PHP - Email Not Sent On Post Data/ Submit Button
hi guys i have a problem my mail dosent send if some data is entered in the textbox. if data is there it says page not found. If no data and i say submit it submits the same page and a blank email is sent.
the form is used in the middle of the entire page. <form name="enquiry" action="<?php echo get_bloginfo('wpurl') .'/home/' ?>" method="POST" id="enquiry" > <div id="registerrow"> <div id="texttitle">Naam:</div> <input type="text" class="textboxdiv" name="name" id="name"> </div> <div id="registerrow"> <div id="texttitle">Email:</div> <input type="text" class="textboxdiv" name="email" id="email"> </div> <div id="registerrow"> <div id="texttitle">Telefoonnr.:</div> <input type="text" class="textboxdiv" name="phone" id="phone"> </div> <div id="registerrow"> <div id="texttitle">KvK nr.:</div> <input type="text" class="textboxdiv" name="kvknr" id="kvknr"> </div> <input name="Submit" type="submit" id="btnregister" /> </form> <?php include_once('mail_class.php'); require_once('mail_class.php'); if ($_POST['Submit']){ $name = $_POST['name']; $phone = $_POST['phone']; $msga = $_POST['kvknr']; $to = ""; $subject = "Enquiry for infosites"; $mailmsg = "<table width='772' border='2' cellpadding='0' bordercolor='#0099FF'>"; $mailmsg .= "<tr bgcolor='#0099FF'>"; $mailmsg .= "<td height='34' colspan='2' bgcolor='#91C8FF'><p align='center' style='font-family: Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; font-size: 14pt;font-weight: bold;'><strong>Enquiry Form</strong></p></td>"; $mailmsg .= "</tr>"; $mailmsg .= "<tr>"; $mailmsg .= "<td height='38'><span style='font-family: Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; font-weight: bold'><strong>Name:</strong></span></td>"; $mailmsg .= "<td height='38' > $name </td>"; $mailmsg .= "</tr>"; $mailmsg .= "<tr>"; $mailmsg .= "<td height='38'><span style='font-family: Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; font-weight: bold'><strong>Phone No:</strong></span></td>"; $mailmsg .= "<td height='38' > $phone </td>"; $mailmsg .= "</tr>"; $mailmsg .= "<tr>"; $mailmsg .= "<td height='43'><span style='font-family: Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; font-weight: bold'><strong>Enquiry For:</strong></span></td>"; $mailmsg .= "<td height='43'><span style='font-family: Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; font-weight: bold'> $enquiry </span></td>"; $mailmsg .= "</tr>"; $mailmsg .= "<tr bgcolor='#0099FF'>"; $mailmsg .="<td height='35' colspan='2' bgcolor='#91C8FF'><p align='center' class='style1'> </p></td>"; $mailmsg .="</tr>"; $mailmsg .="</table>"; $headers = "From: ".$_POST['email']."\r\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n"; if (mail($to , $subject , $mailmsg, $headers)) { echo 'Mail Send Succesfully'; } else { echo 'Mail was not send, Try again'; } } ?> </div> thanks Similar TutorialsHello I am working in moodle and its code base is in PHP. I am a novice to moodle as well as PHP and not quite familiar with PHP syntax. Right now I have built a Web page in moodle, and its view.php file I need to implement a fuctionality on click of a button. On click of submit button, I am trying to implement a functionality and I have written the code for that under if(isset($_POST['submit])) { code...} Also while creating the form I have set the attributes as follows: echo "<form method='post' action='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?inpopup=". $_GET['inpopup']."&id=" . $_GET['id'] . "'>"; But irrespective of whether or not I click the button, whenevr the page loads for the first time, it perform the code written in IF loop as well. So Am i going wrong in implementing a functionality on click of button in PHP or is it something related to moodle, if anyone knows? Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. As I am stuck with this logic since last three days. Regards hi i need help on posting multiple inputs in a single button...while using mysql_fetch_array here is my codes: <? $re6 = mysql_query('select username from users where course = "BSIT" and yearlevel = "FOURTH"'); ?> <br /> <h1>Post Grade</h1> <h1>IT, Fourth Year</h1> <br />Please fill the following form to send The Grade<br /> <? $n = 0; while($row = mysql_fetch_row($re6)) { echo'<form action="grade_post.php" method="post">'; echo'Recipient<span class="small">(Username)</span><input type="text" value="'.$row['username'].'" readonly="readonly" id="recip" name="recip[' . $n . ']" />'; echo'Subject<input type="text" value="'.htmlentities($otitle, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'" id="title" name="title[' . $n . ']" />'; echo'<input type="hidden" value="FOURTH" id="year" name="year[' . $n . ']" />'; echo'<input type="hidden" value="FIRST" id="sem" name="sem[' . $n . ']" />'; echo'Grade<input type="text" id="message" name="message[' . $n . ']" ><br />'; ++$n; } ?> i get all my recipients in every input type, but when i tried to post it in my database not all of them are posted rather only one of them are posted in my database ...what i want to happen is that all of my recipients in every input type will be posted in my database with different ids' pls... Please tell me how can i do it ??
