PHP - Multiple Insert Commands
It would be GREAT if someone could provide some specific structural info for this: I have one checkbox each for Moe, Larry, and Curly respectively. I have managed to assemble code that allows for each of their names: $sql="INSERT INTO $table (first_name) VALUES... It works great INDIVIDUALLY. But I want to be able to insert any combination into the $table by checking the respective checkboxes and submitting the form. It seems that initiating more than a single INSERT will not get the job done, and separating the values as variables hasn't worked either. What is required? Can you offer an example? Similar TutorialsHi, I'm modifying the following PHP code from a Wordpress plugin: /* Byline. */ if ( $instance['byline'] ) echo do_shortcode( "<p class='byline'>{$instance['byline']}</p>" ); /* Entry title. */ if ( 'widget' !== $instance['entry_container'] && $instance['entry_title'] && $show_entry_title ) { the_title( "<{$instance['entry_title']} class='entry-title'><a href='" . get_permalink() . "' title='" . the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) . "' rel='bookmark'>", "</a></{$instance['entry_title']}>" ); } elseif ( 'widget' !== $instance['entry_container'] && $show_entry_title ) { the_title( "<a href='" . get_permalink() . "' title='" . the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) . "' rel='bookmark'>", "</a>" ); } The output currently is: Code: [Select] [ December 13, 2010 ] Post Title I'm trying to combine the two so that the output appears on one line. What is the operator to execute multiple command in one statement? Thanks. Ok I'm trying to insert multiple rows by using a while loop but having problems. At the same time, need to open a new mysql connection while running the insert query, close it then open the previous mysql connection. I managed to insert multiple queries before using a loop, but for this time, the loop does not work? I think it is because I am opening another connection... yh that would make sense actually? Here is the code: $users = safe_query("SELECT * FROM ".PREFIX."user"); while($dp=mysql_fetch_array($users)) { $username = $dp['username']; $nickname = $dp['nickname']; $pwd1 = $dp['password']; $mail = $dp['email']; $ip_add = $dp['ip']; $wsID = $dp['userID']; $registerdate = $dp['registerdate']; $birthday = $dp['birthday']; $avatar = $dp['avatar']; $icq = $dp['icq']; $hp = $dp['homepage']; echo $username." = 1 username only? :("; // ----- Forum Bridge user insert ----- $result = safe_query("SELECT * FROM `".PREFIX."forum`"); $ds=mysql_fetch_array($result); $forum_prefix = $ds['prefix']; define(PREFIX_FORUM, $forum_prefix); define(FORUMREG_DEBUG, 0); $con = mysql_connect($ds['host'], $ds['user'], $ds['password']) or system_error('ERROR: Can not connect to MySQL-Server'); $condb = mysql_select_db($ds['db'], $con) or system_error('ERROR: Can not connect to database "'.$ds['db'].'"'); include('../_phpbb_func.php'); $phpbbpass = phpbb_hash($pwd1); $phpbbmailhash = phpbb_email_hash($mail); $phpbbsalt = unique_id(); safe_query("INSERT INTO `".PREFIX_FORUM."users` (`username`, `username_clean`, `user_password`, `user_pass_convert`, `user_email`, `user_email_hash`, `group_id`, `user_type`, `user_regdate`, `user_passchg`, `user_lastvisit`, `user_lastmark`, `user_new`, `user_options`, `user_form_salt`, `user_ip`, `wsID`, `user_birthday`, `user_avatar`, `user_icq`, `user_website`) VALUES ('$username', '$username', '$phpbbpass', '0', '$mail', '$phpbbmailhash', '2', '0', '$registerdate', '$registerdate', '$registerdate', '$registerdate', '1', '230271', '$phpbbsalt', '$ip_add', '$wsID', '$birthday', '$avatar', '$icq', '$hp')"); if (FORUMREG_DEBUG == '1') { echo "<p><b>-- DEBUG -- : User added: ".mysql_affected_rows($con)."