PHP - How To Add Footer In Existing Pdf File
Hi all,
I have PDF file online i want to edit dynamic footer and page no. at the end of page. Can anyone help me ? thanks in Advance. Manoj Similar TutorialsI was wondering how I would go about doing a sorting of a new element being added on the page. This element would have to be alphabetically sorted into the existing elements onto the page. For example: I am making a file manager, so when a user creates a new file, it would be sorted into the already existing files and displayed in the spot that it should.
All necessary details would be provided by PHP, so I would only need help with the JavaScript part.
Honestly, I have no clue how I would get around to doing that. I was thinking earlier that it would involve looping through each class of file_name and getting the text() value. Then add all of the values into an array and sorting it somehow. Then it would be getting the <tr> of which file_name is before it, and then append under it somehow.
I'm not asking for any free code, but I was wondering which (JavaScript/JQuery) functions I would be looking for. I was also wondering if the idea I had would be beneficial or not, or if there were any other ways. Here is how the files are displayed as is:
<?php // There may be undefined variables, this is only part of it $return = '<table id="manager" class="table table-bordered"> <thead> <tr class="table_header"> <th><input id="select" type="checkbox"></th> <th>Name</th> <th>Size</th> <th>Last Modified</th> <th>Type</th> <th>Permissions</th> <th></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>'; $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; // Scan the directory and remove the paths from the result $files = array_diff(scandir($path), array(".", "..")); // Get the number of files in the directory $num_files = count($files); // If there are no files in the directory, return the empty directory variable we defined earlier if($num_files == 0) return $empty_dir; $directory_array = array(); $file_array = array(); foreach($files as $file) { // Set the path correctly $file_path = $path."/".$file; // If the item is a directory if(is_dir($file_path)) $directory_array[] = $file; // The item is a file else $file_array[] = $file; } // Sort each of the arrays alphabetically sort($directory_array); sort($file_array); // Merge the directories and files into one array - directories shown first $files = array_merge($directory_array, $file_array); // Loop through the items foreach($files as $file) { $file_name = $file; // Set the path correctly $file = $path."/".$file; // Get the information for the file if(is_dir($file)) $file_size = "--"; else $file_size = @filesize($file); if($file_size === false) { $checkbox = '<input id="files_check" type="checkbox" name="files[]" value="'.htmlentities($file_name).'">'; $file_name = htmlentities($file_name). " - <b>Fatal Error Reading</b>"; $file_size = "--"; $last_modified = "--"; $type = "--"; $permissions = "--"; $actions = "--"; } else { $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); $checkbox = '<input id="files_check" type="checkbox" name="files[]" value="'.htmlentities($file_name).'">'; if(is_dir($file)) { $file_name = '<i class="icon-folder-open"></i> <a href="manager.php?path='.htmlentities($file_name).'/">'.htmlentities($file_name).'</a>'; } else { $file_name = '<i class="icon-file"></i> <a href="manager/view_contents.php?file=/'.htmlentities($file_name).'&token='.htmlentities($_SESSION['secure_token']).'">'.htmlentities($file_name).'</a>'; } $file_size = htmlentities(get_appropriate_size($file_size)); $last_modified = htmlentities(get_appropriate_date(filemtime($file))); $type = htmlentities(finfo_file($finfo, $file)); $permissions = htmlentities(substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($file)), -4)); $actions = '<i class="actions"></i>'; } $return .= "<tr> <td>{$checkbox}</td> <td class='file_name'>{$file_name}</td> <td>{$file_size}</td> <td>{$last_modified}</td> <td>{$type}</td> <td class='permissions'>{$permissions}</td> <td class='action'>{$actions}</td> </tr>"; } $return .= '</tbody> </table>'; return $return; ?