the info posts beautifully i just canst seem to get the button to auto click or submit, tried numerous ways! help Code: [Select] <?php require_once "../store/paypal/utility.php"; require_once "../store/paypal/constants.php"; $url = "https://www.".DEFAULT_ENV.""; $postFields = "cmd=".urlencode("_notify-synch"). "&tx=".urlencode(htmlspecialchars($_GET["tx"])). "&at=".urlencode(DEFAULT_IDENTITY_TOKEN); $ppResponseAr = Utils::PPHttpPost($url, $postFields, true); if(!$ppResponseAr["status"]) { Utils::PPError($ppResponseAr["error_msg"], $ppResponseAr["error_no"]); exit; } $httpParsedResponseAr = $ppResponseAr["httpParsedResponseAr"]; // assign posted variables to local variables $item_name = $httpParsedResponseAr['item_name']; $item_number = $httpParsedResponseAr['item_number']; $receiver_email = $httpParsedResponseAr['receiver_email']; $receiver_id = $httpParsedResponseAr['receiver_id']; $quantity = $httpParsedResponseAr['quantity']; $first_name = $httpParsedResponseAr['first_name']; $last_name = $httpParsedResponseAr['last_name']; $payer_email = $httpParsedResponseAr['payer_email']; $txn_type = $httpParsedResponseAr['txn_type']; $address_street = $httpParsedResponseAr['address_street']; $address_city = $httpParsedResponseAr['address_city']; $address_state = $httpParsedResponseAr['address_state']; $address_zip = $httpParsedResponseAr['address_zip']; $item_number = $httpParsedResponseAr['item_number']; $option_name1 = $httpParsedResponseAr['option_name1']; $option_selection1 = $httpParsedResponseAr['option_selection1']; $option_name2 = $httpParsedResponseAr['option_name2']; $option_selection2 = $httpParsedResponseAr['option_selection2']; $invoice = $httpParsedResponseAr['invoice']; $custom = $httpParsedResponseAr['custom']; $payer_id =$httpParsedResponseAr['payer_id']; ?> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Rec</title> <link REL="stylesheet" href="include/style.css" type="text/css"> <!--[if IE]> <link REL="stylesheet" href="include/styleIE.css" type="text/css"> <![endif]--> <style> #center_block {width:50%;margin:0 auto;min-width:500px;} #contents_block {text-align:center;} #header_block {white-space:nowrap;height:25px;padding:0 10px 5px;text-align:center;} #fields_block {width:100%;margin:0;padding:10px} #header_block span {margin:0 5px} #buttons_block {padding:10px 10px 5px} #buttons_block div {padding:3px} #delimiter {margin:2px} #fields_block td {padding:3px 14px} #username_block td {padding-top:13px;white-space:nowrap;} #remember_block td {padding-bottom:13px;white-space:nowrap;} #required_block {text-align:left;padding:5px} </style> <!--[if IE]> <style> #main_block {width:100%} </style> <![endif]--> </head> <body> <script language="JavaScript" src="include/jquery.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" src="include/jsfunctions.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" src="include/runnerJS/RunnerBase.js"></script> <form action="rec.php" method="post" id="rec" name="rec.php"> <table id="center_block" align="center"> <tr><td id="contents_block"> <div class="main_table_border2 loginshade" id="main_block"> <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 id="fields_block" class="loginshade"> <tr id="email_fieldblock"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_email_1">Email:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_email_0" style="white-space: nowrap;"><input id="value_email_1" style="" type="text" name="value_email_1" maxlength=50 value="<?php echo urldecode($httpParsedResponseAr["payer_email"]) ?>"> <font color="red">*</font></span> <div class="error"></div> </td> </tr> <tr id="pass_fieldblock"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_pass_1">Pass:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_pass_0" style=""><input style="" id="value_pass_1" type="Password" name="value_pass_1" maxlength=50 value="1234"> <font color="red">*</font></span> <div class="error"></div> </td> </tr> <tr id="confirm_block"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_confirm_1">Re-enter password:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_confirm_0" style=""><input style="" id="value_confirm_1" type="Password" name="value_confirm_1" value="1234"> <font color="red">*</font></span> <div class="error"></div> </td> </tr> <tr id="fname_fieldblock"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_fname_1">First Name:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_fname_0" style="white-space: nowrap;"><input id="value_fname_1" style="" type="text" name="value_fname_1" maxlength=50 value="<?php echo urldecode($httpParsedResponseAr["first_name"]) ?