PHP - I Can't Get The 2 Functions To Write Properly To The Page ??
I can't seem to get the 2 Functions to write properly to the page: myLogin.php Code: [Select] <?php include('../include/myConn.php'); //contains your mysql connection and table selection include('../include/myCodeLib.php'); include('include/myAdminNav.php'); ob_start(); // Connect to server and select database. //mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); //mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB"); // Define $myUserName and $myPassword $myUserName=$_POST['myUserName']; $myPassword=$_POST['myPassword']; // To protect MySQL injection (more detail about MySQL injection) $myUserName = stripslashes($myUserName); $myPassword = stripslashes($myPassword); $myUserName = mysql_real_escape_string($myUserName); $myPassword = mysql_real_escape_string($myPassword); $sql="SELECT * FROM myAdmins WHERE myUserName='$myUserName' and myPassword='$myPassword'"; $result=mysql_query($sql); // Mysql_num_row is counting table row $count=mysql_num_rows($result); // If result matched $myUserName and $myPassword, table row must be 1 row if($count==1){ // Register $myUserName, $myPassword and redirect to file "a_Home.php" session_register("myUserName"); session_register("myPassword"); header("location:a_Home.php"); } else { echo " <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta name=\"author\" content=\"\" /> <meta charset=\"ISO-8859-1\" /> <meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5;url='Login.php'\"> <title>Admin Area</title> <?php echo spAdminLinks(); ?> </head> <body> <div id=\"siteContainer\"> <div id=\"topContainer\"> </div> <div id=\"topMenuContainer\"> <div id=\"topMenu\"> </div> </div> <div id=\"contentContainer\"> <div id=\"mainContent\"> <h1>Incorrect User Name or Password.</h1> <p>You will now be re-directed back to the login area to try again, or <a href=\"Login.php\">click here</a>.</p> </div> <div style=\"clear: both;\"></div> </div> <div id=\"footerContainer\"> <?php echo spAdminFooter(); ?> </div> </div> </body> </html> "; } ob_end_flush(); ?> Meaning, these 2: Code: [Select] <?php echo spAdminLinks(); ?> <?php echo spAdminFooter(); ?> I know I asked about this before, but can't remember what the solution was .. sighhh .. I know it has something to do with the already being in an "echo" tag .. Anyone help me out? Similar TutorialsThe Query:
$query = "SELECT * FROM ttn01 WHERE id = $_GET['id']";I am getting an error. Hi, Struggling to find the problem just getting page is not redirecting properly from browser Code: [Select] <?php function seoclean_ad( $uc_string ) { $seo_clean_string = strtolower( "{$uc_string}" ); $seo_clean_string = str_replace( " ", "_".SS_SEOSPREP."", "{$seo_clean_string}" ); $seo_clean_string = str_replace( "&", "and", "{$seo_clean_string}" ); $seo_clean_string = preg_replace( "[^A-Za-z0-9_-]", "", $seo_clean_string ); $seo_clean_string = "{$seo_clean_string}".SEO_SUFFIX.""; return $seo_clean_string; } function prepare_template_output( $data ) { if ( is_array( $data ) ) { $ret = array( ); foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) { $ret[$key] = prepare_template_output( $value ); } return $ret; } if ( !is_numeric( $data ) ) { $data = stripslashes( $data ); $data = trim( $data ); $data = htmlentities( $data ); } return $data; } function ukDate( $inDate ) { global $outDate; list( $uYear, $uMonth, $uDay ) = explode( "-", "{$inDate}" ); $outDate = "{$uDay}-{$uMonth}-{$uYear}"; return $outDate; } function write_cache( $f_cache_data, $f_cache_file ) { if ( !( $fp = fopen( $f_cache_file, "w" ) ) ) { trigger_error( "Error opening cache file" ); exit( ); } if ( !flock( $fp, LOCK_EX ) ) { trigger_error( "Unable to lock file" ); exit( ); } if ( !fwrite( $fp, serialize( $f_cache_data ) ) ) { trigger_error( "Error writing to cache file" ); exit( ); } flock( $fp, LOCK_UN ); fclose( $fp ); } function read_cache( $f_cache_file ) { if ( !file_exists( $f_cache_file ) ) { trigger_error( "Invalid cache file" ); exit( ); } return unserialize( file_get_contents( $f_cache_file ) ); } function list_options( $arrayname, $mode ) { global $row; global $row_2; $sarray = ""; foreach ( $arrayname as $v ) { if ( !isset( $row['salutation'] ) && $row['salutation'] == $v || isset( $row_2['salutation'] ) && $row_2['salutation'] == $v ) { if ( !isset( $mode ) ) { echo "<option value=\"".$v."\" selected>{$v}</option>\n"; } else { $sarray .= "<option value=\"".$v."\" selected>{$v}</option>\n"; } } else if ( !isset( $mode ) ) { echo "<option value=\"".$v."\">{$v}</option>\n"; } else { $sarray .= "<option value=\"".$v."\">{$v}</option>\n"; } } return $sarray; } function genprevnext( $total_pages, $position, $nresults, $scriptis, $extras ) { global $shopurl; global $seoFriend; global $connection; global $instdir; global $smode; if ( !empty( $smode ) ) { $smodebits = "{$smode}/"; } else { $smodebits = ""; } if ( !empty( $_GET['smode'] ) ) { $smodebits = "".htmlentities( $_GET['smode'] )."/"; } else { $smodebits = ""; } $disppages = intval( $total_pages / $nresults ); if ( $total_pages % $nresults ) { ++$disppages; } if ( $nresults <= $position ) { $current_page_num = $position / $nresults + 1; } else { $current_page_num = 1; } $limit = $nresults; $stages = 3; $position = $position; $page = $position / $nresults + 1; if ( $page ) { $start = ( $page - 1 ) * $limit; } else { $start = 0; } if ( $page == 0 ) { $page = 1; } $prev = $page - 1; $next = $page + 1; $lastpage = ceil( $total_pages / $limit ); $LastPagem1 = $lastpage - 1; $paginglinks = ""; if ( 1 < $lastpage ) { if ( 1 < $page ) { $prevoffset = $position - $nresults; $paginate .= "<a href=\"".$scriptis."?position={$prevoffset}&nresults={$nresults}{$extras}\">« Prev</a>"; } else { $paginate .= "<span class='pagination-disabled'>« Prev</span>"; } if ( $lastpage < 7 + $stages * 2 ) { $counter = 1; for ( ; $counter <= $lastpage; ++$counter ) { $newoffset = $counter * $limit - $limit; if ( $counter == $page ) { $paginglinks .= "<span class=\"pagination-current\">".$counter."</span>"; } else { $paginglinks .= "<a href=\"".$scriptis."?position={$newoffset}&nresults={$nresults}{$extras}\">{$counter}</a>"; } break; } } while ( 1 ); } else if ( 5 + $stages * 2 < $lastpage ) { if ( $page < 1 + $stages * 2 ) { $counter = 1; for ( ; $counter < 4 + $stages * 2; ++$counter ) { $newoffset = $counter * $limit - $limit; if ( $counter == $page ) { $paginglinks .= "<span class=\"pagination-current\">".$counter."</span>"; } else { $paginglinks .= "<a href=\"".$scriptis."?position={$newoffset}&nresults={$nresults}{$extras}\">{$counter}</a>"; } } $paginglinks .= "..."; $newoffsetlm1 = $LastPagem1 * $limit - $limit; $newoffsetlp = $lastpage * $limit - $limit; $paginglinks .= "<a href=\"".$scriptis."?position={$newoffsetlm1}&nresults={$nresults}{$extras}\">{$LastPagem1}</a>"; $paginglinks .= "<a href=\"".$scriptis."?position={$newoffsetlp}&nresults={$nresults}{$extras}\">{$lastpage}</a>"; } else if ( $page < $lastpage - $stages * 2 && $stages * 2 < $page ) { $paginglinks .= "<a href=\"".$scriptis."?position=0&nresults={$nresults}{$extras}\">1</a>"; $paginglinks .= "<a href=\"".$scriptis."?position={$limit}&nresults={$nresults}{$extras}\">2</a>"; $paginglinks .= "..."; $counter = $page - $stages; for ( ; $counter <= $page + $stages; ++$counter ) { $newoffset = $counter * $limit - $limit; if ( $counter == $page ) { $paginglinks .= "<span class=\"pagination-current\">".$counter."</span>"; } else { $paginglinks .= "<a href=\"".$scriptis."?position={$newoffset}&nresults={$nresults}{$extras}\">{$counter}</a>"; } } $paginglinks .= "..."; $newoffsetlm1 = $LastPagem1 * $limit - $limit; $newoffsetlp = $lastpage * $limit - $limit; $paginglinks .= "<a href=\"".$scriptis."?position={$newoffsetlm1}&nresults={$nresults}{$extras}\">{$LastPagem1}</a>"; $paginglinks .= "<a href=\"".$scriptis."?position={$newoffsetlp}&nresults={$nresults}{$extras}\">{$lastpage}</a>"; } else { $paginglinks .= "<a href=\"".$scriptis."?position=0&nresults={$nresults}{$extras}\">1</a>"; $paginglinks .= "<a href=\"".$scriptis."?position={$limit}&nresults={$nresults}{$extras}\">2</a>"; $paginglinks .= "..."; $counter = $lastpage - ( 2 + $stages * 2 ); for ( ; $counter <= $lastpage; ++$counter ) { $newoffset = $counter * $limit - $limit; if ( $counter == $page ) { $paginglinks .= "<span class=\"pagination-current\">".$counter."</span>"; } else { $paginglinks .= "<a href=\"".$scriptis."?position={$newoffset}&nresults={$nresults}{$extras}\">{$counter}</a>"; } } } } $paginate .= $paginglinks; if ( $page < $counter - 1 ) { $newoffset = $position + $nresults; $paginate .= "<a href=\"".$scriptis."?position={$newoffset}&nresults={$nresults}{$extras}\">Next »</a>"; } else { $paginate .= "<span class=\"pagination-disabled\">Next »</span>"; } } if ( $nresults < $total_pages ) { echo $paginate; } function buildCategorySelect( ) { global $connection; global $category_id; $level = "0"; $sql = "SELECT * from categories WHERE category_parent_id='deftl'"; if ( !( $result = @mysql_query( $sql, $connection ) ) ) { exit( "** COULD NOT BUILD CATEGORY DROP DOWN ** ".mysql_error( ) ); } while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) ) { $parent = "{$row['category_id']}"; $row[category_name] = stripslashes( "{$row['category_name']}" ); if ( $category_id == $row[category_id] ) { echo "<option value=\"".