PHP - Get_headers(['location']) Returns Empty When Php Script Is Loaded By Another Php Script
Hi everyone! I've been working on a php script to replace links that contain a query with direct links to the files they would redirect to. Similar TutorialsHi everyone!
I've been working on a php script to replace links that contain a query with direct links to the files they would redirect to. In this case I have to rewrite the xml with this script. Situation is not optimal, I'm running the chunk script because we're stuck with the execution time limit too. Export filter: This loops over a xml file and splits it into chunks <?php //ini_set('max_execution_time', 10); // ---- includes if ( ! defined('ABSPATH') ) { require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wp-load.php' ); } // ---- end includes // console function vwaconsole($input) { $disabled = false; if ($disabled === false) { $a = print_r($input.'</br>'); $a = $input; echo "<script>console.log( '--log--: " . $a . "' );</script>"; } } //end console // settings // $chunk_size = 20; // $home = constant( 'ABSPATH' ); $xml_path = $home."/wp-content/uploads/wpallimport/files/Bastiaansen.xml"; if (fopen($xml_path,"r") != true) { vwaconsole("xml file does not exist"); exit(); } $xml = new DOMDocument(); $xml->formatOutput = true; $xml->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $xml->load($xml_path); // Main program // creates another file to be filled by sub scripts if (!empty($xml)) { vwaconsole("Running main program"); // backup xml first $date = "_".date("Y M D h i"); $date = str_replace(' ', '_', $date); $xpath = new DOMXpath($xml); $items = $xpath->query("//aanbiedingen//item"); $loopcount = 0; $processedamount = 0; $islast = 0; vwaconsole('total items: '.$items->length); vwaconsole('chunk size: '.$chunk_size); echo'<br>'; /* chunks processing: */ $chunkxml = new DOMDocument(); $chunkxml->formatOutput = true; $chunkxml->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $counter = 0; $chunkroot = null; foreach($items as $item) { //vwaconsole('processing item'); if ($chunkroot === null) { $chunkroot = $chunkxml->createElement('root'); $chunkxml->appendChild($chunkroot); //vwaconsole('created root'); } if (($processedamount + $chunk_size) > $items->length) { //vwaconsole("last chunk in progress..."); $islast = 1; } $chunkitem = $chunkxml->createElement($item->nodeName); $chunkroot->appendChild($chunkitem); //vwaconsole('appended child item to root'); foreach($item->childNodes as $spec) { //vwaconsole('processing specs in item'); $chunkspec = $chunkxml->createElement($spec->nodeName); $chunkitem->appendChild($chunkspec); $chunkspectext = $chunkxml->createTextNode($spec->nodeValue); $chunkspec->appendChild($chunkspectext); } $counter++; $processedamount++; if ($counter >= $chunk_size) { $chunkxml->save("wp-content/uploads/wpallimport/files/chunks_bast/bast_chunk_".$loopcount.".xml"); vwaconsole("saved array chunk"); $output = `php export_filter_chunk_processor.php $loopcount $islast `; vwaconsole($output); vwaconsole("creating new array chunk"); $chunkxml = new DOMDocument(); $chunkxml->formatOutput = true; $chunkxml->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $loopcount++; $counter = 0; $chunkroot = null; } if ($items->length === $processedamount) { $chunkxml->save("wp-content/uploads/wpallimport/files/chunks_bast/bast_chunk_".$loopcount.".xml"); vwaconsole("finished saving last chunk"); } } // merge documents later.. /* $newxml = new DOMDocument("1.0", "utf-8"); $newxml->formatOutput = true; $newxml->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $itemContainer = $newxml->createElement('aanbiedingen'); $newxml->appendChild($itemContainer); //$newxml->save("wp-content/uploads/wpallimport/files/TEMP_Bastiaansen.xml"); */ vwaconsole("main ending"); exit(); } else { //vwaconsole("xml is empty ?! exiting"); exit(); } ?>
Export chunk processor: The xml was split by the previous script. This one takes one of the chunks and calls get_headers() , sending a link containing a query multiple of this script run at same time. The queries are then picked up by the last php file. <?php //ini_set('max_execution_time', 10); // console function vwaconsole($input) { $disabled = false; if ($disabled === false) { $a = print_r($input.'</br>'); $a = $input; echo "<script>console.log( '--log--: " . $a . "' );</script>"; } } //end console //echo'<br>'; print_r("called chunk processor > Chunk processor started. "); //echo'<br>'; $loopcount=$argv[1]; $islast=$argv[2]; if ($loopcount === null || $islast === null) { print_r("CHUNK PROCESSOR ERROR > loop count is empty"); exit(); } else { print_r("CHUNK PROCESSOR variables set. loop count: ".$loopcount." is last: ".$islast."<br>"); } if ( ! defined('BAST_ROOT_DIR') ) { define('BAST_ROOT_DIR', __DIR__); } $home = constant( 'BAST_ROOT_DIR' ); $xml_path = $home."