> Hello I already know this is possible with php <?php $file = 'monkey.gif'; if (file_exists($file)) { header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.basename($file)); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file)); ob_clean(); flush(); readfile($file); exit; } ?> But I am wondering is it possible to just send over a string of data stored in like $data and create a file clientside (nothing server side). So i'm guessing readfile() has to be replaced with something I'm using a php video web script which includes this buy_video.php file, which calculates the video uploader's earned amount, and insert's that amount in the 'u_paid_videos' table column named 'earned_amount', which appears in this file on line 73: <?php ob_start(); if (IS_LOGGED == false) { $data = array('status' => 400, 'error' => 'Not logged in'); echo json_encode($data); exit(); } if (!empty($_POST['id'])) { if (!is_array($_POST['id'])) { $id_array[] = $_POST['id']; } else { $id_array = $_POST['id']; } // get cost video // get the default video price, to use if there is no per video play price $db->where('name', 'video_play_price'); $db_cost = $db->getOne('config'); $video_cost = (float)$db_cost->value; // the number of submitted videos - used to determine if all records were inserted $count_video = count($id_array); $user_id = $user->id; $wallet = (float)str_replace(',', '', $user->wallet); $balance = (float)str_replace(',', '', $user->balance); // add up the video prices $amount = 0; foreach ($id_array as $id) { $video_id = (int)PT_Secure($id); // get video data $video = $db->where('id', $id)->getOne(T_VIDEOS); // add the video play price if any, or the default price $amount += $video->video_play_price?$video->video_play_price:$video_cost; } // determine if the user has enough credits if( ($wallet >= $amount) OR ($balance + $wallet >= $amount) ) { //if( ($wallet >= $amount) OR ($balance >= $amount) ) { $db->startTransaction(); $inserted_records = 0; foreach ($id_array as $id){ $video_id = (int)PT_Secure($id); // get video data $video = $db->where('id', $id)->getOne(T_VIDEOS); // use the video play price if any, or the default price $video_cost_new = $video->video_play_price?$video->video_play_price:$video_cost; // credit the user 50% of the video cost $uploader_amount = $video_cost_new *0.50; // add data to paid table $insert_buy = $db->insert('u_paid_videos', [ 'id_user' => $user_id, 'id_video' => $video_id, 'session_key' => $_SESSION['session_key'], 'video_play_price' => (string)$video_cost, // the cost at the time of purchase // this is the default video cost not the $video_cost_new 'video_title' => $video->title, // storing the title 'user_id_uploaded' => $video->user_id, // the user who uploaded the video 'earned_amount' => $uploader_amount, ]); // count successful inserted records if ($insert_buy) { $inserted_records++; } //update the 'balance' of the user who uploaded the video // get the user's record $userwallet = $db->where('id', $video->user_id)->getOne(T_USERS); // add to the balance $videouserwallet = $userwallet->balance+$uploader_amount; // update the record $db->where('id', $video->user_id); $update_balance = $db->update(T_USERS, [ 'balance' => number_format($videouserwallet, 1, '.', ''), ]); } $update_wallet = null; $update_user_balance = null; ETC ..................................................... Ultimately, I’m trying to integrate the buy_video.php file’s ‘$earned_amount’ into a web script’s existing transaction file. Here are a couple of lines from that transaction file: $this_day_video_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT SUM(amount - admin_com) AS sum FROM ".T_VIDEOS_TRSNS." c WHERE `time` >= ".$day_start." AND `time` <= ".$day_end." AND user_id = ".$pt->user->id); $today_earn = $this_day_ads_earn[0]->sum + $this_day_video_earn[0]->sum ; and $trans = $db->where('user_id',$user->id)->orderBy('id','DESC')->get(T_VIDEOS_TRSNS); That may not be enough info, but I’d like assistance changing those lines to: $this_day_video_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT SUM(earned_amount) AS sum FROM “.T_VIDEOS.” c WHERE time >= “.$day_start.” AND time <= “.$day_end.” AND user_id = ".$pt->user->id); $trans = $db->where('user_id',$user->id)->orderBy('id','DESC')->get(T_VIDEOS);
I tried those changes without success.
