($_POST['homes']) { if ($naqahdah < $cost_homes) { }else{ mysql_query("UPDATE systems SET homes= $homes + '".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['homes'])."' WHERE address = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['planet'])."' AND id = '".($_SESSION['user_id'])."'"); mysql_query("UPDATE systems SET naqahdah= $naqahdah - $cost_homes WHERE address = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['planet'])."' AND id = '".($_SESSION['user_id'])."'"); }}} if(isset($_POST['build'])) { if($_POST['naqahdah_mines']) { if ($naqahdah < $cost_naqahdah_mines) { }else{ mysql_query("UPDATE systems SET naqahdah_mines= $naqahdah_mines + '".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['naqahdah_mines'])."' WHERE address = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['planet'])."' AND id = '".($_SESSION['user_id'])."'"); mysql_query("UPDATE systems SET naqahdah= $naqahdah - $cost_naqahdah_mines WHERE address = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['planet'])."' AND id = '".($_SESSION['user_id'])."'"); }}} ?> Below here is the php and form i got right now. What i want to achieve is that when i check a checkbox that the TotalCosts will be updated by the matching value, and when i checked multiple boxes that those vallues will be added together. But the most important thing what i want to achieve right now is that when you check a box that the TotalCosts echo on the screen will be updated right away with the correct vallues. I tried some things i found while looking here and on other sites, but nothing seems to be working the way i want. Anyways, here is my php, i hope someone can help me <?php $hire = 60.00; $hire1 = 20.00; $hire2 = 22.50; $TotalCosts = 0.00; ?> <form action="index.php" method="post"> <input type="checkbox" name="hire" value="" />Hire <br /> <input type="checkbox" name="hire1" value="" />Hire1 <br /> <input type="checkbox" name="hire2" value="" />Hire2 <br /> </form> <?php if (isset($_POST['hire'])) { $TotalCosts = $TotalCosts + $hire; } if (isset($_POST['hire1'])) { $TotalCosts = $TotalCosts + $hire1; } if (isset($_POST['hire2'])) { $TotalCosts = $TotalCosts + $hire2; } echo $TotalCosts; ?> |