PHP - Basic Commenting System
And I'm talking as basic as you can go! I'm trying to implement a commenting system on my website for news articles I post, and I've only gotten as far as creating the script to connect to my database (I use mysql). I've tried every open source script online for this app and I've not been able to get any one to work within my website. They'll work on separate blank html pages, but I can't figure out how to put the code into my existing pages, which is a huge problem.
As a result, I've resorted to creating my own script, which shouldn't be too difficult to make. If anyone could possibly describe a step by step process on how this can be done I would be incredibly grateful! Just note that I don't want to use ajax, jscript or any other languages like that, just PHP. Another question I have, is how would I organize my database to include all news articles, and comments with a news article "id"? Would I need to put both in separate tables and just assign each comment with the uniqe id associated with whatever news article? And the last thing, I want pagination for my news. I have it to where if I insert a news article column into my table "mynews", it'll show up on the home page, but how and where would I insert a pagination code to make the articles "paginate"? Similar TutorialsHi, I'm trying to code a very basic commenting system, my only worries is how I'm going on about disabling the user from putting any html php etc.. in the comment so it gets displayed on the page.. I have on idea of what to look for, any help is much appreciated I considdered this: strip_tags() but what i want is to display the comment just without actually executing the code if you get me? Hello, Basically i am following this tutorial -: for a website I am creating. But in that tutorial when you write a comment you add a name, I was wondering is it possible instead for my website to use the users username as I have a login system that I created from folowing a tutorial on the same site. I am new to PHP and web creation so please keep the comments simple. Hi im pretty new to php but I was following a tutorial for a commenting system and implemented it onto my blog page. Anyway the problem I have is that as you go down the page each blog post displays its own comments + the comments for the posts above it. I have checked the database and the data seems to link the correct comments to the correct posts so I am confused to why this is happening. I have looked over my code and cant seem to find a problem (probably because I suck!). Here is the code for the blog page... Code: [Select] <?php include_once ("scripts/checkuserlog.php"); include_once ("scripts/connectToMysql.php"); include_once ("functions/agoTime.php"); $myObject = new convertToAgo; $username = ''; $errorMsg = ''; $successMsg = ''; $date = date("m.d.y"); if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = preg_replace('#[^0-9]#i', '', $_GET['id']); } else if (isset($_SESSION['idx'])) { $id = $logOptions_id; } else { header("location: index.php"); exit(); } $id = preg_replace('#[^0-9]#i', '', $id); $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1"); $existCount = mysql_num_rows($sql); if ($existCount == 0) { header("location: index.php?msg=user_does_not_exist"); exit(); } while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ $username = $row["username"]; } if(isset($_POST['workoutName'])){ $workoutName = $_POST['workoutName']; $workoutDescription = $_POST['workoutDescription']; if ((!$workoutName) || (!$workoutDescription)) { $errorMsg = 'Please fill in both fields'; } else { $insertBlog = mysql_query("INSERT INTO blog (userid, workoutName, workoutDescription, datetime) VALUES ('$id', '$workoutName', '$workoutDescription', now())") or die(mysql_error()); if ($insertBlog){ $successMsg = '<span class="errorMsg">Workout blogged successfully</span>'; } else { $errorMsg = '<span class="errorMsg">Problems arose during the information exchange, please try again later.</span>'; } } } $getBlog = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM blog WHERE userid='$id' ORDER BY id DESC"); $blogEntries = mysql_num_rows($getBlog); if($blogEntries < 1){ $blogDisplay = '<span class="blogName">' .