Edited March 15, 2019 by Chrisj Im not much of a coder, and I obviously did this wrong since it is not working. Im trying to bring a new field value in to an existing php file. I created a new table, and an admin page to control that field. I cant, however, figure out how to use that value in a different php file. Actually, there are 2 files. Each using a different field from that new table. I will post what my current code is below with the additions I tried to add. I bolded the lines that contain the tags Im trying to use. Any and help you can give in fixing this to make it work is greatly appreciated. Code: [Select] <?php # INCLUDE ALL NECESSARY FILES. include_once("Constants.php"); include_once("Database.php"); include_once("SiteSetting.php"); [b]$query = "SELECT arcade_multiplier FROM tbl_point_rewards"; mysql_query($query) or die("Invalid query". mysql_error() ); $result = mysql_fetch_array($result); $arcade_multiplier = $result["arcade_multiplier"];[/b] $dbObj = new database(); # SAVE ARCADE GAME POINTS INTO THE DATABASE function saveGamePoints( $game_id, $user_id, $game_score, $calculate_score_flag, $play_date ){ global $dbObj; $user_max_plays = getUserMaxPlaysLimit( $user_id, $game_id ); //$_SESSION["arcade_game"]["save_score"] = ($user_max_plays < $_SESSION["arcade_game"]["max_plays"]) ? "yes" : "no" ; if($user_max_plays < $_SESSION["arcade_game"][$_SESSION["url_gameid"]]["max_plays"]){ $total_points = calculatePointRatio($game_id, $game_score); //$total_points = $game_score; $x_gameid = md5($game_id); if($_SESSION["arcade_game"][$x_gameid]["play_time"] > 0){ $playTime['start'] = $_SESSION["arcade_game"][$x_gameid]["play_time"]; $playTime['end'] = time(); $playTime = ($playTime['end'] - $playTime['start']); } else { $playTime = 0; } # update total points into main score [b] $update_sql = "update tbl_users set points_gained = (points_gained+(".ceil($total_points)." * $arcade_multiplier)) where usrid={$user_id}";[/b] $rs = mysql_query($update_sql) or die("Invalid query: {$update_sql} - ". mysql_error()); $table = "tbl_arcade_game_score"; $fields = array("game_id", "user_id", "game_score", "calculate_score_flag", "play_date", "game_time"); $values = array($game_id, $user_id, $game_score, $calculate_score_flag, $play_date, $playTime); // return $dbObj->cgi( $table, $fields, $values, 1 ); $insertid = $dbObj->cgi( $table, $fields, $values, "" ); $ceiling_point = getCeiling($game_id); if($game_score >= $ceiling_point) { $chk_authourity = isAlreadyTrophyOwner($user_id, $game_id); //if($chk_authority < 1) if($chk_authourity < 1) { # store award details into the database (tbl_trophy_award) //$trophy_id = getTrophy( $game_id ); $trophy = getTrophyDetails($game_id); $trophy_id = $trophy['ctoon_id']; $tbl_fields = array('userid', 'game_id', 'award_date', 'trophy' ); $tbl_values = array($user_id, $game_id, $play_date, $trophy_id ); $insert_tbl_trophy_award_id = $dbObj->cgi('tbl_trophy_award', $tbl_fields, $tbl_values , "" ); # award trophy to user (tbl_users_ctoons) $table = "tbl_users_ctoons"; $fl = array("usrid", "ctoon_id", "del_status", "ctoons_auction", "auction_id", "location", "batpts"); $vl = array($user_id, $trophy_id, '0', '', 0, 1, 0); $dbObj->cgi($table, $fl, $vl , "" ); # send a pm to the user about the trophy include_once("send_pm_message.php"); $game = getGameDetails($game_id); $msgSub = "Grats! You just got a trophy!"; $message = "Grats! You got the ".$trophy["toon_name"]." trophy for the ".$game["game_name"]." game!<br> <img src=\"{$game['path']}\">"; //echo $message; //echo "<br><hr><br>"; sendMessage($user_id, 0, 0, $msgSub, $message, 1); sendMessage(2034, $user_id, 0, $msgSub, $message, 1); } } return $insertid; } }//end function function getCeiling($game_id) { $sql = "SELECT ceiling FROM tbl_game WHERE game_id = '".$game_id."'"; $rs = mysql_query($sql); $result = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs); return $result['ceiling']; } function isAlreadyTrophyOwner($user_id, $game_id) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_trophy_award WHERE game_id = {$game_id} and userid = {$user_id}"; $rs = mysql_query($sql); $num_rows = 0; $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($rs); if($num_rows > 0) { return $num_rows; } else { return $num_rows; } } # calculate game ratio function calculatePointRatio($game_id, $game_score){ //return $game_score; $sql = "select gs.