$row['category_id']."\" selected>+ {$row['category_name']}</option>\n"; } else { echo "<option value=\"".$row['category_id']."\">+ {$row['category_name']}</option>\n"; } getchildren( $parent, $level ); } } function getChildren( $parent, $level ) { global $connection; global $category_id; ++$level; if ( !ctype_digit( $parent ) ) { $parent = ""; } $sql1 = "SELECT * from categories WHERE category_parent_id='".$parent."' order by category_name"; if ( !( $result1 = @mysql_query( $sql1, $connection ) ) ) { exit( "Couldn't build category tree child part: ".mysql_error( ) ); } while ( $row1 = mysql_fetch_array( $result1 ) ) { $parent = "{$row1['category_id']}"; if ( $category_id == $row1[category_id] ) { echo "<option value=\"".$row1['category_id']."\" selected>"; } else { echo "<option value=\"".$row1['category_id']."\">"; } $i = 0; for ( ; $i < $level; ++$i ) { echo " "; } echo "|--[".$level."]"; echo " ".$row1['category_name']."</option>\n"; getchildren( $parent, $level ); } } function getChildrenSEL( $parent, $myparent, $level ) { global $connection; global $https; global $category_id; ++$level; if ( !ctype_digit( $parent ) ) { $parent = ""; } $sql1 = "SELECT * from categories WHERE category_parent_id='".$parent."' order by category_name"; if ( !( $result1 = @mysql_query( $sql1, $connection ) ) ) { exit( "Couldn't build category tree child part: ".mysql_error( ) ); } while ( $row1 = mysql_fetch_array( $result1 ) ) { $parent = "{$row1['category_id']}"; if ( $myparent == $row1[category_id] ) { echo "<option value=\"".$row1['category_id']."\" selected>"; } else if ( $category_id == $row1[category_id] ) { echo "<option value=\"deftl\">"; } else { echo "<option value=\"".$row1['category_id']."\">"; } $i = 0; for ( ; $i < $level; ++$i ) { echo " "; } echo "|".$level."|"; echo "{$row1['category_name']}</option>\n"; getchildrensel( $parent, $myparent, $level ); } } function makeCategoryMap( ) { global $connection; global $adminurl; $level = "0"; $sql = "SELECT * from categories WHERE category_parent_id='deftl'"; if ( !( $result = @mysql_query( $sql, $connection ) ) ) { exit( "Couldn't build category tree parent part: ".mysql_error( ) ); } while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) ) { $parent = "{$row['category_id']}"; $sql3 = "SELECT product_id from products WHERE category_id='".$parent."'"; if ( !( $result3 = @mysql_query( $sql3, $connection ) ) ) { exit( "Couldn't get data from products db" ); } $numrows = mysql_num_rows( $result3 ); if ( $numrows < 1 ) { $linker = ""; } else { $linker = "<input type=\"button\" class=\"list\" onclick=\"location.href='".$adminurl."products/productlist.php?category_id={$row['category_id']}'\" value=\"Products ({$numrows})\" />"; } $row[category_name] = stripslashes( "{$row['category_name']}" ); echo "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td> + <a href=\"".$adminurl."products/editcategory.php?category_id={$row['category_id']}\" title=\"{$row['category_desc']}\">{$row['category_name']}</a> </td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>"; if ( $row[category_publish] == Y ) { echo "<input type=\"button\" class=\"deactivate\" value=\"(click to deactivate)\" onclick=\"location.href='".$adminurl."products/bin/categoryonoff.php?category_id={$row['category_id']}&act=N'\" />"; } else { echo "<input type=\"button\" class=\"activate\" value=\"(click to activate)\" onclick=\"location.href='".$adminurl."products/bin/categoryonoff.php?category_id={$row['category_id']}&act=Y'\" />"; } echo "</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td> <input type=\"button\" class=\"add\" onclick=\"location.href='".$adminurl."products/addproduct.php?category_id={$row['category_id']}'\" value=\"Add\" /> {$linker} </td>\n\t\t\t\t<td> <input type=\"button\" class=\"edit\" onclick=\"location.href='{$adminurl}products/editcategory.php?category_id={$row['category_id']}'\" value=\"Edit\" /> <input type=\"button\" class=\"delete\" value=\"DELETE\" onclick='usr_conf(\"{$adminurl}products/bin/deletecategory.php\",\"category_id={$row['category_id']}\",\"Are you sure you want to delete this category?\");' /> </td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n"; getchildrenlist( $parent, $level ); } } function getChildrenList( $parent, $level ) { global $connection; global $adminurl; ++$level; $where_in_level = "0"; if ( !ctype_digit( $parent ) ) { $parent = ""; } $sql1 = "SELECT * from categories WHERE category_parent_id='".$parent."'"; if ( !( $result1 = @mysql_query( $sql1, $connection ) ) ) { exit( "Couldn't build category tree child part: ".mysql_error( ) ); } while ( $row1 = mysql_fetch_array( $result1 ) ) { ++$where_in_level; $parent = "{$row1['category_id']}"; $level_indent = $level - 1; $i = 0; for ( ; $i < $level_indent; ++$i ) { echo " "; } if ( $last_level == $level ) { echo " "; } else { echo " "; } $i = 0; for ( ; $i < $level; ++$i ) { echo " "; } $sql3 = "SELECT product_id from products WHERE category_id='".$parent."'"; if ( !( $result3 = @mysql_query( $sql3, $connection ) ) ) { exit( "Couldn't get data from products db" ); } $numrows = mysql_num_rows( $result3 ); if ( $numrows < 1 ) { $linker = ""; } else { $linker = "<input type=\"button\" class=\"list\" onclick=\"location.href='".$adminurl."products/productlist.php?category_id={$row1['category_id']}'\" value=\"Products ({$numrows})\" />"; } echo "\t<tr>\n\t\t<td> » (".$level.") <a href=\"{$adminurl}products/editcategory.php?category_id={$row1['category_id']}\" title=\"{$row1['category_desc']}\">{$row1['category_name']}</a></td>\n\t\t\t<td>"; if ( $row1[category_publish] == Y ) { echo "<input type=\"button\" class=\"deactivate\" value=\"(click to deactivate)\" onclick=\"location.href='".$adminurl."products/bin/categoryonoff.php?category_id={$row1['category_id']}&act=N'\" />"; } else { echo "<input type=\"button\" class=\"activate\" value=\"(click to activate)\" onclick=\"location.href='".$adminurl."products/bin/categoryonoff.php?category_id={$row1['category_id']}&act=Y'\" />"; } echo "</td> \n\t\t\t<td><input type=\"button\" class=\"add\" onclick=\"location.href='".$adminurl."products/addproduct.php?category_id={$row1['category_id']}'\" value=\"Add\" /> {$linker}</td>\n\t\t\t<td> <input type=\"button\" class=\"edit\" onclick=\"location.href='{$adminurl}products/editcategory.php?category_id={$row1['category_id']}'\" value=\"Edit\" /> <input type=\"button\" class=\"delete\" value=\"DELETE\" onclick='usr_conf(\"{$adminurl}products/bin/deletecategory.php\",\"category_id={$row1['category_id']}\",\"Are you sure you want to delete this category?\");' /></td>\n\t</tr>\n"; getchildrenlist( $parent, $level ); $last_level = $level; } } function productcheckcategories( ) { global $connection; global $oktoadd; $sql3 = "SELECT * from categories"; if ( !( $result3 = @mysql_query( $sql3, $connection ) ) ) { exit( "Couldn't get data from category db" ); } $numrows = mysql_num_rows( $result3 ); if ( 1 <= $numrows ) { $oktoadd = "Y"; } } function countrycompareDD( $country_dd ) { global $connection; echo "<select name=\"country\">"; $sql3 = "SELECT country_short, country_long from country WHERE zone_id !='0'"; if ( !( $result3 = @mysql_query( $sql3, $connection ) ) ) { exit( "Couldn't execute request 1" ); } while ( $row3 = mysql_fetch_array( $result3 ) ) { if ( $row3[country_short] == $country_dd ) { echo "<option value=\"".$row3['country_short']."\" selected>{$row3['country_long']}</option>\n"; } else { echo "<option value=\"".$row3['country_short']."\">{$row3['country_long']}</option>\n"; } } echo "</select>"; } function alternatecolour( $level ) { global $altclass; $class_1 = " class=altlight"; $class_2 = " class=altdark"; $altclass = $class_1; $level % 2 ? 0 : ( $altclass = $class_2 ); } function check_email_address( $email ) { if ( !preg_match( "/[^@]{1,64}@[^@]{1,255}/i", $email ) ) { return FALSE; } $email_array = explode( "@", $email ); $local_array = explode( ".", $email_array[0] ); $i = 0; for ( ; $i < sizeof( $local_array ); ++$i ) { if ( preg_match( ">^(([A-Za-z0-9!#\$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-][A-Za-z0-9!#\$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~\\.-]{0,63})|(\"[^(\\|\")]{0,62}\"))\$>i", $local_array[$i] ) ) { continue; } return FALSE; } if ( !preg_match( "/^\\[?[0-9\\.]+\\]?\$/i", $email_array[1] ) ) { $domain_array = explode( ".", $email_array[1] ); if ( sizeof( $domain_array ) < 2 ) { return FALSE; } $i = 0; for ( ; $i < sizeof( $domain_array ); ++$i ) { if ( preg_match( "/^(([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Za-z0-9])|([A-Za-z0-9]+))\$/i", $domain_array[$i] ) ) { continue; } return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc( ) ) { $in = array( $GLOBALS['_GET'], $GLOBALS['_POST'], $GLOBALS['_COOKIE'] ); while ( list( $k, $v ) = each( &$in ) ) { foreach ( $v as $key => $val ) { if ( !is_array( $val ) ) { $in[$k][$key] = stripslashes( $val ); } else { $in[] =& $in[$k][$key]; } } } unset( $in ); } if ( isset( $_POST ) || isset( $_GET ) ) { $in = array( $GLOBALS['_GET'], $GLOBALS['_POST'] ); while ( list( $k, $v ) = each( &$in ) ) { foreach ( $v as $key => $val ) { if ( !is_array( $val ) ) { if ( ( $key == "txtContent" || $key == "category_desc" || !( $key == "metaadd" ) && !