PHP - Help With Charge Formula
This code, that I didn't write, but am trying to modify, generates the cost of a video purchase. One line (line 32) is a formula , I believe for setting a purchase price amount: $amout += $video->video_play_price?$video->video_play_price:$video_cost; Another line (line 50) is a formula for deducting to create another amount: $uploader_amount = $video_cost - $charge; I think line 50 is correct except for I don't think $video_cost in the final price, but I'm no expert at reading this code. I tried this without success: $uploader_amount = $video_play_price - $charge;
Here is the full code, any help with line 50, will be appreciated. <?php if (IS_LOGGED == false) { $data = array('status' => 400, 'error' => 'Not logged in'); echo json_encode($data); exit(); } if (!empty($_POST['id'])) { if (!is_array($_POST['id'])) { $id_array[] = $_POST['id']; } else { $id_array = $_POST['id']; } // get cost video $db->where('name', 'video_play_price'); $db_cost = $db->getOne('config'); $video_cost = (float)$db_cost->value; $count_video = count($id_array); $user_id = $user->id; $wallet = (float)str_replace(',', '', $user->wallet); $amout = 0; foreach ($id_array as $id) { $video_id = (int)PT_Secure($id); // get video data $video = $db->where('id', $id)->getOne(T_VIDEOS); $amout += $video->video_play_price?$video->video_play_price:$video_cost; } // $amout = $video_cost * $count_video; $charge = ( $video_cost *0.50 ); if ($wallet >= $amout) { $new_wallet = (string)($wallet - $amout); $db->startTransaction(); $inserted_records = 0; foreach ($id_array as $id) { $video_id = (int)PT_Secure($id); $uploader_amount = $video_cost - $charge; // get video data $video = $db->where('id', $id)->getOne(T_VIDEOS); // add data to paid table $insert_buy = $db->insert('u_paid_videos', [ 'id_user' => $user_id, 'id_video' => $video_id, 'session_key' => $_SESSION['session_key'], 'video_play_price' => (string)$video_cost, 'video_title' => $video->title, 'user_id_uploaded' => $video->user_id, //'up_credit'=>$video_cost, 'up_credit'=>$uploader_amount, ]); if ($insert_buy) { $inserted_records++; } //add wallet users' video $userwallet = $db->where('id', $video->user_id)->getOne(T_USERS); //$videouserwallet = $userwallet->wallet+$video_cost; $videouserwallet = $userwallet->wallet+$uploader_amount; $db->where('id', $video->user_id); $update_wallet = $db->update(T_USERS, [ // 'wallet' => $videouserwallet, 'wallet' => number_format($videouserwallet, 2, '.', ''), ]); } $db->where('id', $user_id); $update_wallet = $db->update(T_USERS, [ 'wallet' => $new_wallet, ]); if (($inserted_records == $count_video) && $update_wallet) { $db->commit(); echo json_encode([ 'status' => 200 ]); exit(); } else { $db->rollback(); echo json_encode([ 'status' => 400, 'error' => 'Buy process error' ]); exit(); } } else { echo json_encode([ 'status' => 400, 'error_num' => 1, 'error' => 'Not enough money' ]); exit(); } } else { echo json_encode([ 'status' => 400, 'error' => 'Bad Request, Invalid or missing parameter' ]); exit(); }
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