PHP - Php Group Array Dealing With Duplicates
Hi All, I've a loop which creates an array as follows: $product_table[] = ['SKU' => $sku, 'Label' => $attribute_name, 'Value' => $term_obj->name ]; I'm then grouping the data by SKU code: #group the products by SKU $group_products = array(); foreach ($product_table as $element) : $group_products[$element['SKU']][] = $element; endforeach; Finally, I output the data: #output the data foreach ($group_products as $itemName => $rows) : echo '<tr>'; #echo '<td>', $element['SKU'], '</td>'; $i=0; foreach ($rows as $row) : $i++; #echo '<td>'. $row["SKU"]. '</td><td>'. $row["Label"]. '</td><td>'. $row["Value"]. '</td>'; if ($i == 1): echo '<td>'. $row["SKU"]. '</td><td>'. $row["Value"]. '</td>'; else: echo '<td>'. $row["Value"]. '</td>'; endif; #echo '<td>'. $row["Value"]. '</td>'; endforeach; echo '</tr>'; endforeach; ?> And looks like: Product code System Pack Quantity XT1CWH System 1 1 x 3m XT2CWH System 2 1 x 3m XT3CWH System 3 1 x 3m
This works perfectly fine. However, some products share the same SKU and therefore it causes an issue, like the below: Product code System Pack Quantity XT1CLWH System 1 8 x 3m System 2 8 x 3m System 3 8 x 3m Is there a way I can avoid this, so if perhaps creates the new row but shows the same SKU code? Many thanks Similar TutorialsI have a table that has pairs of matching records that are identified as matching on a specific column. In other words, 2 users submit data on the same record, and they are identified as matching and belonging to the same record data because the table column gameid is the same for the pair. How can I output the information for the pair of matching records for each of these into a table repeating it until Ive looped through all records? In other words I want to create 1 table with headers for each matching pair all the way down... thanks in advance. Hi I found a tutorial on dealing with databases he It's great, except that I need it to do more than just a name; I need first, last, dob and email. I have it figured out how to order, insert and delete, but can someone help me figure out how to do the updating? The tutorial creates an array called cname and loops through it to do the update, but when I add more fields, it only holds the last fileds (emails in this case) I just need to be able to update all the fields for each user instead of just the name. Sounds easy but I've gotten nowhere Everything I have tried is posted below. Any help? Thanks Code: [Select] // INSERT: if we have a name to add... if($_POST['fname']) { // little bit of cleaning... $fname = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['fname']); $lname = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['lname']); $dob = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['dob']); $email = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']); // check for previous entry $sql_check = "SELECT id FROM test WHERE fname='$fname' AND lname='$lname'"; $res_check = mysql_query($sql_check, $conn) or trigger_error("SQL", E_USER_ERROR); if (mysql_num_rows($res_check) == 1) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_check)) { $id = $row['id']; } // update $sql = "UPDATE test SET Current=1 WHERE id='$id'"; $res = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or trigger_error("SQL", E_USER_ERROR); } else { // insert new name into table $sql = "INSERT INTO test (id, fname, lname, dob, email) VALUES ('', '$fname', '$lname', '$dob', '$email')"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or trigger_error("SQL", E_USER_ERROR); } } // end if // UPDATE: if we have name(s) to change... if($_POST['udata']) { /* // for each name to change... foreach ($_POST['udata'] as $input => $v) { echo "$input = $v<br />"; $sql = "UPDATE test SET "; foreach ($v as $id => $value) { echo "$id = $value<br />"; } $sql .