PHP - How To Handle Multiple Connections Using A Single Class Instance
Hi All
I have not really played around with PHP in ages so I am having a hard time trying to figure out the best way to proceed. Anyhow... what I need to get done is to take a singleton pattern core database class that has a extended driver based class (ie; the type of database server the connection is connecting to), and build a new class that dynamically handles as many driver based connections that are called using a single instance. As a side note, I tried PDO but it only supports a single driver per class instance, and then each of those connections cannot not have their on set of properties that relate to each connection. Anyway, I was thinking that the best way to handle all the driver specific connections, is to hand out a 'unique hash reference' that points to an array of connection objects and the object properties. then when the client runs any sql function they pass the 'unique hash reference' which the class then returns the object and it properties that will be used by the class to call up the driver specific sql function that was requested by the client. So what do you all thing about that....
TIA stephanieT
I reason i need this is because I need to update up 25 different databases based on data stored on all the databases and not all of the database servers are of the same type, (ie; MSSQL, Oracle, MySQL, MariaDB, berkeley DB, postgres, sqlite2,3, etc, etc)! Edited January 16, 2019 by StephanieTSimilar TutorialsI have a table that contains the schools in my system: schools id name location ... Then, I have three tables that use the id of this table: schoolAdmins schoolID schoolContests schoolID students schoolID When I go to delete a school from my system, I want to check to see if that school is connected to any of these three other tables first. This is what I tried (but obviously failed because I'm here) where I'm passing the query the $studentID in question: SELECT * FROM schoolAdmins, schoolContests, students WHERE (schoolAdmins.schoolID = $schoolID) OR (schoolContests.schoolID = $schoolID) OR (students.schoolID = $schoolID) I'm really new to the concept of querying multiple tables in a single statement, so I'm just kind of guessing at this point. Thanks in advance. I've been looking everywhere for a solution of this but I can't find one...
Basically what I did was created a class named USER.
public class USER{ private static $USER = array(); public function __construct($U='') { // if $U is not entered (=='') then set $U to MY USER ID ($_COOKIE['user']) // do a mysql query by the ID (ala $U) and store the results to self::$USER } public function ID() { return self::$USER['id']; } }This is the code I am running... I do a user profile page that shows different properties of the USER from the database: USERNAME(),ID(),PHONE(),EMAIL(), etc. etc. // creates an instance of a different user (other than myself) $PROFILE = new USER($ID); // $ID: 26 will retrieve USERNAME: Test // create an instance of user class for myself using the cookie holding my id $ME = new USER($_COOKIE['user']) // $_COOKIE['user']: 01 will retrieve USERNAME: Monster echo($PROFILE->USERNAME()); // displays Monster echo($PROFILE->ID()); // displays 01Any idea what I am doing wrong? I would assume that $PROFILE->USERNAME() would display Test and $ME->USERNAME() would show monster. This is a bit of a more advanced question so I am hoping there are some advanced programmers online at this time . Anyways basically I want to be able to "queue" functions from a class in a single call and am wondering if I am doing it correctly or if there is a better way to do it. Here is my code: <?php class test { private static $one; private static $two; private static $three; public function callOne($val){ $one .= $val; return $this; } public function callTwo($val){ $two .= $val; return $this; } public function callThree($val){ $three .= $val; return $this; } public function print(){ echo $this->one.' '.$this->two.' '.$this->three; } } ?> now when I want to call this I can do: $test = new test(); $test->callOne('one')->callTwo('two')->callThree('three'); $test->callOne('another one'); $test->print(); Is there a better way to do this or is there a different method of doing this? Just wanna make sure I am doing it right lol. I have an existing instance of my class Database, now I want to call that instance in my Session class, how would I go about doing this? Ok I'm trying to insert multiple rows by using a while loop but having problems. At the same time, need to open a new mysql connection while running the insert query, close it then open the previous mysql connection. I managed to insert multiple queries before using a loop, but for this time, the loop does not work? I think it is because I am opening another connection... yh that would make sense actually? Here is the code: $users = safe_query("SELECT * FROM ".PREFIX."user"); while($dp=mysql_fetch_array($users)) { $username = $dp['username']; $nickname = $dp['nickname']; $pwd1 = $dp['password']; $mail = $dp['email']; $ip_add = $dp['ip']; $wsID = $dp['userID']; $registerdate = $dp['registerdate']; $birthday = $dp['birthday']; $avatar = $dp['avatar']; $icq = $dp['icq']; $hp = $dp['homepage']; echo $username." = 1 username only? :("; // ----- Forum Bridge user insert ----- $result = safe_query("SELECT * FROM `".PREFIX."forum`"); $ds=mysql_fetch_array($result); $forum_prefix = $ds['prefix']; define(PREFIX_FORUM, $forum_prefix); define(FORUMREG_DEBUG, 0); $con = mysql_connect($ds['host'], $ds['user'], $ds['password']) or system_error('ERROR: Can not connect to MySQL-Server'); $condb = mysql_select_db($ds['db'], $con) or system_error('ERROR: Can not connect to database "'.