<br />"; echo "<br />-- DEBUG -- : Query used: ".end($_mysql_querys)."</b></p><br />"; $result = safe_query("SELECT user_id from ".PREFIX_FORUM."users WHERE username = '$username'"); $phpbbid = mysql_fetch_row($result); safe_query("INSERT INTO `".PREFIX_FORUM."user_group` (`group_id`, `user_id`, `group_leader`, `user_pending`) VALUES ('2', '$phpbbid[0]', '0', '0')"); safe_query("INSERT INTO `".PREFIX_FORUM."user_group` (`group_id`, `user_id`, `group_leader`, `user_pending`) VALUES ('7', '$phpbbid[0]', '0', '0')"); mysql_close($con); } include('../_mysql.php'); mysql_connect($host, $user, $pwd) or system_error('ERROR: Can not connect to MySQL-Server'); mysql_select_db($db) or system_error('ERROR: Can not connect to database "'.$db.'"'); } So I need to be able to insert these rows using the while loop.. how can I do this? I really appreciate any help. Hello all, I am trying to learn OOP in PHP so please forgive my ignorance. I seem to be having difficulty inserting data into my database from checkbox items. My database has a column for each each fruit. I would like for each column to be populated with either a one(1) for checked or a zero(0) for not checked. Currently, my attempts have failed. I can either get all checkboxes to insert all zeros or I can get the first column to insert a one(1) while the others as zeros. Is there anybody here that can help me figure out what I am doing wrong and help me to re-work my code so I can get this to work? If anybody can help me using OOP methods that would be fantastic. Thank you all in advance.
$preffruit->create_preffruit(array( 'fruit_apple' => escape(Input::get(['fruit_selection'][0]) ? 1 : 0), 'fruit_orange' => escape(Input::get(['fruit_selection'][1]) ? 1 : 0), 'fruit_banana' => escape(Input::get(['fruit_selection'][2]) ? 1 : 0), 'fruit_pear' => escape(Input::get(['fruit_selection'][3]) ? 1 : 0), 'fruit_kiwi' => escape(Input::get(['fruit_selection'][4]) ? 1 : 0) )); <input type="checkbox" name="fruit_selection[]" value="fruit_apple"> <input type="checkbox" name="fruit_selection[]" value="fruit_orange"> <input type="checkbox" name="fruit_selection[]" value="fruit_banana"> <input type="checkbox" name="fruit_selection[]" value="fruit_pear"> <input type="checkbox" name="fruit_selection[]" value="fruit_kiwi"> public function insert_preffruit($table, $fields = array()) { $keys = array_keys($fields); $values = ''; $x = 1; foreach($fields as $field) { $values .= '?'; if($x < count($fields)) { $values .= ', '; } $x++; } $sql = "INSERT INTO preffruit (`user_id`, `" . implode('`, `', $keys) . "`) VALUES (LAST_INSERT_ID(), {$values})"; if(!$this->query($sql, $fields)->error()) { return true; } return false; } Edited September 23, 2020 by ke-jo I have a form where a user can duplicate part of a form like below: I've named the fields with the HTML arrays (ie. "fieldName[]") and came up with this: //--> CONTROLLERS $system_controllers_qty = $_POST['system_controllers_qty']; $system_controllers_make = $_POST['system_controllers_make']; $system_controllers_model = $_POST['system_controllers_model']; $system_controllers_serial_no = $_POST['system_controllers_serial_no']; for ($i = 0; $i < count($system_controllers_qty); $i++) { echo "qty " . clean($system_controllers_qty[$i]) . "<br/>"; echo "make " . clean($system_controllers_make[$i]) . "<br/>"; echo "model " . clean($system_controllers_model[$i]) . "<br/>"; echo "serial_no " . clean($system_controllers_serial_no[$i]) . "<br/>"; } //--> CPUS $system_cpus_qty = $_POST['system_cpus_qty']; $system_cpus_model = $_POST['system_cpus_model']; $system_cpus_serial_no = $_POST['system_cpus_serial_no']; $system_cpus_speed = $_POST['system_cpus_speed']; for ($i = 0; $i < count($system_cpus_qty); $i++) { echo "qty " . clean($system_cpus_qty[$i]) . "<br/>"; echo "model " . clean($system_cpus_model[$i]) . "<br/>"; echo "serial_no " . clean($system_cpus_serial_no[$i]) . "<br/>"; echo "speed " . clean($system_cpus_speed[$i]) . "<br/>"; } //--> DISKS $system_disks_qty = $_POST['system_disks_qty']; $system_disks_make = $_POST['system_disks_make']; $system_disks_model_no = $_POST['system_disks_model_no']; $system_disks_size = $_POST['system_disks_size']; $system_disks_serial_no = $_POST['system_disks_serial_no']; for ($i = 0; $i < count($system_disks_qty); $i++) { echo "qty " . clean($system_disks_qty[$i]) . "<br/>"; echo "make " . clean($system_disks_make[$i]) . "<br/>"; echo "model_no " . clean($system_disks_model_no[$i]) . "<br/>"; echo "size " . clean($system_disks_size[$i]) . "<br/>"; echo "serial_no " . clean($system_disks_serial_no[$i]) . "<br/>"; } //--> MEMORY $system_memory_qty = $_POST['system_memory_qty']; $system_memory_serial_no = $_POST['system_memory_serial_no']; $system_memory_manf = $_POST['system_memory_manf']; $system_memory_part_no = $_POST['system_memory_part_no']; $system_memory_size = $_POST['system_memory_size']; for ($i = 0; $i < count($system_memory_qty); $i++) { echo "qty " . clean($system_memory_qty[$i]) . "<br/>"; echo "serial " . clean($system_memory_serial_no[$i]) . "<br/>"; echo "manf " . clean($system_memory_manf[$i]) . "<br/>"; echo "part_no " . clean($system_memory_part_no[$i]) . "<br/>"; echo "size " . clean($system_memory_size[$i]) . "<br/>"; } This just outputs all the fields I post at the moment. Say I have 3 different disk types, it's going to loop 3 times. Is it possible to make this all into 1 giant query or am I better off doing each query separately? Each section is a different table. <?php require_once("../includes/session.php");?> <?php require_once("../includes/connection.php");?> <?php require_once("../includes/function.php");?> <?php confirm_logged_in();?> <?php require_once("../includes/validation_functions.php");?> <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ //process the form // often there are form values in $_POST $product_name = mysql_prep($_POST["product_name"]); $product_amount = (int) $_POST["product_amount"]; $visible = (int) $_POST["visible"]; foreach($_FILES['files']['tmp_name'] as $key => $tmp_name ){ $file_tmp =$_FILES['files']['tmp_name'][$key]; $uploaded_dir = "images/"; $filename = $_FILES['files']['name'][$key]; $path = $uploaded_dir . $filename; move_uploaded_file($file_tmp,"images/".$_FILES['files']['name'][$key]); $query ="INSERT INTO products ("; $query .=" name, amount, visible"; $query .=") VALUES ("; $query .=" '{$product_name}',{$product_amount},{$visible}"; $query .=")"; $result = mysqli_query($connection,$query); $last_id = mysqli_insert_id($connection); $sql.= "('$last_id','$path'),"; $sql ="INSERT INTO images ( productID, file_name ) VALUES". trim($sql,','); $results = mysqli_query($connection,$sql); // validations $required_fields = array("product_name", "product_amount"); validate_presences($required_fields); $fields_with_max_lenghts = array("product_name" => 30); validate_max_lenght($fields_with_max_lenghts); if(!empty($errors)){ $_SESSION["errors"] = $errors; redirect_to("new_product.php"); } if($result && $results ){ // Sucess $_SESSION["message"] = "Product inserted."; redirect_to("manage_content.php"); }else{ // Failure $_SESSION["message"] = "Product insertion Failed."; redirect_to("new_product.php"); } } }else{ // THis is probably a GET request redirect_to("new_product.php"); } ?