PHP - Session_destroy Doesnt Work Cnt Update Data Properly To The Database + Php
according to my knowledge session_destroy() function would destroy all session variables and mysql_close() would close connection with the database. i make a simply logoff.php file and close myssql connection and destroy session. but i still get values from the database and session variables. and doesnt work properly here is the code Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ require_once '../database/db_connecting.php'; $dbname="sahansevena";//set database name $con= setConnections();//make connections use implemented methode in db_connectiong.php mysql_select_db($dbname, $con); //update the time and date of the admin table $update_time="update admin set last_logged_date =CURDATE(), last_log_time=CURTIME() where username='$uname'limit 3,4"; //my admin table contain 5 colums they are id, username,password, last_logged_date, last_log_time $link= mysql_query($update_time); // mysql_select_db($dbname, $link); //$con=mysql_connect('localhost', 'root','ijts'); $result="select * from admin where username='a'"; $result=mysql_query($result); mysql_close($con); //here i just check after closing data baseconnection whether i do get reselts but i do, why? echo "after the cnnection was closed"; echo "<html>"; echo "<table border='1' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='2' align='center'>"; echo "<thead>"; echo"<tr>"; echo "<th>"; echo ID; echo"</th>"; echo" <th>";echo Username; echo"</th>"; echo"<th>";echo Password; echo"</th>"; echo"<th>";echo Last_logged_date; echo "</th>"; echo "<th>";echo Last_logged_time; echo "</th>"; echo" </tr>"; echo" </thead>"; echo" <tbody>"; while($row= mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_BOTH)){ echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>"; echo $row[0]; echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; echo $row[1]; echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; echo $row[2]; echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; echo $row[3]; echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; echo $row[4]; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo" </tbody>"; echo "</table>"; echo "</html>"; session_destroy(); session_commit(); echo "session and database are closed but i still get values".$_SESSION['admin']; ?> Similar TutorialsHello I have this script that I have been getting support on on other forums and I would really love some help. What this script does is reset your password to a randomly generated one, but for security it asks you a secret question that you have to answer correctly, for it to generate a random password, update that password into the database table and then email you it. Everything works, like the security question part, finding the email works, and sending the email works. But the only part that doesnt work is the updating the table with the randomly generated password. Here is the code. <?php function checkUNEmail($uname,$email) { global $mySQL; $userID = 'X'; $error = array('status'=>false,'userID'=>0); if (isset($email) && trim($email) != '') { //email was entered if ($SQL = $mySQL->prepare("SELECT `ID` FROM `users` WHERE `Email` = ? LIMIT 1")) { $SQL->bind_param('s',trim($email)); $SQL->execute(); $SQL->store_result(); $numRows = $SQL->num_rows(); $SQL->bind_result($userID); $SQL->fetch(); $SQL->close(); if ($numRows >= 1) return array('status'=>true,'userID'=>$userID); } else { return $error; } } elseif (isset($uname) && trim($uname) != '') { //username was entered if ($SQL = $mySQL->prepare("SELECT `ID` FROM users WHERE Username = ? LIMIT 1")) { $SQL->bind_param('s',trim($uname)); $SQL->execute(); $SQL->store_result(); $numRows = $SQL->num_rows(); $SQL->bind_result($userID); $SQL->fetch(); $SQL->close(); if ($numRows >= 1) return array('status'=>true,'userID'=>$userID); } else { return $error; } } else { //nothing was entered; return $error; } } function getSecurityQuestion($userID) { global $mySQL; $questions = array(); $questions[0] = "What is your mother's maiden name?"; $questions[1] = "What city were you born in?"; $questions[2] = "What is your favorite color?"; $questions[3] = "What year did you graduate from High School?"; $questions[4] = "What was the name of your first boyfriend/girlfriend?"; $questions[5] = "What is your favorite model of car?"; if ($SQL = $mySQL->prepare("SELECT `secQ` FROM `users` WHERE `ID` = ? LIMIT 1")) { $SQL->bind_param('i',$userID); $SQL->execute(); $SQL->store_result(); $SQL->bind_result($secQ); $SQL->fetch(); $SQL->close(); return $questions[$secQ]; } else { return false; } } function checkSecAnswer($userID,$answer) { global $mySQL; if ($SQL = $mySQL->prepare("SELECT `Username` FROM `users` WHERE `ID` = ? AND LOWER(`secA`) = ? LIMIT 1")) { $answer = strtolower($answer); $SQL->bind_param('is',$userID,$answer); $SQL->execute(); $SQL->store_result(); $numRows = $SQL->num_rows(); $SQL->close(); if ($numRows >= 1) { return true; } } else { return false; } } function sendPasswordEmail($userID) { global $mySQL; changePassword($userID); if ($SQL = $mySQL->prepare("SELECT `Username`,`Email`,`Password` FROM `users` WHERE `ID` = ? LIMIT 1")) { $SQL->bind_param('i',$userID); $SQL->execute(); $SQL->store_result(); $SQL->bind_result($uname,$email,$password); $SQL->fetch(); $SQL->close(); $message = "Dear $uname,\r\n"; $message .