$username. ' has not blogged a workout yet</span>'; } else { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($getBlog)){ $blogEntryId = $row["id"]; $sql_comment = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM blog_comments WHERE post_id='$blogEntryId' ORDER BY id ASC"); $countComment = mysql_num_rows($sql_comment); if($countComment > 0){ while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($sql_comment)){ $comment_user_id = $row2["comment_user_id"]; $sql_comment_username = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM members WHERE id='$comment_user_id' LIMIT 1"); while($row3 = mysql_fetch_array($sql_comment_username)){ $comment_username = $row3["username"];} $post_id = $row2["post_id"]; $commentBody = $row2["comment_body"]; $commentDate = $row2["comment_date"]; $displayCommentList .= '<div>' .$comment_username. ' - ' .$commentBody. ' - ' .$commentDate. '</div>'; } } else { $displayCommentList = ''; } $workoutName = $row["workoutName"]; $workoutDescription = $row["workoutDescription"]; $blogDate = $row["datetime"]; $convertedTime = ($myObject -> convert_datetime($blogDate)); $blogDate = ($myObject -> makeAgo($convertedTime)); $blogDisplay .= '<table width="950px"><tr bgcolor="#DBE4FD"><td><span class="blogName">' .$workoutName. '</span> » <span class="blogDate">' .$blogDate. '</span></td></tr> <tr bgcolor="#F1F4FE"><td><span class="blackText">' .$workoutDescription. '</span></td></tr> <tr bgcolor="#DBE4FD" valign="top"><td>' .$displayCommentList. '</td></tr> <div id="new_comment' .$blogEntryId. '" style="display:none"></div> <tr><td><textarea id="comment' .$blogEntryId. '"></textarea><input type="submit" value="Comment" onclick="javascript:SendComment(\''.$blogEntryId.'\');" /></td></tr>'; if(isset($_SESSION['id'])&&$_SESSION['id']==$id){ $blogDisplay .= '<tr bgcolor="#DBE4FD"><td><a href="editBlogPost.php?id=' .$blogEntryId. '"><span class="blackText">Edit Post</span></a> &#8211; <span class="blackText">Delete Post</span></td></tr></table><br /><br />'; } } } if(isset($_POST['deleteButton'])){ $deleteBlog = mysql_query("DELETE FROM blog WHERE id='$blogEntryId'"); if($deleteBlog){ $successMsg = 'Blog entry deleted successfully'; } else { $errorMsg = 'Could not process your request, please try again later'; } } ?> <?php if (isset($_SESSION['id'])&&$_SESSION['id']==$id) { $blogForm = '<table bgcolor="#DBE4FD" width="950px"> <form action="member_blog.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <tr> <td width="200px"><span class="blackText">Workout Name:</span></td><td width="650px"><input name="workoutName" type="text" id="workoutName" /> <span class="blackText">Date: ' .$date. '</span></td></tr> <tr> <td><span class="blackText">Workout Description:</span></td><td><textarea name="workoutDescription" cols="75" rows="10" id="workoutDescription" /></textarea></td></tr> <tr><td><input name="submitBlog" id="submit" type="submit" value="Blog!" /></td><td><span class="errorMsg">' .$errorMsg. '' .$successMsg. '</span></td> </tr> </form> </table>'; } else { $blogForm = ''; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title><?php echo ("$username"); ?>'s Blog</title> <link href="style/layout.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="style/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src="js/jquery-1.4.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function SendComment(blogEntryId){ var comment_txt = $("#comment"+blogEntryId).val(); if(comment_txt == ""){ alert("Please enter a comment"); } else { $.post("scripts/blogComment.php", {comment: comment_txt, blogId: blogEntryId} ,function(data){ $("#new_comment"+blogEntryId).html(data); $("#new_comment"+blogEntryId).slideDown(300); }); } } </script> </head> <body> <div id="container"> <?php include_once ("bannerFiles/bannerTemplate.php"); ?> <?php include_once ("bannerFiles/bannerMenu.php"); ?><br /> <div id="content"> <span class="profileUsername"><?php echo ("$username"); ?>'s Workout Blog</span><br /><br /> <?php echo ("$blogDisplay"); ?><br /><br /> <?php echo ("$blogForm"); ?> </div><br /><br /> <?php include_once ("footerFiles/footerTemplate.php"); ?> </div> </body> </html> ...and here is the code for the blogComment.php page Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); include_once ("connectToMysql.php"); if(isset($_POST['comment'])){ $comment = $_POST['comment']; $blogId = $_POST['blogId']; $comment_user_id = $_SESSION['id']; $username = $_SESSION['username']; $sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO blog_comments (comment_body, post_id, comment_user_id, comment_date) VALUES ('$comment', '$blogId', '$comment_user_id', now())"); echo '<div>' .