>"> <font color="red">*</font></span> </td> </tr> <tr id="lname_fieldblock"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_lname_1">Last Name:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_lname_0" style="white-space: nowrap;"><input id="value_lname_1" style="" type="text" name="value_lname_1" maxlength=50 value="<?php echo urldecode($httpParsedResponseAr["last_name"]) ?>"> <font color="red">*</font></span> </td> </tr> <tr id="address_fieldblock"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_address_1">Address:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_address_0" style="white-space: nowrap;"><input id="value_address_1" style="" type="text" name="value_address_1" maxlength=50 value="<?php echo urldecode($httpParsedResponseAr["address_street"]) ?>"> <font color="red">*</font></span> </td> </tr> <tr id="city_fieldblock"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_city_1">City:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_city_0" style="white-space: nowrap;"><input id="value_city_1" style="" type="text" name="value_city_1" maxlength=50 value="<?php echo urldecode($httpParsedResponseAr["address_city"]) ?>"> <font color="red">*</font></span> </td> </tr> <tr id="state_fieldblock"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_state_1">State:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_state_0" style="white-space: nowrap;"><input id="value_state_1" style="" type="text" name="value_state_1" maxlength=50 value="<?php echo urldecode($httpParsedResponseAr["address_state"]) ?>"> <font color="red">*</font></span> </td> </tr> <tr id="zip_fieldblock"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_zip_1">Zip:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_zip_0" style="white-space: nowrap;"><input id="value_zip_1" style="" type="text" name="value_zip_1" maxlength=50 value="<?php echo urldecode($httpParsedResponseAr["address_zip"]) ?>"> <font color="red">*</font></span> </td> </tr> <tr id="cosponsor_fieldblock"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_cosponsor_1">Cosponsor:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_cosponsor_0" style=""><input id="type_cosponsor_1" type="hidden" name="type_cosponsor_1" value="checkbox"><input id="value_cosponsor_1" type="Checkbox" name="value_cosponsor_1" ></span> </td> </tr> <tr id="recipients_fieldblock"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_recipients_1">Recipients:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_recipients_0" style="white-space: nowrap;"><input id="value_recipients_1" style="" type="text" name="value_recipients_1" maxlength=50 value="<?php echo urldecode($httpParsedResponseAr["quantity"]) ?>"> <font color="red">*</font></span> </td> </tr> <tr id="clients_fieldblock"> <td align=left width=50% class=loginshade> <div align="left"><label for="value_clients_1">Clients:</label></div> </td> <td width=50% class=loginshade> <span id="edit1_clients_0" style=""><input id="type_clients_1" type="hidden" name="type_clients_1" value="checkbox"><input id="value_clients_1" type="Checkbox" name="value_clients_1" ></span> </td> </tr> <tr id="space_block"></tr> </table> </div> </td></tr> </table> <input type=submit value="Submit" class=button id="saveButton1" onload="Submit"></form> </body> </html> Friends I am new to php and i have to submit my coursework in php by 3rd dec, I stuck at one place where i have to upload multiple photo and one can see all the photo he has uploaded and can edit or delete that photo so i have done uploading now i am showing those pics in table by running loop and generating tr and td but now i have two buttons with each row edit and delete now when i clicked on one delete or edit that pic should be delete or give text box to edit description of pic, Please help me how to do that....... $post='{"cart_items":[{"configuration":{"price":100,"recharge_number":"9999999999"},"product_id":"999","qty":1}]}';i try this n reslut was :There are no valid items in cart: help me plz Edited by ShivaGupta, 30 November 2014 - 01:11 AM. Say there is a complex opt in process where people start to enter their data but certain questions stop them where they close out of the page. They already entered their data and I feel there is a way to grab it and post it to mysql even though they do not click submit.
