PHP - Why Code Shows-up In Block-text Box ?
What is wrong with the block text with the label "Description" ? All html after or below it in the file shows-up inside the block-text box when you check the page in the browser! <form name "link_submission_form" method = "post" action="" enctype = "multipart/form-data"> <div class="form-group"> <p align="left"><label>Url:</label> <select> <option value="<?php echo "$primary_domain";?>"><?php echo "$primary_domain";?></option> </select> <input type="url" placeholder="<?php echo '/directory/page.html';?>" name="primary_website_url" required [A-Za-z0-9] autocorrect=off value="<?php if(isset($_POST['primary_website_url'])) { echo htmlentities($_POST['primary_website_url']); }?>"> <label>; Anchor Text:</label> <input type="text" placeholder="Enter Link Text" name="anchor_text" required [A-Za-z0-9] autocorrect=off value="<?php if(isset($_POST['anchor_text'])) { echo htmlentities($_POST['anchor_text']); }?>"> </p> </div> <div class="form-group"> <p align="left"><label>Page Title:</label> <input type="text" placeholder="Enter Page Title" name="page_title" required [A-Za-z0-9] autocorrect=off value="<?php if(isset($_POST['page_title'])) { echo htmlentities($_POST['page_title']); }?>"> </p> </div> <div class="form-group"> <p align="left"><label>Page Description:</label> <textarea rows="10" cols="100" placeholder="Page Description" name="page description" required [A-Za-z0-9] autocorrect=off value="<?php if(isset($_POST['page_description'])) { echo htmlentities($_POST['page_description']); }?>"> </p> </div> <div class="form-group"> <p align="left"><label>Primary Website Email (To receive Visitor Entry Alerts):</label> <input type="text" placeholder="Email to receive Visitor Entry Notice" name="primary_website_email_for_visitor_entry_notice" required [A-Za-z0-9] autocorrect=off value="<?php if(isset($_POST['primary_website_email_for_visitor_entry_notice'])) { echo htmlentities($_POST['primary_website_email_for_visitor_entry_notice']); }?>"> </p> </div> <div class="form-group"> <p align="left"><label>Repeat Primary Website Email (To receive Visitor Entry Alerts):</label> <input type="text" placeholder="Repeat Email to receive Visitor Entry Notice" name="primary_website_email_confirmation_for_visitor_entry_notice" required [A-Za-z0-9] autocorrect=off value="<?php if(isset($_POST['primary_website_email_confirmation_for_visitor_entry_notice'])) { echo htmlentities($_POST['primary_website_email_confirmation_for_visitor_entry_notice']); }?>"> </p> </div> <div class="form-group"> <p align="left"><label>Primary Website Email (To receive Visitor Exit Alerts):</label> <input type="text" placeholder="Email to receive Visitor Exit notice" name="primary_website_email_for_visitor_exit_notice" required [A-Za-z0-9] autocorrect=off value="<?php if(isset($_POST['primary_website_email_for_visitor_exit_notice'])) { echo htmlentities($_POST['primary_website_email_for_visitor_exit_notice']); }?>"> </p> </div> <div class="form-group"> <p align="left"><label>Repeat Primary Website Email (To receive Visitor Exit Alerts):</label> <input type="text" placeholder="Repeat Email to receive Visitor Exit notice" name="primary_website_email_confirmation_for_visitor_exit_notice" required [A-Za-z0-9] autocorrect=off value="<?php if(isset($_POST['primary_website_email_confirmation_for_visitor_exit_notice'])) { echo htmlentities($_POST['primary_website_email_confirmation_for_visitor_exit_notice']); }?>"> </p> </div> <div class="form-group"> <p align="left"><label>Agree To Our Terms & Conditions ? :</label> <input type="radio" name="fb_tos_agreement_reply" value="Yes" <?php if(isset($_POST['fb_tos_agreement_reply'])) { echo 'checked'; }?> required>Yes <input type="radio" name="fb_tos_agreement_reply" value="No" <?php if(isset($_POST['fb_tos_agreement_reply'])) { echo 'checked'; }?> required>No </p> </div> <p align="left"><input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" name="submit" value="Submit"></p> <p align="left"><input type="reset" class="btn btn-default" name="reset" value="Reset"></p> </form> Notice each input field's requirement. Have I got any wrong ? Example: <input type="text" placeholder="Enter Link Text" name="anchor_text" required [A-Za-z0-9] autocorrect=off value="<?php if(isset($_POST['anchor_text'])) { echo htmlentities($_POST['anchor_text']); }?>"> Similar Tutorialsok, I am hoping the code is self explanatory... but if not, I'm creating a script which I will be using for something else. Basically it says if OS and browser show code under... I am looking for two things. 1. Is there a way to make it so that it can pull from a list and show that if HTTP_USER_AGENT comes back with a specific output, to say you are using X OS with Y browser? 