$username. ' - ' .$comment. ' - Just Now</div>'; } else { echo "Failure"; } ?> Thanks in advance for any help I need some help with my commenting system. at the moment the code is like this: <div id="pagepannel"> <div id="ptop_small">Comments</div> <div id="pbottom_small"> <p> <?php // if ($allow_comments == "no") { ?> </p> <p>No Posting comments here!!!</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> <?php } else ?> </p> <p> <?php $sql = "SELECT comment_id, blog_id, posted_by, comment, stamp, email, type FROM jscrgaming_newscomments WHERE blog_id='$blog_id' ORDER BY comment_id DESC"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die('Error : ' . mysql_error()); while(list($comment_id, $blog_id_co, $username, $comment, $stamp, $email, $type) = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { if ($type == 'user'){ ?> </p> <table width="95%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="full_border"> <tr> <td width="75" id="avatar"></td> <td><span class="capitalize"><a href="userinfo.php?user=<? echo $username ?>"><strong><? echo $username ?></strong></a></span><strong> posted</strong>: <? echo stripslashes($comment) ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#CAE4FF" class="date"><? echo $stamp ?> </td> </tr> </table> <p> </p> <p> <? } else{ ?> </p> <table width="95%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="full_border"> <tr> <td><strong> <? echo $username ?>posted</strong>: <? echo stripslashes($comment) ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#CAE4FF" class="smalltext"><? echo $stamp ?>:: User Was Guest</td> </tr> </table> <p> </p> <p> <? } }?> </p> <p> <?php // if ($allow_comments == "restricted") { /** * User has already logged in, so display relavent links, including * a link to the admin center if the user is an administrator. */ if($session->logged_in){?> </p> <form id="form3" name="form3" method="post" action="user/admin/blog/comment_system/user.php"> <p> </p> <table width="95%" border="0" align="center" cellspacing="2" class="full_border"> <tr> <td colspan="2">You are commenting as <?php echo $session->username;?></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="75">Message</td> <td><textarea name="co_comment" cols="30" id="textfield10"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="75"><span class="header"> <input name="co_username" type="hidden" id="co_username" value="<?php echo $session->username;?>" /> <input name="co_blog_id" type="hidden" id="co_blog_id" value="<?php echo $blog_id ?>" /> </span></td> <td><label> <input type="submit" class="blog_button" value=" Post " /> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td class="smalltext">only 200 charaters can be used</td> </tr> </table> </form> <p> </p> <p> <? } else {?> </p> <p> </p> <table width="95%" border="0" align="center" cellspacing="2" class="full_border"> <tr> <td width="75"><span class="capitalize">Name</span></td> <td><label> <input name="textfield5" type="text" disabled="disabled" id="textfield5" size="35" /> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="75">Email</td> <td><input name="textfield5" type="text" disabled="disabled" id="textfield6" size="35" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="75">Message</td> <td><textarea name="textfield5" cols="30" disabled="disabled" id="textfield7">You need to be logged in to comment.</textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="75"> </td> <td><label> <input type="button" class="blog_button" value=" Post " /> </label></td> </tr> </table> <p> </p> <p> <?php } } else { if($session->logged_in){?> </p> <form id="form2" name="form2" method="post" action="user/admin/blog/comment_system/user.php"> <p> </p> <table width="95%" border="0" align="center" cellspacing="2" class="full_border"> <tr> <td colspan="2">You are commenting as <?php echo $session->username;?></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="75">Message</td> <td><textarea name="co_comment" cols="30" id="textfield8"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="75"><input name="co_username" type="hidden" id="co_username" value="<?php echo $session->username;?>" /> <input name="co_blog_id" type="hidden" id="co_blog_id" value="<?php echo $blog_id ?