= "WHERE ..."; } echo "<hr />$sql<hr />"; print_r($_POST['udata']); */ for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['udata']['fname']); $i++) { $fname = $_POST['udata']['fname'][$i]; echo "$i = $fname<br />"; } /* foreach($_POST['cname'] as $cid => $cname) { // little bit of cleaning... $id = mysql_real_escape_string($cid); $fname = mysql_real_escape_string($cname); $lname = mysql_real_escape_string($cname); $dob = mysql_real_escape_string($cname); $email = mysql_real_escape_string($cname); // update name in the table $sql = "UPDATE test SET fname = '$fname', lname='$lname', dob='$dob', email='$email' WHERE id = '$id'"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or trigger_error("SQL", E_USER_ERROR); } // end foreach */ } // end if // DELETE: if we have a name to delete... if($_GET['id']) { // little bit of cleaning... $id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']); // delete name from table $sql = "UPDATE test SET Current=0 WHERE id= '$id'"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or trigger_error("SQL", E_USER_ERROR); } // end if // ORDERBY: if one of the links was clicked.. if ($_GET['orderby']) { // make an aray of allowed names $allowed = array('id','fname', 'lname', 'dob', 'email'); // bit of cleaning... $order = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['orderby']); // is it a valid column name? yes: use it. no: default to 'id' $order = (in_array($order, $allowed))? $order : "id"; // if no link clicked, default to 'id' } else { $order = "id"; } // end else // SELECT: get the list of names from database $sql = "SELECT id, fname, lname, dob, email FROM test WHERE Current=1 ORDER BY $order"; //$result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or trigger_error("SQL", E_USER_ERROR); $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die(mysql_error()); /**** end deal with the database ****/ /**** list everything out ****/ // list columns echo "<form action = '{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}' method = 'post'>\r\n"; echo "<table border = '1'>\r\n"; echo "<tr>\r\n"; echo "<td><a href = '{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?orderby=id'>id</a></td>\r\n"; echo "<td><a href = '{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?orderby=fname'>fname</a></td>\r\n"; echo "<td><a href = '{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?orderby=lname'>lname</a></td>\r\n"; echo "<td><a href = '{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?orderby=dob'>dob</a></td>\r\n"; echo "<td><a href = '{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?orderby=email'>email</a></td>\r\n"; echo "<td>delete</td>\r\n"; echo "</tr>\r\n"; // loop through list of names while ($list = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo "<tr>\r\n"; echo "<td>{$list['id']}</td>\r\n"; echo "<td><input type = 'text' name = 'udata[fname][{$list['id']}]' value = '{$list['fname']}' />\r\n"; echo "<td><input type = 'text' name = 'udata[lname][{$list['id']}]' value = '{$list['lname']}' />\r\n"; echo "<td><input type = 'text' name = 'udata[dob][{$list['id']}]' value = '{$list['dob']}' />\r\n"; echo "<td><input type = 'text' name = 'udata[email][{$list['id']}]' value = '{$list['email']}' />\r\n"; echo "<td><a href = '{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?id={$list['id']}'>delete</a></td>\r\n"; echo "</tr>\r\n"; } // end while // list input box for adding new entry echo "<tr>"; echo "<td bgcolor = 'gray'></td>\r\n"; echo "<td><input type = 'text' name = 'fname' /></td>\r\n"; echo "<td><input type = 'text' name = 'lname' /></td>\r\n"; echo "<td><input type = 'text' name = 'dob' /></td>\r\n"; echo "<td><input type = 'text' name = 'email' /></td>\r\n"; echo "<td bgcolor = 'gray'></td>\r\n"; echo "</tr><tr>\r\n"; echo "<td></td>\r\n"; echo "<td align = 'center'><input type = 'submit' value = 'submit' /></td>\r\n"; echo "<td></td>\r\n"; echo "</tr></table></form>\r\n"; /**** end list everything out ****/ Quote Hi guys im trying to get rid of records with duplicate phone numbers here's my array Code: [Select] Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 11-1-89677-362123164 [1] => 11 [2] => testadmin [3] => 61415676836 [4] => 2011-11-16 [5] => 1 [6] => 0 [7] => 0 [8] => [9] => 0 [10] => 0 [11] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [0] => 11-1-89688-362186603 [1] => 11 [2] => testadmin [3] => 61415556677 [4] => 2011-08-12 [5] => 0 [6] => 0 [7] => 0 [8] => [9] => 0 [10] => 0 [11] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [0] => 11-1-89689-362186773 [1] => 11 [2] => testadmin [3] => 61415676836 [4] => 2011-08-12 [5] => 0 [6] => 0 [7] => 0 [8] => [9] => 0 [10] => 0 [11] => 0 ) [3] => Array ( [0] => 11-1-89690-362186926 [1] => 11 [2] => testadmin [3] => 61415223344 [4] => 2011-08-12 [5] => 0 [6] => 0 [7] => 0 [8] => [9] => 0 [10] => 0 [11] => 0 ) ) Quote I can't quit figure this out any sujestions would be gold,,, this is my