/wp-content/uploads/wpallimport/files/chunks_bast/bast_chunk_".$loopcount.".xml"; if (fopen($xml_path,"r") != true) { print_r("chunk file was not found at path: ".$xml_path); exit(); } $xmlChunk = new DOMDocument(); //$xmlChunk = new DOMDocument(); $xmlChunk->formatOutput = true; $xmlChunk->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $xmlChunk->load($xml_path); if (empty($xmlChunk)) { print_r("chunk data is empty, exiting"); exit(); } else { print_r("got chunk data <br>"); } $xpath = new DOMXpath($xmlChunk); $item = $xpath->query("//root//item"); //$items = $xmlChunk->getElementsByTagName('//root//item'); foreach ($item as $node) { echo'new item: <br>'; foreach ($node->childNodes as $spec) { //vwaconsole("processing spec: ".$spec->nodeName); if (($spec->nodeName == 'itemlink')) { $memValue = $spec->nodeValue; //setting new url spec node $spec->nodeValue = processItemLink($memValue); // add new itemfoto nodes to xml } elseif(($spec->nodeName == 'itemfoto1')) { $memValue = $spec->nodeValue; $imgurls = array(); $first = true; for ($i = 1; $i < 50; $i++) { if ($first === false) { $memValue = str_replace('bast_get_itemfoto_id='.strval($i-1), 'bast_get_itemfoto_id='.strval($i), $memValue); } vwaconsole("trying to get a itemfoto with id: ".strval($i)." link: " .$memValue); $triedFotoUrl = processItemLink($memValue); vwaconsole("tried url: ".$triedFotoUrl); if($triedFotoUrl !== $memValue) { $imgurls[] = $triedFotoUrl; } else { vwaconsole("tried url and processed url are equal. end of loop. No new images left or error happened."); break; } $first = false; } //remove the old single itemfoto from xml $spec->parentNode->removeChild($spec); // add sorted nodes from image array if (!empty($imgurls)) { sort($imgurls, SORT_NATURAL); print_r('<br> after sort;'); print_r($imgurls); print_r('<br>'); $arlength = count($imgurls); for($x = 0; $x < $arlength; $x++) { $newItemFoto = $xml->createElement('itemfoto'.strval($x+1)); $newItemFotoText = $xml->createTextNode($imgurls[$x]); $newItemFoto->appendChild($newItemFotoText); $node->appendChild($newItemFoto); } unset($imgurls); } } } echo'<br>'; } //returns string url //follow the query url from xml, return a direct link or returns input on failure. query is processed in Bastiaansen.php. function processItemLink($url) { if (!empty($url)) { $headers = get_headers($url, 1); if(!empty($headers['Location'])) { vwaconsole('test returning header location: '.$headers['Location']); return $headers['Location']; } else { vwaconsole("header empty ?!?! can't convert query"); } } return $url; } $xmlChunk->save("wp-content/uploads/wpallimport/files/chunks_bast/bast_chunk_test_".$loopcount.".xml"); ?>
When the chunk processor calls a query link with get_headers(), the query will be noticed by the next script, the query converter: <?php if ( ! defined('ABSPATH') ) { require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wp-load.php' ); } // ---- vars $machineID = $_GET['bast_get_machine_id']; $itemlink = $_GET['bast_get_itemlink']; $itemfoto_id = $_GET['bast_get_itemfoto_id']; if (!empty($itemlink)) { $request = 'bast_get_itemlink'; $value = $itemlink; } elseif (!empty($itemfoto_id)) { $request = 'bast_get_itemfoto_id'; $value = $itemfoto_id; } // ---- end vars if (empty($machineID)) { echo 'please enter query ?bast_get_machine_id=(number) first'; exit(); } if (empty($request) || empty($value)) { echo 'Valid query request would be: bast_get_itemlink <br>'; echo 'Valid query request would be: bast_get_itemfoto_id <br>'; exit(); } // register custom query options function sm_register_query_vars( $vars ) { // get the right custom field names $vars[] = $request; $vars[] = 'pa_'.$request; return $vars; } add_filter( 'query_vars', 'sm_register_query_vars' ); //returns null or string url function fetch($machineID,$request,$value) { $return = null; $args = array( 'orderby' => 'meta_value_num', 'meta_key' => 'bast_get_machine_id', 'meta_type' => 'NUMERIC', 'post_type' => 'product', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'order' => 'ASC', 'meta_query' => array( array( 'key' => 'bast_get_machine_id', 'type' => 'NUMERIC', 'value' => $machineID, 'compare' => 'EXISTS', ) ) ); $wp_query = new WP_Query($args); if ( $wp_query->have_posts() ) { while ( $wp_query->have_posts() ) { $wp_query->the_post(); apply_filters( 'the_content', 'filter_post_content' ); echo 'found product " '.get_the_title().' " on machine ID '.$machineID.'<br>'; echo 'requested: '.$request.'