>" /></td> <td><label> <input type="submit" class="blog_button" value=" Post " /> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><span class="smalltext">only 200 charaters can be used</span></td> </tr> </table> </form> <p> </p> <p> <? } else { ?> </p> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="user/admin/blog/comment_system/guest.php"> <p> </p> <table width="95%" border="0" align="center" cellspacing="2" class="full_border"> <tr> <td width="75"><span class="capitalize">Name</span></td> <td><label> <input name="co_username" type="text" id="co_username" size="35" /> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="75">Email</td> <td><input name="guest_email" type="text" id="guest_email" size="35" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="75">Message</td> <td><textarea name="co_comment" cols="30" id="co_comment"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="75">Spam</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"><? require_once('user/captcha/recaptchalib.php'); $publickey = "6Ld_W7sSAAAAAPNTLWrUJLEClFpSSPu1d1Ry5zNR"; // you got this from the signup page echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="right"><span class="smalltext">only 200 charaters can be used</span> <input name="co_blog_id" type="hidden" id="co_blog_id" value="<?php echo $blog_id ?>" /> <input type="submit" class="blog_button" value=" Post " /></td> </tr> </table> </form> <p> </p> <p> <? } } ?> </p> <p> </p> <div></div> </div> </div> I, know its a bit messy but lets me see it and design it in Dreamweaver Any way, for the comment system for users, I want it to show their avatar as well, which is stored in the users table. How would one do this. I did think of it submitting the avatar along with the post but then it wouldnt update if the user would to change their avatars :\ Any helps??? Short of deleting, how do I comment out code like this : <!-- IF not S_DISPLAY_RECENT --> <!-- INCLUDE portal/block/recent.html --> <!-- ENDIF --> Nesting <!-- --> /*...*/ // do not work. Thanks Hello, I'm trying to create a simple php blog thing, and I can't get the commenting to work.. blog.php?id=2 On that page, there is a form what is used to comment, it goes to send.php That php has this query in it: $yhteys = mysql_connect('', '09A_user', 'pass'); mysql_select_db('09A_Jere', $yhteys); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `Blog_kommentit` (`kayttajat` , `kommentti` , `kirjid` ) VALUES ('$kayttajat', '$kommentti', '$id')") or die(mysql_error())$sql = "SELECT * FROM Blog_kommentit WHERE kirjid='$id' ORDER BY id";; mysql_close($yhteys); header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); How can I make the $id to be previous pages id (2)? This shouldn't be anything hard and I'm kinda amazed why I am stuck in this, any help will be appreciated. If I just put $id I get this error: Code: [Select] Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`09A_Jere/Blog_kommentit`, CONSTRAINT `kommentti_kirjoitus` FOREIGN KEY (`kirjid`) REFERENCES `Blog_kirjoitukset` (`id`))Here is how my database works: (Kayttajat = username, kommentti = comment) Hey everyone! Thanks for taking the time to help. I have two files..a membership area and a commenting section. I am fairly new at these subjects but I am a quick learner. First off, I need help figuring out why my "register.php" in the members area file isn't working properly, everything looks to be ok but maybe I have been working on this too long. Quite frankly I can't check and see if all of the other scripts are correct because I can't get past the "register.php". So if you all wouldn't mind helping me out on this part, I would greatly appreciate it Secondly, I have a commenting section and in the "demo.php", there is a warning that appears as follows: "Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-\www\comments\demo.php on line 17 " If someone could tell me what is missing or help me figure out what to do in simple terms, I would greatly appreciate that as well. Thanks! Gene [attachment deleted by admin] I have spent almost 2 days looking for solution to the strangest error I have ever meet. Whenever I do commenting and my php script, the sricpt falls running. Code: [Select] <?php error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); echo 'test1'; //echo 'testi2'; echo 'test3'; flush(); ?