2. The last bit, it is meant to say, if not any of the options show the info below. For some reason it's not doing that... can someone please tell me why? Thanks. Code: [Select] <?php //Operating Systems function xp(){return(eregi("Windows NT 5.1", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']));} function vista(){return(eregi("Windows NT 6.0", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']));} function win7(){return(eregi("Windows NT 6.1", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']));} function ubuntu(){return(eregi("Ubuntu/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']));} //Web Browsers function chrome(){ return(eregi("Chrome/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']));} function safari(){ return(eregi("Safari/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']));} function firefox(){ return(eregi("Firefox/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']));} function ie9(){ return(eregi("MSIE 9.0", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']));} function ie8(){ return(eregi("MSIE 8.0", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']));} // do something if XP and Chrome if(xp() && chrome()){echo 'You are using Windows XP with a Chrome web Browser';} // do something if XP and IE8 if(xp() && ie8()){echo 'You are using Windows XP with a Internet Explorer 8 web Browser';} // do something if Windows 7 and IE9 if(win7() && ie9()){echo 'You are using Windows 7 with a Internet Explorer 9 web Browser';} // do something if Windows Vista and IE9 if(vista() && ie9()){echo 'You are using Windows Vista with a Internet Explorer 9 web Browser';} // do something if Windows Vista and IE8 if(vista() && ie8()){echo 'You are using Windows Vista with a Internet Explorer 8 web Browser';} // do something if Ubuntu and Firefox if(ubuntu() && firefox()){echo 'You are using Ubuntu with a Firefox web Browser';} if(!ubuntu() || !xp() || !vista() || !win7() || !firefox() || !chrome() || !safari() || !ie9() || !ie8()){ echo'<strong>'; echo '<br />' . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . '<br /><br />Administrator someone in your work force is using an unsupported browser/OS combination, please email the information above to the developer of the NCMR software you are using. It will allow your browser/OS combination to be used correctly. Sorry for the inconvenience.</strong> <br /><br />Please copy and paste the text above and send it to your web administrator. It will explain everything he/she needs to do.';} ?> Hi All I'm after some advice about how to write a parser to match many different naming formats of a tv episode, so the one thing we can rely on is that a episodes are inside a folder named after the show, for example "House MD\episode name. s1e07.mkv" so we know the show name, that part is easy, the bit I need to match is the season and episode number. The format of the file name can differ is so many ways, here are some examples: - S01E01 - s1e10 - S3e6 - 105 (for season 1, episode 5) - EP01 (usually there's one season in this case, but not 100% of the time) So as you can see there are a few variations, almost always the show name is in there too, and sometimes they contain resolution, so: House.MD S1E09 720p HD.mkv, there are many combinations but since we already know the show name it's not something I think we need to worry *too* much about. My question relations to how you would approach this? You can see from the examples above sometimes this would be hard to match and work out. My initial idea would be to have a class called 'tvmatcher', or something, which has match handlers, one match handler for each format we need match, a handler would be a class that extends tvmatcher and have the same method, like $handler->match($string); the first one to match would be the winner. This could be extended to sanity check the result and ensure that the season/ep actually exists. I really don't know how to go about this, the idea above is my best so far, so again my questions really a How would you approach this? Is there a pattern that would help? any other ideas about how this could be acheived? It's worth noting that I'd be using external APIs to get show information, but would be out of the scope of this library, but could help with said sanity checks. Cheers, Billy Hi By the the way the server this site is hosted on is flipping fast! I'm still a php beginner. I have a php file, the entire code is he <?php get_header(); ?> <?php if(!is_paged()) { ?> <div id="top" class="clearfloat"> <div id="headline"> <?php if ( function_exists('show_nivo_slider') ) { show_nivo_slider(); } ?