<br>'; if ($request === 'bast_get_itemlink') { // product url $return = get_permalink(get_the_ID()); break; } elseif ($request === 'bast_get_itemfoto_id') { // image attachment $attachments = get_posts(array( 'post_type' => 'attachment', //'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_parent' => get_the_ID() //'exclude' => get_post_thumbnail_id() )); // as the requested value should be 1, but the array starts at 0.. remove 1 from value if (!empty($attachments) && ($attachments != false) && !empty($attachments[$value-1]) && ($attachments[$value-1] != false) ) { $return = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachments[$value-1]->ID, 'full')[0]; echo 'attachment found'; } else { echo 'attachment empty...'; } echo 'total amount of images found on this machine: '.count($attachments); break; } break; } /* Reset Post Data after loop */ wp_reset_postdata(); } else { echo 'query on machine ID '.$machineID.' found no product. Exit.'; } return $return; } function filter_post_content( $content ) { // Check if we're inside the main loop in a single post page. if ( is_single() && in_the_loop() && is_main_query() ) { return $content; } return $content; } $finaldestination = fetch($machineID,$request,$value); if (empty($finaldestination)) { exit(); } //echo 'destination set: '.$finaldestination.'<br>'; header("Location: ".$finaldestination, true, 302); ?>
Is it possible to set the require_once, so that later in the script PHP does not require_once the file? Code: [Select] $file = $root.'filename.php'; set_require_once($file);//this would be nice require_once($file);//so this does not load Hi, it's my first post so hello to you and i hope you will be forgiving:) I've made a basic script, which takes a urls from the form(each of them is the new row) and then search each of those urls for an email. The problem is that only the email from the last url is returned. print_r("show link:". $urls[$i]."<br>"); shows all urls in the form, but the print_r("show current_url:". $current_url); shows only the last one. Code: [Select] <?php $urls = explode("\n", $_POST['urls']); $db = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', 'root', 'urls'); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo 'Błąd: '; exit; } for ($i=0; $i<count($urls); $i++){ print_r("show link:". $urls[$i]."<br>"); $current_url = file_get_contents($urls[$i]); print_r("show current_url:". $current_url); preg_match( "/[\._a-zA-Z0-9-]+@[\._a-zA-Z0-9-]+/i", $current_url, $email);//email print_r ("show email:".$email[0]); $zapytanie = "INSERT INTO urle set adres = '$email[0]' "; $wynik = $db->query($zapytanie); } if ($wynik) { echo $db->affected_rows ."pozycji dodano."; } else { echo mysql_errno() . ":" . mysql_error() . "Wystąpił błąd przy dodawaniu urli "; } $db->close(); ?> Hi, I have a sql query that executes perfectly in phpMyAdmin but when applied to a PHP script returns nothing. It won't even start a "while" loop. Please review code snippits below. Submission Script calls function in Database Class: $result = $database->testReturnId($_POST['years'], $_POST['model']); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $i = $i + 1; echo "ROW " . $i . " " . $row['auto_id'] . " " . $row['auto_year'] . " " . $row['auto_year_high'] . " " . $row['auto_make'] . " " . $row['auto_model'] . "<br />"; } Database Class Function: function testReturnId($year, $model){ global $form; $q = 'SELECT * FROM tbl_svc_auto WHERE auto_model = "$model" AND "$year" BETWEEN auto_year AND auto_year_high'; if(!mysql_query($q, $this->connection)){ return false; }else{ return $result = mysql_query($q, $this->connection); } } I have moved the query to the submission script and replaced the variables with actual data and it still will not work. I can take the same query with out the variables and input it into phpMyAdmin and it works great. On the submission script, I added a row number to the echo thinking that it would a least return the word "ROW" and it does not. I have tested each step of the execution of the query and have not returned any errors. I do not receive any errors at all even during execution. It just seems to refuse to run the "while" statement. I do not know where my problem is......Please help. Thank you in advance for any assitance you can offer. Joshua Now this one is a bit of a shit head. I am using a really comprehensive class i found on on the web for upload / re-size / crop but i want to be able to override it's error handling and i am not good enough to start modifying the code in the class with out fucking it up. Firstly i will show you how i have invoked the class. Code: [Select] if( isset($_FILES['image'] ) ) { //Class includes include("../scrips/php/cms/database.insert.class.php"); include ("../scrips/php/cms/img.upload.resize.crop.class.php.php"); //----------|Start: upload, resize & save $your_image = new _image; //----------| Upload orginal image $your_image->uploadTo = 'uploads/'; $upload = $your_image->upload($_FILES['image']); //----------| Resize and upload small thumbnail $your_image->newPath = 'thums/'; $your_image->newWidth = 50; $your_image->newHeight = 50; $resized = $your_image->resize(); //----------| Resize and upload medium thumbnail $your_image->newPath = 'thums2/'; $your_image->newWidth = 100; $your_image->newHeight = 100; $resized = $your_image->resize(); //----------| Getting the image name to insert into the database futher on in the code $name = $resized; $img_str = explode("/",$name); $final_img_name = $img_str['1']; echo "Article has been added!"; //----------------|end //----------------| Start database insert (class manipulation) $table = "blog_posts"; $title = "'".