> <?php if(isset($connnection)){ mysqli_close($connection); } ?>Attached Files new_product.php 1.35KB 0 downloads create_product.php 1.99KB 0 downloads The code below kind of works, I don't get any errors. It has 2 problems; it only inserts the second row of data I get nothing for the first row. It also does not insert the 4id correctly I just get 1 instead of the actually user id number. I'd appreciate some help, been trying to hack this out for a couple hours. Code: [Select] <?php // Begin the script for this page $id = $_SESSION['id']; if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) { // if page is not submitted to itself echo the form } else { //Assign each array to a variable $id = $_SESSION['id']; $store = $_POST['store']; $item = $_POST['item']; $itemprice = $_POST['itemprice']; $itemnumber = $_POST['itemnumber']; $couponvalue = $_POST['couponvalue']; $limit = count($id); for($i=0;$i<$limit;$i++){ $id[$i] = $id[$i]; $store[$i] = check_input($store[$i]); $item[$i] = check_input($item[$i]); $itemprice[$i] = check_input($itemprice[$i]); $itemnumber[$i] = check_input($itemnumber[$i]); $couponvalue[$i] = check_input($couponvalue[$i]); } $query = "INSERT INTO `item` (user_id, store, item, itemprice, itemnumber, couponvalue) VALUES ('".$id[$i]."','".$store[$i]."', '".$item[$i]."', '".$itemprice[$i]."', '".$itemnumber[$i]."', '".$couponvalue[$i]."')"; if (!mysql_query($query,$link)){ die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } else { echo "$row record added"; } } ?> <div class="pageContent"> <div id="main"> <div class="container"> <form action="" method="post"> <table> <tr> <input type="text" name="id[]" id="id[]" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['id'];?>" /> <td><DIV CLASS="p2"><center><b>Store</b></center></div> <input type="text" name="store[]" id="store[]" size="15" maxlength="255"/></td> <td><DIV CLASS="p2"><center><b>Item</b></center></div> <input type="text" name="item[]" id="item[]" size="15" maxlength="255"/></td> <td><DIV CLASS="p2"><center><b>Item Price</b></center></div> <input type="text" name="itemprice[]" id="itemprice[]" size="15" maxlength="255"/></td> <td><DIV CLASS="p2"><center><b>Item Number</b></center></div> <input type="text" name="itemnumber[]" id="itemnumber[]" size="15" maxlength="255"/></td> <td><DIV CLASS="p2"><center><b>Coupon Value</b></center></div> <input type="text" name="couponvalue[]" id="couponvalue[]" size="15" maxlength="255"/></td> </tr> <tr> <input type="text" name="id[]" id="id[]" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['id'];?>" /> <td><input type="text" name="store[]" id="store[]" size="15" maxlength="255"/></td> <td><input type="text" name="item[]" id="item[]" size="15" maxlength="255"/></td> <td><input type="text" name="itemprice[]" id="itemprice[]" size="15" maxlength="255"/></td> <td><input type="text" name="itemnumber[]" id="itemnumber[]" size="15" maxlength="255"/></td> <td><input type="text" name="couponvalue[]" id="couponvalue[]" size="15" maxlength="255"/></td> </tr> </table> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Item"> </form> </div> </div> </div> I have 3 tables.
1)state(s_id, details);
3)sub(su-id,daetails,u_id, s_id)
Now there is a problem, for ever selection of state and univer there is multiple choice of sub and they can be common in different selections. And how to store these values in databse and can call in a selection menu. so how can i solve it?