> </div> <div id="featured"> <?php if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar(8) ) : ?> <?php endif; ?> </div> </div> <div id="middle" class="clearfloat"> <?php $display_categories = array(7, 13, 17, 18, 1528); $i = 1; foreach ($display_categories as $category) { ?> <div id="cat-<?php echo $i; ?>" class="category"> <?php query_posts("showposts=1&cat=$category")?> <span class="cat_title"><a href="<?php echo get_category_link($category);?>"><?php single_cat_title(); ?></a></span> <a href="<?php echo get_category_link($category);?>"></a> </div> <?php $i++; ?> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="bottom" class="clearfloat"> <div id="front-list"> <?php $page = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1; query_posts("cat=-27,-28&paged=$page&posts_per_page=10"); ?> <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> <div class="clearfloat"> <h3 class=cat_title><?php the_category(', '); ?> »</h3> <div class="title"><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></div> <div class="meta">[<?php the_time('j M Y') ?> | <?php comments_popup_link('No Comment', 'One Comment', '% Comments');?> | <?php if(function_exists('the_views')) { the_views(); } ?>]</div> <div class="spoiler"> <?php $values = get_post_custom_values("Image"); if (isset($values[0])) { ?> <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>"> <img src="<?php echo bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/scripts/timthumb.php?src=/<?php $values = get_post_custom_values("Image"); echo $values[0]; ?>&w=150&h=150&zc=1&q=100" alt="<?php the_title(); ?>" class="left" width="150px" height="150px" /></a> <?php } ?> <?php the_excerpt(); ?> </div> </div> <?php endwhile; ?> <div class="navigation"> <?php if(function_exists('wp_pagenavi')) { wp_pagenavi(); } else { ?> <div class="right"><?php next_posts_link('Next Page »') ?></div> <div class="left"><?php previous_posts_link('« Previous Page') ?></div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php get_sidebar(); ?> </div> <?php get_footer(); ?> I want to remove the following block on line 19 to 33 because I don't need it: <?php $display_categories = array(7, 13, 17, 18, 1528); $i = 1; foreach ($display_categories as $category) { ?> <div id="cat-<?php echo $i; ?>" class="category"> <?php query_posts("showposts=1&cat=$category")?> <span class="cat_title"><a href="<?php echo get_category_link($category);?>"><?php single_cat_title(); ?></a></span> <a href="<?php echo get_category_link($category);?>"></a> </div> <?php $i++; ?> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> But when I remove that I get the error, unexpected end of file error and references to <?php get_footer(); ?> I need to understand why this is happening, not just how to fix it (although I need that too). My suspicion is one of the endif's. Hi, I am not a PHP programmer. I took on a new client with a simple PHP site, without any databases. The site is up and running on the web. I would like to get it running on my local machine for further development. I have latest version of WAMP installed, running Apache version 2.2.11 and PHP version 5.3.0 I created a directory in the WAMP "www" project directory and it shows up there like it's supposed to when I browse to "localhost" Problem: The home page of website displays text but no, images, styles, footer, header, nav links, etc. Here is the code for the home page: <? define("NAV","home"); require_once('local/local.php'); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>TITLE</title> <meta name="keywords" content=""> <meta name="Description" content=""> <? include("common/dochead.php"); ?> </head> <body onLoad="<? include('common/preloads.php'); ?>"> <!-- ============================ main ============================= --> <div id="main-frame"><div id="main" class="noCollapse"> <? include("common/sign.php"); ?> <div id="right-frame"> <? include("common/navigation.php"); ?> <div id="content-frame"> <div id="content"> <h1>Welcome</h1> <p>This is the content area. This is the content area. This is the content area. </p> </div><!-- end content --> </div><!-- end content-frame --> </div><!-- end right-frame --> <div class="clearFloats"></div> </div><!-- end main --></div><!-- end main-frame --> <? include("common/footer.php"); ?> </body> </html> Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have spent many hours on this. Regards Hi, I am trying to take a string from a database and replace everything within {} with code... similar to how posting in a forum works. so say I have "...Lorem ipsom {gallery:1} sit imet..." it will take that string (from a DB) and replace "{gallery:1}" with "<?php gallery('1'); ?