$_POST['ArticleTitle']."',"; $img = "'".$final_img_name."',"; $post = "'".$_POST['ArticleBody']."',"; $aurthor_id = "'1',"; $category_id = "'".$_POST['Category']."',"; $date_posted = "NOW()"; $values = array("$title","$img","$post","$aurthor_id","$category_id","$date_posted"); $fields = array('title,','img,','post,','aurthor_id,','category_id,','date_posted'); $obj= new DatabaseInsert; $obj->DatabaseConnectionRequire(); $obj->ArticleInsert($values,$fields,$table); //----------------|end } As you can see it's fairly basic. What i want to do is before it runs this script and starts including/invoking the class etc, i want to be able to check to see if there is a value been posted from a FILE FORM OBJECT and if there is to proceed with this script, alternatively i want it to execute another code which will handle it in regards to the concept of my page. A simple javascript alert with be ok providing it reloaded the page to it's default state. If any one can help me here i would appreciate it a lot. Thanks Hi all. I work at a university library where I am the default web coding person. Although I know far more than anyone else who works here, my skills are not exactly at the guru level. At the moment I'm fighting with libcURL, trying to use a (secured) submission form to upload files from faculty to a remote server. (Of course, I had one that worked which uploaded to a safe directory on our web server, but that was deemed insufficient. ) I have managed to connect to the FTP server with cURL, and I have managed to create files on that server which have the same name as the files uploaded in the form. However, for some reason that escapes me, the files created on the FTP server are empty files. The server is using Server 2003 and IIS 6, and I am able to successfully upload to it using Filezilla, so I suspect the problem is with my code. I have searched Google for help with this, but all I can get is examples of how to upload which are the same as the one I already have, and how to delete a file using cURL, which is not what I want to do. The problem does seem to be somewhere in the file transfer process. die($_Files['syllabus']['size']); gives me the correct file size, and I tried moving the file onto the (local) webserver before transfering it via FTP, and the server one was fine--the FTPed version still showed up empty. If anybody has any idea what's going on, your help would be greatly appreciated. //the syllabus file from the form $syllabus=$_FILES['syllabus']['name']; //the syllabus as it will appear on the server (to make it a clickable link in the e-mail sent //to our processing librarian later in the script. Removing this did not fix the problem anyway.) $REMsyllabus = str_replace(' ', '-', $_FILES['syllabus']['name']); //formatted URL, with FTP information defined just before the syllabus and REMsyllabus files. $SYLremoteurl = "ftp://${ftpuser}:${ftppasswd}@${ftpserver}/${REMsyllabus}"; $ch = curl_init(); $fp = fopen($syllabus, 'r'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $SYLremoteurl); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INFILE, $fp); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, $_FILES['syllabus']['size']); curl_exec ($ch); $error_no = curl_errno($ch); curl_close ($ch); if ($error_no == 0) { $error = 'File uploaded succesfully.'; } //if else { $error = 'File upload error: '.$error_no; }//else } //if else { $error = 'No syllabus file selected.'; }//else This is pretty much the example code from the libcURL PHP section web page, so I'm not entirely sure why it doesn't work. Thanks in advance for any help anybody can offer! I am able to make the map shift to the direction as intended but I got a few other problems: 1. The player location isn't properly loaded, eventhough it saved to the database successfully (I use locationX and locationY as XY coordinate individually). The X and Y corrdinates shows up on the URL itself like this ".../main.php?x=#&y=#". But if I remove them and then hit enter again the it will reset the position back to the original location of the map. 2. The player tile does not appears in center of the map tiles. Here is the page I uploaded my PHP script: Here is the map portion of the code: Code: [Select] <?php $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die('Error with MySQL connection'); mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf-8'"); mysql_select_db($dbname) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "SELECT * FROM game_user WHERE game_id = '00001'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); if ((!empty($_GET["x"])) && (!empty($_GET["y"]))) { $updateString = "UPDATE game_user SET locationX=".