$ds['db'].'"'); include('../_phpbb_func.php'); $phpbbpass = phpbb_hash($pwd1); $phpbbmailhash = phpbb_email_hash($mail); $phpbbsalt = unique_id(); safe_query("INSERT INTO `".PREFIX_FORUM."users` (`username`, `username_clean`, `user_password`, `user_pass_convert`, `user_email`, `user_email_hash`, `group_id`, `user_type`, `user_regdate`, `user_passchg`, `user_lastvisit`, `user_lastmark`, `user_new`, `user_options`, `user_form_salt`, `user_ip`, `wsID`, `user_birthday`, `user_avatar`, `user_icq`, `user_website`) VALUES ('$username', '$username', '$phpbbpass', '0', '$mail', '$phpbbmailhash', '2', '0', '$registerdate', '$registerdate', '$registerdate', '$registerdate', '1', '230271', '$phpbbsalt', '$ip_add', '$wsID', '$birthday', '$avatar', '$icq', '$hp')"); if (FORUMREG_DEBUG == '1') { echo "<p><b>-- DEBUG -- : User added: ".mysql_affected_rows($con)."<br />"; echo "<br />-- DEBUG -- : Query used: ".end($_mysql_querys)."</b></p><br />"; $result = safe_query("SELECT user_id from ".PREFIX_FORUM."users WHERE username = '$username'"); $phpbbid = mysql_fetch_row($result); safe_query("INSERT INTO `".PREFIX_FORUM."user_group` (`group_id`, `user_id`, `group_leader`, `user_pending`) VALUES ('2', '$phpbbid[0]', '0', '0')"); safe_query("INSERT INTO `".PREFIX_FORUM."user_group` (`group_id`, `user_id`, `group_leader`, `user_pending`) VALUES ('7', '$phpbbid[0]', '0', '0')"); mysql_close($con); } include('../_mysql.php'); mysql_connect($host, $user, $pwd) or system_error('ERROR: Can not connect to MySQL-Server'); mysql_select_db($db) or system_error('ERROR: Can not connect to database "'.$db.'"'); } So I need to be able to insert these rows using the while loop.. how can I do this? I really appreciate any help. how do i handle single quotes in sql query Code: [Select] " SELECT name from phrase WHERE name='$stitle' ";this returns an error because the name contains single quotes like this: Johnson's. Hi, I am quite new to using php classes so it maybe something simple here, however I am trying to establish to connection to two different databases using one PHP class; The problem is that this will work for one but when I create a new connection they will both fail.
<?php putenv("TZ=Europe/London"); // start database connection $funky_db = new Database('xxxx', 'xxxx', 'xxxx', 'xxxx'); // start database connection $funky_cc = new Database('xxxx', 'xxxx', 'xxxx', 'xxxx'); class Database { private $host; private $user; private $pass; private $name; private $link; private $error; private $errno; private $query; function __construct($host, $user, $pass, $name = "", $conn = 1) { $this -> host = $host; $this -> user = $user; $this -> pass = $pass; if (!empty($name)) $this -> name = $name; if ($conn == 1) $this -> connect(); } function __destruct() { @mysql_close($this->link); } public function connect() { if ($this -> link = mysql_connect($this -> host, $this -> user, $this -> pass, TRUE)) { if (!empty($this -> name)) { if (!mysql_select_db($this -> name)) $this -> exception("Could not connect to the database!"); } } else { $this -> exception("Could not create database connection!"); } } public function close() { @mysql_close($this->link); } public function query($sql) { if ($this->query = @mysql_query($sql)) { return $this->query; } else { $this->exception("Could not query database!".$this->name); return false; } } public function num_rows($qid) { if (empty($qid)) { $this->exception("Could not get number of rows because no query id was supplied!"); return false; } else { return mysql_num_rows($qid); } } public function fetch_array($qid) { if (empty($qid)) { $this->exception("Could not fetch array because no query id was supplied!"); return false; } else { $data = mysql_fetch_array($qid); } return $data; } public function fetch_array_assoc($qid) { if (empty($qid)) { $this->exception("Could not fetch array assoc because no query id was supplied!"); return false; } else { $data = mysql_fetch_array($qid, MYSQL_ASSOC); } return $data; } public function fetch_object($qid) { if (empty($qid)) { $this->exception("Could not fetch object assoc because no query id was supplied!"); return false; } else { $data = mysql_fetch_object($qid); } return $data; } public function fetch_all_array($sql, $assoc = true) { $data = array(); if ($qid = $this->query($sql)) { if ($assoc) { while ($row = $this->fetch_array_assoc($qid)) { $data[] = $row; } } else { while ($row = $this->fetch_array($qid)) { $data[] = $row; } } } else { return false; } return $data; } public function last_id() { if ($id = mysql_insert_id()) { return $id; } else { return false; } } private function exception($message) { if ($this->link) { $this->error = mysql_error($this->link); $this->errno = mysql_errno($this->link); } else { $this->error = mysql_error(); $this->errno = mysql_errno(); } if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') { ?> <div class="alert-bad"> <div> Database Error </div> <div> Message: <?php echo $message; ?> </div> <?php if (strlen($this->error) > 0): ?