* from arcade_game_setting as gs where gs.game_id={$game_id}"; $rs = mysql_query($sql) or die( "Invalid query". mysql_error() ); if($rs){ $row = mysql_fetch_array($rs); switch($row["calculation_type"]){ case "divide": $x_score = round($game_score / $row["r_no"]); break; case "multiply": $x_score = round($game_score * $row["r_no"]); break; default : $x_score = ceil($game_score); break; }//switch $row["r_no"]; if($row["game_cap"] > 0){ if($x_score > $row["game_cap"]){ $x_score = $row["game_cap"]; } } return $x_score; }//if }// end function # get user total plays function getUserMaxPlaysLimit($user_id, $game_id){ global $d_start_time, $d_end_time; $sql = "select * from tbl_arcade_game_score where user_id={$user_id} and game_id={$game_id} and play_date between {$d_start_time} and {$d_end_time}"; $rs = mysql_query($sql) or die("Invalid query :". mysql_error() ); if($rs){ return mysql_num_rows($rs); }//if } # get game details function getGameDetails($game_id){ $sql = "select g.game_id, g.game_name, g.award_ctoonid, c.toon_name, c.toon_cat, c.toon_subcat, c.toon_small_img from tbl_game as g, tbl_ctoon as c where g.game_id = {$game_id} and g.award_ctoonid=c.ctoon_id"; $rs = mysql_query($sql); if($rs){ $row = mysql_fetch_array($rs); if($row['toon_cat']!="" && $row['toon_subcat']!=0) $tpth="imgtoon/".$row['toon_cat']."/".$row['toon_subcat']."/thumb"; elseif($row['toon_cat']!="" && $row['toon_subcat']==0) $tpth="imgtoon/".$row['toon_cat']."/thumb"; $game["game_name"] = $row["game_name"]; $game["award_ctoon_id"] = $row["award_ctoonid"]; $game["toon_name"] = $row["toon_name"]; $game["path"] = SITEROOT ."/" . $tpth ."/" . $row["toon_small_img"]; return $game; } else { return false; } } # send pm message to winner function sendPMToWinner($user_id, $game_id, $game_score){ include_once("send_pm_message.php"); $g = $game_id; //$point_prize = calculatePointRatio($game_id, $game_score); $point_prize = $game_score; $game = getGameDetails($game_id); //# select ctoon //$sql = "select award_ctoonid from tbl_game where game_id=".$g; //$rsctoon = mysql_query($sql) or die("Invalid query: {$sql} - ". mysql_error()); //$row_ctoon = mysql_fetch_array($rsctoon); //$ctoon_id = $row_ctoon["award_ctoonid"]; //# award ctoon //$insert_user_ctoon = "insert into tbl_users_ctoons (usrid, ctoon_id, del_status, ctoons_auction, auction_id, location, batpts) //values('{$user_id}', '{$ctoon_id}', '0', '', '', '1', '0')"; //mysql_query($insert_user_ctoon) or die("Invalid insert query:".mysql_error() ); //# update points $update_points_sql = "update tbl_users set points_gained = (points_gained+1500) where usrid={$user_id}"; mysql_query($update_points_sql) or die("Invalid updates points query". mysql_error() ); $dbObj = new database(); $msgSub = "Grats! You got a Top Score for ".$game["game_name"]." !"; $message = "Grats! You had one of the Top 10 scores in the ".$game["game_name"]." game last month, and got a 1500 point bonus!<br>"; //<img src=\"{$game['path']}\">"; // echo $message; // echo "<br><hr><br>"; sendMessage($user_id, 0, 0, $msgSub, $message, 1); } /** * function getTrophy( $game_id ) * @param $game_id */ function getTrophy( $game_id ){ $sql = "select award_ctoonid from tbl_game where game_id=".$game_id; $rs = mysql_query( $sql ) or die( mysql_error() ); if( $rs ){ $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ); } return $row["award_ctoonid"]; } // Updated function from above // Will get more information about the trophy function getTrophyDetails($game_id) { $sql = "select b.ctoon_id,b.toon_name,b.toon_small_img from tbl_game as a,tbl_ctoon as b where a.game_id = '$game_id' and b.ctoon_id = a.award_ctoonid LIMIT 1"; $rs = mysql_query( $sql ) or die( mysql_error() ); if( $rs ){ $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ); } return $row; } ?> Code: [Select] <?php include_once("Constants.php"); include_once("Database.php"); include_once("SiteSetting.php"); /**************************************************/ # SAVE DONETION IN DATABASE # @param $uid # @param $donation_amt /**************************************************/ function saveDonetion($uid, $donation_amt, $transaction_id, $subscr_id='', $type){ if($transaction_id != "") { $flag = checkExist($uid); if($flag > 0){ updateDonetion($uid, $donation_amt, $transaction_id, $subscr_id='', $type); }else{ addDonetion($uid, $donation_amt, $transaction_id, $subscr_id='', $type); } } } /**************************************************/ /**************************************************/ # CHECK IS RECORD EXITS IN DONETION TABLE # @param $uid /**************************************************/ function checkExist($uid){ $dbObj = new database(); $sql = "select user_id from tbl_donation where user_id={$uid}"; $dbObj->myquery($sql); if($dbObj->row_count > 0){ return $dbObj->f_user_id; }else{ return 0; } } /**************************************************/ /**************************************************/ # INSERT DONETION RECORD IN tbl_donation # @param $uid # @param $donation_amt /**************************************************/ [b]$query = "SELECT arcade_multiplier FROM tbl_point_rewards"; mysql_query($query) or die("Invalid query". mysql_error() ); $result = mysql_fetch_array($result); $arcade_multiplier = $result["arcade_multiplier"];[/b] function addDonetion($uid, $donation_amt, $transaction_id, $subscr_id='', $type){ $dbObj = new database(); $months = floor($donation_amt / 5); $exp_time = mktime(date("H"),date("i"),date("s"),date("m") + $months,date("d"),date("Y")); $fields = array("transaction_id", "subscr_id", "user_id", "donation_amt", "donation_date", "exp_date", "donation_type", "transaction_details"); $values = array($transaction_id, $subscr_id, $uid, $donation_amt, time(), $exp_time, $type, serialize($_SESSION["recurring_td"])); # update points [b]$update_points_sql = "update tbl_users set points_gained = (points_gained+(($donation_amt / 5) * $donation_pts)) where usrid={$uid}";/[b] mysql_query($update_points_sql) or die("Invalid updates points query". mysql_error() ); if($donation_amt < 5){ // The user donated less than $5 }else{ upgradeAccount($uid); } return $dbObj->cgi("tbl_donation", $fields, $values, false); } /**************************************************/ /**************************************************/ # UPDATE EXISTING DONETION RECORD # @param $uid # @param $donation_amt /**************************************************/ function updateDonetion($uid, $donation_amt, $transaction_id, $subscr_id='', $type){ if(strlen($subscr_id) > 0){ $cd = " AND subscr_id='".$subscr_id."'"; } $sql_select = "select exp_date, donation_amt from tbl_donation where user_id=".$uid; //$sql_select = "select exp_date, donation_amt from tbl_donation where user_id=".$uid." and donation_type like '%recurring%'"; $rs_select = mysql_query($sql_select) or die("Invalid query".mysql_error()); if($rs_select){ $row = mysql_fetch_array($rs_select); $expdt = $row["exp_date"]; $damt = ($row["donation_amt"] + $donation_amt); $months = floor($donation_amt / 5); $exp_time = mktime(23, 59, 59, date("m",$row["exp_date"]) + $months, date("d", $row["exp_date"]), date("Y", $row["exp_date"])); } $dbObj = new database(); $sql = "update tbl_donation set transaction_id='".$transaction_id."', donation_amt=(donation_amt + {$donation_amt}), donation_date = ".time().", exp_date=".$exp_time.", donation_type='".$type."', transaction_details='".serialize($_SESSION["recurring_td"])."' where user_id={$uid}"; # update points [b]$update_points_sql = "update tbl_users set points_gained = (points_gained+(($donation_amt / 5) * $donation_pts)) where usrid={$uid}";[/b] mysql_query($update_points_sql) or die("Invalid updates points query". mysql_error() ); $dbObj->myquery($sql, 1); if($donation_amt < 5){ // The user donated less than $5 }else{ upgradeAccount($uid); } } /**************************************************/ /**************************************************/ # UPDATE EXISTING RECURRING DONETION RECORD # @param $uid # @param $donation_amt /**************************************************/ function updateRecurringDonetion($subscr_id, $transaction_amt){ $sql_subscr = "select donation_id, transaction_id, user_id from tbl_donation where subscr_id = '".$subscr_id."'"; $rs_subscr = mysql_query($sql_subscr) or die("Invalid query".mysql_error()); if(strlen($rs_subscr) > 0){ $row_subscr = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_subscr); $uid = $row_subscr["user_id"]; $donation_amt = $transaction_amt; $transaction_id = $row_subscr["transaction_id"]; $subscr_id = $subscr_id; $type = "Recurring"; updateDonetion($uid, $donation_amt, $transaction_id, $subscr_id='', $type); } } /**************************************************/ /**************************************************/ # UPDATE USER STATUS FROM STANDERED TO PREMIUM # @param $uid /**************************************************/ function upgradeAccount($uid){ $dbObj = new database(); $sql = "UPDATE tbl_users SET acc_type = 'P' WHERE usrid={$uid} LIMIT 1 "; # update points $update_points_sql = "update tbl_users set points_gained = (points_gained+0) where usrid={$uid}"; mysql_query($update_points_sql) or die("Invalid updates points query". mysql_error() ); $dbObj->myquery($sql, 1); }//function upgradeDonation($uid) ?> Hi All, I am a newbie to php and I have this issue. I would appreciate if anyone can help out. I tried a few things but was not able to come up with a solution. From reading few codes and learning from it, I created this function in query.php and am calling this function in uk.php file, but the problem is that it loads and shows the data in table, but then it stops loading page from there on and the footer which is in html code after the place where I am calling this function does not load. I tried removing return false; command, but with that it loads the footer, but it shows the table after the footer. I want the table with data to show in between header and footer. Can you guys let me know what I need to do to achieve that? File Name: query.php