( $admin_ok_check == $_SESSION[admin_ok] ) ) || !preg_match( "/".$adminDir."/", "{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}" ) || !preg_match( "/paypalcallback.php/", "{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}" ) || !preg_match( "/updatecurrency.php/", "{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}" ) ) { if ( !preg_match( "/createcurrency.php/", "{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}" ) ) { $val = preg_replace( "/\\s+/", " ", $val ); $in[$k][$key] = htmlentities( trim( $val ) ); } } } else { $in[] =& $in[$k][$key]; } } } unset( $in ); } $sYear = "2007"; $cwd = dirname( __FILE__ ); $instdir = str_replace( "private", "", "{$cwd}" ); include( "{$instdir}private/config.php" ); include( "{$instdir}private/cache.php" ); include( "{$instdir}private/pca_config.php" ); if ( empty( $shopurl ) ) { header( "Location: install/" ); exit( ); } include( "{$instdir}private/db_connect.php" ); include( "{$instdir}private/messages.php" ); include( "{$instdir}private/shop_messages.php" ); $admin_dirs = array( "settings", "orders", "newsletter", "reports", "shoppers", "products", "content" ); $mtta = array( "mail", "smtp" ); $ppgfields = array( "ppemail", "ppmerchantid", "ppsecret", "pptestmode", "ppinstid", "ppintip", "ppextip", "ppgiftaid", "ppApply3DSecure", "ppApplyAVSCV2", "ppauthmode", "ppsignature" ); $category_style = array( "List with Thumbnail", "List no Thumbnail", "Grid" ); $category_sort_order = array( "Alphabetical", "Newest Items First", "Newest Items Last", "Featured Items First", "Custom Sort", "Price Low - High", "Price High - Low" ); $sf_style = array( "List", "Grid" ); $sf_sort_order = array( "Alphabetical", "By ID", "Randomised" ); $cf_sort_order = array( "Alphabetical", "By ID", "Custom" ); $allow_next = array( "selectdeliveryaddress.php", "revieworder.php", "reviewproduct.php", "revieworder.php?clearptid=Y", "orders.php" ); if ( $_GET[next] && !in_array( "{$_GET['next']}", $allow_next ) ) { echo "Not allowed!"; exit( ); } if ( !ctype_digit( $_GET[cmsid] ) ) { $GLOBALS['_GET'][cmsid] = ""; } $GLOBALS['_GET'][cmsid] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_GET['cmsid']}" ); if ( !ctype_digit( $_GET[category_id] ) ) { $GLOBALS['_GET'][category_id] = ""; } $GLOBALS['_GET'][category_id] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_GET['category_id']}" ); if ( !ctype_digit( $_GET[product_id] ) ) { $GLOBALS['_GET'][product_id] = ""; } $GLOBALS['_GET'][product_id] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_GET['product_id']}" ); if ( !ctype_digit( $_GET[product_xo_id] ) ) { $GLOBALS['_GET'][product_xo_id] = ""; } $GLOBALS['_GET'][product_xo_id] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_GET['product_xo_id']}" ); if ( !ctype_digit( $_GET[o_id] ) ) { $GLOBALS['_GET'][o_id] = ""; } $GLOBALS['_GET'][o_id] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_GET['o_id']}" ); if ( !ctype_digit( $_GET[p_id] ) ) { $GLOBALS['_GET'][p_id] = ""; } $GLOBALS['_GET'][p_id] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_GET['p_id']}" ); if ( !ctype_digit( $_GET[a_id] ) ) { $GLOBALS['_GET'][a_id] = ""; } $GLOBALS['_GET'][a_id] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_GET['a_id']}" ); $GLOBALS['_POST'][query_string] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_POST['query_string']}" ); if ( !ctype_digit( $_POST[pre_xo_id] ) ) { $GLOBALS['_POST'][pre_xo_id] = ""; } $GLOBALS['_POST'][pre_xo_id] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_POST['pre_xo_id']}" ); if ( !ctype_digit( $_POST[p_id] ) ) { $GLOBALS['_POST'][p_id] = ""; } $GLOBALS['_POST'][p_id] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_POST['p_id']}" ); if ( !ctype_digit( $_POST[qty] ) ) { $GLOBALS['_POST'][qty] = ""; } $GLOBALS['_POST'][qty] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_POST['qty']}" ); $GLOBALS['_POST'][loginemail] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_POST['loginemail']}" ); $GLOBALS['_POST'][loginpass] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_POST['loginpass']}" ); if ( $_POST[mail_outs] != "Y" && $_POST[mail_outs] != "N" ) { $GLOBALS['_POST'][mail_outs] = "Y"; } $GLOBALS['_POST'][mail_outs] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_POST['mail_outs']}" ); $GLOBALS['_POST'][old_password] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_POST['old_password']}" ); $GLOBALS['_POST'][confirm_password] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_POST['confirm_password']}" ); $search = array( "@<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>@si", "@<[\\/\\!]*?[^<>]*?>@si", "@&(quot|#34);@i", "@&(amp|#38);@i", "@&(lt|#60);@i", "@&(gt|#62);@i", "@&(nbsp|#160);@i", "@&(iexcl|#161);@i", "@&(cent|#162);@i", "@&(pound|#163);@i", "@&(copy|#169);@i", "@&#(\\d+);@e" ); $replace = array( "", "", "\\1", "\"", "&", "<", ">", " ", chr( 161 ), chr( 162 ), chr( 163 ), chr( 169 ), "chr(\\1)" ); $GLOBALS['_POST'][company] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_POST['company']}" ); $GLOBALS['_POST'][company] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_POST['company']}" ); $GLOBALS['_POST'][company] = preg_replace( $search, $replace, $_POST[company] ); $GLOBALS['_POST'][first_name] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_POST['first_name']}" ); $GLOBALS['_POST'][first_name] = preg_replace( $search, $replace, $_POST[first_name] ); $GLOBALS['_POST'][last_name] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_POST['last_name']}" ); $GLOBALS['_POST'][last_name] = preg_replace( $search, $replace, $_POST[last_name] ); $GLOBALS['_POST'][email] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_POST['email']}" ); $GLOBALS['_POST'][email] = preg_replace( $search, $replace, $_POST[email] ); $GLOBALS['_POST'][no_name] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_POST['no_name']}" ); $GLOBALS['_POST'][no_name] = preg_replace( $search, $replace, $_POST[no_name] ); $GLOBALS['_POST'][street] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_POST['street']}" ); $GLOBALS['_POST'][street] = preg_replace( $search, $replace, $_POST[street] ); $GLOBALS['_POST'][town] = mysql_real_escape_string( "{$_POST['town']}" ); $GLOBALS[ There seems to be something wrong with my code when run in Firefox I get an error, the full code is: Code: [Select] <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="tabber.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="example.css" TYPE="text/css" MEDIA="screen"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="example-print.css" TYPE="text/css" MEDIA="print"> <script type="text/javascript"> </script> </head> <div class="tabber"> <?php if (!isset($_GET["name"]) || empty($_GET["name"])) { $corpname = rawurlencode(stripslashes($_POST['corpname'])); } else { $corpname = rawurlencode(stripslashes($_GET['name'])); } //Check if Corp is in DataBase $sql = "SELECT * FROM `corps` where `name` = '$corpname'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $num = mysql_num_rows($result); // If Corp Is In DB if ($num > 0) { While ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { ?> <div class="tabbertab"> <h2>Corp Info</h2> <table width ="700" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="128" rowspan="7"><?php echo "<img src=".$row['id']."_128.png width=128 height=128 />"; ?></td> <td width="128">Corp Name</td> <td><?php echo "<a href=".rawurlencode($row['name'])." target=_blank>".$row['name']."</a>"; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="128">Ticker</td> <td><?php echo $row['ticker']; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="128">Allance</td> <td><?php $alliance = $row['alliance']; if($alliance =="0") { $alliance0 = "No Alliance"; echo $alliance0; } Else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM `alliance` WHERE `id` = '$alliance'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $num=mysql_numrows($result); $i=0; while ($i < $num) { $alliance0=mysql_result($result,$i,"name"); $i++; } echo $alliance0; } ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="128">CEO Name</td> <td><?php echo "<a href=main.php?id=pilotsearch.php&name=".$row['ceo'].">".$row['ceo']."</a>"; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="128">Headquarters</td> <td><?php echo $row['hq']; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="128">Tax Rate</td> <td><?php echo $row['tax']; ?> %</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="128">Member Count</td> <td><?php echo $row['members']; ?></td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="tabbertab"> <?php $query=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT(name) FROM `characters` WHERE `corporation` = '$corpname' ORDER BY name ASC") or die("Error Occured,please try again"); $numm = mysql_num_rows($query); echo "<h2>Known Members (".$numm."/".$row['members'].") </h2>"; echo "<table border='0' width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>"; $left = true; while($row=mysql_fetch_array($query)) { if ($left) { echo "<tr>"; } echo "<td align='left' width='50%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' >"; echo "<a href=main.php?id=pilotsearch.php&name=".rawurlencode($row['name']).">".$row['name']."</a>"; echo"</td>"; if (!$left) { echo"</tr>"; } $left = !$left; } echo"</table>"; ?