Edited by N0name, 31 May 2014 - 10:38 PM. The information is drawn in from a table into a form that the user will click submit and all the rows will be inputted into the table with their username association. With this form, its only inputting the last row and not all of them. You're help is much appreciated! Here is the form in the PHP area: while($row=mysql_fetch_array($get_items_sql)){ $name =$row['item']; $date = ($row['expiration_date']); $exp_date = date('M d Y', strtotime($row['expiration_date'])); $content .= ""; $content .="<table width=\"450\" border=\"0\"><tr><td width=\"200\"><span class=\"anotherfont\"><input name=\"item[]\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"$name\" id=\"item[]\">$name</span></td><td width=\"200\"><span class=\"greenfont\"><input name=\"expiration_date[]\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"$date\" id=\"expiration_date[]\">$exp_date</span><input name=\"username[]\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"$username\" id=\"username[]\"/> </td></tr><br /></table>"; $content .= "\n"; } $content .= "</ul>\n"; Then below is part of the HTML Form with $content referenced: <form action="add_select.php?source_id=<?php echo $coupon_source ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="add_new" id="add_new"> <?php echo $content ?> <input name="SUBMIT" type="submit" value="submit" /></form><br /> Then here is the section from the "add_select.php" file from the form: include('connect.php'); foreach($_POST['item'] as $row=>$item) { $Item_name=$item; $expiration_date=$_POST['expiration_date'][$row]; $username=$_POST['username'][$row]; } foreach($_POST['item'] as $row=>$item) { $Item_name=mysql_real_escape_string($item); $expiration_date=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['expiration_date'][$row]); $username=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username'][$row]); } $sql2="INSERT INTO place (item, expiration_date, username) VALUES ('$Item_name', '$expiration_date', '$username')"; if (!mysql_query($sql2)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); }else { header("location:insert_complete.php"); } I have six rows of text boxes for users to enter into. The fields are named like ROW1: invqty, invpart, invdesc, invlist, invprice, parttotal ROW2: invqty02, invpart02, invdesc02, invlist02, invprice02, parttotal02 ROW3: ... ROW4: ... How can I add these to variables so $invoiceqty = invqty, invqty2, invqty3, etc. $invoicepart = invpart, invpart02, invpart03, etc. and then loop through them, inserting all rows into a table until all data is INSERTED Hi Guys
I have a number of arrays that are posted from a form
They are
for each home rider I want to to action the following query
"INSERT INTO tbl_lg_rider_order (`name`,`card_id`,`homeaway`,`riderorder`) VALUES ('$homerider',$card_id,'h','$homeorder')"
and for each away rider I want to do the following
"INSERT INTO tbl_lg_rider_order (`name`,`card_id`,`homeaway`,`riderorder`) VALUES ('$awayrider',$card_id,'a','$awayorder')"
I am using the following code
$i=0; for($i){ $homerider=$home_rider[$i]; $homeorder=$order[$i]; $homesql="INSERT INTO tbl_lg_rider_order (`name`,`card_id`,`homeaway`,`riderorder`) VALUES ('$homerider',$card_id,'h','$homeorder')"; echo $homesql; $i++; } $i=0; for($i){ $awayrider=$away_rider[$i]; $awayorder=$awayorder[$i]; $homesql="INSERT INTO tbl_lg_rider_order (`name`,`card_id`,`homeaway`,`riderorder`) VALUES ('$awayrider',$card_id,'a','$awayorder')"; echo $awaysql; $i++; }I am getting an error saying Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting ';' Where am I going wrong? Hi all I am trying to take the data from a form and add into a mySQL table. I have multiple forms on one page that uses a loop: Code: [Select] <?php $textqty = $showbasket['qty']; for ($i = 1; $i <= $textqty ; $i++) { ?> <form id="texts" name="texts" method="post" action=""> <input name="mainqty" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $textqty; ?>" /> <input name="productid" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $showbasket['productid']; ?>" /> <input name="productqtyid" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $i; ?>" /> <input name="productsize" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $showbasket['size']; ?>" /> Text: <input name="text_<?php echo $i; ?>" type="text" value="<?php echo $showtext['text']; ?>" size="35" maxlength="250" /> Colour: <select name="colour"> <?php $getcolours = mysql_query(" SELECT * FROM text_colours ORDER BY id ASC"); while($showcolours = mysql_fetch_array($getcolours)) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $showcolours['colour']; ?>"><?php echo $showcolours['colour']; ?></option> <?php } ?> </select> No. Characters: <br /> <?php } ?> <input name="update" type="submit" id="update" value="Update" /> </form> This data is then inserted into the mySQL: Code: [Select] <?php if(isset($_POST['update'])) { $mqty = $_POST['mainqty']; for ($i = 1; $i <= $mqty ; $i++) { $productid = $_POST['productid']; $productqtyid = $_POST['productqtyid']; $productsize = $_POST['productsize']; $colour = $_POST['colour']; $producttext = $_POST['text_$i']; mysql_query (" INSERT INTO emb_texts SET sessionid = '".$sessionid."', productid = '".$productid."', qtyid = '".$productqtyid."', size = '".$productsize."', colour = '".$colour."', text = '".$producttext."'") or die(mysql_error()); } } ?> This almost works but it adds the $productqtyid the same very time. I'm not sure if I am going about the the right way? Each form needs to add its own values into the mySQL. Many thanks for your help Hi coders,
i have a js to add multiple input and its depend to a user how many input should he want to add. and my problem is, it work insert data in a first line of rows but the rest of rows are not save.