$_GET["x"].", locationY=" .$_GET["y"]. " WHERE game_id = '00001'"; mysql_query($updateString); } else { $x = 2; $y = 2; } ?> ... // Phrasing map tiles and player tile code <?php $file = file_get_contents('./images/maps/33/map.txt', true); $entries = explode("\n", $file); for($i=$x-2;$i<=$x+2;$i++){ $data = explode(",", $entries[$i]); for($j=$y-2;$j<=$y+2;$j++){ echo "<td align=\"center\" background=\"images/maps/33/33_"; echo $data[$j]; echo ".gif\" width=\"65\" height=\"65\"> <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"65\" height=\"65\"> <tbody><tr> <td> <center>"; while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if(($rows['locationX'] == $_GET["x"]) && ($rows['locationY'] == $_GET["y"])) { echo "<img src=\"../images/player_tile.gif\" title=\"You are here\">"; } } echo "</center> </td> </tr></tbody> </table> </td>"; } echo "</tr><tr>"; } ?> Hi All, I am pretty new to PHP ( I am a C Programmer). I am trying a simple shopping cart website for my friend. IN one of the pages, I am submitting some info, which is actually not showing up in my server side php. Below is the HTML code to submit. <a href="cart.php?action=add&p=5&size=small"> <img src="images/add_to_cart.gif"/> </a> I tried to check the values of the parameters using $action = $_GET['action'] ; Action stored empty. Then I checked the whole array print_r($_GET) which returned Array( ) So, for some reason the value is always empty. I tried the declaration GLOBAL $_GET, but no use. Any help/directions - much appreciated! Hello i have a system where leaders add members, i want to display a table of members WHERE the 'leader' field equals 'myusername' so that leaders only see members they added. when using the WHERE function i get a database empty as the result but when i remove the WHERE function i get all the data returned Code: [Select] include("system/include/session.php"); $myUname = $session->username; echo "$myUname"; function displayMembers(){ global $database; $q = "SELECT * " ."FROM ".TBL_MEMBERS." WHERE leader = '$myUname'"; $result = $database->query($q); $num_rows = mysql_numrows($result); if(!$result || ($num_rows < 0)){ echo "Error displaying info"; return; } if($num_rows == 0){ echo "Database table empty"; return; } echo "<table>\n"; echo "<thead> <tr> <th>Full Name</th> <th>Gender</th> <th>DOB</th> <th>Post Code</th> <th>Email Address</th> <th>Edit User</th> </tr> </thead>\n"; for($i=0; $i<$num_rows; $i++){ $Mprefix = mysql_result($result,$i,"prefix"); $Mfname = mysql_result($result,$i,"firstname"); $Mlname = mysql_result($result,$i,"lastname"); $Mgender = mysql_result($result,$i,"gender"); $Mdob = mysql_result($result,$i,"dob"); $Mpostcode = mysql_result($result,$i,"postcode"); $Memail = mysql_result($result,$i,"email"); echo " <tbody> <tr> <td>$Mprefix $Mfname $Mlname</td> <td>$Mgender</td> <td>$Mdob</td> <td>$Mpostcode</td> <td>$Memail</td> <td> <center> <form action=\"system/admin/adminprocess.php\" method=\"POST\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"deluser\" value=\"$uname\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subdeluser\" value=\"1\"> <input type=\"submit\" class=\"button plain\" value=\"Edit Member\"> </form> </center> </td> </tr> </tbody>\n"; } echo "</table><br>\n"; } all help i am thankful for I noticed that strtolower() wasn't working. My script was adding blank rows to a text file that was supposed to be lowercase emails, so I wrote the following script to confirm it's not working: <?php $var = "Foo"; echo "$var<br />"; echo srttolower($var)."<br />"; $var = strtolower($var); echo "$var<br />"; ?> This page just prints "Foo" once on the screen where I should see Foo foo foo I then checked my error log, and I'm getting Call to undefined function messages for strtolower(). Any ideas? I'm having trouble echoing $year in my script. Listed below is the script, just below ,$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $dbname WHERE class LIKE '%$search%'") or die(mysql_error());, in the script I try to echo $year. It doesn't show up in the table on the webpage. Everything else works fine. Any help wold be appreciated greatly. Thanks in advance. <?php include 'config2.php'; $search=$_GET["search"]; // Connect to server and select database. mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass)or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("vetman")or die("cannot select DB"); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $dbname WHERE class LIKE '%$search%'") or die(mysql_error()); // store the record of the "" table into $row //$current = ''; echo "<table align=center border=1>"; echo "<br>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td align=center>"; ?