>". How can this be done? Or is there keywords I can search on to find the answer? Thank you in advance. Here's what I'm trying to do, and I am having trouble getting started with this. It's a very simple process, but I didn't want to spend the next 6 hours in frustration, so some help getting started would be great. Here's the purpose of the script: 1. Allow user to add a text file to a form. 2. Take the text file, add HTML code to the beginning and end of each paragraph (a single line of text, usually paragraphs would be separated by a line return) 3. Send the user an email with the HTML file attached and thank them or whatever. 4. Allow the system to throttle itself (one-at-a-time) so that many people using the site won't bog it down. These files will probably be anywhere from 100 KB to 1,000 KB in size, usually hitting in the 300-500KB range. Here's what I can do very easily: 1. Allow user to add a text file - very simple and straightforward. 2. Take the text file, add HTML... - this is what I need a little help figuring out. Each paragraph needs to have <p> at the beginning and </p> at the end, and the script will also search for keywords on certain lines (section headers) and add a <align="center"> tag to that, and so forth. I can handle the formatting rules, but making sure the loop runs correctly could be a problem. 3. Send the user an email... - very easy, I can do that myself. 4. Allow the system to throttle itself... - this could be tricky. I was thinking a database with a TINYINT field, 0 for not processed yet, 1 for processing, 2 for processed. Cron job checks the next one on the list to see if it needs to send it to the processor, if the file is already being processed, or can be sent to a different database (completed entries) and removed from the current queue. The cron job would also be responsible for triggering the "Your file is converted!" email and the attachment. Any/all help would be greatly appreciated on this. I am going to work on the parts that I can do myself, and I'll be checking back for the discussion - in between Mountain Dew runs. I try to adjust my date and time to ("M-d-Y h:i:s A"), but when I do, I get 0's for the both the date and time. Code: [Select] <table width="400" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td><strong>Test Sign Guestbook </strong></td> </tr> </table> <table width="400" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"> <tr> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="addguestbook.php"> <td> <table width="400" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr> <td width="117">Name</td> <td width="14">:</td> <td width="357"><input name="name" type="text" id="name" size="40" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Email</td> <td>:</td> <td><input name="email" type="text" id="email" size="40" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Comment</td> <td valign="top">:</td> <td><textarea name="comment" cols="40" rows="3" id="comment"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" /> <input type="reset" name="Submit2" value="Reset" /></td> </tr> </table> </td> </form> </tr> </table> <table width="400" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td><strong><a href="viewguestbook.php">View Guestbook</a> </strong></td> </tr> </table> Code: [Select] <?php $mysql_host = "myhost"; $mysql_database = "guest"; $mysql_user = "myusername"; $mysql_password = "mypassword"; //$db_name="guest"; This is not needed, as db_name is $mysql_database above, so please delete this line. $tbl_name="guestbook"; // Table name // Connect to server and select database. mysql_connect("$mysql_host", "$mysql_user", "$mysql_password") or die("cannot connect server "); mysql_select_db("$mysql_database") or die("cannot select DB"); $name = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; $comment = $_POST['comment']; $datetime=date("y-m-d h:i:s"); //date time $sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_name (name, email, comment, datetime) VALUES ('$name', '$email', '$comment', '$datetime')"; $result=mysql_query($sql); //check if query successful if($result){ echo "Successful"; echo "<BR>"; echo "<a href='viewguestbook.php'>View guestbook</a>"; // link to view guestbook page } else { echo "ERROR"; } mysql_close(); ?