PHP - Variable Association Warning
I get this message with the code at the bottom:
Quote PHP Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home1/acunishi/public_html/go/auth/birthdays_holidays-greetings.php on line 35 Code: [Select] session_start(); $connection=mysql_connect("localhost","database username","db user password"); $db=mysql_select_db("database name",$connection ); $users_table = 'table name'; $username = $_POST['myusername']; $result3 = mysql_query("SELECT `nickname` from `databasename`.`tablename` WHERE `loginsv4_md5`.`username` = '$myusername'"); $result4 = mysql_query("SELECT `lastlogin` from `databasename'.'tablename` WHERE `tablename`.`username` = '$myusername'"); $result5 = mysql_query("SELECT `announce` from `databasename`.`tablename` WHERE `tablename`.`username` = '$myusername'"); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result3); $row3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result3); while ($row3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result3)) { echo " \n <br>"; echo $row3['nickname']; echo " "; echo " \n"; } $row5 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result5); while ($row5 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result5)) { echo $row5['announce']; echo " "; } $row4 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result4); while ($row4 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result4)) { echo $row4['lastlogin']; echo " "; } ..... code not displayed Error message seems to point to mysql_fetch_assoc. Other pieces of this code are being executed, so I know the module is called and executing, and of course, there is the PHP warning message from the log. Please help Similar Tutorialswhat I would like to do is have a query that if $product_id with specific $cart_id is already present in database, then it will update quantity instead of inserting a new row, but if $product_id is not present with specific $cart_id(important that it isn't with this) then it will insert a new row. can anyone help? Code: [Select] <?php include_once("connect.php"); session_start(); if($_POST['submit']) { // Query member data from the database and ready it for display $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cart where cart_id = ".$_SESSION['cart_id'].""); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ $product = $row["product123"]; $price1 = $row["price"]; $id = $row["product_id"]; $qty = $row["quantity"]; } $product = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['hiddenField']); $price = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['hiddenField1']); $id = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['hiddenField2']); $sql = "INSERT INTO cart (price, product123, quantity, cart_id, product_id) VALUES('$price', '$product', '1', '".$_SESSION['cart_id']."', '$id' )"; $rs = mysql_query($sql) or die ("Problem with the query: $sql <br />" . mysql_error()); } ?> hello, please i need ur help!!!! when i enter this url in my browser:http://localhost:10080/ntop/dumpData.html?language=php&proto i get: $ntopHash = array( 'ff02::1:2' => array( 'index' => '0', 'hostNumIpAddress' => 'ff02::1:2', 'hostResolvedName' => 'ff02::1:2', 'firstSeen' => '1337008485', 'lastSeen' => '1337009340', 'minTTL' => '0', 'maxTTL' => '0', 'pktSent' => '0', 'pktRcvd' => '15', 'ipBytesSent' => '0', 'ipBytesRcvd' => '0', etc...... so i'm writing a script to extract these informations and put them in a new web interface in a table. my script is: Code: [Select] <HTML> <HEAD> <LINK REL=stylesheet HREF=http://localhost:3000/style.css type="text/css"> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=red> <?php $host="localhost"; $port=10080; $url="http://localhost:10080/ntop/dumpData.html?language=php&proto"; $fp = fsockopen ($host, $port); if (!