How would this be done?
A super simple example (proof of concept) or a link to a tutorial would be very useful.
Edited by brentman, 23 September 2014 - 10:42 AM. Hi everyone, I have a gateway and I can submit 200 max at one time using POST. I need to send around 200,000 at a time. So, in a nut shell, I need to submit 1,000 POST without actually refreshing my page. How can I do that ? Becuz once I submit a POST, the page on my browser goes to the gateway page rather than staying on the current page. So, what I need is something like click one button do 1,000 POST and send around 200,000. Looking forward to receiving any input on this. Thanks all. Regards I can't figure out why my $_POST['join'] isn't working. Does my form need to be inside my foreach? Code: [Select] <?php if(is_admin($user_info['uid'], $info['companyid']) === false) { if (isset($_POST['join'])) { echo "works"; die(); } $companies = fetch_company_by_name($info['cname']); ?> <table class="feed pts pbl"> <?php foreach ($companies as $company) { ?> <tr class="mbm"> <td> <form method="post" id="ccreateform" class="man"> <input type="submit" name="join[<?php echo $company['companyid']; ?>]" value="Join" /> </form> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <?php } ?> Alright, so I play a browser game called Politics and War. I run an alliance that has 74 members. In that alliance we offer a bank service for all our members, but I - being the leader - am the only one who can access the bank. I have been building a site that works with the game API to gather data for members and create a dashboard. One of the features I am trying to build is allowing them to withdraw from their account instantly.
So, what I need: To be able to submit a POST request to login to the site (specifically on this page --> with my username and password, but then I need to keep the session active and navigate to a different page (the alliance bank page). On that page I first need to scrape a value from a hidden input (token) and then I need to submit a POST request to this same page while still being logged in.
I am not asking someone to do it for me, but rather someone to help me know how to go about this. I have never submitted post requests with PHP, but I have used PHP cURL in the past. I also have made POST requests with JS, but never PHP.
Thank you so much for anyone that is able to help! Hi, During post of my form I am trying to send some table values. The three field values (DATE, SITE, PRICE) that I want to send are attached to the id field (RID) in the daterange table. The variable $FTGRID is attached to the RID field. Here is the structure of the daterange table and the code from the php page related to the email is below. Do I need to pre-define variables for these three field values? daterange Table: RID DEND MONTH DATE SITE PRICE STATUS Code: [Select] if ( $validationFailed === false ) { # Email to Form Owner $emailSubject = FilterCChars("Your Reservation"); $emailBody = "Reservation Date : \n" . "Site : \n" . "Price : \n" . "Fname : $FTGFNAME\n" . "Lname : $FTGLNAME\n" . "Addr1 : $FTGADDR1\n" . "Addr2 : $FTGADDR2\n" . "City : $FTGCITY\n" . "State : $FTGSTATE\n" . "Zip : $FTGZIP\n" . "Phone : $FTGPHONE1" . "- $FTGPHONE2" . "- $FTGPHONE3\n" . "Email : $FTGEMAIL\n" . "Payment Method : $FTGPM\n" . "Last Four CC : $FTGC4\n" . ""; $emailTo = ''; $emailFrom = FilterCChars(""); $emailHeader = "From: $emailFrom\n" . "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" . "Content-type: text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\"\n" . "Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit\n"; mail($emailTo, $emailSubject, $emailBody, $emailHeader); # Confirmation Email to User $confEmailTo = FilterCChars($FTGEMAIL); $confEmailSubject = FilterCChars("Confirmation of Reservation"); $confEmailBody = "Reservation Date : \n" . "Site : \n" . "Price : \n" . "Fname : $FTGLNAME\n" . "Lname : $FTGLNAME\n" . "Addr1 : $FTGADDR1\n" . "Addr2 : $FTGADDR2\n" . "City : $FTGCITY\n" . "State : $FTGSTATE\n" . "Zip : $FTGZIP\n" . "Phone : $FTGPHONE1" . "- $FTGPHONE2" . "- $FTGPHONE3\n" . "Email : $FTGEMAIL\n" . "Payment Method : $FTGPM\n" . "Last Four CC : $FTGC4\n" . ""; $confEmailHeader = "From:\n" . "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" . "Content-type: text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\"\n" . "Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit\n"; mail($confEmailTo, $confEmailSubject, $confEmailBody, $confEmailHeader); I think I understand that there can only be one "submit" button on a page.