> <div style="float: center;"><a><h1><?php echo $year; ?></h1></a></div> <?php echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</table>"; // keeps getting the next row until there are no more to get if($result && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $i = 0; $max_columns = 2; echo "<table align=center>"; echo "<br>"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // make the variables easy to deal with extract($row); // open row if counter is zero if($i == 0) echo "<tr>"; echo "<td align=center>"; ?> <div style="float: left;"> <div><img src="<?php echo $image1; ?>"></div> </div> <?php echo "</td>"; // increment counter - if counter = max columns, reset counter and close row if(++$i == $max_columns) { echo "</tr>"; $i=0; } // end if } // end while } // end if results // clean up table - makes your code valid! if($i > 0) { for($j=$i; $j<$max_columns;$j++) echo "<td> </td>"; echo '</tr>'; } mysql_close(); ?> </table> Hi i have this upload script which works fine it uploads image to a specified folder and sends the the details to the database. but now i am trying to instead make a modify script which is Update set so i tried to change insert to update but didnt work can someone help me out please this my insert image script which works fine but want to change to modify instead Code: [Select] <?php mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error()) ; mysql_select_db("upload") or die(mysql_error()) ; // my file the name of the input area on the form type is the extension of the file //echo $_FILES["myfile"]["type"]; //myfile is the name of the input area on the form $name = $_FILES["image"] ["name"]; // name of the file $type = $_FILES["image"]["type"]; //type of the file $size = $_FILES["image"]["size"]; //the size of the file $temp = $_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"];//temporary file location when click upload it temporary stores on the computer and gives it a temporary name $error =array(); // this an empty array where you can then call on all of the error messages $allowed_exts = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'); // array with the following extension name values $image_type = array('image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif'); // array with the following image type values $location = 'images/'; //location of the file or directory where the file will be stored $appendic_name = "news".$name;//this append the word [news] before the name so the image would be news[nameofimage].gif // substr counts the number of carachters and then you the specify how how many you letters you want to cut off from the beginning of the word example drivers.jpg it would cut off dri, and would display vers.jpg //echo $extension = substr($name, 3); //using both substr and strpos, strpos it will delete anything before the dot in this case it finds the dot on the $name file deletes and + 1 says read after the last letter you delete because you want to display the letters after the dot. if remove the +1 it will display .gif which what we want is just gif $extension = strtolower(substr($name, strpos ($name, '.') +1));//strlower turn the extension non capital in case extension is capital example JPG will strtolower will make jpg // another way of doing is with explode // $image_ext strtolower(end(explode('.',$name))); will explode from where you want in this case from the dot adn end will display from the end after the explode $myfile = $_POST["myfile"]; if (isset($image)) // if you choose a file name do the if bellow { // if extension is not equal to any of the variables in the array $allowed_exts error appears if(in_array($extension, $allowed_exts) === false ) { $error[] = 'Extension not allowed! gif, jpg, jpeg, png only<br />'; // if no errror read next if line } // if file type is not equal to any of the variables in array $image_type error appears if(in_array($type, $image_type) === false) { $error[] = 'Type of file not allowed! only images allowed<br />'; } // if file bigger than the number bellow error message if($size > 2097152) { $error[] = 'File size must be under 2MB!'; } // check if folder exist in the server if(!file_exists ($location)) { $error[] = 'No directory ' . $location. ' on the server Please create a folder ' .$location; } } // if no error found do the move upload function if (empty($error)){ if (move_uploaded_file($temp, $location .$appendic_name)) { // insert data into database first are the field name teh values are the variables you want to insert into those fields appendic is the new name of the image mysql_query("INSERT INTO image (myfile ,image) VALUES ('$myfile', '$appendic_name')") ; exit(); } } else { foreach ($error as $error) { echo $error; } } //echo $type; ?> hey guys im really just after a bit of help/information on 2 things (hope its in the right forum).