= "Here is your requested lost password for your account at our site:\r\n"; $message .= "-----------------------\r\n"; $message .= "$password\r\n"; $message .= "-----------------------\r\n"; $message .= "Our login page: <a href=\"login.php\"></a>\r\n\r\n"; $message .= "Thanks,\r\n"; $message .= "-- Our site team"; $headers .= "From: Our Site <> \n"; $headers .= "To-Sender: \n"; $headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP\n"; // mailer $headers .= "Reply-To:\n"; // Reply address $headers .= "Return-Path:\n"; //Return Path for errors $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"; //Enc-type $subject = "Your Lost Password"; @mail($email,$subject,$message,$headers); return str_replace("\r\n","<br/ >",$message); } } function genRandomString() { $length = 10; $characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; $string = ''; for ($p = 0; $p < $length; $p++) { $string .= $characters[mt_rand(0, strlen($characters))]; } return $string; } function changePassword($userID){ global $mySQL; $password = genRandomString(); $SQL = $mySQL->prepare('UPDATE `users` SET `Password`="'.$password.'" WHERE `ID`="?" LIMIT 1'); $SQL->bind_param('s',$password); $SQL->bind_param('i',$userID); $SQL->execute(); return $password; } ?> The last 2 functions in the code are where the passwords are supposed to get changed and updated in the table, but it doesn't work... Can anyone help me out please Hello to all, I have problem figuring out how to properly display data fetched from MySQL database in a HTML table. In the below example I am using two while loops, where the second one is nested inside first one, that check two different expressions fetching data from tables found in a MySQL database. The second expression compares the two tables IDs and after their match it displays the email of the account holder in each column in the HTML table. The main problem is that the 'email' row is displayed properly while its while expression is not nested and alone(meaning the other data is omitted or commented out), but either nested or neighbored to the first while loop, it is displayed horizontally and the other data ('validity', 'valid_from', 'valid_to') is not displayed.'
Can someone help me on this, I guess the problem lies in the while loop? <thead> <tr> <th data-column-id="id" data-type="numeric">ID</th> <th data-column-id="email">Subscriber's Email</th> <th data-column-id="validity">Validity</th> <th data-column-id="valid_from">Valid From</th> <th data-column-id="valid_to">Valid To</th> </tr> </thead> Here is part of the PHP code:
<?php while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { echo ' <tr> <td>'.$row["id"].'</td> '; while ($row1 = $stmt1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { echo ' <td>'.$row1["email"].'</td> '; } if($row["validity"] == 1) { echo '<td>'.$row["validity"].' month</td>'; }else{ echo '<td>'.$row["validity"].' months</td>'; } echo ' <td>'.$row["valid_from"].'</td> <td>'.$row["valid_to"].'</td> </tr>'; } ?>
Thank you. Hi, I have a MySQL database called "2011_database" that has a table called "2011_list." In that table I have fields, amongst others, called "name" and "district." I need to find way to get the data from the table and put them into a drop down list on other PHP page. But they need to be listed as "name - district" on one line. I am PHP beginner and if I understand it correctly there need to be two references to get all the data in all records, a third reference to merge them together with " - " in between; and what eludes me the most, putting them in a drop down menu. Any help is greatly appreciated Thanks I am caught between a rock and a hard place here... My update page (to update an existing entity in the database) is a normal selection page, which then directs you to the page where you can update or change the data (1st srcipt snippet below), up to here everything works well, but on submit the page must be directed to a page that verifies the data (2nd script snippet below) and if correct, update the database or redirect to the 2nd page to correct the faulty data entry - easy right (well I have been struggling to get this working for 2 days straight. Pleeaaaaase Help. After the selection page, this is the input page-script:- Code: [Select] $labels = array("company_descr" => "Description:"); include("../includes/"); // database login details $cxn = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$password,$dbname) or die ("Couldn't connect to server."); $query = "SELECT * FROM `company` WHERE `company_id`=\"{$_POST['comp']}\""; $result = mysqli_query($cxn,$query) or die ("Cannot execute query."); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); ?> <html> <head> <title>Update Location</title> <style type='text/css'> <!-- form { margin: 1.5em 0 0 0; padding: 0; } .field { padding-top: .5em; } label { font-weight: bold; float: left; margin-right: 1em; text-align: right; } #submit { margin-left: 20%; padding-top: 1em; } --> </style> <body> <?php echo "<div style='text-align: centre'> <h3>Update Company - \"{$_POST['comp']}\"</h3>\n"; echo "<p style='font-color: #FF0000; font-size: 12; font-align: center'> Please change the field(s) that you want to update below.</p> <hr /></div>\n"; echo "<form action='../update/updateCompany.php' method='POST'>"; foreach($labels as $field => $label) { echo "<div class='field'> <label for='$field'>$label</label> <input type='text' name='$field' id='$field' value='$row[$field]' size='35' maxlength='35' /></div>\n"; } echo "<div id='submit'><input type='submit' value='Update' />\n"; echo "</div>\n</form>\n</body>\n</html>"; ?