> trigger_error("Here we are!", E_USER_ERROR); This will output: test1. I have tried lot of things to find out the problem but I can't get any error message and whenever I remove the comments, the script works absolute fine. The script works also with comments in my local server, but whenever I download it on the other server, the problem appears. The file encoding is a UTF-8 format without BOM, and the file is one part of my Yii application. I haven't relasized similar behaving in other scripts. I wonder if someone has some idea what could cause this kind of behaving? I'm very thankful to man who can give me ideas... hello dear PHP-Fans - greetings to you - and a happy new year!! i set up a WAMP-System on my openSuse 11.4 system. In order to learn as much as i can bout PHP i want to do some tests and write some scripts. Well the WAMP is allready up and running. Now i try to give the writing access to the folder mkdir /srv/www/ where the php-scripts should go in... i want to give write permission to all to all files in /srv/www As root I generally: mkdir /srv/www/ chown <webmaster usrername> /srv/www/ /srv/www/ should be readable and traversable by all, but only writeable by it's owner (the user designated as the webmaster.) can i do this like mentioned above,... Love to hear from you greetings db1 I have 3 tables (sectors, subsectors, and business). From the site a site user can select a sector, which then lists the subsectors, then when they select a sub sector they can view a list of the businesses within the selection. I am trying to remove a step so that they will see the sectors and be able to select, then will list the subsectors with the business names under the subsectors. The code I have is prior to removing the step is ...... Code: [Select] <?php $rs=mysql_query("select * from tblmain WHERE id='$view'"); while($row=mysql_fetch_row($rs)){ foreach ($row as $k => $v){ $row[$k] = nl2br($v); } echo("<h4>" . $row[1] . " Sectors </h4>"); } ?> <ul> <?php $pnds=1; if (isset($_GET["id"])) $pnds=$_GET["id"]; $sql = "select * from tblsub WHERE catid='$view' ORDER BY subsec "; $reccount=$sq->numsrow($sql); if ($reccount > 0) { $ata =$sq->query($sql); while($rs=$sq->fetch($ata)) { ?> <li><a href="listings.php?view=<?php echo $rs["subsec"];?>"><?php echo $rs["subsec"];?></a></li> <?php } } ?> </ul> I have tried to get this to work but the problem I am having is $view is an number but the actual business table is not id, it is by subsector name. I have tried ....... Code: [Select] <?php $rs=mysql_query("select * from tblmain WHERE id='$view'"); while($row=mysql_fetch_row($rs)){ foreach ($row as $k => $v){ $row[$k] = nl2br($v); } echo("<h4>" . $row[1] . " Sectors </h4>"); } ?> <ul> <?php $pnds=1; if (isset($_GET["id"])) $pnds=$_GET["id"]; $sql = "select * from tblsub WHERE catid='$view' ORDER BY subsec "; $reccount=$sq->numsrow($sql); if ($reccount > 0) { $ata =$sq->query($sql); while($rs=$sq->fetch($ata)) { ?> <li><a href="listings.php?view=<?php echo $rs["subsec"];?>"><?php echo $rs["subsec"];?></a></li> <?php $rs=mysql_query("select * from tblbusiness WHERE category='$view' ORDER BY name"); while($row=mysql_fetch_row($rs)){ foreach ($row as $k => $v){ $row[$k] = nl2br($v); } print(" . $row[2] . "); } <?php } } ?> </ul> But obviously category is by name and not $view which is an id. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to create a website so that if I go to, it will go to then index and if you are already logged in it will display the main page, but if you aren't logged in it'll show a login/registration page. Also, how does the following work: index.php?action=home index.php?action=register They show two seperate pages? So, could it go to the home page if logged in, but if not logged in it'll go the registration/login page? I would like to keep all my classes in a folder placed within the htdocs folder where my php script runs. Let's say the classes folder is com\jimslounge\classes. From my script can I instantiate a class like this $myClass = new com\jimslounge\classes\Jimsclass(); Does it work something like that? I would hate to have to use include to access classes. This is what I want:
If comparisonTimeH isn't zero, I want it to check if comparisonTimeH is zero, and comparisonTimeM is larger than or equal to 2. If so, I want it to pass and run the script.