$fp) { echo "$errstr ($errno)<br>\n"; } else { $outStr = ""; fputs($fp, "GET $url HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $host\r\n\r\n"); while (!feof($fp)) { $out = fgets($fp,128); if($out == "\n") $begin = 1; else if($begin = 1) $outStr = $out; } fclose ($fp); #echo "<pre>$outStr</pre>"; eval($outStr); } echo "<center>\n<table border>\n"; echo "<tr><th BGCOLOR=white>Sessions</th><th BGCOLOR=white>Values</th></tr>\n"; while (list ($key, $val) = each($ntopHash)) { echo "<tr><th align=center BGCOLOR=white>$key</th>\n"; echo "<td><table border>\n"; while (list ($key_1, $val_1) = each ($val)) if(gettype($val_1) == "array") { echo "<tr><th align=left>$key_1</th><td><table border>\n"; while (list ($key_2, $val_2) = each ($val_1)) { echo "<tr><th align=left>$key_2</th><td align=right> $val_2</td></tr>\n"; } echo "</table></td></tr>\n"; } else if($val_1 != "0") { if($key_1 == "sessionState") { if($val_1 == 0) $val2 = "SYN"; else if($val_1 == 1) $val2 = "SYN_ACK"; else if($val_1 == 2) $val2 = "ACTIVE"; else if($val_1 == 3) $val2 = "FIN1_ACK0"; else if($val_1 == 4) $val2 = "FIN1_ACK1"; else if($val_1 == 5) $val2 = "FIN2_ACK0"; else if($val_1 == 6) $val2 = "FIN2_ACK1"; else if($val_1 == 7) $val2 = "FIN2_ACK2"; else if($val_1 == $val2 = "TIMEOUT"; else if($val_1 == 9) $val2 = "END"; echo "<tr><th align=left>$key_1</th><td align=right> $val2</td></tr>\n"; } else echo "<tr><th align=left>$key_1</th><td align=right> $val_1</td></tr>\n"; } echo "</table></td></tr>\n"; } echo "</table>\n"; // echo "<pre>$outStr<pre>"; ?> </center> </body> </html> and i'm having this error: Sessions Values Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in C:\xampp\htdocs\projet\sessions.php on line 33 please i need your helpppp I get the following error when I try to pass a value to a methiod in a loop: Warning: Attempt to assign property of non-object in /Users/staceyschaller/Sites/dev_zone/ckwv2/classes/class.php on line 670 This one has me very baffled. It will work the first time, and seems to work every other time, so I have no clue what is wrong. Here is the code: This code is part of my "display" class: function display_partner ($type,$loc,$rand=0,$narrow=0) { $this->partners = new partner($this->cxn); $display = ' <div id="cont_info" class="partner-list"> <div> <h3 class="settings">'.ucfirst($loc).' '.ucfirst($type).last_letter($type).'s</h3> </div> <div class="settings-value" style="height:12px;padding:0;margin:0;text-align:right;padding-right:10px;"> <a href="" class="trunc">Add your organization to this list</a></p> </div> <div style="height:2px;padding:0;margin:0;"> <hr class="account" /> </div> '; $ids = $this->partners->get_partners_list($type,$loc,$rand); for ($b=0;$b<sizeof($ids->id);$b++) { $this->partnerID = $ids->id[$b]; $display .= ($narrow)? $this->card_partner_narr():$this->card_partner(); if ($b!=(sizeof($ids->id)-1)) { $display .= '<hr class="account" />'; } } if (sizeof($ids->id)==0) { $display .= '<div style="color:#999999;display:line;text-align:center;height:20px;">No Partners found for '.ucfirst($loc).' '.ucfirst($type).'</div>'; } $display .= ' </div>'; return $display; } function card_partner () { $this->partners->set_partner_id($this->partnerID); $part_info = $this->partners->get_partner_info(); if ($part_info) { $display .= ' <table class="settings"> <tr> '.$this->show_if($part_info['partLogo']['val'],'<td class="settings-value" rowspan="2"><img src="'.LOGO_FOLDER.$part_info['partLogo']['val'].'" '.resize_img(LOGO_FOLDER.$part_info['partLogo']['val'],175).'alt="'.$part_info['partName']['val'].'" /></td>').' <td class="settings-value" colspan="2"><h5>'.$part_info['partName']['val'].'</h5></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="settings-value"> <span style="color:999999;">'.$part_info['partAddress']['val'].'<br /> '.$part_info['partCity']['val'].', '.$part_info['partST']['val'].' '.$part_info['partZIP']['val'].'<br /> '.$part_info['partPhone']['val'].'</span><br /> <a href="'.$this->form->show_href($part_info['partWeb']['val']).'" target="_blank">'.$part_info['partWeb']['val'].'</a> </td> <td class="settings-value">'.$part_info['partInfo']['val'].'</td> </tr> </table> '; } return $display; } This code is part of my "partners" class: function set_partner_id($partID) { echo '<p>partID: '.$partID.' '.gettype($partID).'<br> $this->partner->id: '.$this->partner->id.'