any idea, what should i add to make it work.
<script> $(document).ready(function(){ $('#add').click(function(){ var inp = $('#box'); var i = $('input').size() + 1; $('<div id="box' + i +'"><input type="text" id="name" class="name" name="code[]' + i +'" placeholder="Input '+i+'"/><img src="remove.png" width="32" height="32" border="0" align="top" class="add" id="remove" /> </div>').appendTo(inp); i++; }); $('body').on('click','#remove',function(){ $(this).parent('div').remove(); }); }); </script>html <div id="box"> <input name = "code[]" type="text" id="name" class="name" placeholder="Input 1"> <img src="add.png" width="32" height="32" border="0" align="top" class="add" id="add" /> </div>php $rf = $_POST['regform']; $b = $_POST['branch']; $d = $_POST['date']; $c = $_POST['code']; $u = $_POST['user']; for($i = 0; $i<count($c); $i++) { $a_query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO code_number(ts_number,branch_id,yy,code,username) VALUES('$rf','$b','$d','$c[$i]','$u')"); } return $a_query; Hi guys, I am just wondering if there is a proper method to streamline my codes, whenever I perform multiple INSERTs into tables? Probably like INNER JOIN method etc? Thanks $query = "INSERT INTO practice_user (name, email, password, dob, category, comments) VALUES ('$name', '$email', '$password', '$dob', '$category', '$comments')"; $result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query) or die(mysql_error()); $query2 = "INSERT INTO location (name) VALUES ('$location')"; $result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query2) or die(mysql_error()); Good morning to all. Recently I just read a post here , it's about how to insert different lines from <textarea> to different mysql rows . Thanks to AbraCadaver , his code works well. Quote $lines = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', explode("\n", $_POST['textarea'])); $values = "VALUES ('" . implode("'), ('", $lines) . "')"; $query = "INSERT INTO table_name (column_name) $values"; But now if have more than one textarea , such as area1,area2 and area3 , how should change the code so that all data can be inserted into database simultaneously? Such as data of area1 is for column 1, row 1, data for area2 is for column2 , row 1, and data of area3 is for column 3 ,row 1. Is it possible to make this works? Thanks for every reply . I’m trying to insert from a multiple option form into MySQL. I’ve tried numerous methods and have had issues such as blank entries being inserted for each specified column, to the last value selected from the form being inserted multiple times, but I never get the desired outcome. Any guidance on how to insert from this type of HTML form? I know that there are issues regarding SQL injection - I'll worry about that later. I'd like to understand how to insert data from this kind of HTML form into MySQL, as i can't seem to find any guidance. There's plenty on how to insert from a standard HTML form i.e. where either every value is selected or left blank, but each entry corresponds to a column in MySQL which either receives a value or NULL. I'm really struggling with when a user can select more than one option from a list. Quote
<form action ='insert.php' method='POST'>
Here’s one option I’ve tried for PHP Quote
{ { } $conn->close(); ?>