> This is the script that is supposed to verify the data and then send you back to the input page or update the database if the data is correct Code: [Select] foreach($_POST as $field => $value) { if(empty($value)) { $blanks[] = $field; } else { $good_data[$field] = strip_tags(trim($value)); } } if(isset($blanks)) { $message_2 = "The following fields are blank. Please enter the required information: "; foreach($blanks as $value) { $message_2 .="$value, "; } extract($good_data); include("../updateInput/updateInputCompanyTest.php"); exit(); } /* validate data */ foreach($_POST as $field => $value) { if(empty($value)) { if(preg_match("/descr/i",$field)) { if(!preg_match("/^[A-Za-z0-9.,' -]{1,50}$/",$value)) { $errors[] = "$value is not a valid address or city."; } } } // end if not empty } foreach($_POST as $field => $value) { $$field = strip_tags(trim($value)); } if(@is_array($errors)) { $message_2 = ""; foreach($errors as $value) { $message_2 .= $value." Please try again<br />"; } include("../updateInput/updateInputCompanyTest.php"); exit(); } // end if errors are found else // add new member to database { include("../includes/"); // database login details $cxn = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$password,$dbname) or die ("Couldn't connect to server."); $query = "INSERT INTO `company` (`company_descr`) VALUES ('$company_descr') WHERE `company_id`=\"{$_POST['comp']}\""; $result = mysqli_query($cxn,$query) or die ("Couldn't execute query."); header("Location: ../backtomainpage.php"); } include("../updateInputCompanyTest.php"); ?> Hi guys, I have a trouble of updating the data in the database by input the data at the end of the url. It have not been added in the table. Here it is updated: <?php session_start(); define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); define('DB_USER', 'myusername'); define('DB_PASSWORD', 'mypassword'); define('DB_DATABASE', 'mydatabasename'); $errmsg_arr = array(); $errflag = false; $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); if(!$link) { die('Failed to connect to server: ' . mysql_error()); } $db = mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE); if(!$db) { die("Unable to select database"); } function clean($var){ return mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($var)); } $login = clean($_GET['user']); $password = clean($_GET['pass']); $firstname = clean($_GET['firstname']); if($login == '') { $errmsg_arr[] = 'Login ID missing'; $errflag = true; } if($password == '') { $errmsg_arr[] = 'PASSWORD ID missing'; $errflag = true; } if($value == '') { $errmsg_arr[] = 'THE first name IS missing'; $errflag = true; } if($errflag) { $_SESSION['ERRMSG_ARR'] = $errmsg_arr; echo implode('<br />',$errmsg_arr); } else { $qry="SELECT * FROM members WHERE login='$login' AND passwd='$password'"; $result=mysql_query($qry) or die('Error:<br />' . $qry . '<br />' . mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); echo $row[0]; } else { echo 'Username, Password or first name is not found.'; close; $sql="INSERT INTO members (firstname, lastname) VALUES ('$_POST[firstname]','$_POST[lastname]')"; if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "first name have been updated"; } ?> It have only login in the database but did not doing any update when I have input the data at the end of the url to get the database update. Do you know why I can't update the data in the database by input the data in the url like this? Do you have any idea and maybe if I have miss something? I have a page that lists the available records in the database and has links that allow one to view details, edit existing details and delete the data. when i click the view details link, i dont get the correct details for the person but for another person in the database . the link to edit existing details is also not working. following is my code. help!!!! //list available records <? $CONTENT=" <form name=\"form1\" method=\"post\" action=\"\"> <table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\"> <tr> <td width=\"19%\" align=\"right\"><font size='-1px'>Search for : </font></td> <td width=\"61%\" colspan=\"2\"><label> <select name=\"select\" id=\"select\"> <option value=\"std\">Student Name</option> <option value=\"class\">Class Name</option> <option value=\"std_id\">Student ID</option> </select> </label> <label> <input type=\"text\" name=\"textfield\" id=\"textfield\"> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"button\" id=\"button\" value=\"Submit\"> </label></td> <td width=\"10%\"> </td> </tr> </table> <table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\"> <tr bgcolor=\"#666666\"> <td align=\"center\"> </td> <td align=\"center\"> </td> <td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><font size='-1px'>Pages x of xn</font></td> <td align=\"center\"> </td> <td align=\"center\"> </td> <td align=\"center\"> </td> <td colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\"> </td> </tr> <tr bgcolor=\"#999999\"> <td align=\"center\" width='2%'> </td> <td align=\"center\" width='2%'><font size='-1px'>#</font></td> <td align=\"center\" width='11%'><font size='-1px'>Class</font></td> <td align=\"center\" width='23%'><font size='-1px'>Names</font></td> <td align=\"center\" width='13%'><font size='-1px'>Fees Status</font></td> <td align=\"center\" width='21%'><font size='-1px'>Guardian</font></td> <td align=\"center\" width='18%'><font size='-1px'>Teacher</font></td> <td colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\"> </td> </tr>"; /*$query = "SELECT * FROM `student`, `payment`, `class`, `parent_details`, `teacher` WHERE `payment`.