</p>'; $this->partner->id = $partID; ///*** ERROR HAPPENS HERE ***/ echo '<p>id set: '.$this->partner->id.'<br> $this->partner->id: '.$this->partner->id.'</p><hr>'; } function get_partner_id() { return $this->partner->id; } // gets user info at login function get_partner_info() { $this->partner = $this->cxn->proc_info('partner','partID',$this->partner->id);//$this->partner->id return $this->partner; } The following is the output generated: partID: 24 string $this->partner->id: id set: 24 $this->partner->id: 24 partID: 26 string $this->partner->id: Warning: Attempt to assign property of non-object in /Users/staceyschaller/Sites/dev_zone/ckwv2/classes/class.php on line 670 id set: $this->partner->id: partID: 17 string $this->partner->id: id set: 17 $this->partner->id: 17 partID: 25 string $this->partner->id: Warning: Attempt to assign property of non-object in /Users/staceyschaller/Sites/dev_zone/ckwv2/classes/class.php on line 670 id set: $this->partner->id: As you can see, the value passes to $this->set_partner_id($partID) each time. It is formatted as a string. When it assigns the value to $this->partner->id, however, sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. It's probably something obvious, but I've racked my brain to see what it is. Any ideas? i get this error Warning: current() [function.current]: Passed variable is not an array or object.. for this Code: [Select] $lastblock = current( ${"s".$row} ); print_r($lastblock); when i change to this it works.. Code: [Select] $lastblock = current( $s0 ); print_r($lastblock); The problem is i won't know the $row seeing as it is in a while loop. Solution? Hi Everyone I am having a few issues with my website. I have developed in on my xampp local host and it works ok but when I upload the files and try to renew a membership using stripe I get the following messages. Warning: session_start(): Cannot start session when headers already sent in /customers/a/d/f/ on line 2 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /customers/a/d/f/ in /customers/a/d/f/ on line 141 I have some includes that appear on every page. This is the bootstrap.php file. This file holds the settings.php which connects to my database and other function files. In this settings page I call the session_start() php function and then connect to my database. I call the bootstrap.php file on every page to there for call the session_start() on every page. I am using sessions alot so is this the right thing to do? I have attached the renew_membership payment page which holds the form. The user fills out the payment page and the form data gets sent to a script called charge.php which uses the stripe objects to make the payment. I then want to do a redirect to the paymentSuccess.php page to output to the user that the payment was made successfully. This is where the issues arrise. I have split the charge file into 3 screen shots so it is more readable. Hope someone can help me. Thanks a lot David
Edited April 26 by Irish_Dave I am running to an issue that I have never delt with before and am not sure if there is even a possible solution: I have two files: fileA and fileB fileA contains a loop that loops 30 times each time its called. in the loop there is a 2second delay $i = 1; do { $i++; sleep(2); if(!isset($_SESSION['user']) { break; } } while($i < 31); if fileB i have a simple destroy session $_SESSION = array(); session_destroy(); I call both files via ajax, and that is where i run into my problem. if I call fileA first, then call fileB through ajax, the code in FileB does not execute until fileA has run its course. Is it possible to get around this? Like set the priority of one over the other? <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $name = $_POST['name']; } ?> <form method="POST" action="hist1.php"> <br /> <input type="hidden" name="name" value="<?php echo $name ?>" /> <?php $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM histact1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"); while ($r1 = mysql_fetch_array($q)){ $id = $r1[0]; $question1 = $r1[1]; $opt1 = $r1[3]; $opt2 = $r1[4]; $opt3 = $r1[5]; ?