I want buttons for separate forms to not trigger the empty errors on the other forms...
How do you accomplish specific button actions?
I think I've tried it with javascript but you can do it with PHP right?
Thanks for any help.
The code below currently sends a separate Email with data from each row of a table when a Save All button is pressed. So, if I have 4 rows of data, 4 Email will be sent. $email=""; $from=""; $msg=""; $subject="Registers Info for: ".$values["first_name"]." ".$values["last_name"].""; $msg.= "Student: ".$values["first_name"]." ".$values["last_name"]."\r\n"; $msg.= "Absent or Present: ".$values["attendance_status"]."\r\n"; $msg.= "Class: ".$values["classname"]."\r\n"; $msg.= "Class Date: ".$values["attendance_date"]."\r\n"; $msg.= "Amount Received: ".$values["cash_received"]."\r\n"; $msg.= "Paid For: ".$values["cash_whatfor"]."\r\n"; $ret=runner_mail(array('to' => $email, 'subject' => $subject, 'body' => $msg, 'from'=>$from)); if(!$ret["Sent"]) echo $ret["message"];
Edited February 27, 2020 by leemo Email will send with the #$body but will not send with the $body = str_replace $the_kudo_image = '<img src=' . $kudobanner . '>'; $dir = plugin_dir_path( __DIR__ ); $template = file_get_contents( $dir .'/partials/kudos-email-template.html'); $emtemp = $dir .'/kudos/admin/partials/kudos-email-template.html'; $body = str_replace( array( '{kudos_link}', '{the_kudo_image}', '{kudoagent}', '{kudoclient}', '{agentloc}', '{kudoposted}', '{kudomsg}' ), array( $kudos_link, $the_kudo_image, $kudoagent, $kudoclient, $agentloc, $kudoposted, $kudomsg ), $template ); #$body = "testing email"; //commented out due to test body $to = ""; $subject = "Kudos for $kudoagent"; $headers = array('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); $headers .= 'From = Kudo Server <>'; $mail = @wp_mail( $to, $subject, $body, $headers ); if($mail) { echo "<p>Mail Sent.</p>"; } else { echo "<p>Mail Fault.</p>"; }
I have a form in the follwoing link: I would like to send the inputs to an email address so I have used a php file called sendEmail.php which has the following code: <?php $redirectTo = ""; $to = ""; $subject = "Form Submission"; $headers = "From:\r\n"; $message = ""; $formFields = array_keys($_POST); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($formFields); $i++) { $theField = strip_tags($formFields[$i]); $theValue = strip_tags($_POST[$theField]); $message .= $theField; $message .= " = "; $message .= $theValue; $message .= "\n"; } $success = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); if ($success) { header("Location: " . $redirectTo); } else { echo "An error occurred when sending the email."; } ?> Could someone tell me why it is not working at all. Hey guys. This is my code: <?php session_start(); if ($_SESSION['adminlogin'] == 1){ //Run } else { header('Location: Log-In.php'); exit; } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang="en-GB"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <!--Search Engine Meta Tags--> <meta name="author" content="Worldwide Lighthouses"> <meta name="keywords" content="Lighthouses,Lightships,Trinity House,Fog Signals,Fog Horns,Fresnel"> <meta name="description" content="Worldwide Lighthouses is the number 1 source of information, pictures and videos on the Subject of Lighthouses and Lightships"> <!--Stylesheets/Javascript--> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../Page-Layout.css" media="screen and (min-width: 481px)"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../Mobile-Page-Layout.css" media="only screen and (max-width:480px)"> <!--Mobile Browser Support--> <meta name="viewport" content="width=320; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;"> <!--IE Support--> <!--[if lt IE 9]><script src=""></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../Page-Layout.css"><![endif]--> <meta name="application-name" content="Worldwide Lighthouses"> <meta name="msapplication-starturl" content=""> <meta name="msapplication-tooltip" content="Worldwide Lighthouses: Your number one source of Lighthouse Information, Videos and Pictures"> <meta name="msapplication-task" content="name=Lighthouses;action-uri=;icon-uri="> <meta name="msapplication-task" content="name=Lightships;action-uri=;icon-uri="> <meta name="msapplication-task" content="name=Fog Signals;action-uri=;icon-uri="> <meta name="msapplication-task" content="name=Glossary;action-uri=;icon-uri="> <title>Mailing List Administration | Worldwide Lighthouses</title> </head> <body> <header> <h1 id="WWLH">Worldwide