attempt but its not working Code: [Select] $final = array(); foreach ($phoneNumberArray as $array[3]) { if(!in_array($array, $final)){ $final[] = $array; } } print_r($final); Hi I have an array from an sql query and i would like to eliminates all the duplicates, i have google search for an answer without success, any help would be aprecciated $result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $final = array(); $json = array(); if ($idCoord > 0 || $isDirecao > 0) { foreach ($result as $row) { $idAtividade = $row['idAtividade']; if (!isset($final[$idAtividade])) { $final[$idAtividade]['Escola'] = $row['Escola']; $final[$idAtividade]['Atividade'] = $row['Atividade']; $final[$idAtividade]['Periodo'] = $row['Periodo']; $final[$idAtividade]['Mes'] = $row['Mes']; $final[$idAtividade]['haveClasses'] = $row['haveClasses']; $final[$idAtividade]['DataPrevista'] = $row['DataPrevista']; $final[$idAtividade]['Destinatarios'] = $row['Destinatarios']; $final[$idAtividade]['Orcamento'] = $row['Orcamento']; $final[$idAtividade]['Organizador'] = $row['Organizador']; $final[$idAtividade]['Obs'] = $row['Obs']; $final[$idAtividade]['PdfAtividade'] = $row['PdfAtividade']; $final[$idAtividade]['Avaliacao'] = $row['Avaliacao']; $final[$idAtividade]['idProfessor'] = $row['idProfessor']; $final[$idAtividade]['PdfAvaliacao'] = $row['PdfAvaliacao']; $final[$idAtividade]['Validado'] = $row['Validado']; $final[$idAtividade]['Nome'] = array(); $final[$idAtividade]['Grupo'] = array(); $final[$idAtividade]['Departamento'] = array(); } $final[$idAtividade]['Nome'][] = $row['Nome']; $final[$idAtividade]['Grupo'][] = $row['Grupo']; $final[$idAtividade]['Departamento'][] = $row['Departamento']; } foreach ($final as $idVisita => $reservation) { $json[] = $reservation; } } echo json_encode($json); } And this is an example i'm receiving
So you can see that Grupo has 4 times the value "500" and Departamento has 4 times that string... How can avoid this and have only one value of each?
So Im building this little link scraper. The problem I am having is when it outputs the links that are in the array its got duplicate elements. I'm trying to erase the dupes and only show unique values. I've tryed array_unique() with out success as well as in_array(). Any help would be appreciated! //PAGE WE ARE GETTING LINKS ON $diags = str_get_html(getDiagramLinks($html)); //GET THE DIAGRAM LINKS TO PAGES INTO ARRAY foreach($diags->find('a') as $f) { $diagLinks[] = $f->href; } //iterate through the array for($i=0; $i<sizeof($diagLinks); $i++) { //ignore if blank element if(trim($diagLinks[$i]) !== ' ') { echo $diagLinks[$i]. '<br>'; } } The Output: Code: [Select] /partsearch/model.aspx?diagram_id=110375 /partsearch/model.aspx?diagram_id=110375 /partsearch/model.aspx?diagram_id=110376 /partsearch/model.aspx?diagram_id=110376 /partsearch/model.aspx?diagram_id=110377 /partsearch/model.aspx?diagram_id=110377 /partsearch/model.aspx?diagram_id=110378 /partsearch/model.aspx?diagram_id=110378 /partsearch/model.aspx?diagram_id=110379 /partsearch/model.aspx?diagram_id=110379 /partsearch/model.aspx?diagram_id=110380 /partsearch/model.aspx?diagram_id=110380 Hi, got a problem with my arrays, every string gets duplicated 11 times instead of just one time. How to fix this? Hi guys! i got this code: Code: [Select] <? $x = "abcde"; str_split($x); for ($k=0; $k<=119; $k++){ $ax = array($x[0],$x[1],$x[2],$x[3],$x[4]); shuffle($ax); $text = implode("", $ax) . ""; echo $text; echo "<br />"; } ?> if you test it you see that it is working but giving me allot of duplicates results! there is a way to ignore duplicaes while it is runing? thanx. Doing an API call and want to remove duplicates so I can display the products by brand. Problem I am having now is when I try to display the brands, I am getting duplicate brands. When I display the brands I am getting Nike, Nike, Reebook. When I just want, Nike, Reebok. My Code Code: [Select] <?php $results = array(); //array from API call $results2 = $results['data']; function multi_unique($array) { foreach ($array as $k=>$na) $new[$k] = serialize($na); $uniq = array_unique($new); foreach($uniq as $k=>$ser) $new1[$k] = unserialize($ser); return ($new1); } $results3 = multi_unique($results2); foreach ($results3 as $var) { echo $var['brand']; ?> <br /> <?php } ?