`student_id`=`student`.`student_id` and `student`.`class_id` = `class`.`class_id` and `student`.`guardian_id`=`parent_details`.`parent_id` and `teacher`.`class_id` = `class`.`class_id`";*/ //$student_id = $_GET['std_id']; /* $query= "SELECT `student`.`student_id` FROM `student` FULL JOIN `payment` ON `student`.`student_id` = `payment`.`student_id` ORDER BY `student`.`student_id`";*/ $query = "select * from `student`, `payment`, `class`, `parent_details`, `teacher` where payment.student_id = student.student_id and student.class_id = class.class_id and student.guardian_id = parent_details.parent_id"; $result = mysql_query($query); //$numstudents = mysql_num_rows($result); $count=1; //if($count = 0; $count<=$num_students; $count++) //{ while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $CONTENT.="<tr bgcolor=\"#CCFFFF\"> <td><label> <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"checkbox\" id=\"checkbox\"> </label></td> <td><font size='-1px'>".$count."</font></td> <td><font size='-1px'>".$row["class_name"]."</font></td> <td><font size='-1px'>".$row["first_name"]." ".$row["last_name"]."</font></td> <td><font size='-1px'>".$row["amount"]."</font></td> <td><font size='-1px'>".$row["fname"]."</font></td> <td><font size='-1px'>".$row["tr_name"]."</font></td> <td width=\"2%\"><a href=\"student_details.php?std_id=".$row["student_id"]."\"><img src=\"images/b_browse.png\" height=\"12\" alt=\"Details\"></a></td> <td width=\"2%\"><a href=\"student_edit.php?action=edit&std_id=".$row["student_id"]."\"><img src=\"images/b_edit.png\" height=\"12\" alt=\"Edit\"></a></td> <td width=\"2%\"><a href=\"student_edit.php?action=del&std_id=".$row["student_id"]."\"><img src=\"images/b_drop.png\" height=\"12\" alt=\"Delete\"></a></td> </tr> "; $count++; } $CONTENT.="</table> </form>"; ?> //view details <? $query = "SELECT * FROM `student`, `academic_background`, `class` WHERE `academic_background`.`student_id`=`student`.`student_id` "; //and `student`.`class_id` = `class`.`class_id`"; //`academic_background`.`student_id`=`student`.`student_id` and `student`.`class_id` = `class`.`class_id`"; $result = mysql_query($query); //$count = 0; //$num_students = mysql_num_rows($result); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { //$student_id = $_GET['std_id']; //$bg_id = $_GET['bg_id']; $CONTENT=" <form> <table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\"> <tr> <td width=\"38%\"><img src=\"images/images1.jpg\" /></td> <td width=\"62%\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><font size='+2px'>Student ID:</font></td> <td><font size='+2px'>".$row["student_id"]."</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td><font size='+2px'>Student Name:</font></td> <td><font size='+2px'>".$row["first_name"]." ".$row["last_name"]."</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td><font size='+2px'>Date of Birth:</font></td> <td><font size='+2px'>".$row["dob"]."</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td><font size='+2px'>Current Class:</font></td> <td><font size='+2px'>".$row["class_name"]."</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td><font size='+2px'>Primary School:</font></td> <td><font size='+2px'>".$row["pschool"]."</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td><font size='+2px'>K.C.P.E Marks:</font></td> <td><font size='+2px'>".$row["total_marks"]."</font></td> </tr> </table> </form> "; // $count += 1; } ?> edit details <? if($_GET['action']=="edit") { $std_id = $_GET['std_id']; $query= "SELECT * FROM `mackenzie`.`student` WHERE std_id = '$student_id'"; $result= mysql_query($query); //assign student info to variablea list($student_id, $first_name,$last_name,$date_of_birth,$class_id,$picture,$home,$guardian_id) = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); include("/modify.php"); } ?> Hi all, Thanks for reading. I'm hella frustrated at this script I wrote: for some reason, it will not work correctly. Basically, it works. The first 4 names in the table on the database show up when searched. But, anything past these four names in the database will not show up as a result when searched! I'm pulling my hair out here! It's really simple - take a gander: Code: [Select] if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $search = $_POST['search']; $searchQuery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE FullName='$search'"); if (mysql_num_rows($searchQuery) == 0) { $result = "Your search returned no results. Please try again."; } else { $results = 1; while ($getSearchResults = mysql_fetch_array($searchQuery)) { $fullName = $getSearchResults['FullName']; $result = "Name: ".$fullName.""; } } } ?> ...and the HTML form... Code: [Select] <form action="search.php" method="post"> <p>Search: <input type="text" name="search" size="35" maxlength="100" /></p> <p><input type="submit" value="Search" name="submit" /></p> <?php echo $result; ?> </form> Does anyone have any ideas? Code: [Select] function convert_youtube($code,$code1) { $youtube_count++; return '<embed src="http://'.