1. basically I'm wanting to make payments from one account to another paypal wondering what I would need to do to be able to do this if anyone can shine some light please? seen on google you type in a query in the search bar and it generates sentences/keywords from a database
so if product "chair" was in the database
whilst typing "ch" it would show "chair" for a possible match
I know it would in tale sql & json but im after a good tutorial/script of some sort.
if anyone can help with some information/sites it would be much appreciated.
Thank you
I'm trying to use this script known as SimpleImage.php that can be found here <a href="">link</a> I'm trying to include what is on the bottom of the page to my existing script can anyone help me I've tried several ways but its not working. Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors','On'); //error_reporting(E_ALL); // image upload folder $image_folder = 'images/classified/'; // fieldnames in form $all_file_fields = array('image1', 'image2' ,'image3', 'image4'); // allowed filetypes $file_types = array('jpg','gif','png'); // max filesize 5mb $max_size = 5000000; //echo'<pre>';print_r($_FILES);exit; $time = time(); $count = 1; foreach($all_file_fields as $fieldname){ if($_FILES[$fieldname]['name'] != ''){ $type = substr($_FILES[$fieldname]['name'], -3, 3); // check filetype if(in_array(strtolower($type), $file_types)){ //check filesize if($_FILES[$fieldname]['size']>$max_size){ $error = "File too big. Max filesize is ".$max_size." MB"; }else{ // new filename $filename = str_replace(' ','',$myusername).'_'.$time.'_'.$count.'.'.$type; // move/upload file $target_path = $image_folder.basename($filename); move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$fieldname]['tmp_name'], $target_path); //save array with filenames $images[$count] = $image_folder.$filename; $count = $count+1; }//end if }else{ $error = "Please use jpg, gif, png files"; }//end if }//end if }//end foreach if($error != ''){ echo $error; }else{ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAVE TO DATABASE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ ?> Hello, I stored a fsockopen function in a separate "called.php" file, in order to run it as another thread when it needs. The called script should return results to the "master.php" script. I'm able to run the script to get the socket working, and I'm able to get results from the called script. I tried for hours but I can't do the twice both My master.php script (with socket working): Code: [Select] <?php $command = "(/mnt/opt/www/called.php $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR] &) > /dev/null"; $result = exec($command); echo ("result = $result\r\n"); ?> and my called.php script Code: [Select] #!/mnt/opt/usr/bin/php-cli -q <?php $device = $_SERVER['argv'][1]; $port = "8080"; $fp = fsockopen($device, $port, $errno, $errstr, 5); fwrite($fp, "test"); fclose($fp); echo ("normal end of the called.php script"); ?> In the master script, if I use Code: [Select] $command = "(/mnt/opt/www/called.php $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR] &) > /dev/null"; the socket works, but I have nothing in $result (note also that I don't anderstand why the ( ... &) are needed!?) and if I use Code: [Select] $command = "/mnt/opt/www/called.php $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]"; I have the correct text "normal end of the called.php script" in $result but the socket connection is not performed (no errors in php logs) Could you help me to find a way to let's work the two features correctly together? Thank you. I wish to find a way to test if multiple sites are up or not. I have been using get_headers but it seems that this does not do what I thought I would. I wish to know if the sites are down or not. Is there another function that can test what state the site is in. i.e. server not found, server issues prevented the page from showing... Using get_headers will still show the site is live even if the server is not found, due to server problems, if any. I'm restarting this under a new subject b/c I learned some things after I initially posted and the subject heading is no longer accurate. What would cause this behavior - when I populate session vars from a MYSQL query, they stick, if I populate them from an MSSQL query, they drop. It doesn't matter if I get to the next page using a header redirect or a form submit. I have two session vars I'm loading from a MYSQL query and they remain, the two loaded from MSSQL disappear. I have confirmed that all four session vars are loading ok initially and I can echo them out to the page, but when the application moves to next page via redirect or form submit, the two vars loaded from MSSQL are empty. Any ideas? Well the subject line is pretty explicit. I found this script that uploads a picture onto a folder on the server called images, then inserts the the path of the image on the images folder onto a VACHAR field in a database table. Code: [Select] <?php //This file inserts the main image into the images table. //address error handling ini_set ('display_errors', 1); error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); //authenticate user //Start session session_start(); //Connect to database require ('config.php'); //Check whether the session variable id is present or not. If not, deny access. if(!isset($_SESSION['id']) || (trim($_SESSION['id']) == '')) { header("location: access_denied.php"); exit(); } else{ // Check to see if the type of file uploaded is a valid image type function