> The array Code: [Select] { "errors": [ ], "warnings": [ ], "data": [ { "url": "http://[...]", "image_url": "[...]", "image_thumb_url": "[...]", "keyword": "Red Running Shoes", "description": "Red Running Shoes - Perfect for long jogs!", "category": "Shoes", "price": "59.99", "price_sale": null, "currency": "USD", "merchant": "", "brand": "Nike", "upc": "0944588778", "isbn": null, "sales": 23 }, { "url": "http://[...]", "image_url": "http://[...]", "image_thumb_url": null, "keyword": "Blue Running Shoes", "description": "Blue Running Shoes - Perfect for long jogs!", "category": "Shoes", "price": "59.99", "price_sale": "49.99", "currency": "USD", "merchant": "", "brand": "Nike", "upc": "0944588779", "isbn": null, "sales": 12 } { "url": "http://[...]", "image_url": "http://[...]", "image_thumb_url": null, "keyword": "Black Running Shoes", "description": "Black Running Shoes - Perfect for long jogs!", "category": "Shoes", "price": "59.99", "price_sale": "49.99", "currency": "USD", "merchant": "", "brand": "Reebok", "upc": "0944554779", "isbn": null, "sales": 12 } ], "coupons": [ ], "countryCode": "US", "page": 1, "limit": 10, "totalRecords": 3 } Hello I have a while loop which outputs countrys from the database (im making a "filter by" function). For example, the loop outputs: Denmark Belgium Holland Brazil Japan Brazil Denmark I want to sort these alphabetically and then remove duplicates... Can somebody explain to me how? I don't know how to get them into an array to do it... I wish to get only the last part of each array 'g' And then show non duplicated 'g' but in the same order that it was in the original array. Code: [Select] <?php $formarray = array( 'name' => array( 'i1'=> array('a'=>'a1', 'b'=>'b1', 'c'=>'c1', 'd'=>'d1', 'e'=>'e1', 'f'=>'f1', 'g'=>'g1'), 'i2'=> array('a'=>'a2', 'b'=>'b2', 'c'=>'c2', 'd'=>'d2', 'e'=>'e2', 'f'=>'f2', 'g'=>'g2'), 'i3'=> array('a'=>'a3', 'b'=>'b3', 'c'=>'c3', 'd'=>'d3', 'e'=>'e3', 'f'=>'f3', 'g'=>'g3'), 'i4'=> array('a'=>'a4', 'b'=>'b4', 'c'=>'c4', 'd'=>'d4', 'e'=>'e4', 'f'=>'f4', 'g'=>'g4'), ) ); foreach ($formarray as $newarray => $a) { ?><strong><?=$newarray;?></strong><br><? foreach ($a as $key => $k) { ?>"<?=$key;?>", <? foreach ($k as $b) { //if ($k['DBfield'] != "") { ?>"<?=$b;?>", <? //} } ?><br><? } //end of second foreach ?><br><br><br><? } //end of first foreach ?> Hi All, I hope i'm posting in the right place but also hope someone can help! I've got the following code: <?php $variations = $product->get_available_variations(); if ($variations): ?> <div class="table-responsive"> <table class="table table-striped"> <tbody> <?php foreach ($variations as $key => $value) : ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $value['sku']; ?> <?php echo $value['variation_id']; ?></td> <?php foreach ($value['attributes'] as $attrKey => $attr) : $tax = str_replace('attribute_', '', $attrKey); $term_obj = get_term_by('slug', $attr, $tax); ?> <td><?php echo $term_obj->name; ?></td> <?php endforeach; ?> </tr> <?php endforeach; #$variations?> </tbody> </table> </div><!-- /table-responsive --> <?php endif; #$variations ?> This produces the following table: Product code System Pack Quantity Variation XT1ECWH 234 System 1 2 N/A XT2ECLWH 236 System 2 2 Left XT2ECRWH 237 System 2 2 Right XT3ECWH 238 System 3 2 N/AHowever, is it possible to alter the code to group the information? So it looks like the below? System 1 System 2 System 3 System 1XT1ECWH 234 Pack Quantity: 2 Variation: N/A System 2 XT2ECLWH 236 Pack Quantity: 2 Variation: Left XT2ECRWH 237 Pack Quantity: 2 Variation: Right System 3 Sorry, not sure why it's not formatted correctly but hopefully you can see what I'm trying to achieve. The array for $variations is as follows: Array ( [0] => Array ( [attributes] => Array ( [attribute_pa_system] => system-1 [attribute_pa_pack-quantity] => 2 [attribute_pa_variation] => n-a ) [sku] => XT1ECWH [variation_description] => [variation_id] => 234 ) [1] => Array ( [attributes] => Array ( [attribute_pa_system] => system-2 [attribute_pa_pack-quantity] => 2 [attribute_pa_variation] => left ) [sku] => XT2ECLWH [variation_description] => Left [variation_id] => 236 ) [2] => Array ( [attributes] => Array ( [attribute_pa_system] => system-2 [attribute_pa_pack-quantity] => 2 [attribute_pa_variation] => right ) [sku] => XT2ECRWH [variation_description] => Right [variation_id] => 237 ) [3] => Array ( [attributes] => Array ( [attribute_pa_system] => system-3 [attribute_pa_pack-quantity] => 2 [attribute_pa_variation] => n-a ) [price_html] => [sku] => XT3ECWH [variation_description] => ) ) If it helps, I need to always group by the first attribute, in this case : attribute_pa_system Any help on this would be very much appreciated! Thank you in advanced. I have been struggling with this for awhile now, and I think it isn't as hard as I making it. Basically I want to "group" my array by month making a multidimensional array by months. Basically right now my print_r($my_array) outputs: Code: [Select] Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2 [did] => 2 [dates] => 2011-06-01 [enddates] => 2011-06-01 [shortdescription] => [max_attendance] => 1 [times] => 06:30:00 [endtimes] => 07:30:00 [registra] => 1 [unregistra] => 0 [titel] => Beginning Nightclub [locid] => 2 [status] => 4 [shw_attendees] => 0 [club] => SE [url] => [street] => 615 SE Alder [please] => [city] => Portland, OR [country] => US [locdescription] => [catname] => Adult Classes [catid] => 1 [price] => Array ( ) [registered] => 1 [avaliable] => 0 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 57 [did] => 57 [dates] => 2011-06-05 [enddates] => 2011-06-05 [shortdescription] => [max_attendance] => 15 [times] => 02:00:00 [endtimes] => 03:00:00 [registra] => 1 [unregistra] => 0 [titel] => Beginning Rumba [locid] => 1 [status] => 0 [shw_attendees] => 0 [club] => SW [url] => [street] => 8936 SW 17th Ave [please] => [city] => Portland, OR [country] => US [locdescription] => [catname] => Adult Classes [catid] => 1 [price] => Array ( ) [registered] => 0 [avaliable] => 15 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 61 [did] => 61 [dates] => 2011-06-05 [enddates] => 2011-06-05 [shortdescription] => [max_attendance] => 15 [times] => 03:00:00 [endtimes] => 04:00:00 [registra] => 1 [unregistra] => 0 [titel] => Beginning Waltz [locid] => 1 [status] => 0 [shw_attendees] => 0 [club] => SW [url] => [street] => 8936 SW 17th Ave [please] => [city] => Portland, OR [country] => US [locdescription] => [catname] => Adult Classes [catid] => 1 [price] => Array ( ) [registered] => 0 [avaliable] => 15 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [did] => 1 [dates] => 2011-06-06 [enddates] => 2011-06-06 [shortdescription] => [max_attendance] => 15 [times] => 06:30:00 [endtimes] => 08:30:00 [registra] => 1 [unregistra] => 0 [titel] => Beginning Foxtrot [locid] => 2 [status] => 0 [shw_attendees] => 0 [club] => SE [url] => [street] => 615 SE Alder [please] => [city] => Portland, OR [country] => US [locdescription] => [catname] => Adult Classes [catid] => 1 [price] => Array ( ) [registered] => 0 [avaliable] => 15 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 11 [did] => 11 [dates] => 2011-06-08 [enddates] => 2011-06-08 [shortdescription] => [max_attendance] => 15 [times] => 06:30:00 [endtimes] => 08:30:00 [registra] => 1 [unregistra] => 0 [titel] => Beginning Nightclub [locid] => 2 [status] => 0 [shw_attendees] => 0 [club] => SE [url] => [street] => 615 SE Alder [please] => [city] => Portland, OR [country] => US [locdescription] => [catname] => Adult Classes [catid] => 1 [price] => Array ( ) [registered] => 0 [avaliable] => 15 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 15 [did] => 15 [dates] => 2011-07-04 [enddates] => 2011-07-04 [shortdescription] => [max_attendance] => 15 [times] => 06:30:00 [endtimes] => 08:30:00 [registra] => 1 [unregistra] => 0 [titel] => Beginning Rumba [locid] => 2 [status] => 0 [shw_attendees] => 0 [club] => SE [url] => [street] => 615 SE Alder [please] => [city] => Portland, OR [country] => US [locdescription] => [catname] => Adult Classes [catid] => 1 [price] => Array ( ) [registered] => 0 [avaliable] => 15 ) ) I need to take that and make it look like this, grouping by the month of the 'dates' value: Code: [Select] Array ( [0] => Array ( //June [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2 [did] => 2 [dates] => 2011-06-01 [enddates] => 2011-06-01 [shortdescription] => [max_attendance] => 1 [times] => 06:30:00 [endtimes] => 07:30:00 [registra] => 1 [unregistra] => 0 [titel] => Beginning Nightclub [locid] => 2 [status] => 4 [shw_attendees] => 0 [club] => SE [url] => [street] => 615 SE Alder [please] => [city] => Portland, OR [country] => US [locdescription] => [catname] => Adult Classes [catid] => 1 [price] => Array ( ) [registered] => 1 [avaliable] => 0 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 