Hi all . In my scripts , there is a textarea that allow user to enter multiple phone number , message and date . If there are 3 phone numbers in textarea , how can I insert 3 of them into sql with the same data of message and date? Such as : phone number : 0102255888,0235544777,0896655444 message:hello all date:10/10/2011 and when it's insert into table , it will become: 1. 0102255888 | hello all | 10/10/2011 2. 0235544777 | hello all | 10/10/2011 3. 0896655444 | hello all | 10/10/2011 Here is the code I tried , but it will just save the last phone number . Code: [Select] $cellphonenumber = explode(',', $_POST['cellphonenumber']); $message = $_POST['inputtext']; $date = $_POST['datetime']; foreach($cellphonenumber as $value) { $sql="INSERT INTO esp( Recipient , Message , Date) VALUES ('$value','$message','$date')"; } mysql_query($sql) or die ("Error: ".mysql_error()); echo "Database updated."; Any hints or advices ? Thanks for every reply . I have displayed check box values(ugroup field) from ugroups what i want to do is,when user select multiple check boxes and submit it should be insert into relavent feild in it's insert check boxes values.but not in relevant field.this is my code.Please help me.
//select ugroup's from group table. <?php $result = "SELECT id,ugroup FROM group"; $res_result = db::getInstance()->query($result); ?> <form action="db_sql/db_add_page.php" method="get"> Tittle :<input type="text" size="100" name="tittle" /> Description :<textarea cols="80" id="editor1" name="description" rows="10"></textarea> //Display ugroups in textboxes and checkboxes <?php while( $line=$res_result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { echo '<input type="checkbox" name="group[]" value=" '. $line['ugroup'] .'" />'; echo'<input type="text" name="ugroup" disabled="disabled" value=" '. $line['ugroup'] .'" size="7" "/>'; echo ' '; } ?><input type="submit" value="Submit"> </form>db_add_page.php if(isset($_POST)) { $tittle = $_POST['tittle']; $description = $_POST['description']; $ugroup = $_POST['group']; $acc_status = "INSERT INTO add_services (id,tittle,description,g1,g2,g3,g4,g5,g6,g7,g8) VALUES(NULL,'".$tittle."','".$description."','".$ugroup[0]."','".$ugroup[1]."','".$ugroup[2]."',' ".$ugroup[3]."','".$ugroup[4]."','".$ugroup[5]."','".$ugroup[6]."','".$ugroup[7]."')"; $rate = db::getInstance()->exec($acc_status); if(!$rate){ echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("Update Error !");</script>'; }else{ header('Location:../add_page.php'); echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("Successfuly Updated User Group !");</script>'; } }Attached Files group.jpg 22.14KB 0 downloads add_services.jpg 21.36KB 0 downloads For instance if i set the following 2x variables; "$varOne = $_GET[first_name]" "$varTwo = $_GET[last_name]" "$varThree = $_GET[userid]" how do i insert them both together into a DB field for example: $full = $varOne,$varTwo,$varThree (without the , ) this would then be echo as : joebloggs66985 i have the INSERT in there atm but i wanted to insert first name and last name together with there userid to generate a sort of username possibility. sorry if i didnt explain correcly Hi. Im searching for a way to enter multiple records at once to mysql databased on a date range. Lets say i want to insert from date 2010-11-23 to date 2010-11-25 a textbox with some info and the outcome could look in database like below. ---------------------------------------------------------- | ID | date | name | amount | ----------------------------------------------------------- | 1 | 2010-11-23 | Jhon | 1 | | 2 | 2010-11-24 | Jhon | 1 | | 2 | 2010-11-25 | Jhon | 1 | ----------------------------------------------------------- The reason i need the insertion to be like this is because if quering by month and by user to see vacation days then vacations that start in one month and end in another month can be summed by one month. If its in one record then it will pop up in both months. Help is really welcome. |