function uk() { $output = ''; $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM lecture where groups='uk'"); if(mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { $output .= '<div id="style2" style="overflow-x:auto;"> <table> <tr> <th class="text-center">Date</th> <th class="text-center">Title</th> <th class="text-center">Venue</th> <th class="text-center">Duration</th> <th class="text-center">Size (MB)</th> <th class="text-center">Link</th> </tr>'; while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $output .= ' <tr> <td>'.$row["mydate"].'</td> <td>'.$row["title"].'</td> <td>'.$row["venue"].'</td> <td>'.$row["duration"].'</td> <td>'.$row["size"].'</td> <td><a href="../'.$row["path"].$row["file_name"].'">Save</a></td> </tr> '; } echo $output; } else { echo 'Data Not Found'; } }
File Name: uk.php
Header html code here Some body text <?php include '../includes/query.php'; uk(); return false; ?> Footer html code here
I spent some time "Googling" today but all I found was how to create PDFs on the fly. What I wonder is if it is possible to print text on an existing PDF. And if so, could I get some pointer where to obtain this knowledge? Simply put. I have a PDF form that is not yet filled out. I would like to be able to look up an address and other information in a database, and use that information to print on the existing PDF file. Any help is much appreciated. Can anyone help me please, I am trying to place a PHP calendar into an existing DIV tag that used to hold a flash slideshow application, but we want to replace that with a calendar. Here is my code: Code: [Select] echo '<div class="grid_9"> <div class="box"> <h2>'.$titleone.'</h2> <div class="block">'; if (!defined('BLOCK_FILE')) { Header('Location: ../index.php'); die(); } $modName = 'GCalendar'; $blockConfig = array('maxTitle' => 21, 'eventPrefix' => '• ', 'maxEvents' => 10, 'lookahead' => 2, 'twoColumn' => false, 'excludeCats' => array(), 'force_center' => false, ); require_once 'modules/' . $modName . '/language.php'; gcalGetLang($modName); require_once 'modules/' . $modName . '/'; require_once 'modules/' . $modName . '/'; require_once 'modules/' . $modName . '/getMonthlyEvents.php'; require_once 'modules/' . $modName . '/gcalBlock.php'; $config = getConfig(); list($year, $month, $today) = explode(',', date('Y,n,j')); $block = new GCalBlock($year, $month, $today, $config, $blockConfig); $content = $block->calendar(); $content .= '<br />'; $content .= $block->upcomingEvents(); echo '</div> </div> </div>'; When I try this above, I just get an 'Too many page loads' error, so I'm not sure what I've done wrong. Any help appreciated. Regards, Tree Is there a way to instantiate a PDO object using an already existing database connection? Or does PDO detect an already opened connection and use it? The existing connection is a persistant connection. Okay so I have a time in the format yyyy-mm-dd that is pulled from a MySQL array row and I need to add one month to it then echo that out. I assume it has something to do with the strtotime() and date() functions but I have tried every combination and cannot figure it out. Can I get some assistance please and thank you? Very very very new to php. Here is what I have lol; Code: [Select] $row=mysql_fetch_array($result); $ddaterow=$row['donation_date']; Like I said the date will always be in the format yyyy-mm-dd I would like to support UTF-8 on my website but am unsure - and quite fearful - whether it will break my existing code or not?! I looked at, but worry that I'm going to miss something. Here is some sample code where I think things could easily break... // Trim all Form data. $trimmed = array_map('trim', $_POST); // ************************ // Validate Form Data. * // ************************ // Validate First Name. if (empty($trimmed['firstName'])){ // No First Name. $errors['firstName'] = 'Enter your First Name.'; }else{ // First Name Exists. if (preg_match('#^[A-Z \'.-]{2,30}$#i', $trimmed['firstName'])){ // Valid First Name. $firstName = $trimmed['firstName']; }else{ // Invalid First Name. $errors['firstName'] = 'First Name must be 2-30 characters (A-Z \' . -)'; } }//End of VALIDATE FIRST NAME // Validate Username. if (empty($trimmed['username'])){ // No Username. $errors['username'] = 'Enter your Username.'; }else{ // Username Exists. if (preg_match('~(?x) # Comments Mode ^ # Beginning of String Anchor (?=.{8,30}$) # Ensure Length is 8-30 Characters .