Lighthouses</h1> <form method="get" action="" id="Search-Box"> <input type="search" placeholder="Search Worldwide Lighthouses" name="query" id="query" size="30" value="" autocomplete="off"> <input type="submit" value="Search"> <input type="hidden" name="search" value="1"> </form> </header> <nav> <ul id="Nav"> <li class="MenuButton" id="Index"><a href=""><p class="Nav">Home</p></a></li> <li class="MenuButton" id="Lighthouses"><a href=""><p class="Nav">Lighthouses</p></a></li> <li class="MenuButton" id="Lightships"><a href=""><p class="Nav">Lightships</p></a></li> <li class="MenuButton" id="FogSignals"><a href=""><p class="Nav">Fog Signals</p></a></li> <li class="MenuButton" id="Daymarks"><a href=""><p class="Nav">Daymarks</p></a></li> <li class="MenuButton" id="Buoys"><a href=""><p class="Nav">Buoys</p></a></li> <li id="MenuButtonLast"><a href=""><p class="Nav">Glossary</p></a></li> </ul> </nav> <?php if ($_SESSION['adminlogin']==1) { echo '<div id="logout"> <div style="float:left; width:30%; text-align:left;!important"> <a href="Log-In-Accept-Deny.php">Back to Admin Home</a> </div> <div style="float:right; width:70%;"> <a href="Logout.php">Log Out of Admin</a> <p style="font-size:10px;">Always Sign Out when Finished!</p> </div></div>';} ?> <article> <?php $title = $_POST['title']; $introparagraph = $_POST['introparagraph']; $update1title = $_POST['update1title']; $update2title = $_POST['update2title']; $update3title = $_POST['update3title']; $update1caption = $_POST['update1caption']; $update2caption = $_POST['update2caption']; $update3caption = $_POST['update3caption']; $update1link = $_POST['update1link']; $update2link = $_POST['update2link']; $update3link = $_POST['update3link']; $maincontenttitle = $_POST['maincontenttitle']; $article = $_POST['article']; $articlelink = $_POST['articlelink']; ################################################################# #####################IMAGE UPLOAD SCRIPT######################### ################################################################# // Where the mainimage file is going to be placed $target_path_mainimage = "Newsletter-Images/Main-Images/"; // Wheere the update images will be places $target_path_updateimage1 = "Newsletter-Images/Update-Images/1/"; $target_path_updateimage2 = "Newsletter-Images/Update-Images/2/"; $target_path_updateimage3 = "Newsletter-Images/Update-Images/3/"; /* Add the original filename to our target path. Result is "uploads/filename.extension" */ //Main $target_path_mainimage = $target_path_mainimage . basename( $_FILES['mainimage']['name']); //Update Images $target_path_updateimage1 = $target_path_updateimage1 . basename( $_FILES['update1']['name']); $target_path_updateimage2 = $target_path_updateimage2 . basename( $_FILES['update2']['name']); $target_path_updateimage3 = $target_path_updateimage3 . basename( $_FILES['update3']['name']); //Move the main image file to its location if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['mainimage']['tmp_name'], $target_path_mainimage)) { } else{ echo "There was an error uploading the main image file, please try again!"; } //Move the update images to their location if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['update1']['tmp_name'], $target_path_updateimage1)) { } else{ echo "There was an error uploading the 1st update image file, please try again!"; } if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['update2']['tmp_name'], $target_path_updateimage2)) { } else{ echo "There was an error uploading the 2nd update image file, please try again!"; } if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['update3']['tmp_name'], $target_path_updateimage3)) { } else{ echo "There was an error uploading the 3rd update image file, please try again!"; } ############################################################################## ######################### END IMAGE UPLOAD SCRIPT ############################ ############################################################################## $mainimageurl = "".basename( $_FILES['mainimage']['name']); $update1imageurl = "".basename( $_FILES['update1']['name']); $update2imageurl = "".basename( $_FILES['update2']['name']); $update3imageurl = "".basename( $_FILES['update3']['name']); $emailcontent = ' <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>'.$title.'