> </div> <div class="tabbertab"> <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM `corpwhsystems` WHERE `corpname` = '$corpname'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); echo"<h2>WH Locations (".$num_rows.")</h2>"; $i=0; ?> <table width="728" border="0"> <tr> <td><strong>System Name</strong></td> <td><strong>System Class</strong></td> <td><strong>Effect</strong></td> <td><strong>Date Added</strong></td> <td><strong>Added By</strong></td> </tr> <?php while ($i <= $num_rows) { $sname=mysql_result($result,$i,"systemname"); $sclass=mysql_result($result,$i,"systemtype"); $anomaly=mysql_result($result,$i,"anomaly"); $addedby=mysql_result($result,$i,"updatedby"); $dateupdated=mysql_result($result,$i,"dateupdated"); ?> <tr> <td> <?php echo $sname; ?></td> <td> <?php echo $sclass; ?></td> <td> <?php echo $anomaly; ?></td> <td> <?php echo $dateupdated; ?></td> <td> <?php echo $addedby; ?></td> <?php $i++; } ?> </tr> </table> <hr /> <form action="main.php?id=addwh.php" method="post"> Add WH Location: <input name="location" type="text" /> <select name="systemtype"> <option value="Class 1">Class 1</option> <option value="Class 2">Class 2</option> <option value="Class 3">Class 3</option> <option value="Class 4">Class 4</option> <option value="Class 5">Class 5</option> <option value="Class 6">Class 6</option> </select> <select name="anomaly"> <option value="None">None</option> <option value="Magnetar">Magnetar</option> <option value="Red Giant">Red Giant</option> <option value="Pulsar">Pulsar</option> <option value="Wolf Rayet">Wolf Rayet</option> <option value="Cataclysmic Variable">Cataclysmic Variable</option> <option value="Black Hole">Black Hole</option> </select> <input name="corpname" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $cnamedb; ?>" /> <input name="addwh" type="submit" value="Add" /> </form> </div> <div class="tabbertab"> <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM `corps` WHERE `name` = '$corpname' AND `notedate` != '0000-00-00'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); echo"<h2>Notes(".$num_rows.")</h2>"; $i=0; ?> <table width="700" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="480"><strong>Note</strong></td> <td width="119"><strong>Note Date</strong></td> <td width="101"><strong>Added By</strong></td> </tr> <?php while ($i <= $num_rows) { $notes=mysql_result($result,$i,"notes"); $notedate=mysql_result($result,$i,"notedate"); $updatedby=mysql_result($result,$i,"updatedby"); ?> <tr> <td><br /> <?php echo $notes; ?></td> <td width="136"><br /> <?php echo $notedate; ?></td> <td width="105"><br /> <?php echo $updatedby; ?></td> </tr> <?php $i++; } ?> </table> <hr /> <form action="main.php?id=updatecorptint.php" method="post"> <strong>Add Notes:</strong> <textarea name="notes" cols="50" rows="10"></textarea> <input name="cname" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $cnamedb; ?>" /> <input name="add" type="submit" value="Add Notes" /> </form> </div> <div class="tabbertab"> <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM `pos` WHERE `corp` = '$corpname'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); echo"<h2>POS (".$num_rows.")</h2>"; $i=0; ?> POS: <table width="700" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><strong>Location</strong></td> <td><strong>Type</strong></td> <td><strong>Size</strong></td> <td><strong>Corp Hangars</strong></td> <td><strong>Ship Hangars</strong></td> <td><strong>Notes</strong></td> </tr> <?php while ($i <= $num_rows) { $location=mysql_result($result,$i,"location"); $type=mysql_result($result,$i,"type"); $size=mysql_result($result,$i,"size"); $changar=mysql_result($result,$i,"changar"); $shangar=mysql_result($result,$i,"shangar"); $notes=mysql_result($result,$i,"notes"); ?> <tr> <td><br /><?php echo $location; ?></td> <td><br /><?php echo $type; ?></td> <td><br /><?php echo $size; ?></td> <td><br /><?php echo $changar; ?></td> <td><br /><?php echo $shangar; ?></td> <td><br /><?php echo $notes; ?></td> </tr> <?php $i++; } ?> </table> <hr /> <form action="main.php?id=addpos.php" method="post"> <table width="350" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td>Location:</td> <td><label for="location"></label> <input type="text" name="location" id="location" /></td> <td>Type:</td> <td><select name="type"> <option value="Amarr">Amarr</option> <option value="Angel">Angel</option> <option value="Blood">Blood</option> <option value="Caldari">Caldari</option> <option value="Dark Blood">Dark Blood</option> <option value="Domination">Domination</option> <option value="Dread Guristas">Dread Guristas</option> <option value="Gallente">Gallente</option> <option value="Gurstas">Gurstas</option> <option value="Minmatar">Minmatar</option> <option value="Sansha">Sansha</option> <option value="Serpentis">Serpentis</option> <option value="Shadow">Shadow</option> <option value="True Sansha">True Sansha</option> </select></td> <td>Size:</td> <td><select name="size"> <option value="Large">Large</option> <option value="Medium">Medium</option> <option value="Small">Small</option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Corp Hangars:</td> <td><input name="changar" type="text" size="10" /></td> <td>Ship Hangars:</td> <td><input name="shangar" type="text" size="10" /></td> <td>Notes:</td> <td><textarea name="notes"></textarea></td> </tr> </table> <input name="cname" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $cnamedb; ?>" /> <input name="submit1" type="submit" value="Add POS" /> </form> </div> </div> <?php }} // IF Corp Is Not In DB ELSE { $url = ''.$corpname.''; $xml = simpleXML_load_file($url,"SimpleXMLElement",LIBXML_NOCDATA); $url = ''.$corpname.''; $xml = simpleXML_load_file($url,"SimpleXMLElement",LIBXML_NOCDATA); $corpid = $xml->result->rowset->row['characterID']; $url1 = ''.$corpid.''; $xml1 = simpleXML_load_file($url1,"SimpleXMLElement"); $cname = $xml1->result->corporationName; if($corpid == 0 OR $cname =="") { Echo $corpname."<br>No Corp Found In EVE Database"; } ELSE { $url1 = ''.$corpid.''; $xml1 = simpleXML_load_file($url1,"SimpleXMLElement"); $cname = $xml1->result->corporationName; $url1 = ''.$corpid.''; $xml1 = simpleXML_load_file($url1,"SimpleXMLElement"); $cname = $xml1->result->corporationName; $ticker = $xml1->result->ticker; $ceo = $xml1->result->ceoName; $station = $xml1->result->stationName; $descrption = $xml1->result->description; $alliance = $xml1->result->allianceID; $tax = $xml1->result->taxRate; $members = $xml1->result->memberCount; $username = $_SESSION['username']; mysql_query("INSERT INTO `corps` (`editid` , `id` , `name` , `ticker` , `alliance` , `ceo` , `tax` , `members` , `hq` , `apidate` , `notes` , `notedate` , `updatedby`) VALUES ( '' , '$corpid', '$cname', '$ticker', '$alliance', '$ceo', '$tax', '$members', '$station', NOW(), '', '', '$username')"); header('Location: main.php?id=corpsearch.php&name='.$corpname); exit; } } ?> The problem area is somewhere in here (I think): Code: [Select] // IF Corp Is Not In DB ELSE { $url = ''.$corpname.''; $xml = simpleXML_load_file($url,"SimpleXMLElement",LIBXML_NOCDATA); $url = ''.$corpname.''; $xml = simpleXML_load_file($url,"SimpleXMLElement",LIBXML_NOCDATA); $corpid = $xml->result->rowset->row['characterID']; $url1 = ''.$corpid.''; $xml1 = simpleXML_load_file($url1,"SimpleXMLElement"); $cname = $xml1->result->corporationName; if($corpid == 0 OR $cname =="") { Echo $corpname."<br>No Corp Found In EVE Database"; } ELSE { $url1 = ''.$corpid.''; $xml1 = simpleXML_load_file($url1,"SimpleXMLElement"); $cname = $xml1->result->corporationName; $url1 = ''.$corpid.''; $xml1 = simpleXML_load_file($url1,"SimpleXMLElement"); $cname = $xml1->result->corporationName; $ticker = $xml1->result->ticker; $ceo = $xml1->result->ceoName; $station = $xml1->result->stationName; $descrption = $xml1->result->description; $alliance = $xml1->result->allianceID; $tax = $xml1->result->taxRate; $members = $xml1->result->memberCount; $username = $_SESSION['username']; mysql_query("INSERT INTO `corps` (`editid` , `id` , `name` , `ticker` , `alliance` , `ceo` , `tax` , `members` , `hq` , `apidate` , `notes` , `notedate` , `updatedby`) VALUES ( '' , '$corpid', '$cname', '$ticker', '$alliance', '$ceo', '$tax', '$members', '$station', NOW(), '', '', '$username')"); header('Location: main.php?id=corpsearch.php&name='.$corpname); exit; } } ?> Any one with any ideas? I am trying to integrate facebook login into my application. If the user isn't logged in, I want to make sure that they get sent to the index page, but this doesn't work. Code: [Select] <?php if ($user) { try { // Proceed knowing you have a logged in user who's authenticated. $user_profile = $facebook->api('/me'); } catch (FacebookApiException $e) { $user = null; //echo '<pre>'.htmlspecialchars(print_r($e, true)).'</pre>'; } } else { header('Location: /'); } ?