> <div> <?php echo $this->error; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <div> Script: <?php echo @$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?> </div> <?php if (strlen(@$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) > 0): ?> <div> <?php echo @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> </div> <?php } else { echo "MYSQL ERROR: " . ((isset($this->error) && !empty($this->error)) ? $this->error:'') . "\n"; }; } } ?> json_decode returns a stdClass Object. Is there any way where I can get instance of my class instead of the same? I mean If I json_decode the below string then it will provide me instance of stdClass and not instance of Person class {"name":"a"} How to achieve the same? Thanks in advance CSJakharia Well in my script exist certain objects being used everywhere, in main script files and class library files. A good example is this Page class: Code: [Select] <?php class Page{ public $type; public $name; private $title = ""; private $content = ""; private $date = ""; private $links; private $sidebar; private $ads; public function __construct($page = ""){ // Constructor method of page class } public function gettitle(){ if(empty($this->title)) throw new Exception('The page has no title.'); return $this->title; } public function settitle($title){ $title = secure($title); if(empty($title)) throw new Exception('Cannot set title for this page.'); else $this->title = $title; } public function getcontent(){ if(empty($this->title)) throw new Exception('The page has no content.'); return $this->content; } public function addcontent($content, $overwrite = FALSE){ $content = secure($content); if(empty($this->content) or $overwrite == TRUE) $this->content = $content; else $this->content .= $content; } public function getlinks(){ // the method that grabs user links } public function getsidebar(){ // the method that loads sidebar } public function getads(){ // the method that shows ads } public function display(){ // the method that format pages and brings everything together } } ?> Now lets say I have other classes such as User, Message and Item, a page object will need to be used inside some of their methods so that the page title/content can be modified when necessary. This seems to be quite problematic to me, since I have to declare this Page object global in every method that uses it. Similar problem occurs with my database object, and its even more annoying since almost half of my class methods need to use database queries and commands. So I was wondering... Is there a better way for me to handle these system objects such as Page and Database rather than having to declare them as global inside every single method that deals with them? Please help... Does anyone have an example of establishing two MySQL connections (one local & one external) to pass data from local DB to external using PHP? Objective: I need to query the table of local data (for email addresses) then the same for external db table and if email not present, insert into that db. I will use CRON to run the script (will figure that part out later but suggestions welcome if you have that info as well....) I have a scenario in PHP, i need a smart way: 1. I run one process on background forever, scheduler.php - done 2. User on the web submit their task in DB to be processed by the above process(scheduler.php) - done 3. scheduler.php read the db after every 1 sec, looking for user's task. Problem: Ideally, if it founds like 10 or more tasks it should process them concurently(in parallel)..i.e it should not wait one task to be fully executed so as to run the next one as one task might take a very long time to be fullu executed. I would do like exec("nohup php <path>/file_name.php >> /dev/null 2>&1 &"), but if i have alot of tasks this will create zombie processes. Any smart way to do this will be highly appreciated! Hi can someone assist me with adding a second upload that grabs all files from within a directory. 1. user select .csv file (coding down for that) 2. user select folder with .docx files in side (this folder will only have docx files) 3. on submit .csv and all .docx files are upload to /temp_docx/ folder 4. the .csv has a matching docx_id that relates to the .docx file name (ex file 1.docx == docx_id = 1 in the csv file) so every time an insert is done a move_file happens and 1.docx would be moved to /docx_files/ 5. and if there is ever an error or no match at the end output all errors. I think the part where i'm stuck and confused the most is handling the second upload where all docx files in the folder are upload and looped through moving and inserting Code: [Select] <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $filename = file_get_contents($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name']); $handle = fopen("$filename", "r"); while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 100000, ",")) !== FALSE) { $import="INSERT into kmmb_member1(docx_id,no_ahli,no_pin,nama,no_ic_baru,no_ic_lama) values('$data[0]','$data[1]','$data[2]','$data[3]','$data[4]','$data[5]')"; mysql_query($import) or die(mysql_error()); } fclose($handle); print "Import done"; } else { print "<form action='import.php' method='post'>"; print "Type file name to import:<br />"; print "Select csv file: <input name='uploadedfile' type='file' /><br />"; print "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit' /></form>"; } ?