> Code: [Select] <table width="400" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td><strong>View Guestbook | <a href="guestbook.php">Sign Guestbook</a> </strong></td> </tr> </table> <br> <?php $mysql_host = "myhost"; $mysql_database = "guest"; $mysql_user = "myusername"; $mysql_password = "mypassword"; $tbl_name="guestbook"; // Table name // Connect to server and select database. mysql_connect("$mysql_host", "$mysql_user", "$mysql_password") or die("cannot connect server "); mysql_select_db("$mysql_database") or die("cannot select DB"); $sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name"; $result=mysql_query($sql); while($rows=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ ?> <table width="400" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"> <tr> <td><table width="400" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr> <td>ID</td> <td>:</td> <td><? echo $rows['id']; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="117">Name</td> <td width="14">:</td> <td width="357"><? echo $rows['name']; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Email</td> <td>:</td> <td><? echo $rows['email']; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Comment</td> <td valign="top">:</td> <td><? echo nl2br($rows['comment']); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Date/Time </td> <td valign="top">:</td> <td><? echo $rows['datetime']; ?></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table> <BR> <? } mysql_close(); //close database ?> Hey all. I have a simple code for verifying some data. I have two echos from if statements. The first is if the text input is empty echo: HELLO. The second is if text input data is not found in database echo: NOPE. Now in the following code the second one works fine. But the problem is if I leave the field empty BOTH echos show. So if I leave the input empty instead of saying "HELLO" it says, "HELLONOPE". Yet the second one works fine and display only "NOPE" The other thing is if I switch the two echos to die instead, they work fine. Code: [Select] if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // if form has been submitted // makes sure they filled it in if(!$_POST['id']) { echo "HELLO"; } // checks it against the database $check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM emp WHERE id = '".$_POST['id']."'")or die(mysql_error()); //Gives error if user dosen't exist $check2 = mysql_num_rows($check); if ($check2 == 0) { echo "NOPE"; } else { //if login good then redirect them to the members area $id = $_POST['id']; header("Location: somepage.php?id=$id"); } } else { // they are not logged in } <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>" method="post"> <input type="text" name="id" maxlength="40"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Login"> </form> What am I doing wrong? I'm a bit stumped here and as usual I'm sure it's something simple. I have an object that checks if a user is an admin. It works fine. But it the HTML below it is not getting displayed. Take a look. welcome.php session_start(); $user = new users(); if (!isset($_SESSION['username'], $_SESSION['imadmin']) || $user->is_admin($_SESSION['username'])==0) { header('Location: index.php'); } welcome.php is getting displayed without getting redirected to the index. But there's no HTML, just the URL to welcome.php in the bar. Anyone? Cheers! Hello and ty all for helping I have located the problem its in login.php file but dont know where thats why am turning to experts of coding. My file is located here username and password are same "guest" pls feel free to download and inspect Thank you again for any help cheers I set up the following code to successfully individual items based on the id number. ?id=1 etc. However, I thought it would be simple to change to show another row so I changed all the terms to 'description'. However, if I enter ?description=abcde it shows nothing. But if I type in ?description=description is bizarrely shows everything. The only thing I can only put it down to is numbers. Does $_GET react differently react differently to numbers or does it require commas surrounding the string? <?php if( isset($_GET['description'])) $_GET['description']; $query = "SELECT * FROM productfeed WHERE description = $description LIMIT 0, 10"; $fetchdata = mysql_query($query) or die("query: $query<br>This has an error: " . mysql_error() . '<br>'); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($fetchdata)) { $id = $row['id']; $image = $row['awImage']; $link = $row['link']; $description = $row['description']; $fulldescription = $row['fulldescription']; $price = $row['price']; echo "<div class='productdisplayshell'> <div class='productdisplayoutline'> <div class='productborder'><center> <a href='$link' target='_blank'><img src='$image'/></a> </center> </div></div> <div class='productdescriptionoutline'> <div class='productdescriptionbox'> <a href='$link' target='_blank' >$description</a> </div> <div class='productfulldescriptionbox'>$fulldescription</div> </div> <div class='productpriceoutline'> <div class='productpricebox'> <center>&#163; $price</center> </div> <div class='productbuybutton'> <center><a href='$link' target='_blank' ><img src=/images/buybutton.png /></a></center> </div> </div> </div>"; } ?