This is what I have, and it's not right. It runs the else statement, echo test 2.
if ($comparisonTimeH != 0 || $comparisonTimeH = 0 AND $comparisonTimeM >= 1) { echo "test"; } else { echo "test2"; } echo "<br />" . $comparisonTimeH . " " . $comparisonTimeM;My last echo, the one outside of the if statements - it returns 0 and 12. Thus, both conditions that I'm trying to get, are true. My if's logic is clearly wrong, and I can't figure out what operators to use. If I change the AND to &&, it breaks and my final echo doesn't return comparisonTimeH (it's blank). Please teach me, thanks! Edited by icor1031, 17 September 2014 - 07:48 PM. Does it matter where you start your session at? Does it have to be before the <!doctype> tag or can it go anywhere in the page? Hello,
I hope I picked the right category.
I have an interesting situation. I'm building a website and I want to have the ability to work on it / prototype it without having the website accessible to the public. Currently it's not accessible because I placed a .htaccess file into my server but I think it didn't work correctly because I can't actually log in. That's not the main problem, I think the problem is that it's not ASCII but UTF-8. Been trying to figure out how to convert that.
I'm not sure if I even need web but I figure if I'm going to test it, which one of the things I have to test is capturing video with my phone then storing it to my server then retrieving it again. The capturing should be easy through HTML5 from what I've read.
I have access to php and sql. I just don't know if I need internet access. I don't know how to store locally.
Most php scripts don't even seem to mention a storage location. I have set up sql databases that used php to gather information. It's just not fresh in the mind at the moment.
I mean it had to work right? I mean I get the pop up that says "Authentication Required" which wasn't there until I uploaded the .htaccess file, which how can the .htpasswd file not be read if the .htaccess file is being read. I think it is in the right folder... anyway, maybe I don't need the web to prototype my website
Except for the phone part, I would like to see that the phone's camera UI and camcorder UI is easily accessed by one button
Any help would be appreciated
Quote from: getter and setter names should match the property names. This way, when other PHP programmers want to use your objects, they will know that if you have a method/function called 'set_name()', there will be a property/variable called 'name'. Is this an accurate statement? Even if there's like 20+ properties? That would be 40+ methods and that's not including doing anything with those properties but setting/getting. That sounds...I don't know...against the grain. I am quite new to php and the mvc setup, I am developing a library app however starting at the very basics so as not to become overwhelmed!
I am trying to do a basic insert to my book table, this is the code I have so far alsong with the error I am presented with.
Model (models > adminarea_model.php)
public function create($title_text) { $title_text = strip_tags($title_text); $sql = "INSERT INTO book (title) VALUES (:title)"; $query = $this->db->prepare($sql); $query->execute(array(':title' => $title_text)); $count = $query->rowCount(); if ($count == 1) { return true; } else { $_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_NOTE_CREATION_FAILED; } return false; } Hello, Im from the Netherlands and i have a little question about php. I have a form in php where administrators can make new users. They can fill in a name, password, age and can select a role. The role is a dropdown menu where they can select athlete, researcher and trainer. My problem is that when they select a role, i want that selected role transfert to a php variable. I want to use the variable in a if statment, when sporter selected a new dropdown appears with options like tennis, hockey.... I have seen a lot on google about this with jquery and stuff, but i cant find a good example. Can u help me? Thanks. I'm working with the youtube API and the function Code: [Select] $relatedVideo->watchURL returns a video url However when I use Code: [Select] preg_replace("youtube","test",$relatedVideo->watchURL); it gives me the following error Code: [Select] preg_replace() [<a href='function.preg-replace'>function.preg-replace</a>]: Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash in <b>C:\wamp\www\site\test.php</b> on line <b>317 Help please? |