> Any thoughts on how to fix? I keep getting a 'The page isn't redirecting properly error on Firefox. Anyone have an idea? I think it has something to do with the header() function, but I can't seem to pinpoint it. Code for the two files are below. Code: [Select] login.php <?php require_once('./lib/myform.class.php'); require_once('./functions.php'); $page = 'Login Page'; $myStyles = './css/mystyles.css'; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $error_ar = array(); $values_ar = array(); $username = sanatize($_POST['username']); $password = sanatize($_POST['password']); if (empty($username)) { $error_ar['username'] = 'You must enter your username'; //echo $arr_error['username']; } else { $values_ar['username'] = $_POST['username']; } if (empty($password)) { $error_ar['password'] = 'You must enter a password'; } } if (count($error_ar) == 0) { session_start(); $_SESSION['username'] = $username; $_SESSION['password'] = md5($password); header('Location: processform.php'); exit(); } ?> <html> <head> <title><?php print $page ?></title> <link href="<?php print $myStyles ?>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </head> <body> <div id="container"> <div id="form"> <?php $f = new myForm($error_ar); $f->beginForm("login.php"); $f->beginFieldset(array('class'=>'form')); $f->addLegend($page); $f->beginList(); $f->beginListItem(); $f->addLabel('username', 'Username'); $f->addInput('text', 'username', $values_ar['username'], array('class'=>'text', 'id'=>'username')); $f->endListItem(); $f->beginListItem(); $f->addLabel('password', 'Password'); $f->addPassword(); $f->endListItem(); $f->endList(); $f->endFieldset(); $f->beginFieldset(array('class'=>'form')); $f->addLegend('Submit'); $f->beginList(); $f->beginListItem(); $f->submitButton('Login', array('class'=>'submit')); $f->endListItem(); $f->endList(); $f->endFieldset(); echo $f->printForm(); ?> </div> </div> </body> </html> Code: [Select] processform.php <?php session_start(); require_once('./lib/mysqldb.class.php'); if (!isset($_SESSION['username'])) { header('Location: login.php'); exit(); } $db = new MySQLDB(); $username = $_SESSION['username']; $password = $_SESSION['password']; if ($db->authenticateUser($username, $password)) { echo "SUCCESS!!!"; } else { $_SESSION = array(); session_destroy(); header('Location: login.php'); } ?> My website has been working just fine, and I negated a condition to trigger an error message, and now I keep getting this... Quote The page isn't redirecting properly Here is the file I am working with... <?php //Build Date: 2012-03-10 // ************************ // Update Last Activity. * // ************************ if ((isset($_SESSION['loggedIn'])) && ($_SESSION['loggedIn'] == TRUE)){ // Initialize variables. $loggedIn = 1; $memberID = (isset($_SESSION['memberID']) ? $_SESSION['memberID'] : ''); // ************************ // Update Member Record. * // ************************ // Connect to the database. require_once(WEB_ROOT . 'private/mysqli_connect.php'); // Build query. $q = "UPDATE member SET logged_in=?, last_activity=now() WHERE id=? LIMIT 1"; // Prepare statement. $stmt = mysqli_prepare($dbc, $q); // Bind variables to query. mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 'ii', $loggedIn, $memberID); // Execute query. $success = mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt); // Verify Update. if ($success === FALSE){ // Update Failed. $_SESSION['resultsCode'] = 'MEMBER_UPDATE_FAILED_2126'; // Redirect to Display Outcome. header("Location: " . BASE_URL . "/members/results.php"); // End script. exit(); } /* $affectedRows = mysqli_stmt_affected_rows($stmt); echo $affectedRows; exit(); // Verify Update. if ($affectedRows!==1){ //echo mysqli_stmt_affected_rows($stmt); //exit(); // Update Failed. $_SESSION['resultsCode'] = 'MEMBER_UPDATE_FAILED_2126'; // Redirect to Display Outcome. header("Location: " . BASE_URL . "/members/results.php"); // End script. exit(); }//End of UPDATE MEMBER RECORD */ // Close prepared statement. mysqli_stmt_close($stmt); // Close the connection. // mysqli_close($dbc); }//End of UPDATE LAST ACTIVITY ?> This file is included by all other pages so that as a User navigates my site I am constantly updating the "last_activity" field in the database. If I change the condition from... Code: [Select] if ($success === FALSE){ Code: [Select] if ($success !== FALSE){ ...then I get this error?! (Where I am at, the Internet is on and offline. Could that be a factor??) I am REALLY CONFUSED what is happening here... Debbie The following should be redirecting to a certain page based upon the variables given. If someone is logged into the admincp but enters the address index.php?admincp=users, all that shows up is a blank page, it should re-direct back to the admincp main page; aka index.php?admincp. Everything other than this is working... It's just not going back to the admincp when index.php?admincp=users is entered. <?php require_once 'db_select.php'; require_once 'func.php'; session_start(); $cadmin2=$_SESSION['admin_check']; if($cadmin2=="4" && isset($_SESSION['mypassword3']) && $_SESSION['mypassword3']==$_SESSION['mypassword2']){ $SQL1="SELECT position FROM $tbl_name4 WHERE film_number='1' ORDER BY ABS(cost) ASC"; $result1=mysql_query($SQL1) or die(mysql_error()); if($_GET['do']=="add"){ $section.=' - Add User'; $content.=' <div class="main"> <div class="main_header">Add New User</div> <div class="user_form"> <form action="./index.php?admincp=users&do=process&source=new" method="post"> <p><label>Name:</label> <input type="text" name="name" size="30" /></p> <p><label>E-Mail:</label> <input type="email" name="email" size="32" /></p> <p><label>Amount:</label> <input type="text" name="amount" size="8" /></p> <p><label>Username:</label> <input type="text" name="username" size="30" /></p> <p> <label>Level:</label> <select name="level"> <option value=""></option> <option value="nickel">Nickel</option> <option value="copper">Copper</option> <option value="bronze">Bronze</option> <option value="silver">Silver</option> <option value="gold">Gold</option> <option value="platinum">Platinum</option> <option value="palladium">Palladium</option> </select> </p> <p> <label>User Level:</label> <select name="user_level"> <option value="0">No Account</option> <option value="1">Credit Purchase</option> <option value="2">Donation</option> <option value="3">Moderator</option> <option value="4">Admin</option> </select> </p> <p><label>Credit:</label> <select name="credit"> <option value=""></option>'; while($row1=mysql_fetch_array($result1)){ extract($row1); $content.='<option value="'.ucfirst($position).'">'.ucfirst($position).'</option>'; } $content.=' </select> <!--<label>Film Number:</label> <select name="film_number"> <option value=""></option> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> </select>--> </p> <p><label>Password:</label> <input type="text" name="password" size="30" /></p> <p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="Submit" /></p> </form> </div> </div> '; } elseif($_GET['do']=="edit"){ if(isset($_GET['id'])){ $id=(int)$_GET['id']; $edit_user_query="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE $tbl_name.donor_id=$id"; $edit_user_result=mysql_query($edit_user_query); while($edit_user_row=mysql_fetch_array($edit_user_result)){ extract($edit_user_row); } $credits_query="SELECT * FROM donors_credits WHERE donor_id=".$id." ORDER BY id"; $credits_result=mysql_query($credits_query); while($credits_row=mysql_fetch_array($credits_result)){ $credits[]=$credits_row['credit']; } if(count($credits) > 0){ $credit=implode(", ",$credits); } if(!empty($amount)){ $amount=number_format($amount, 2, '.', ','); } $section.=' - Edit User: '.$username.''; $content.=' <div class="main"> <div class="main_header">Edit User - '.(!empty($username) ? ''.$username.'' : ''.$name.'').'</div> <div class="user_form"> <form action="./index.php?admincp=users&do=process&source=edit&id='.$id.'" method="post"> <p><label>Name:</label> <input type="text" name="name" size="30" value="'.$name.'" /></p> <p><label>E-Mail:</label> <input type="email" name="email" size="32" value="'.$email.'" /></p> <p><label>Amount:</label> <input type="text" name="amount" size="8" value="'.$amount.'" /></p> <p><label>Username:</label> <input type="text" name="username" size="30" value="'.$username.'" /></p> <p> <label>Level:</label> <select name="level"> <option value=""'.(empty($level) ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'></option> <option value="nickel"'.($level=="nickel" ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>Nickel</option> <option value="copper"'.($level=="copper" ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>Copper</option> <option value="bronze"'.($level=="bronze" ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>Bronze</option> <option value="silver"'.($level=="silver" ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>Silver</option> <option value="gold"'.($level=="gold" ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>Gold</option> <option value="platinum"'.($level=="platinum" ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>Platinum</option> <option value="palladium"'.($level=="palladium" ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>Palladium</option> </select> (Blank if something other than Donation) </p> <p> <label>User Level:</label> <select name="user_level"> <option value="0"'.($admin=="0" ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>No Account</option> <option value="1"'.($admin=="1" ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>Credit Purchase</option> <option value="2"'.($admin=="2" ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>Donation</option> <option value="3"'.