57 [did] => 57 [dates] => 2011-06-05 [enddates] => 2011-06-05 [shortdescription] => [max_attendance] => 15 [times] => 02:00:00 [endtimes] => 03:00:00 [registra] => 1 [unregistra] => 0 [titel] => Beginning Rumba [locid] => 1 [status] => 0 [shw_attendees] => 0 [club] => SW [url] => [street] => 8936 SW 17th Ave [please] => [city] => Portland, OR [country] => US [locdescription] => [catname] => Adult Classes [catid] => 1 [price] => Array ( ) [registered] => 0 [avaliable] => 15 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 61 [did] => 61 [dates] => 2011-06-05 [enddates] => 2011-06-05 [shortdescription] => [max_attendance] => 15 [times] => 03:00:00 [endtimes] => 04:00:00 [registra] => 1 [unregistra] => 0 [titel] => Beginning Waltz [locid] => 1 [status] => 0 [shw_attendees] => 0 [club] => SW [url] => [street] => 8936 SW 17th Ave [please] => [city] => Portland, OR [country] => US [locdescription] => [catname] => Adult Classes [catid] => 1 [price] => Array ( ) [registered] => 0 [avaliable] => 15 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [did] => 1 [dates] => 2011-06-06 [enddates] => 2011-06-06 [shortdescription] => [max_attendance] => 15 [times] => 06:30:00 [endtimes] => 08:30:00 [registra] => 1 [unregistra] => 0 [titel] => Beginning Foxtrot [locid] => 2 [status] => 0 [shw_attendees] => 0 [club] => SE [url] => [street] => 615 SE Alder [please] => [city] => Portland, OR [country] => US [locdescription] => [catname] => Adult Classes [catid] => 1 [price] => Array ( ) [registered] => 0 [avaliable] => 15 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 11 [did] => 11 [dates] => 2011-06-08 [enddates] => 2011-06-08 [shortdescription] => [max_attendance] => 15 [times] => 06:30:00 [endtimes] => 08:30:00 [registra] => 1 [unregistra] => 0 [titel] => Beginning Nightclub [locid] => 2 [status] => 0 [shw_attendees] => 0 [club] => SE [url] => [street] => 615 SE Alder [please] => [city] => Portland, OR [country] => US [locdescription] => [catname] => Adult Classes [catid] => 1 [price] => Array ( ) [registered] => 0 [avaliable] => 15 ) ) [1] => Array ( //July [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 15 [did] => 15 [dates] => 2011-07-04 [enddates] => 2011-07-04 [shortdescription] => [max_attendance] => 15 [times] => 06:30:00 [endtimes] => 08:30:00 [registra] => 1 [unregistra] => 0 [titel] => Beginning Rumba [locid] => 2 [status] => 0 [shw_attendees] => 0 [club] => SE [url] => [street] => 615 SE Alder [please] => [city] => Portland, OR [country] => US [locdescription] => [catname] => Adult Classes [catid] => 1 [price] => Array ( ) [registered] => 0 [avaliable] => 15 ) ) ) hi, i'm trying to sort an array of associative arrays, based on one of the keys. if the value of the key is a primitive, normal sorting occurs - this works fine. if the value of the key is an array, i'd like to have it sorted by "groups" here's an example: Code: [Select] <?php $data[] = array('name' => 'h', 'list' => array(1,2)); $data[] = array('name' => 'g', 'list' => array(1)); $data[] = array('name' => 'a', 'list' => array(1,3)); $data[] = array('name' => 'f', 'list' => array(2)); $data[] = array('name' => 'e', 'list' => array(2,3)); $data[] = array('name' => 'b', 'list' => array(3)); $data[] = array('name' => 'c', 'list' => array(1,2,3,4)); $data[] = array('name' => 'd', 'list' => array(3,4)); function deep_sort($array, $sorton){ usort($array, function($a, $b) use($sorton) { $a = $a[$sorton]; $b = $b[$sorton]; if(is_array($a) && is_array($b)){ // this bit is obviously flawed - only included for illustrative purposes $a = implode('', $a); $b = implode('', $b); } return ($a == $b) ? 0 : ($a > $b) ? 1 : -1; }); return $array; } $sorted_by_name = deep_sort($data, 'name'); print '<pre>'; print_r($sorted_by_name); print '</pre>'; $sorted_by_list = deep_sort($data, 'list'); print '<pre>'; print_r($sorted_by_list); print '</pre>'; ?