$code.''.$code1.'" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="512" height="313" allowfullscreen="true" />'; } echo $youtube_count; im trying to echo it out, i have like 5 flash videos on the bbcode parser: Code: [Select] $RegEx = '%(\[quote(?:=[^\]]*)\].*?)?\[youtube\]http\://(.*?)youtube\.com/watch\?v\=(.*?)\[/youtube\](.*?\[/quote\])?%ie'; if(preg_match_all($RegEx, $text, $matches,PREG_SET_ORDER)){ foreach($matches as $match){ if(!empty($match[0]) && empty($match[1]) && empty($match[4])){ $text = str_replace($match[0], convert_youtube($match[2],$match[3]), $text); }else{ $url = sprintf('',$match[2],$match[3]); $text = str_replace($match[0], sprintf('%s<a href=\'%s\' target=\"_blank\">%s</a>%s',$match[1],$url,$url,$match[4]), $text); } } } if i do "echo "hey";" it works but not any variables.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz it doesnt write into the files, the file is created and everything and how would i echo the whole file? Code: [Select] if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $firstname = ($_POST['firstname']); $lastname = ($_POST['lastname']); include ("cookieusername.php"); $filename = "***/$" or exit("Unable to open file!"); $handle = @fopen($filename, 'x+')or die(mysql_error()); $content = "lololo"; @fwrite($handle, $content)or die(mysql_error()); @fclose($filename); } Hi guys, in code below I have a section where users can check seat avillability, however it shows the seats taken but it doest say the seats available, can u help me find out whats wrong? thanks in advance guys this is the line below $checkavailability=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM booking WHERE date='$mybookingdate' AND time='$mytime' AND ride_id='$ride_id'"); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($checkavailability)) { $takenseats=$row['seat_no']; if (mysql_num_rows($checkavailability)>=1) { echo "<table>"; echo " <td>Seat No ".$takenseats." is taken</td> "; } else{ echo " <td>Seat No ".$takenseats." is Available</td> "; } } echo "</table>"; } ?> full code below: <?php session_start(); include ("includes/db.php"); include ("includes/function.php"); //authentication if (loggedin()==FALSE) { Header("Location: login.php"); exit(); } //username session $_SESSION['username']=='$username'; $username=$_SESSION['username']; echo "Welcome, " .$_SESSION['username']."!<p>"; //get details from user table to be passed to page(text fields) $getdetails=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username'"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($getdetails)) { $users_id=$row['id']; $first_name=$row['first_name']; $last_name=$row['last_name']; $email=$row['email']; } /////////////////////////////////////// //****************************// //post starts here if (isset($_POST['next']) && $_POST['next']) { $myfirstname = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['firstname'])); $mylastname = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['lastname'])); $myemail = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['email'])); $mybookingdate = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['datetime'])); $mytime = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['time'])); $myseatnumber = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['seatnumber'])); $ride_id=1; //check if booking exists $checkbooking=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM booking WHERE date='$mybookingdate' AND time='$mytime' AND seat_no='$myseatnumber'"); if (mysql_num_rows($checkbooking)>=1) { echo "Seat No $myseatnumber For $mybookingdate at $mytime has been already taken, Please try a different seat, time or date"; } else { $checktotoal=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM booking WHERE date='$mybookingdate' AND time='$mytime'"); if (mysql_num_rows($checkbooking)>=48) { echo "We are fully book for this time and date, please choose different time/date to continue your booking"; } //pass the variables here } } if (isset($_POST['availability']) && $_POST['availability']) { $mybookingdate = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['datecheck'])); $mytime = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['timecheck'])); $myseatnumber = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['seatnumbercheck'])); $ride_id=1; $checkavailability=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM booking WHERE date='$mybookingdate' AND time='$mytime' AND ride_id='$ride_id'"); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($checkavailability)) { $takenseats=$row['seat_no']; if (mysql_num_rows($checkavailability)>=1) { echo "<table>"; echo " <td>Seat No ".$takenseats." is taken</td> "; } else{ echo " <td>Seat No ".$takenseats." is Available</td> "; } } echo "</table>"; } ?> <html> <head> <link type="text/css" href="css/smoothness/jquery-ui-1.8.6.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="includes/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="includes/jquery-ui-1.8.6.custom.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('#datetime').datepicker({ dateFormat: '' }); }); $(function() { $('#datecheck').datepicker({ dateFormat: '' }); }); </script> </head> <body> <table width="665" border="0"> <tr> <td width="372"><form name="booking" method="post" action=""> <p>BOOK NOW <p> First Name:<br /> <input type="text" name='firstname' value="<? echo "$first_name";?