* # Match Anything $ # End of String Anchor ~i', $trimmed['username'])){ // Valid Username. // ****************************** // Check Username Availability. * // ****************************** // Build query. $q1 = 'SELECT id FROM member WHERE username=?'; // Prepare statement. $stmt1 = mysqli_prepare($dbc, $q1); // Bind variable to query. mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt1, 's', $trimmed['username']); // Execute query. mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt1); // Store results. mysqli_stmt_store_result($stmt1); // Check # of Records Returned. if (mysqli_stmt_num_rows($stmt1)>0){ // Duplicate Username. $errors['username'] = 'This Username is taken. Try again.'; }else{ // Unique Username. $username = $trimmed['username']; } }else{ // Invalid Username. $errors['username'] = 'Username must be 8-30 characters.'; } }//End of VALIDATE USERNAME Three possible areas where I could run into trouble are with... 1.) array_map 2.) preg_match 3.) Prepared Statements For #2, I see there is mb_ereg_match but I am not sure if I just replace my current Regex function with that one, or if there is more involved. I'm not sure if any problems would arise with #1 or #3 or elsewhere, and would really appreciate a second set of eyes on this code!! requinix said switching is a good idea, but I'm pretty freaked out that I'm going to break things and create a big security hole?! Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks, Debbie Hi guys, using the code below within an admin panel to create a drop down allowing the user to select the profiles they wish to assign to the record they're creating, problem we have is that once a record is created, if they need to edit it for what ever reason the selected profile option isn't sticking. I've played around with lots of variants of if existing_record to try and get it add selected="selected" into the code but failed at every attempt, any advice gratefully received. Code: [Select] <?php // List only breeder profiles in the database echo '<select name="profile" class="textinput noborder">'; echo '<option value="any">Any</option>'; $qryGetDistinctProfile = "SELECT * FROM profiles ORDER BY title ASC"; $resGetDistinctProfile = mysql_query($qryGetDistinctProfile,$connection) or die(mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($resGetDistinctProfile) > 0){ $id = mysql_result($resProfile, 0, "id"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($resGetDistinctProfile)){ echo '<option value="'.$row['id'].'" >'.$row['title'].'</option>'; } } echo '</select>'; ?> <?php if(!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } // UNCOMMENT NEXT LINE TO PRINT THE $_SESSION ARRAY TO THE SCREEN . . . // echo '<pre>'; print_r($_SESSION); echo '</PRE>'; if(empty($_SESSION['userID']) || $_SESSION['authorized'] != true ) { header("Location: login.php"); exit; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html lang="EN" dir="ltr" xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/xml; charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;url=editprofile.php"> <title>Saving Profile</title> </head> <body> <?php require_once ("dbconn.php"); ?> <?php $userID = $_SESSION['userID']; $insert_query = 'insert into users WHERE userID='$userID'( aim, msn, yim, psnID, xblGamertag, otherContact ) values ( "' . $_POST['aim'] . '", "' . $_POST['msn'] . '", "' . $_POST['yim'] . '", "' . $_POST['psnID'] . '", "' . $_POST['xblGamertag'] . '", "' . $_POST['otherContact'] . '" )'; mysql_query($insert_query); ?> Your profile has been saved! You will now be redirected from where you came from. <br /><a href="editprofile.php" title="Click here if you don't want to wait">Click here if you don't want to wait.</a> </body> </html> It creates a new record but I want it to update an existing one. It's an editprofile script. Hey, I have just started using cookies and have got the basic idea of creating and accessing the simple cookies but now I am wanting to be able to check if a cookie already exists on the users computer before overwriting the current one. Code: [Select] <?php if(!isset($_COOKIE['testCookie'])){ setcookie("TestCookie", "username", time() + (24 * 60) ) } ?> <html>....</html> At the moment my page just doesn't get past this piece of code any ideas? Cheers index.php <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en" > <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-language" content="en" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/reset.css" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/960.css" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/custom.css" /> <title>BAY AREA REMOTE CONTROL SOCIETY</title> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper" class="container_12"> <div id="header" class="grid_12"> <div id="left-header" class="grid_5 alpha"></div> <div id="newsflash" class="grid_7 omega"><?php include('content/newsflash.php'); ?