> <div class="Qset" id="q1"><br /><br /> <label class="items">1st Question :</label> <br /> <center> <textarea class="textareaQ" name="question1" readonly><?php echo $question1; ?></textarea> </center> <br /><br /> <p class="marA"> <input type="radio" name="rad1" value="<?php echo $opt1; ?>" /> <label class="lbl"><?php echo $opt1 ?></label><br /> <input type="radio" name="rad1" value="<?php echo $opt2; ?>" /> <label class="lbl"><?php echo $opt2 ?></label><br /> <input type="radio" name="rad1" value="<?php echo $opt3; ?>" /> <label class="lbl"><?php echo $opt3 ?></label><br /> </p> </div> <div class="lr"> <center> <br /><br /><br /><br /> <a class="nxt" href="#q2"><label title="Proceed to 2nd Question">Next</label></a> </center> </div> <br /><br /><br /> <center><hr width="90%" /></center><br /> <?php } ?> <br /><br /> <?php $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM histact1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"); while ($r1 = mysql_fetch_array($q)){ $id = $r1[0]; $question2 = $r1[1]; $opt1 = $r1[3]; $opt2 = $r1[4]; $opt3 = $r1[5]; ?> <div class="Qset" id="q2"><br /><br /> <label class="items">2nd Question :</label> <br /> <center> <textarea class="textareaQ" name="q2" readonly><?php echo $question2; ?></textarea> </center> <br /><br /> <p class="marA"> <input type="radio" name="rad2" value="<?php echo $opt1; ?>" /> <label class="lbl"><?php echo $opt1 ?></label><br /> <input type="radio" name="rad2" value="<?php echo $opt2; ?>" /> <label class="lbl"><?php echo $opt2 ?></label><br /> <input type="radio" name="rad2" value="<?php echo $opt3; ?>" /> <label class="lbl"><?php echo $opt3 ?></label><br /> </p> </div> <div class="lr"> <center> <br /><br /><br /><br /> <a class="nxt" href="#q1"><label title="Proceed to 1st Question">Back</label></a> | <a class="nxt" href="#q3"><label title="Proceed to 3rd Question">Next</label></a> </center> </div> <br /><br /><br /> <center><hr width="90%" /></center><br /> <?php } ?> <br /><br /> <?php $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM histact1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"); while ($r1 = mysql_fetch_array($q)){ $id = $r1[0]; $question3 = $r1[1]; $opt1 = $r1[3]; $opt2 = $r1[4]; $opt3 = $r1[5]; ?> <div class="Qset" id="q3"><br /><br /> <label class="items">3rd Question :</label> <br /> <center> <textarea class="textareaQ" name="q3" readonly><?php echo $question3; ?></textarea> </center> <br /><br /> <p class="marA"> <input type="radio" name="rad3" value="<?php echo $opt1; ?>" /> <label class="lbl"><?php echo $opt1 ?></label><br /> <input type="radio" name="rad3" value="<?php echo $opt2; ?>" /> <label class="lbl"><?php echo $opt2 ?></label><br /> <input type="radio" name="rad3" value="<?php echo $opt3; ?>" /> <label class="lbl"><?php echo $opt3 ?></label><br /> </p> </div> <div class="lr"> <center> <br /><br /><br /><br /> <a class="nxt" href="#q2"><label title="Proceed to 2nd Question">Back</label></a> | <a class="nxt" href="#q4"><label title="Proceed to 4th Question">Next</label></a> </center> </div> <br /><br /><br /> <center><hr width="90%" /></center><br /> <?php } ?> <br /><br /> <?php $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM histact1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"); while ($r1 = mysql_fetch_array($q)){ $id = $r1[0]; $question4 = $r1[1]; $opt1 = $r1[3]; $opt2 = $r1[4]; $opt3 = $r1[5]; ?> <div class="Qset" id="q4"><br /><br /> <label class="items">4th Question :</label> <br /> <center> <textarea class="textareaQ" name="q4" readonly><?php echo $question4; ?></textarea> </center> <br /><br /> <p class="marA"> <input type="radio" name="rad4" value="<?php echo $opt1; ?>" /> <label class="lbl"><?php echo $opt1 ?></label><br /> <input type="radio" name="rad4" value="<?php echo $opt2; ?>" /> <label class="lbl"><?php echo $opt2 ?></label><br /> <input type="radio" name="rad4" value="<?php echo $opt3; ?>" /> <label class="lbl"><?php echo $opt3 ?