>"> <p>Last Name:<br /> <input type="text" name='lastname' value="<? echo "$last_name";?>"> <p>Email:<br /> <input type="text" name='email' value="<? echo "$email";?>"> <p>Choose a Date:<br /> <input type="text" name='datetime' id="datetime"> </p> <p> Select a Time:<br/> <select name='time'> <option value="9:00">9:00 <option value="9:07">9:07 <option value="9:14">9:14 <option value="9:21">9:21 <option value="9:28">9:28 <option value="9:35">9:35 <option value="9:42">9:42 <option value="9:49">9:49 <option value="9:56">9:56 <option value="10:03">10:03 <option value="10:10">10:10 <option value="10:17">10:17 <option value="10:24">10:24 <option value="10:31">10:31 <option value="10:38">10:38 <option value="10:45">10:45 <option value="10:52">10:52 <option value="10:59">10:59 <option value="11:02">11:02 <option value="11:09">11:09 <option value="11:16">11:16 <option value="11:23">11:23 <option value="11:30">11:30 <option value="11:37">11:37 <option value="11:44">11:44 <option value="11:51">11:51 <option value="11:58">11:58 </select> </p> <p> Select Seat Number:<br/> <select name='seatnumber'> <option value="1">Seat 1 <option value="2">Seat 2 <option value="3">Seat 3 <option value="4">Seat 4 <option value="5">Seat 5 <option value="6">Seat 6 <option value="7">Seat 7 <option value="8">Seat 8 <option value="9">Seat 9 <option value="10">Seat 10 <option value="11">Seat 11 <option value="12">Seat 12 <option value="13">Seat 13 <option value="14">Seat 14 <option value="15">Seat 15 <option value="16">Seat 16 <option value="17">Seat 17 <option value="18">Seat 18 <option value="19">Seat 19 <option value="21">Seat 20 <option value="22">Seat 22 <option value="23">Seat 23 <option value="24">Seat 24 <option value="25">Seat 25 <option value="26">Seat 26 <option value="27">Seat 27 <option value="28">Seat 28 <option value="20">Seat 29 <option value="30">Seat 30 <option value="31">Seat 31 <option value="32">Seat 32 <option value="33">Seat 33 <option value="34">Seat 34 <option value="35">Seat 35 <option value="36">Seat 36 <option value="37">Seat 37 <option value="38">Seat 38 <option value="39">Seat 39 <option value="40">Seat 40 <option value="41">Seat 41 <option value="42">Seat 42 <option value="43">Seat 43 <option value="44">Seat 44 <option value="45">Seat 45 <option value="46">Seat 46 <option value="47">Seat 47 <option value="48">Seat 48 </select> <p> <input type='submit' name='next' value='Next Step'> </form></td> <td width="283"> <form name="booking" method="post" action=""> <p>Check Seat Availability<br /> <p><br /> <p>Choose a Date:<br /> <input type="text" name='datecheck' id="datecheck"> <p> Select Seat Number:<br/> <select name='seatnumbercheck'> <option value="1">Seat 1 <option value="2">Seat 2 <option value="3">Seat 3 <option value="4">Seat 4 <option value="5">Seat 5 <option value="6">Seat 6 <option value="7">Seat 7 <option value="8">Seat 8 <option value="9">Seat 9 <option value="10">Seat 10 <option value="11">Seat 11 <option value="12">Seat 12 <option value="13">Seat 13 <option value="14">Seat 14 <option value="15">Seat 15 <option value="16">Seat 16 <option value="17">Seat 17 <option value="18">Seat 18 <option value="19">Seat 19 <option value="21">Seat 20 <option value="22">Seat 22 <option value="23">Seat 23 <option value="24">Seat 24 <option value="25">Seat 25 <option value="26">Seat 26 <option value="27">Seat 27 <option value="28">Seat 28 <option value="20">Seat 29 <option value="30">Seat 30 <option value="31">Seat 31 <option value="32">Seat 32 <option value="33">Seat 33 <option value="34">Seat 34 <option value="35">Seat 35 <option value="36">Seat 36 <option value="37">Seat 37 <option value="38">Seat 38 <option value="39">Seat 39 <option value="40">Seat 40 <option value="41">Seat 41 <option value="42">Seat 42 <option value="43">Seat 43 <option value="44">Seat 44 <option value="45">Seat 45 <option value="46">Seat 46 <option value="47">Seat 47 <option value="48">Seat 48 </select> <p> </p> <p> Select a Time:<br/> <select name='timecheck'> <option value="9:00">9:00 <option value="9:07">9:07 <option value="9:14">9:14 <option value="9:21">9:21 <option value="9:28">9:28 <option value="9:35">9:35 <option value="9:42">9:42 <option value="9:49">9:49 <option value="9:56">9:56 <option value="10:03">10:03 <option value="10:10">10:10 <option value="10:17">10:17 <option value="10:24">10:24 <option value="10:31">10:31 <option value="10:38">10:38 <option value="10:45">10:45 <option value="10:52">10:52 <option value="10:59">10:59 <option value="11:02">11:02 <option value="11:09">11:09 <option value="11:16">11:16 <option value="11:23">11:23 <option value="11:30">11:30 <option value="11:37">11:37 <option value="11:44">11:44 <option value="11:51">11:51 <option value="11:58">11:58 </select> <p> <input type='submit' name='availability' value='Check Availability'> </form> </td> </tr> </table> <p> </body> </html> im trying to connect to our office server by remote desktop.. but when i do it..alot of error came out from my index.php and counter.php.. does anyone ever experience these problems? what should i do.. I have a quite old book about database applications, and i got a problem with it. I have this page, create_entry.php Code: [Select] <?php include("dbconnect.php"); if ($submit == "Sign") { $query = "insert into DA_guestbook(name, location, email, url, comments) values ('$name', '$location', '$email', '$url', '$comments')"; mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error()); ?