> the sorted_by_name bit is fine - but for sorted_by_list, what i want returned is all the array ordered as follows: all those with "1" (or the lowest if none have "1") in it's list value first, then all those remaining that have the next highest ("2"), etc. so right now, the returns for sort_by_list look like this: Code: [Select] Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => g [list] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [name] => f [list] => Array ( [0] => 2 ) ) [2] => Array ( [name] => b [list] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) ) [3] => Array ( [name] => h [list] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 ) ) [4] => Array ( [name] => a [list] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 3 ) ) [5] => Array ( [name] => e [list] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => 3 ) ) [6] => Array ( [name] => d [list] => Array ( [0] => 3 [1] => 4 ) ) [7] => Array ( [name] => c [list] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 [3] => 4 ) ) )whereas i'd like to get back: Code: [Select] Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => g [list] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [name] => h [list] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 ) ) [2] => Array ( [name] => c [list] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 [3] => 4 ) ) [3] => Array ( [name] => a [list] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 3 ) ) [4] => Array ( [name] => f [list] => Array ( [0] => 2 ) ) [5] => Array ( [name] => e [list] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => 3 ) ) [6] => Array ( [name] => b [list] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) ) [7] => Array ( [name] => d [list] => Array ( [0] => 3 [1] => 4 ) ) ) TYIA for any suggestions I have it to where it groups two parts of the Array randomly but I need to make it where it won't pair the same together, or if it has already been paired with a team then use another team. Each value of the array can only be used once. Here is my code shuffle($teamname); $loopCount = $games; for ($i = 0; $i < $loopCount; $i++) { $player1 = array_pop($teamname); $player2 = array_pop($teamname); if(is_null($player1)) { echo 'Not enough different teams to create '.$games.' games'; break; } // output to screen echo "Team: " . $player1 . " Vs Team: " . $player2 . "<br />"; } } Hi all, I would like to ask you if somebody could have a better idea to build this function. The current one is working, but I feel this built a bit in an amateur manner. Feel free to add your ideas so we can learn more about PHP and how to deal with arrays.
I have an array: $arrayVideoSpecs = Array( Array( 'aspect' => '4:3', 'density' => '442368', 'resolution' => '768x576' ), Array( 'aspect' => '4:3', 'density' => '307200', 'resolution' => '640x480' ), Array( 'aspect' => '16:9', 'density' => '2073600', 'resolution' => '1920x1080' ), Array( 'aspect' => '16:9', 'density' => '121600', 'resolution' => '1280x720' ) );
and I want an array as output grouped by video aspect ratio where the key is the pixel density and the value is the video resolution, namely like that for aspect ratio 16:9 ... Array ( [2073600] => 1920x1080 [121600] => 1280x720 )
Then I coded this function which is working but seems amateur ... function groupAndExtractByAspect($array, $groupBy, $aspect, $density, $resolution) { $groupByAspect = Array(); foreach ($array as $value) { $groupByAspect[$value[$aspect]][] = Array($value[$density], $value[$resolution]); } $arrayClean = Array(); foreach ($groupByAspect as $key => $value) { if ($key == $groupBy) { $arrayClean[$key] = $value; } } foreach ($arrayClean as $aspectGroup) { $arrayOutput = Array(); for ($i = 0; $i <= count($aspectGroup); $i++) { $densityIsValid = false; $resolutionIsValid = false; if (!empty($arrayClean[$groupBy][$i][0])) { $density = $arrayClean[$groupBy][$i][0]; $densityIsValid = true; } if (!empty($arrayClean[$groupBy][$i][1])) { $resolution = $arrayClean[$groupBy][$i][1]; $resolutionIsValid = true; } if (($densityIsValid === true) && ($resolutionIsValid === true)) { $arrayOutput[$density] = $resolution; } } } return $arrayOutput; }
The usage is as follow ... $showArray = groupAndExtractByAspect($arrayVideoSpecs, '16:9', 'aspect', 'density', 'resolution'); echo '<pre>'; print_r($showArray); echo '</pre>';
Thank you very much for your ideas! Mapg I have an array that looks like this:
array(5642) { [0]=> string(19) "2021-02-10 09:04:48" [1]=> string(19) "2021-02-10 09:04:54" [2]=> string(19) "2021-02-10 09:05:00" [3]=> string(19) "2021-02-10 09:05:06" [4]=> string(19) "2021-02-10 09:05:12" [5]=> string(19) "2021-02-10 09:05:18" [6]=> string(19) "2021-02-10 09:06:18" [7]=> string(19) "2021-02-10 09:06:24" }
I need to group the instances any time there is more than a 6 second gap between elements. So 0 =>5 would be one array and 6 and 7 would be a new array.