> I can use the first while loop, but there is no data in the second while loop. Is there a better way as I have never done this before... Code: [Select] <?php $featured_results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM products LEFT JOIN product_images ON products.product_id=product_images.product_id WHERE products.product_featured='1' AND products.product_active='1' AND thumb='1'"); $fa=0; while($featured_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($featured_results)) { $fthumb_result = mysql_query("SELECT image_name FROM product_images WHERE product_id='".$featured_row['product_id']."' AND thumb='1'"); $fthumb = mysql_fetch_row($fthumb_result); if ($fa==0) { echo "\n<img id=\"home-slider-photo-".$fa."\" class=\"home-slider-photo preload\" src=\"/includes/getimage.php?img=".$fthumb[0]."&w=370&h=370\" alt=\"\" />"; } else { echo "\n<img id=\"home-slider-photo-".$fa."\" class=\"home-slider-photo preload home-slider-photo-unsel\" src=\"/includes/getimage.php?img=".$fthumb[0]."&w=370&h=370\" alt=\"\" />"; } $fa++; } echo "<div id=\"home-slider-photo-price\">"; $fb=0; while($featured_row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($featured_results)) { if ($fb==0) { echo "\n<div id=\"home-slider-photo-price-".$fb."\" class=\"home-slider-photo-price\">\n<span>only</span>$".$featured_row2['product_price']."\n</div>"; } else { echo "\n<div id=\"home-slider-photo-price-".$fb."\" class=\"home-slider-photo-price home-slider-photo-price-unsel\">\n<span>only</span>$".$featured_row2['product_price']."\n</div>"; } $fb++; } echo "</div>"; ?> Hi all, slightly confusing title! What I am trying to do is make a simple stores system whereby I can add and remove stores. It is purely php and no mySQL. My idea was to create a text file with the individual number and then include the file on the table on the page. I have worked out how to increment one value by one, but the others I am struggling with. Example I wish to have two links one which I click to increase and another to decrease the value by one. It's the multiple issue that is confusing me, I create a txt file and a php file using a variable from a submitted form (part number). The php file holds info and the text file holds the number which is default at '0' (Zero). My idea was to write some php to the file, perhaps when I click the plus it will open and write to the file + 1 .. Any guidance or points in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Shugs I have the form: Hi.
I have a product database w/ tables each for product series, model, sub-model and optionals. One item in each of these makes up one product. So Series K, Model 7, sub-model 2, optional 3 will be a product called K 7/2-3 .The permutations and combinations of these are all possible products.
In the same db, I have a quotations table. Each quotation has a unique id / record. A quotation can include any number of products : it can have K 7/2-3, KA 561/1-2 , FPN 311/2-1 or it can only have KA 561/1-2 etc.
Now I am stuck. Don't know how to
a. structure the quotations table
b. create a MySQL select so that one statement can make multiple selections . I thought of using a checkbox but that doesn't work either since the series/model/sub model/optionals must chosen sequentially.
Any ideas I can follow thru ?
Many thanks
Hi there im trying to set a single variable multiple rows of data that are echoed using a single variable. The trouble is i just cant seem to make it work by trying to add a while or do loop.. The variable is $alderaanfleetalt and consists of: Code: [Select] $fleetname = "FleetName"; $shipname = "Ship Name"; Which is just text stored in two other variables. The select query row of data is added the $alderaanfleetalt variable. Code: [Select] $alderaanfleetalt = $fleetname." ".$row_Alderaanfleet['FleetName']."</br>".$shipname." ".$row_Alderaanfleet['ShipName']; At the moment only a single row appears. ive tried to add a while/do loop so that multiple rows are outputted but its not working. Code: [Select] do{ $alderaanfleetalt = $fleetname." ".$row_Alderaanfleet['FleetName']."</br>".$shipname." ".$row_Alderaanfleet['ShipName']; } while ($row_Alderaanfleet = mysql_fetch_assoc($Alderaanfleet)); Im a bit lost here and not even sure it can be done this way... Any help would be ace. Thank you Hey guys, I'll be the first to say that I'm a real php n00b, and only understand the basics. I have a website already in place that someone else coded and I just need to add something to. There's a form that posts to another page and then back to a sql database. What I want to do is have the form also email me the contents of the form when it is submitted. Is there a way to have a form do multiple actions? I'm not sure the best way to go about this, so if someone has some pointers, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks! Hey Im always trying to remove code and cut corners to reduce work in the long run, soIim wondering how I could link my menu bar from say a template to ALL my php pages for my site so I don't have to write/change links on every page when I need to. Thanks
Hi, I have a table of content in my page. For each row it has a check box. How do i achieve the function of when i click on submit button, those rows which are checked will be downloaded as a single pdf file. For example, for each checked row is a PDF file here. Suppose if i checked for 5 rows , 5 PDFs will be downloaded. |