></label><br /> </p> </div> <div class="lr"> <center> <br /><br /><br /><br /> <a class="nxt" href="#q3"><label title="Proceed to 3rd Question">Back</label></a> | <a class="nxt" href="#q5"><label title="Proceed to 5th Question">Next</label></a> </center> </div> <br /><br /><br /> <center><hr width="90%" /></center><br /> <?php } ?> <br /><br /> <?php $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM histact1 WHERE question != '$question1' AND question != '$question2' AND question != '$question3' AND question != '$question4' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"); while ($r1 = mysql_fetch_array($q)){ $id = $r1[0]; $question5 = $r1[1]; $opt1 = $r1[3]; $opt2 = $r1[4]; $opt3 = $r1[5]; ?> <div class="Qset" id="q5"><br /><br /> <label class="items">5th Question :</label> <br /> <center> <textarea class="textareaQ" name="q5" readonly><?php echo $question5; ?></textarea> </center> <br /><br /> <p class="marA"> <input type="radio" name="rad5" value="<?php echo $opt1; ?>" /> <label class="lbl"><?php echo $opt1 ?></label><br /> <input type="radio" name="rad5" value="<?php echo $opt2; ?>" /> <label class="lbl"><?php echo $opt2 ?></label><br /> <input type="radio" name="rad5" value="<?php echo $opt3; ?>" /> <label class="lbl"><?php echo $opt3 ?></label><br /> </p> </div> <div class="lr"> <center> <br /><br /><br /><br /> <a class="nxt" href="#q4"><label title="Proceed to 4th Question">Back</label></a> | <input type="submit" title="Submit Answers" name="submit" class="submit" value=" Submit " onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to submit your answers?\nYou can review your answer by click the Back link')" /> </center> </div> <br /><br /><br /> <center><hr width="90%" /></center><br /> <?php } ?> </form> Edited by mac_gyver, 09 October 2014 - 10:51 AM. code in code tags please So I am tryting to create a script to upload a CSV file into a MySql DB. It has like 10K records into SQL
My Code is copy below ...
I get the following errors.
Line 16 is the $handle
line 18 is the While Statement
Warning: fopen(): Filename cannot be empty in C:\local\htdocs\ADPStorage\DemandCSV.php on line 16 Warning: fopen()expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\local\htdocs\ADPStorage\DemandCSV.php on line 18 I use my script for another table and it worked like a charm. Less data and less colums do. Bad Code: (good Code sample below. this one) <?php $today = date("m.d.y.h.m.s"); echo $today; $BPTD_fy = '2014'; $BPTD_updatedate = $today; $conn = mysql_connect("Localhost","root","password") or die (mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("ds_storage",$conn); if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $file = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']; $handle = fopen($file, "r"); while(($fileop = fgetcsv($handle, 100000, ",")) !==FALSE) { $BPTD_fy = $fileop[0]; $BPTD_Status = $fileop[1]; $BPTD_Classification = $fileop[2]; $BPTD_ProcureCat = $fileop[3]; $BPTD_Product = $fileop[4]; $BPTD_Project = $fileop[5]; $BPTD_DSCategory = $fileop[6]; $BPTD_Calculated = $fileop[7]; $BPTD_CapacityType = $fileop[8]; $BPTD_Amount = $fileop[9]; $BPTD_Jul = $fileop[10]; $BPTD_Aug = $fileop[11]; $BPTD_Sep = $fileop[12]; $BPTD_Oct = $fileop[13]; $BPTD_Nov = $fileop[14]; $BPTD_Dec = $fileop[15]; $BPTD_Jan = $fileop[16]; $BPTD_Feb = $fileop[17]; $BPTD_Mar = $fileop[18]; $BPTD_Apr = $fileop[19]; $BPTD_May = $fileop[20]; $BPTD_Jun = $fileop[21]; $BPTD_Location = $fileop[22]; $BPTD_Env = $fileop[23]; $BPTD_Requester = $fileop[24]; $BPTD_ServiceArea = $fileop[25]; $BPTD_ServiceGroup = $fileop[26]; $BPTD_DepHead = $fileop[27]; $BPTD_Recgroup = $fileop[28]; $BPTD_RecOwner = $fileop[29]; $BPTD_Entrydate = $fileop[30]; $BPTD_updatedate = $fileop[31]; $sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO inv_bpt_demand (Status, Classification, ProcureCat, Product, Project, DSCategory, Calculated, CapacityType, Amount, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Location, Env, Requester, ServiceArea, ServiceGroup, DepHead, Recgroup, RecOwner, Entrydate, updatedate) VALUES ('$BPTD_Status', '$BPTD_Classification', '$BPTD_ProcureCat', '$BPTD_Product', '$BPTD_Project', '$BPTD_DSCategory', '$BPTD_Calculated', '$BPTD_CapacityType', '$BPTD_Amount', '$BPTD_Jul', '$BPTD_Aug', '$BPTD_Sep', '$BPTD_Oct', '$BPTD_Nov', '$BPTD_Dec', '$BPTD_Jan', '$BPTD_Feb', '$BPTD_Mar', '$BPTD_Apr','$BPTD_May', '$BPTD_Jun','$BPTD_Location', '$BPTD_Env','$BPTD_Requester', '$BPTD_ServiceArea', '$BPTD_ServiceGroup','$BPTD_DepHead', '$BPTD_Recgroup','$BPTD_RecOwner','$BPTD_Entrydate','$BPTD_updatedate')"); if($sql) { echo 'Data Uploaded Successfully'; } } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>BPT Demand CSV</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="file:///C|/local/htdocs/style/style.