Ive been able to produce the following but its not ideal
array(5642) { [0]=> string(19) "2021-02-10 09:04:48" [1]=> string(19) "2021-02-10 09:04:54" [2]=> string(19) "2021-02-10 09:05:00" [3]=> string(19) "2021-02-10 09:05:06" [4]=> string(19) "2021-02-10 09:05:12" [5]=> string(19) "2021-02-10 09:05:18" [6]=> string(19) "end" [7]=> string(19) "2021-02-10 09:06:18" [8]=> string(19) "2021-02-10 09:06:24" }
$burner_time = array(); foreach($Burner_Control_Alm as $new_burner){ $burner_time[] = strtotime($new_burner); } $repl = 'end'; for ($i=1; $i<count($burner_time); $i++) { $value_second = $burner_time[$i]; $value_first = $burner_time[$i-1] === $repl ? $burner_time[$i-2] : $burner_time[$i-1]; if ($value_second > $value_first + 6) { array_splice($burner_time, $i++, 0, $repl); } print_r($burner_time); } So if I have this code (while working on my local machine )... Code: [Select] for ($i=1; $i<=15; $i++) { if ($timelimit == $i) { ${"time".$i}="selected='selected'"; } } <select name="timelimit"> <option value="1" <?php echo $time1;?>>1</option> <option value="2" <?php echo $time2;?>>2</option> <option value="3" <?php echo $time3;?>>3</option> <option value="4" <?php echo $time4;?>>4</option> <option value="5" <?php echo $time5;?>>5</option> <option value="6" <?php echo $time6;?>>6</option> <option value="7" <?php echo $time7;?>>7</option> <option value="8" <?php echo $time8;?>>8</option> <option value="9" <?php echo $time9;?>>9</option> <option value="10" <?php echo $time10;?>>10</option> <option value="11" <?php echo $time11;?>>11</option> <option value="12" <?php echo $time12;?>>12</option> <option value="13" <?php echo $time13;?>>13</option> <option value="14" <?php echo $time14;?>>14</option> <option value="15" <?php echo $time15;?>>15</option> </select> When I view the select menu in the browser, all but one of the options says "Notice: Undefined variable: time1 in C:\wamp\www\yyyyyy\create.php on line 112". It doesn't say this if I publish everything to the internet. So the question is, should I put code in to eliminate those Notices, or does it not matter. In other words, if I add this snippet below to declare all the other variables, it eliminates all the Notices. But is this necessary/good practice to do?.. Code: [Select] for ($i=1; $i<=15; $i++) { ${"time".$i}=""; } This topic has been moved to Miscellaneous. <?php if ($beyondportal % 26 == 0 || $beyondportal == 0){ ?> MY CONTENT <?php } ; ?> This code compares my variable $beyondportal and if it is a multiple of 26 counting up from 0, it prints my content. This is great but sometimes the number comes up a negative that is a multiple counting down from 0 like -26, -52, etc.. if I could do the opposite of a modulus I would think it would work but I'm not sure how to in php. any suggestions? I am using file_get_contents to get file off the internet for further processing but somtetimes there is error fetching that file off the web in which case it would be nice to try to reload it again but I am not sure what would be best way to do it? How can I jump back on error? I guess there would have to be some jump to label condition, but how do I implement this? |