> <h2>Thanks!!</h2> <h2><a href="view.php">View my guestbook!</a></h2> <?php } else { include("sign.php"); } ?> and i got this page named sign.php Code: [Select] <h2>Sign my guestbook</h2> <form method="post" action="create_entry.php"> <b>Name:</b> <input type="text" size="40" name="name"> </br> <b>Location:</b> <input type="text" size="40" name="location"> </br> <b>Email:</b> <input type="text" size="40" name="email"> </br> <b>Home Page Url:</b> <input type="text" size="40" name="url"> </br> <b>Comments:</b> <textarea name="comments" cols="40" rows="4" wrap="virtual"></textarea> </br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Sign"> <input type="reset" name="reset" value="Start Over"> </form> When i open create_entry.php then sign.php is indeed shown up. However when i send, it brings me to the same page with no Thanks!! etc. Also nothing gets inserted in the database. Hope i explained well enough i made a submitter, that workes:
<?php include 'sqlconnect.php'; $sql = sprintf( "INSERT INTO aktiviteter (`title`, `firma`, `beskrivelse`, `information`, `pris`, `rabat`, `adresse`, `by`, `postnummer`, `telefon`, `hjemmeside`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['title']), mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['firma']), mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['beskrivelse']), mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['information']), mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['pris']), mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rabat']), mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['adresse']), mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['by']), mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['postnummer']), mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['telefon']), mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['hjemmeside']) ); if (!mysqli_query($con, $sql)) { die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($con)); } echo "Aktiviteten er uploaded"; mysqli_close($con);but then i changed a few parameters and now it doesnt. i cant figure out why <?php include 'sqlconnect.php'; $sql = sprintf( "INSERT INTO menus (`navn`, `kommentar`, `pris`, `target`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['navn']), mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['kommentar']), mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['pris']), mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['target']), ); if (!mysqli_query($con, $sql)) { die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($con)); } echo "menuen er uploaded"; mysqli_close($con);can anyone spot the mistake i made? I have the following code, and for some reason the nl2br() function doesnt work anymore it did until i added the pred_replace part: $topic = $_POST['topic']; $message = $_POST['message']; $board = $_POST['board']; $topic = stripslashes($topic); $message = stripslashes($message); $board = stripslashes($board); $topic = mysql_real_escape_string($topic); $message = mysql_real_escape_string($message); $board = mysql_real_escape_string($board); $message = nl2br($message); $message = preg_replace("/\[b\](.*)\[\/b\]/Usi", "<b>\\1</b>", $message); $message = preg_replace("/\[u\](.*)\[\/u\]/Usi", "<u>\\1</u>", $message); $message = preg_replace("/\[i\](.*)\[\/i\]/Usi", "<i>\\1</i>", $message); $message = preg_replace("/\[center\](.*)\[\/center\]/Usi", "<center>\\1</center>", $message); $message = preg_replace("/\[right\](.*)\[\/right\]/Usi", "<p align=right>\\1</p>", $message); $message = preg_replace("/\[url=http://(.*)\](.*)\[\/url\]/Usi", "<a href=\"\\1\">\\2</a>", $message); $message = preg_replace("/\[img=(.*)\]/Usi", "<img src=\"\\1\">", $message); $message = preg_replace("/\[profile=(.*)\](.*)\[\/profile\]/Usi", "<a href=\"index.php?step=profile&profile=\\1\">\\2</a>", $message); $message = preg_replace("/\[quote](.*)\[\/quote\]/Uis", "<div>Quote:</div><div style=\"border:solid 1px;\">\\1</div>", $message); Hi, Im using a button to delete each entry from my database, however it doesnt. I have tried it with linking to a delete page and works fine with the same mysql query, but i need to hve the button to delete and not a URL. Can someone please help me to see what is wrong? thanks in advance guys <?php include ("../include/global.php"); include ("../include/function.php"); if (loggedin()==FALSE) { Header("Location: ../login.php"); exit(); } $_SESSION['username']=='$username'; $username=$_SESSION['username']; $getid=mysql_query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username='$username'"); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($getid)) { $usersid=$row['id']; } if (isset($_POST['add']) && $_POST['add']) { $subject = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['subject'])); $text = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['text'])); $update=mysql_query("INSERT INTO users_notes (user_id, subject, note) VALUES ('$usersid','$subject','$text')"); } if (isset($_POST['remove']) && $_POST['remove']) { $delete=mysql_query("DELETE FROM users_notes WHERE user_id='$usersid' AND AND id='$id'"); } ?> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery.validate.