> I have a database where I have 2 departments, and I want it to not show if they are both taken, but I'm not sure how to do this? Currently I have Code: [Select] $type_sql2 = mssql_query("SELECT * FROM Database2 Where SaleID ='$salesid'"); while($RS2 = mssql_fetch_assoc($type_sql2)) { $used_dist = $RS2['DistID']; $type_sql = mssql_query("SELECT * FROM Database Where Disable = 0 AND DeptID!= '$used_dist'"); while($RS = mssql_fetch_assoc($type_sql)) { $DeptID_ID = $RS['DeptID']; $DeptID_Name = $RS['DeptDescription']; echo "<option value=\"$DeptID_ID\">$DeptID_Name</option>\n"; } }And my DeptID is SE and CM, now in another database where these are used, I want this to not show them if they are both used and only show the one not being used any other time, but I can't just do it one at a time, because I may have more departments later on, but right now, with the above, if one is used, then it works, because only one shows up, but if both are used, it shows both still because it then sees SE and puts in CM, then loops thru again and sees CM and puts in SE then the second time. I hope this makes sence. But how do I not show either if both are used, and if one is used then only show the other? Thanks Hi I have deleted quite lot data from mysql database however, php still shows that page but blank ie page.php?id=186 - this id and all assosiated fields with this id has been removed from mysql but id still showing on the net and google cached all of them ( 600 pages) . page.php is still in use but I was wondering if there is any way not to show these blank pages/ids from mysql db and more importantly how can I remove these blank pages from google? Thanks for your help. Im inserting HTML into a database, and then outputting it on a PHP page. Its an iframe code, so when I output it, it shows the iframe. I need it to just display the HTML code. How can I do this? I thought it would be something simple but I can find anyway to do it. Help very appreciated!! Thanks $text = "wow {one|two|three}fsasfa happy ness"; preg_match('/\b{*+}\b/i', $text, $matches); print_r($matches); Basically, $matches will contain "one|two|three" - but all I got is an array with "}" Need help with some whiles, etc., and .php page refreshes. $num; Comes from mysql_num_rows from a database table's regular 'select'. And gets the row id numbers for every row that the id numbers are listed in order. $totalrows comes from another select but is select * instead. And pulls the total rows in the whole table instead there are 49 rows in the whole table. I'm trying to get the page to show 5 table rows at a time like the following, but then when the page is still open on next page refresh to show the next 5 rows and continue that way. This following: Quote PHP Code: <?php $i=$num; if ($num == 5); {echo "The number is " . $num . "<br />";} do {$i = $i + 5; echo "The number is " . $i . "<br />"; } while ($i<$totalrows); ?> Brings up these results: The row number is 10 The row number is 15 The row number is 20 The row number is 25 The row number is 30 The row number is 35 The row number is 40 The row number is 45 The row number is 50 Shows all these on the page at the same time. I'm trying to get these to only show the 5 rows after every page refresh instead. Please let me know how to do that, and whether it can be done without any cookies. I don't know if there is a better way to show the first 5 separate like I have it. Thank you very much for your help. Hi, I have a domain called It is having 6 NS records, you can verify that at I have a following code : Code: [Select] <?php $result = dns_get_record("", DNS_NS); echo count($result); echo "<p></p>"; print_r ($result['0']); echo "<p>================</p>"; for($i=0; $i<=count($result); $i++) { // @print_r ($result["$i"]); @$target_ns = $result["$i"]; echo "<p></p>"; print_r ($target_ns["target"]); echo "<p></p>"; } ?> After executing this, it shows only 4 records instead of 6, why ? One more thing is many times, first name server (e.g. ns1) shows as 2nd and 2nd NS as first, why ? I am using the following css
.content { min-height: 850px; color: #CCC; padding-right: 320px; background-image:url(../images/wheelie.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: right bottom; }however the background image only shows in the desktop version of safari, I have checked firefox and chrome and mobile safari. I can't see why. |