($admin=="3" ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>Moderator</option> <option value="4"'.($admin=="4" ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>Admin</option> </select> </p> <p><label>Credit:</label> <input type="text" name="credit_old" size="30" value="'.$credit.'" disabled="disabled" /></p> <p><label>New Credit:</label> <select name="credit"> <option value=""></option>'; while($row1=mysql_fetch_array($result1)){ extract($row1); $content.='<option value="'.ucfirst($position).'">'.ucfirst($position).'</option>'; } $content.=' </select> <!--<label>Film Number:</label> <select name="film_number"> <option value=""></option> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> </select>--> </p> <p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="Submit" /></p> </form> </div> </div> '; } else{ $user_list_query="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name"; $user_list_result=mysql_query($user_list_query); $content=''; while($user_list_row=mysql_fetch_array($user_list_result)){ extract($user_list_row); $content.='<div class="center"><a href="./index.php?admincp=users&do=edit&id='.$donor_id.'">'.(!empty($username) ? ''.$username.'' : ''.$name.'').'</a></div>'; } } } elseif($_GET['do']="process"){ $source=sanitize($_GET['source']); $name=sanitize($_POST['name']); $email=sanitize($_POST['email']); $amount=amount_verify(sanitize($_POST['amount'])); $username=sanitize($_POST['username']); $level=sanitize($_POST['level']); $password=kam3($_POST['password']); $admin=sanitize($_POST['user_level']); //$film_number=sanitize($_POST['film_number']); $credits=sanitize($_POST['credit']); $credits=explode(",",$credits); array_walk($credits, 'trim_value'); if($amount=="00" || $amount==".00"){ $amount=""; } if($_GET['source']=="new"){ $add_user_query="INSERT INTO $tbl_name (username, name, level, amount, password, admin, email) VALUES ('$username', '$name', '$level', '$amount', '$password', '$admin', '$email')"; mysql_query($add_user_query); $insert_id=mysql_insert_id(); if(!empty($credits)){ $CreditArray = array(); foreach($credits as $credit){ $CreditArray[] = "('$credit',$insert_id)"; } if(mysql_affected_rows()==1){ $content.='<div class="center">User Added.</div>'; } if (count($CreditArray) > 0 ){ $credit_array_query="INSERT INTO $tbl_name2 (credit,donor_id) VALUES " . implode(',',$CreditArray); mysql_query($credit_array_query); } } } elseif($_GET['source']=="edit"){ $insert_id=$_GET['id']; $edit_user_query="UPDATE $tbl_name SET username='$username', name='$name', level='$level', amount='$amount', admin='$admin', email='$email' WHERE donor_id='$insert_id'"; mysql_query($edit_user_query); if(!empty($credits)){ $CreditArray = array(); foreach($credits as $credit){ $CreditArray[] = "('$credit',$insert_id)"; } if(mysql_affected_rows()==1){ $content.='<div class="center">User Edited.</div>'; } if (count($CreditArray) > 0 ){ $credit_array_query="INSERT $tbl_name2 (credit,donor_id) VALUES " . implode(',',$CreditArray); mysql_query($credit_array_query); } } } } else{ header('Location: ./index.php?admincp'); } } else{ header("Location: ./index.php?usercp"); } ?> Partially a continuation from my other thread, as this a little similar, but... The below should be redirecting a user that is not logged into the admin control panel back to the admincp log-in page. Instead it's showing the actual page. This is only the case if the user has a cadmin number of 3 or 4... so it is limiting the access to people that should have access and blocking those that shouldn't. But it should still be pointing a user not logged in back to the admincp log-in page because the mypassword3 session variable should not be set. When I var_dump $_SESSION mypassword3 is NULL. Everything else is set properly. <?php require_once 'db_select.php'; require_once 'func.php'; session_start(); $cadmin2=$_SESSION['admin_check']; if($cadmin2=="4" || $cadmin2=="3" && isset($_SESSION['mypassword3']) && $_SESSION['mypassword3']==$_SESSION['mypassword2']){ if($_GET['view']=="applications"){ $section.=' - New Applications'; $content.=' <div class="main"> <div class="main_header">New Investor Applications</div> </div> '; } elseif($_GET['view']=="accounts"){ $section.=' - View Accounts'; $content.=' <div class="main"> <div class="main_header">View Investor Accounts</div> </div> '; } else{ header("Location: ./index.php?admincp"); } } else{ header("Location: ./index.php?usercp"); } ?> Here's the admin panel/admin panel log-in if it helps anything: <?php require_once 'func.php'; session_start(); $cadmin2=$_SESSION['admin_check']; if($cadmin2=="3" || $cadmin2=="4"){ if(isset($_SESSION['myusername2']) && kam3($_POST['password'])==$_SESSION['mypassword2'] || isset($_SESSION['myusername2']) && $_SESSION['mypassword3']==$_SESSION['mypassword2']){ if(!empty($_POST['password'])){ $_SESSION['mypassword3']=kam3($_POST['password']); } $content.=' <div class="main"> <p class="main_header">Admin Control Panel</p> </div> <div class="usercp_links">'; if($cadmin2=="4"){ $content.=' <div class="ilink"> <a href="./index.php?admincp=users&do=add">New User</a> </div> <div class="ilink"> <a href="./index.php?admincp=investors&view=applications">Investor Applications</a> </div> <div class="ilink"> <a href="./index.php?admincp=requests&view=donation">Additional Donation Requests</a> </div> '; } $content.=' <div class="ilink"> <a href="./index.php?admincp=manage&view=ideas">Manage Idea Submissions</a> </div> </div> <div class="usercp_links">'; if($cadmin2=="4"){ $content.=' <div class="ilink"> <a href="./index.php?admincp=users&do=edit">Edit Users</a> </div> <div class="ilink"> <a href="./index.php?admincp=investors&view=accounts">Investor Accounts</a> </div> <!--<div class="ilink"> <a href="./index.php?admincp=requests&view=credit">Additional Credit Requests</a> </div>-->'; } $content.=' <div class="ilink"> <a href="./index.php?admincp=manage&view=exclusive">Manage Exclusive Content</a> </div> <div class="ilink"> <a href="./logout.php?logout=admin">Log-Out</a> </div> </div>'; } else{ if(!isset($_SESSION['myusername2'])){ header("Location: ./index.php"); } $content=' <table class="actors_table"> <tr> <td align="center">'; if(isset($_GET['e']) && $_GET['e']=="0") { $content .= '<span style="color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold;">Incorrect Username or Password</span><br/><br/>'; } else{ $content .=""; } $content .='Re-Type your password to view this information: <form action="" method="post"> <p>Username: <input type="text" name="username" value="'.$_SESSION['myusername2'].'" disabled="disabled" /></p> <p>Password: <input type="password" name="password" /></p> <p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="Submit" /></p> </form> </td> </tr> </table> '; } } else{ header("Location: ./index.php?usercp"); } ?> <?php require_once('upper.php'); $error_msg=''; if(!isset($_COOKIE['LoginIdCookie'])){ if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { require_once('database.php'); $LoginId=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['LoginId'])); $Password=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['Password'])); if((!empty($LoginId)) && (!empty($Password))){ $query="SELECT * FROM registration WHERE LoginId='$LoginId' AND Password=SHA('$Password') AND Flag='A'"; $result=mysqli_query($dbc,$query) or die('Not Connected'); if(mysqli_num_rows($result)==1) { $row=mysqli_fetch_array($result); setcookie('LoginIdCookie',$row['LoginId']); //$home_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '/index1.php'; header('Location: index1.php'); } else{ echo 'Enter right UserName/Password combination or You may not approved yet. '; echo '<a href="ForgetPassword.php">Can\'t access your account?"</a>'; }} else{ echo' Fill all fields'; } }} ?> <html> <title>Log In</title> <body> <?php if(empty($_COOKIE['LoginIdCookie'])) { echo $error_msg; ?> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ;?>" > <div class="LoginValidator"> <fieldset> <legend> Log In</legend><table><tr><td> <label for="username">User Name :</label><br/><br/></td> <td><input type="text" name="LoginId"><br/><br/></tr> <td><label for="password">Password :</label></td> <td><head> <div id="divMayus" style="visibility:hidden">Caps Lock is on.</div> <SCRIPT language=Javascript> function capLock(e){ kc = e.keyCode?e.keyCode:e.which; sk = e.shiftKey?e.shiftKey:((kc == 16)?true:false); if(((kc >= 65 && kc <= 90) && !sk)||((kc >= 97 && kc <= 122) && sk)) document.getElementById('divMayus').style.visibility = 'visible'; else document.getElementById('divMayus').style.visibility = 'hidden'; } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <input onkeypress='return capLock(event)' type="password" name="Password"><br/></td></tr></table> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Login" class="Login_button"> </fieldset> </div> </form> <?php } else{ echo 'You are logged in as '.$_COOKIE['LoginIdCookie']; } require_once('lower.php'); mysqli_close($dbc); ?> HI friends.......... In above code when I enter wrong user name or password, it displays error msg properly but problem is that when i enter right user name and password instead to redirect to index1.php it displays LoginPage again.......... I think cookie is not created as well.......... I can't understand where is problem???????