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#form").validate(); }); </script> </head> <body> <p>You are logged in! <a href="logout.php">Log out</a> </p> <p> </p> <p><td><? $getmsg=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users_notes WHERE user_id='$usersid'"); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($getmsg)) { $id=$row['id']; $msgsubject=$row['subject']; $msgnotes=$row['note']; echo"<table width='800' border='1'>"; echo" <tr> <td width='50'>".$msgsubject."</td> <td width='50'>".$msgnotes."</td> <td width='40'><form id='form' method='post' action=''> <input type='submit' name='remove' value='remove' /> </form></td> <td> </td> </tr> "; } echo "</table>"; ?> </td> </p> <p> </p> <form action="" method="POST" id="form"> <p> Subject: <br/> <input type="text" name="subject" class="required"> </p> <p> Your Note: <br/> <textarea name="text" id="text" cols="45" rows="15" class="required"></textarea> </p> <p> <input type="submit" name="add" value="Add" > </p> </form> </body> i want to create function that calculate worker that attend 6 days activity on year B and group it by their gred. so i use this coding but it give wrong result Code: [Select] function countSix($a,$f) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM staf_info INNER JOIN aktiviti_staf ON INNER JOIN aktiviti ON aktiviti_staf.id_aktiviti=aktiviti.id_aktiviti WHERE staf_info.id_kumpulan = '".$a."' AND year(tarikh_awal) LIKE '%".$f."'"; $query= mysql_query($sql) or die("Error: " .mysql_error()); $row=mysql_num_rows($query); $num=1; $f=0; if($row!=0) { while( $data=mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { $b=$data['bil_hari']+$data['hari_kursus']; if($b == 6) { $e = countStaf($data['id'],$data['id_aktiviti']); $f = $f + $e; } } } return $f; } function countStaf($c,$d) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS STAFCOUNT FROM aktiviti_staf WHERE id = '".$c."' AND id_aktiviti = '".$d."'"; $query= mysql_query($sql) or die("Error: " .mysql_error()); $row=mysql_num_rows($query); $result = mysql_fetch_array($query); return $result['STAFCOUNT']; } i can't seem to find the error.. help me please!! In Firefox and Google Crome my code works correct, but in IE it doesnt. The problem is that before or after loading a page in IE, $_SESSION is unsetted. If i set $_SESSION['online'] = 1, then after reloading the page then print_r($_SESSION) outputs nothing. page 1 is this session_start(); include 'db.php'; $email = $_POST['email']; $password = $_POST['password']; $email = stripslashes($email); $password = stripslashes($password); $email = mysql_real_escape_string($email); $password = mysql_real_escape_string($password); $sql="SELECT * FROM directory WHERE email='$email' and password='$password' "; $result=mysql_query($sql); // Mysql_num_row is counting table row $count=mysql_num_rows($result); // If result matched $myusername and $mypassword, table row must be 1 row if($count==1){ $wtf="SELECT * FROM directory WHERE email='$email' and password='$password' "; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($wtf)) { $fname = $row['fname']; $lname = $row['lname']; $address = $row['address1']; $city = $row['city']; $state = $row['state']; $zip = $row['zip']; } $_SESSION['user'] = $email; $_SESSION['fname'] = $fname; $_SESSION['lname'] = $lname; $_SESSION['address1'] = $address; $_SESSION['city'] = $city; $_SESSION['state'] = $state; $_SESSION['zip'] = $zip; $_SESSION['status'] = "1"; page two is just: only the user and status works. session_start(); echo $_SESSION['user'] ; echo $_SESSION['fname'] ; echo $_SESSION['lname'] ; echo $_SESSION['address1']; echo $_SESSION['city'] ; echo $_SESSION['state'] ; echo $_SESSION['zip']; echo $_SESSION['status']; why is that not working Hi I am trying to incorporate a login form on my main page from WHMCS but nothing happens I did an include ('login2.php'); and in that login2.php here is the code: Code: [Select] <?php echo date("l F jS Y "); require("./billing/dbconnect.php"); require("./billing/includes/functions.php"); require("./billing/includes/clientareafunctions.php"); if ($_SESSION['uid']) { $result = mysql_query("SELECT firstname,lastname FROM tblclients WHERE id=" . $_SESSION['uid'] . ""); $data = mysql_fetch_array ($result); echo "<hr/><strong>Welcome Back</strong><br>"; echo "<strong>{$data['firstname']}</strong> "; echo "<strong>{$data['lastname']}</strong><br><br>"; echo "<br><br><form method=post action=><input type=submit class=submitbutton value=Logout /></form>"; } else { echo '<form method="post" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="##removed##" /> Email Address: <input type="text" name="username" size="50"><br> Password: <input type="password" name="password" size="20"><br> <input type="submit" value="Login"> </form>'; } ?> when I go directly to the login script it works but when I include it in my homepage nothing happens any help? if ($btn){ if((!empty($filename)) && ($error == 0)) { if (($filetype == "image/jpeg" || $filetype == "image/jpg" || $filetype == "image/gif" || $filetype == "image/png") && ($filesize < 4508876)) { $moving_flag = true; $moving_msg = "Your image has been uploaded!"; } else { $upl_error_msg = "Error: Only jpg/gif/png images under 4Mb are accepted for upload"; $upl_error_flag = true; } } else { $upl_error_msg = "Error: No file uploaded"; $upl_error_flag = true; } } Why the above code wont work on IE and wont show me "Your image has been uploaded!" message when i have a valid type and size? it works on chrome and FF |