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> </head> <body> <div id="mainWrapper"> <form method="post" action="https://localhost/Storage/DemandCSV.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="file" name="file" /> <br /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> </div><!--end mainWrapper--> </body> </html>Similar Working code (good) <?php $conn = mysql_connect("Localhost","root","password") or die (mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("ds_storage",$conn); if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $file = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']; $handle = fopen($file, "r"); while(($fileop = fgetcsv($handle,1000,",")) !==FALSE) { $PC_Num = $fileop[0]; $PC_Name = $fileop[1]; $PC_BPTNUM = $fileop[2]; $PC_busclass = $fileop[3]; $PC_Note = $fileop[4]; $PC_Acro = $fileop[5]; $PC_type = $fileop[6]; ///echo $fileop[1]; $sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO inv_names (PC_Num, PC_Name, PC_BPTNUM, PC_busclass, PC_Note, PC_Acro, PC_type) VALUES ('$PC_Num', '$PC_Name', '$PC_BPTNUM', '$PC_busclass', '$PC_Note', '$PC_Acro', '$PC_type')"); if($sql) { echo 'Data Uploaded Successfully'; } } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Upload CSV</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="file:///C|/local/htdocs/style/style.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> </head> <body> <div id="mainWrapper"> <form method="post" action="https://localhost/Storage/Storage_CSV.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="file" name="file" /> <br /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> </div><!--end mainWrapper--> </body> </html>Please help and thx in advance ~J I am trying to allow the user to update a variable he chooses by radio buttons, which they will then input text into a box, and submit, to change some attributes. I really need some help here. It works just fine until I add the second layer of variables on top of it, and I can't find the answer to this question anywhere. <?PHP require('connect.php'); ?> <form action ='' method='post'> <select name="id"> <?php $extract = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cars"); while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($extract)){ $id = $row['id']; $make= $row['make']; $model= $row['model']; $year= $row['year']; $color= $row['color']; echo "<option value=$id>$color $year $make $model</option> ";}?> </select> Which attribute would you like to change?<br /> <input type="radio" name="getchanged" value="make"/>Make<br /> <input type="radio" name="getchanged" value="model"/>Model<br /> <input type="radio" name="getchanged" value="year" />Year<br /> <input type="radio" name="getchanged" value="color" />Color<br /><br /> <br /><input type='text' value='' name='tochange'> <input type='submit' value='Change' name='submit'> </form> //This is where I need help... <?PHP if(isset($_POST['submit'])&&($_POST['tochange'])){ mysql_query(" UPDATE cars SET '$_POST[getchanged]'='$_POST[tochange]' where id = '$_POST[id]' ");}?> Hello all. I am very new to PHP, and I am not sure where to look or what I'm looking for in my current assignment. My task is to take in two numbers between 0-100. Once I take in that number, it should state beside it "The __ was accepted." The program should not accept any numbers greater than 100 or any characters. Once I do this, I must take a second number and do a similar thing. Finally, I must have a statement show up at the bottom stating which number is greater. Essentially, I need help in determining what I should use to place parameters, and how I can keep the program from echo ing any statement until input has been taken and tested for parameters. Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated! Hey everyone, I have created a simple framework script and Im getting this error inserted into my error_log file in the root folder: Quote [31-Oct-2010 13:14:59] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/' - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/: cannot read file data: Is a directory in Unknown on line 0 Any ideas guys?? I have just re-installed Xampp and suddenly my sites are now displaying lots of: Notice: Use of undefined constant name - assumed 'name' in ... Notice: Use of undefined constant price - assumed 'price' in ... this is an example of the line its refering too: $defineProducts[1001] = array(name=>'This is a product', price=>123); My login script stores the user's login name as $_SESSION[ 'name'] on login. For some unapparent reason, i'm getting errors stating that $user and $priv are undefined variables, though I've attempted to define $user as being equal to $_SESSION['name'], using $user to look up the the user's privilege level (stored as the su column ) in the SQL table, and then where the result of the sql query is $priv which is then evaluated in an if statement. I can't seem to figure out why this might not be working. The code I'm using: <?php session_start(); function verify() { //verify that the user is logged in via the login page. Session_start has already been called. if (!isset($_SESSION['loggedin'])) { header('Location: /index.html'); exit; } //if user is logged in, we then lookup necessary privleges. $_SESSION['name'] was written with the login name upon login. Privleges // are written in db as a single-digit integer of of 0 for users, 1 for administrators, and 2 for special users. $user === $_SESSION['name']; //Connect to Databse $link = mysqli_connect("", "database user", "password", "database"); if (!$link) { echo "Error: Unable to connect to MySQL." . PHP_EOL; echo "Debugging errno: " . mysqli_connect_errno() . PHP_EOL; echo "Debugging error: " . mysqli_connect_error() . PHP_EOL; exit; } //SQL Statement to lookup privlege information. if ($result = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT su FROM accounts WHERE username = $user", MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT)) { //LOOP TO CYCLE THROUGH SQL RESULTS AND STORE Privlege information as vairable $priv. while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $priv === $row["su"]; } } // close SQL connection. mysqli_close($link); // Verify privleges and take action. Only a privlege of "1" is allowed to view this page. A privlege of "2" indicates special //accounts used in other scripts that have certain indermediate additional functions, but are not trusted administrators. if ($priv !== 1) { echo $_SESSION['name']; echo "you have privlege level of $priv"; echo "<br>"; echo 'Your account does not have the privleges necessary to view this page'; exit; } } verify(); ?>
Hey guys, i'm sure this is simple i have a script that always brings back the same error and I beleive it's going to be the php version im on the code is Code: [Select] function check_user( $u ) { $res = query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `usertable` WHERE `userid`=$u"); list($total_rows) = mysql_fetch_array($res) or die (mysql_error()); if( $total_rows > 0 ) return true; else return false; } the error is Code: [Select] Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/bofs/public_html/thief/inc/userinc.php on line 10 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 any idea's Hi All, I am sorry to bother you but wondered if you might be able to spot my mistake... When I click on this page if returns an error as below (look carefully its hidden behind the header color). Im a bit of a newbie and cannot seem to remove it. Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/freepspw/public_html/dbconnect.php on line 22 Can anyone help? Peter Thanks in advance for your help. I have the following code Code: [Select] function traverseXMLNodes($xml) { $xml = stripslashes($xml); $xml =simplexml_load_string("<div>{$xml}</div>");//This the line that makes errors its line 70 echo 'Displaying contents of XML file...<br />'; print_r($xml); } Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: Entity: line 1: parser error : xmlParseCharRef: invalid xmlChar value 0 in /home/wwwsend/public_html/postSample_Reply3.php on line 70 (Where i have written This the line that makes errors) Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: yid><eventid>60387073</eventid><numfrom>27826641429</numfrom><receiveddata>� in /home/wwwsend/public_html/postSample_Reply3.php on line 70 Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: ^ in /home/wwwsend/public_html/postSample_Reply3.php on line 70 Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: Entity: line 1: parser error : xmlParseCharRef: invalid xmlChar value 0 in /home/wwwsend/public_html/postSample_Reply3.php on line 70 Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: ventid>60387073</eventid><numfrom>27826641429</numfrom><receiveddata>�O� in /home/wwwsend/public_html/postSample_Reply3.php on line 70 hello i keep getting the Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/cookbook/public_html/forum/index.php on line 26 for my code <?php session_start(); include_once "../scripts/connect_to_mysql.php"; // Connect to the database $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM forum_sections ORDER BY ordered ASC LIMIT 10"); $displayList = ""; // Initialize the display variable here while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ $sectionID = $row["id"]; $sectionTitle = $row["title"]; $displayList .= '<br /><a href="section.php?id=' . $sectionID . '"><img src="style/sectionPic.jpg" width="61" height="23" alt="Section" /> ' . $sectionTitle . '</a><br /><hr />'; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <link href="style/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <title>Web Intersect Forum</title> </head> <body> <?php include_once("template_header.php"); ?> <table style="background-color: #F0F0F0; border:#069 1px solid; border-top:none;" width="900" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="12" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="731" valign="top"> <div id="breadcrumbs"><a href="">Web Intersect Home</a></div> <div id="sectionLinks"><ul><?php echo $displayList; ?></ul></div></td> <td width="189" valign="top"><div style=" width:160px; height:600px; background-color: #999; color: #CCC; padding:12px;"> <br /><br /><br /> <h3>Ad Space or Whatever</h3> </div></td> </tr> </table> <?php include_once("template_footer.php"); ?> </body> </html> can anyone please tell me why i get this? How can I install curl and openssl in WAMP? Will i have to re-install Wamp again and download a version with Curl and Openssl with Pear installed? Or I can some how installed within the wamp I have? What can I do to avoid that Warning in the code? The following piece of POST header details to output to a file in JSON format returns the following error:
[/code]$params = array("user" => $enjin_id); $query = http_build_query($params); $contextData = array("method" => "POST", "header" => "Connection: close\r\n" . "Content-Length: " . strlen($query)."\r\n", "content" => $query ); $context = stream_context_create(array ( "http" => $contextData )); $result = file_get_contents($url, FALSE, $context);[/code] error: file_get_contents(): Content-type not specified assuming application/x-www-form-urlencodedCan anyone advise what I need to do to ensure that the process is correctly set, of which I assume I need to declare a MIME type and where it is needed? Code: [Select] <?php $liked = ("SELETCT SUM(user_id) as totaluser_id FROM liked WHERE `user_id`='26762'"); $liked_results = mysql_query($liked); $sum_liked = mysql_result($liked, 0); // <--- Error echo $sum_liked; ?> i got this error Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in can sombady help? |