/ please help me.................... I am trying to write some data from multiple SQL tables to a page. In the first table is a list of places. I then have more tables that are named after the different places. For example, say my first place in the list is called Place1. I have a table named Place1 with data that corresponds to place1. The data contained in the table named Place1 is a list of things to do in this place. It has 21 columns and each one is something to do in the morning, afternoon, and at night for each day of the week in the place Place1. What I am trying to do is display a sort of weekly calendar as a table on a webpage that lists all of the places in one column and then lists seven days of the week as 7 more columns. Then in each data cell I would want to list the things to do in the morning, afternoon and at night for the certain day of the week and for the place. The problem is that I am creating a CMS to allow other users with no coding knowledge to update events for other places, so I have to display data that could have been altered. The only solution I know of is to do a while loop that gets all of the place names and while there are still place names, write the place names to the page and set a variable equal to the place name. Inside the while loop I would create another while loop that each time the first while loop is executed uses the variable set in the first while loop to know which table to reference and then make a call to that table pulling out the 21 columns and writing them to the page. Each time the outer while loop executes, it would (hopefully) write the place name, and then set the variable as the current place name so that the inner while loop uses the variable to write the rest of the information about that place. I don't know if that would even work and if it did, I know it cannot be the best way to do this. I am pretty stuck here and don't really have a good solution so if anyone proposes a solution that is radically different to anything I have done, I am open to everything. Thank you! I have a script I am putting together that simulate a cricket game. The only issue is, that there are a huge number of functions because there doesn't seem to be any other way to do this properly. As well as this, there a while() loop and all this seems to be leading to the page reaching a max 30 second timeout when generating the result. My code is attached below, it is quite messy at the moment because i've just be working on it, but I was wondering if anyone has any solutions of how I can speed this up or change to prevent a timeout: <?php // Error reporting error_reporting(E_ALL); // Connect DB mysql_connect("", "rockinaway", "preetha6488") or die(mysql_error()); // Select DB mysql_select_db("wickettowicket") or die(mysql_error()); // MySQL queries to find batsmen and bowlers $array_batsmen = mysql_query('SELECT id, name, ability, strength FROM wtw_players WHERE team_id = 1 ORDER BY id ASC'); $array_bowlers = mysql_query('SELECT id, name, ability, strength FROM wtw_players WHERE team_id = 2'); // Start table for data $data = '<table width="600px">'; // Create blank scorecard while ($array_bat = mysql_fetch_array($array_batsmen)) { $data .= '<tr><td>'.$array_bat['name'].'</td><td></td><td></td><td>0</td></tr>'; } // Set up arrays for players $current_batsman = $current_bowler = array(); // Reset query mysql_data_seek($array_batsmen,0); $in_one = $in_two = $it = ''; function currentBatsman($id, $name, $ability, $strength, $out, $in, $runs) { global $current_batsman; $current_batsman = array ( 'id' => $id, 'name' => $name, 'ability' => $ability, 'strength' => $strength, 'out' => $out, 'in' => $in, 'runs' => $runs ); echo 'set current'; } // Set up arrays of batsmen while ($array = mysql_fetch_array($array_batsmen)) { if ($it < 3 && $in_one == '') { currentBatsman($array['id'], $array['name'], $array['ability'], $array['strength'], 0, 1, 0); $batsmen[$array['id']] = array ( 'id' => $array['id'], 'name' => $array['name'], 'ability' => $array['ability'], 'strength' => $array['strength'], 'out' => 0, 'in' => 1, 'runs' => 0 ); $in_one = $array['id']; $current = $array['id']; $it++; } else if ($it < 3 && $in_two == '') { $batsmen[$array['id']] = array ( 'id' => $array['id'], 'name' => $array['name'], 'ability' => $array['ability'], 'strength' => $array['strength'], 'out' => 0, 'in' => 1, 'runs' => 0 ); $in_two = $array['id']; $it++; } else { $batsmen[$array['id']] = array ( 'id' => $array['id'], 'name' => $array['name'], 'ability' => $array['ability'], 'strength' => $array['strength'], 'out' => 0, 'in' => 0, 'runs' => 0 ); } } // Bowler Array while ($array = mysql_fetch_array($array_bowlers)) { $bowlers[] = array ( 'name' => $array['name'], 'ability' => $array['ability'], 'strength' => $array['strength'] ); } // Reset both queries mysql_data_seek($array_bowlers,0); mysql_data_seek($array_batsmen,0); function changeBatsman($just_out) { global $array_batsmen, $batsmen; //Update array $batsmen[$just_out] = array ( 'in' => 1, 'out' => 1 ); while ($array = mysql_fetch_array($array_batsmen)) { if ($just_out != $array['id'] && $batsmen[$array['id']]['out'] != 0) currentBatsman($array['id'], $array['name'], $array['ability'], $array['strength'], 0, 1, 0); } // Reset query mysql_data_seek($array_batsmen,0); echo 'change batsman'; } function swapBatsman($other_batsman) { global $array_batsmen, $batsman; while ($array = mysql_fetch_array($array_batsmen)) { if ($other_batsman != $array['id'] && $batsman[$array['id']]['out'] != 0 && $batsman[$array['id']]['in'] == 1) currentBatsman($array['id'], $array['name'], $array['ability'], $array['strength'], 0, 1, 0); } // Reset query mysql_data_seek($array_batsmen,0); echo 'swap batsman'; } $runs = $outs = $balls = $overs = 0; $played = array(); function selectBowler() { global $bowlers, $current_bowler; // Select random bowler $choose_bowler = array_rand($bowlers, 1); $current_bowler = array ( 'name' => $bowlers[$choose_bowler]['name'], 'ability' => $bowlers[$choose_bowler]['ability'], 'strength' => $bowlers[$choose_bowler]['strength'] ); } /* function selectBatsman(); { global $array_batsmen; while ($array_batsmen[]['out'] != 1) { }*/ function bowl() { global $batsmen, $bowlers, $current_bowler, $current_batsman, $data, $balls, $outs, $runs; if ($current_batsman['out'] == 0) { echo 'bowling'; // Set the initial number $number = rand(0, 190); // Ability of batsman if ($current_batsman['ability'] > 90) $number += 30; else if ($current_batsman['ability'] > 70) $number += 15; else if ($current_batsman['ability'] > 50) $number += 2; else $number = $number; // Strength of batsman if ($current_batsman['strength'] > 90) $number += 15; else if ($current_batsman['strength'] > 70) $number += 10; else if ($current_batsman['strength'] > 50) $number += 5; else $number = $number; // Depending on overs if ($balls > 270) $number += 30; else if ($balls > 120) $number -= 10; // Ability if ($current_bowler['ability'] > 90) $number -= 30; else if ($current_bowler['ability'] > 70) $number -= 15; else if ($current_bowler['ability'] > 50) $number -= 2; else $number = $number; // If batsman has made a huge total of runs, we need to knock some numbers off - more likely to get out if ($current_batsman['runs'] > 200) $number -= 70; else if ($current_batsman['runs'] > 100) $number -= 30; // Finally sort out runs if ($number > 190) $run = 6; else if ($number > 170) $run = 4; else if ($number > 160) $run = 3; else if ($number > 100) $run = 2; else if ($number > 50) $run = 1; else if ($number > 10) $run = 0; else if ($balls > 120 && $number > 0) $run = 0; else $run = -1; // Increase number of balls $balls += 1; // Are they out? if ($run == -1) { $current_batsman['out'] = 1; $played[] = $current_batsman['id']; $find = '<tr><td>'.$current_batsman['name'].'</td><td></td><td></td><td>0</td></tr>'; $replace = '<tr><td>'.$current_batsman['name'].'</td><td></td><td>'.$current_bowler['name'].'</td><td>'.$current_batsman['runs'].'</td></tr>'; $data = str_replace($find, $replace, $data); changeBatsman($current_batsman['id']); echo 'out'; } else { $current_batsman['runs'] += $run; $runs += $run; if ($run == 1 || $run == 3) { swapBatsman($current_batsman['id']); echo 'time to swap'; } echo $run; } // Count outs if ($current_batsman['out'] == 1) $outs += 1; } } function game() { global $main, $batsmen, $bowlers, $data, $batted, $balls, $outs, $current_batsman; // Check if possible while ($balls <= 295 && $outs < 10) { selectBowler(); // Actually bowl now bowl(); } } game(); echo $data; I teaching myself php, but I am coming from java and other compiled languages, so the process has been a little bumpy. I am trying to do something like this: Code: [Select] class my_class { function one () { $two = two (); $three = three (); $five = $two + $three; return $five; } function two () { $two = 2; return $two; } function three () { $three = 3; return $three; } } Unfortunately, I keep getting an error message saying that my call to two () is an undefined function. I am gathering from this that the scope of one () is not aware of the existence of two (). Is there a way to get around this so I can call two () and three () from one ()? Hello dear friends, let say we have text file (file.txt) i wanna php code that makes me able to write some text to this text file (file.txt) then save it as zipped file to be ( 1) I know how to write , will use this Code: [Select] <?php $File = "file.txt"; $Handle = fopen($File, 'w'); $Data = "Hello phpfreaks\n"; fwrite($Handle, $Data); $Data = "Hello World\n"; fwrite($Handle, $Data); print "Data Written"; fclose($Handle); ?