is_valid_type($file) { // This is an array that holds all the valid image MIME types $valid_types = array("image/jpg", "image/jpeg", "image/bmp", "image/gif"); if (in_array($file['type'], $valid_types)) return 1; return 0; } // Just a short function that prints out the contents of an array in a manner that's easy to read // I used this function during debugging but it serves no purpose at run time for this example function showContents($array) { echo "<pre>"; print_r($array); echo "</pre>"; } // Set some constants // This variable is the path to the image folder where all the images are going to be stored // Note that there is a trailing forward slash $TARGET_PATH = "images/"; // Get our POSTed variable $image = $_FILES['image']; // Sanitize our input $image['name'] = mysql_real_escape_string($image['name']); // Build our target path full string. This is where the file will be moved to // i.e. images/picture.jpg $TARGET_PATH .= $image['name']; // Make sure all the fields from the form have inputs if ( $image['name'] == "" ) { $_SESSION['error'] = "All fields are required"; header("Location: member.php"); exit; } // Check to make sure that our file is actually an image // You check the file type instead of the extension because the extension can easily be faked if (!is_valid_type($image)) { $_SESSION['error'] = "You must upload a jpeg, gif, or bmp"; header("Location: member.php"); exit; } // Here we check to see if a file with that name already exists // You could get past filename problems by appending a timestamp to the filename and then continuing if (file_exists($TARGET_PATH)) { $_SESSION['error'] = "A file with that name already exists"; header("Location: member.php"); exit; } // Lets attempt to move the file from its temporary directory to its new home if (move_uploaded_file($image['tmp_name'], $TARGET_PATH)) { // NOTE: This is where a lot of people make mistakes. // We are *not* putting the image into the database; we are putting a reference to the file's location on the server $sql = "insert into images (member_id, image_cartegory, image_date, image) values ('{$_SESSION['id']}', 'main', NOW(), '" . $image['name'] . "')"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die ("Could not insert data into DB: " . mysql_error()); header("Location: images.php"); echo "File uploaded"; exit; } else { // A common cause of file moving failures is because of bad permissions on the directory attempting to be written to // Make sure you chmod the directory to be writeable $_SESSION['error'] = "Could not upload file. Check read/write persmissions on the directory"; header("Location: member.php"); exit; } } //End of if session variable id is not present. ?> The script seems to work fine because I managed to upload a picture which was successfully inserted into my images folder and into the database. Now the problem is, I can't figure out exactly how to write the script that displays the image on an html page. I used the following script which didn't work. Code: [Select] //authenticate user //Start session session_start(); //Connect to database require ('config.php'); $sql = mysql_query("SELECT* FROM images WHERE member_id = '".$_SESSION['id']."' AND image_cartegory = 'main' "); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql); $imagebytes = $row['image']; header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); print $imagebytes; Seems to me like I need to alter some variables to match the variables used in the insert script, just can't figure out which. Can anyone help?? I have an application which runs on more than one server and need to launch one PHP script from another PHP script. Since this is different than a function call I'm not sure how it's done. I plan to include parameters in the URL I send and use GETs to pick up parameters in the "called" PHP script. Thanks for sugestions Hi, I am trying to run two scripts on one page. When I use just one script on the page they work however when I place both scripts on the same page one of them disrupts the other script. This script prevents the other following script from working: Code: [Select] ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(-1); { $query = "SELECT * FROM answers ORDER BY `aid` DESC LIMIT 0, 11"; } $result = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $answer = $row['answer']; $aid = $row['aid']; echo " <div class='questionboxquestion'> <a href= '$aid' class='questionlink'>$answer</a> </div> <div class='questionboxnotes'> </br> </div> <div class='questionboxlinks'> <div class='questionboxcategory'> <div class='questionboxcategorytitle'> Category: </div> <a href= '' class='questionanswerlink'></a> </div> <div class='questionboxanswerlink'> <a href= '' class='questionanswerlink'>Answer</a> </div> </div> "; } Code: [Select] <?php if($error) echo "<span style=\"color:#ff0000;\">".$error."</span><br /><br />"; ?> <label for="username">Username: </label> <input type="text" name="username" value="<?php if($_POST['username']) echo $_POST['username']; ?>" /><br /> <label for="password">Password: </label> <input type="password" name="password" value="<?php if($_POST['password']) echo $_POST['password']; ?>" /><br /> <label for="password2">Retype Password: </label> <input type="password" name="password2" value="<?php if($_POST['password2']) echo $_POST['password2']; ?>" /><br /> <label for="email">Email: </label> <input type="text" name="email" value="<?php if($_POST['email']) echo $_POST['email']; ?>" /><br /><br /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Register" /> |