></div> </div> <div id="leftmenu" class="grid_3"><?php include('content/menu.php'); ?></div> <div id="maincontent" class="grid_9"><?php include('content/maincontent.php'); ?></div> <div id ="footer" class="grid_12"><?php include('content/footer.php'); ?></div> </div><!-- end wrapper --> </body> </html> menu.php <?php ?> <div class="content"> <ul id="menu"> <li><a href="index.php?page=testpage"><span>Home</span></a></li> <li><a href="index.php?page=about"><span>About us</span></a></li> <li><a href="index.php?page=schedule"><span>Schedule</span></a></li> <li><a href="index.php?page=media"><span>Media</span></a></li> <li><a href="index.php?page=products"><span>Products</span></a></li> <li><a href="index.php?page=misc"><span>Miscellaneous</span></a></li> </ul> </div> When I click HOME on the Menu program it works fine but it does not clear the content of maincontent.php. How do I do that? Hi I'm currently experiencing a problem with my query. I've used the `INSERT IGNORE` option in my query and it works pretty well not to add duplicates, but the problem is that if my unique field match it doesn't update any other info in the row, is there maybe another option to update a row if an existing field exists but insert new row if it doesn't exists?
my current query is as follow
$query = mysqli_query($con,"INSERT IGNORE INTO mxit (ip,time,user_agent,contact,userid,id,login,nick,location,profile) VALUES ('$ip','$post_time','$mxitua','$mxitcont','$mxituid','$mxitid','$mxitlogin','$mxitnick','$mxitloc','$mxitprof')") or die(mysqli_error($con)); My root directory (in the actual file system) has several subdirectories, one of which is a "main" site, while the others are individual user sites. Every subdirectory has their own .htaccess file, but it's the root .htaccess file that is the topic. I have tried to create rewrite rules myself, but I can't get the rewrite conditions to properly check for the folder existing.
So this is the root of my web server. When I go to I see the directory listing above. I want to point to "/main/" instead of "/". Not only that, but I want everything not specifically pointing to any user dubdirectory to rewrite to /main/.
These should not rewrite to /main/, because these directories exists in root*:
* The files may not exist in those positions, as /homer/, /marge/, /bart/, /lisa/ and /maggie/ all has a .htaccess file with their own rewrite rules.
These should rewrite to /main/:
Edited by Berre, 07 January 2015 - 12:17 PM. Hello All! I was hoping one of you phpFreaks could help me out I have the following code that produces links from a database. Certain sets of results have over 3000 links. I can currently set the amount of links to display per page but that's it. I would like to be able to truncate the links to all the pages using pagination. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Here is the code: <?php echo "Results<br><HR WIDTH=100% SIZE=1><br>"; mysql_connect("", "mysite_mysite", "mysitepassword") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("user_database") or die(mysql_error()); if (isset($_GET['pagenum'])) { $pagenum = $_GET['pagenum']; } else { $pagenum = 1; } $rpg = $pagenum; $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mydb WHERE mfg='golf'") or die(mysql_error()); $rows = mysql_num_rows($data); $page_rows = 80; $last = ceil($rows/$page_rows); if ($pagenum < 1) { $pagenum = 1; } elseif ($pagenum > $last) { $pagenum = $last; } $max = 'limit ' .($pagenum - 1) * $page_rows .',' .$page_rows; $data_p = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mydb WHERE mfg='golf' $max") or die(mysql_error()); while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $data_p )) { $page=$info['link']; echo "<a href='$page' class='blue1'>". $info['title'] . "</a><br>"; } echo "<p>"; if ($pagenum > $last) {$pagenum=1;} else { echo "<HR WIDTH=100% SIZE=1><br>"; $pagenum = 1; while ($pagenum <= $last) { $next = $pagenum; echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?pagenum=$next' class='g5'>$pagenum</a> "; $pagenum = $pagenum+1; } Echo "<br><br>Page $rpg of $last <br>"; } ?> Simple insertion of pagination would be GREAT! Thanks guys.... I have a table with lots of records. My table has the following field, with records containing either NULL or '1' that I need to modify. I need some guidance in regards to adding Login with Facebook.
Is this something which is easily done? Currently, I'm using UserCake:
How much testing and QA is necessary for this type of work?