> now the (file.text) will be saved with the following text Code: [Select] Hello phpfreaks Hello World Now the question which i do not know how to save it as zipped file not text file ? OR save it normally as text file (file.txt) then create zipped file of it ( thank you so much for help Code: [Select] if (file_exists("images/".$id."/img01.jpg")) { echo "<a href=\"/v1/images/".$id."/img01.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox\"><img src=\"/v1/images/".$id."/thumb01.jpg\" class=\"img\" border=\"0\" width=\"60\" height=\"60\"></a> "; } if (file_exists("images/".$id."/img02.jpg")) { echo "<a href=\"/v1/images/".$id."/img02.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox\"><img src=\"/v1/images/".$id."/thumb02.jpg\" class=\"img\" border=\"0\" width=\"60\" height=\"60\"></a> "; } if (file_exists("images/".$id."/img03.jpg")) { echo "<a href=\"/v1/images/".$id."/img03.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox\"><img src=\"/v1/images/".$id."/thumb03.jpg\" class=\"img\" border=\"0\" width=\"60\" height=\"60\"></a> "; } if (file_exists("images/".$id."/img04.jpg")) { echo "<a href=\"/v1/images/".$id."/img04.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox\"><img src=\"/v1/images/".$id."/thumb04.jpg\" class=\"img\" border=\"0\" width=\"60\" height=\"60\"></a> "; } if (file_exists("images/".$id."/img05.jpg")) { echo "<a href=\"/v1/images/".$id."/img05.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox\"><img src=\"/v1/images/".$id."/thumb05.jpg\" class=\"img\" border=\"0\" width=\"60\" height=\"60\"></a> "; } if (file_exists("images/".$id."/img06.jpg")) { echo "<a href=\"/v1/images/".$id."/img06.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox\"><img src=\"/v1/images/".$id."/thumb06.jpg\" class=\"img\" border=\"0\" width=\"60\" height=\"60\"></a> "; } if (file_exists("images/".$id."/img07.jpg")) { echo "<a href=\"/v1/images/".$id."/img07.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox\"><img src=\"/v1/images/".$id."/thumb07.jpg\" class=\"img\" border=\"0\" width=\"60\" height=\"60\"></a> "; } if (file_exists("images/".$id."/img08.jpg")) { echo "<a href=\"/v1/images/".$id."/img08.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox\"><img src=\"/v1/images/".$id."/thumb08.jpg\" class=\"img\" border=\"0\" width=\"60\" height=\"60\"></a> "; } if (file_exists("images/".$id."/img09.jpg")) { echo "<a href=\"/v1/images/".$id."/img09.jpg\" rel=\"lightbox\"><img src=\"/v1/images/".$id."/thumb09.jpg\" class=\"img\" border=\"0\" width=\"60\" height=\"60\"></a>"; } This code works but it just seems a bit tedious. I may also include up to 20 images to check if they exist. Better way to do this? hello how would i write, if $a has 1 or more of $b do something ? for example Code: [Select] if($a >1 $b){ do something }else{ do nothing } or >2 or >3 etc... thanks I want to create a xml-based rss which is readable by RSS readers Code: [Select] <?xml version="1.0"?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Title</title> <link></link> How I can write php strings from a php file into it as Code: [Select] <item> <title><? echo $title ?></title> <link><? echo $link ?></link> <description><? echo $description ?></description> <pubDate><? echo $date ?></pubDate> <guid><? echo $id?></guid> </item> Quesion: Show each movie in the database on its own page, and give the user links in a "page 1, Page 2, Page 3" - type navigation system. Hint: Use LIMIT to control which movie is on which page. I have provided 3 files: 1st: configure DB, 2nd: insert data, 3rd: my code for the question. I would appreciate the help. I am a noob by the way. First set up everything for DB: <?php //connect to MySQL $db = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '000') or die ('Unable to connect. Check your connection parameters.'); //create the main database if it doesn't already exist $query = 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS moviesite'; mysql_query($query, $db) or die(mysql_error($db)); //make sure our recently created database is the active one mysql_select_db('moviesite', $db) or die(mysql_error($db)); //create the movie table $query = 'CREATE TABLE movie ( movie_id INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, movie_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, movie_type TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, movie_year SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, movie_leadactor INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, movie_director INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (movie_id), KEY movie_type (movie_type, movie_year) ) ENGINE=MyISAM'; mysql_query($query, $db) or die (mysql_error($db)); //create the movietype table $query = 'CREATE TABLE movietype ( movietype_id TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, movietype_label VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (movietype_id) ) ENGINE=MyISAM'; mysql_query($query, $db) or die(mysql_error($db)); //create the people table $query = 'CREATE TABLE people ( people_id INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, people_fullname VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, people_isactor TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, people_isdirector TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (people_id) ) ENGINE=MyISAM'; mysql_query($query, $db) or die(mysql_error($db)); echo 'Movie database successfully created!'; ?> ******************************************************************** *********************************************************************** second file to load info into DB: <?php // connect to MySQL $db = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '000') or die ('Unable to connect. Check your connection parameters.'); //make sure you're using the correct database mysql_select_db('moviesite', $db) or die(mysql_error($db)); // insert data into the movie table $query = 'INSERT INTO movie (movie_id, movie_name, movie_type, movie_year, movie_leadactor, movie_director) VALUES (1, "Bruce Almighty", 5, 2003, 1, 2), (2, "Office Space", 5, 1999, 5, 6), (3, "Grand Canyon", 2, 1991, 4, 3)'; mysql_query($query, $db) or die(mysql_error($db)); // insert data into the movietype table $query = 'INSERT INTO movietype (movietype_id, movietype_label) VALUES (1,"Sci Fi"), (2, "Drama"), (3, "Adventure"), (4, "War"), (5, "Comedy"), (6, "Horror"), (7, "Action"), (8, "Kids")'; mysql_query($query, $db) or die(mysql_error($db)); // insert data into the people table $query = 'INSERT INTO people (people_id, people_fullname, people_isactor, people_isdirector) VALUES (1, "Jim Carrey", 1, 0), (2, "Tom Shadyac", 0, 1), (3, "Lawrence Kasdan", 0, 1), (4, "Kevin Kline", 1, 0), (5, "Ron Livingston", 1, 0), (6, "Mike Judge", 0, 1)'; mysql_query($query, $db) or die(mysql_error($db)); echo 'Data inserted successfully!'; ?> ************************************************************** **************************************************************** MY CODE FOR THE QUESTION: <?php $db = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '000') or die ('Unable to connect. Check your connection parameters.'); mysql_select_db('moviesite', $db) or die(mysql_error($db)); //get our starting point for the query from the URL if (isset($_GET['offset'])) { $offset = $_GET['offset']; } else { $offset = 0; } //get the movie $query = 'SELECT movie_name, movie_year FROM movie ORDER BY movie_name LIMIT ' . $offset . ' , 1'; $result = mysql_query($query, $db) or die(mysql_error($db)); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); ?> <html> <head> <title><?php echo $row['movie_name']; ?></title> </head> <body> <table border = "1"> <tr> <th>Movie Name</th> <th>Year</th> </tr><tr> <td><?php echo $row['movie_name']; ?></td> <td><?php echo $row['movie_year']; ?></td> </tr> </table> <p> <a href="page.php?offset=0">Page 1</a>, <a href="page.php?offset=1">Page 2</a>, <a href="page.php?offset=2">Page 3</a> </p> </body> </html> Hi,
sorry if there already is a topic regarding my question.. I probably didn't find the right words to describe it properly.. would appreciate a link if anybody knows
I'm making a search form for an archive and my problem is that the labeling says e.g. "1400-3500 A-C".. Now i don't want to make thousands of entrys for 1 file.. How do i find that one file while searching for a number in between, like "1420" or "B"?
Thanks in advance!
Greetings localhobo
Edited by localhobo, 13 October 2014 - 01:28 PM. Hi, I have a form on my homepage which on submit sends the data to my email. I need to know if it it possible to include in the form a read only field containing the refererid in the URL (for instance, if someone were to have visited my homepage by entering;, could I capture that 7777 in one of the form fields so that when the form is submitted I recieve the refererid?) Thanks, any help appreciated... |