</title> </head> <body style="margin: 0; padding: 0;"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#333333"><tr><td> <table cellspacing="15" id="main" align="center" width="600" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="ffffff" style="margin-top: 10px; border: 1px solid #cfcece;"> <tr> <td> <table id="header" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" align="center" bgcolor="#000000"> <tr> <td width="570" bgcolor="#356A5C"><a href="" style="color: #FFF; text-decoration: none;"><h1 style="font-size: 24px; font-family:'."'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans', 'Lucida Sans Unicode'".', sans-serif; margin: 0; color: #ffffff; padding: 0;">Worldwide Lighthouses</h1></a><h2 style="font-size: 24px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; color: #ffffff !important; padding: 0;">'.$title.'</h2></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="570" align="right" bgcolor="#154A3C"><p style="font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.5; font-family:'."'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans', 'Lucida Sans Unicode'".', sans-serif; color: #ffffff; margin: 0; padding: 0;">'.date("F Y").'</p></td> </tr> </table><!-- header --> </td> </tr><!-- header --> <tr> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="content-1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center"> </table> <img src="'.$mainimageurl.'" height="190" alt="'.$title.'" width="570" style="display: block;" /><!-- content 1 --> </td> </tr><!-- content 1 --> <tr> <td> <table id="content-2" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center"> <tr> <td width="570"><p style="font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.5; font-family:'."'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans', 'Lucida Sans Unicode',".' sans-serif; color: #444444; margin: 0; padding: 0;">'.$introparagraph.'</p></td> </tr> </table><!-- content-2 --> </td> </tr><!-- content-2 --> <tr> <td> <table id="content-3" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center"> <tr> <td valign="top" width="170" bgcolor="d0d0d0" style="padding: 5px;"> <a href="'.$update1link.'" style="color: #FFF; text-decoration: none;"><img src="'.$update1imageurl.'" alt="'.$update1title.'" style="display: block;" /></a> </td> <td width="15"></td> <td valign="top" width="170" bgcolor="d0d0d0" style="padding: 5px;"> <a href="'.$update2link.'" style="color: #FFF; text-decoration: none;"><img src="'.$update2imageurl.'" alt="'.$update2title.'" style="display: block;" /></a> </td> <td width="15"></td> <td valign="top" width="170" bgcolor="d0d0d0" style="padding: 5px;"> <a href="'.$update3link.'" style="color: #FFF; text-decoration: none;"><img src="'.$update3imageurl.'" alt="'.$update3title.'" style="display: block;" /></a> </td> </tr> </table><!-- content-3 --> </td> </tr><!-- content-3 --> <tr> <td> <table id="content-4" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center"> <tr> <td width="180" valign="top"> <a href="'.$update1link.'" style="color: #FFF; text-decoration: none;"><h5 style="font-size: 18px; margin: 0 0 0.8em; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #444444;">'.$update1title.'</h5></a> <a href="'.$update1link.'" style="color: #FFF; text-decoration: none;"><p style="font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.5; font-family:'." 'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans', 'Lucida Sans Unicode'".', sans-serif; color: #444444; margin: 0; padding: 0;">'.$update1caption.'</p></a> </td> <td width="15"></td> <td width="180" valign="top"> <a href="'.$update2link.'" style="color: #FFF; text-decoration: none;"><h5 style="font-size: 18px; margin: 0 0 0.8em; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #444444;">'.$update2title.'</h5></a> <a href="'.$update2link.'" style="color: #FFF; text-decoration: none;"><p style="font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.5; font-family:'."'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans', 'Lucida Sans Unicode'".', sans-serif; color: #444444; margin: 0; padding: 0;">'.$update2caption.'</p></a> </td> <td width="15"></td> <td width="180" valign="top"> <a href="'.$update3link.'" style="color: #FFF; text-decoration: none;"><h5 style="font-size: 18px; margin: 0 0 0.8em; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #444444;">'.$update3title.'</h5></a> <a href="'.$update3link.'" style="color: #FFF; text-decoration: none;"><p style="font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.5; font-family:'."'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans', 'Lucida Sans Unicode'".', sans-serif; color: #444444; margin: 0; padding: 0;">'.$update3caption.'</p></a> </td> </tr> </table><!-- content-4 --> </td> </tr><!-- content-4 --> </tr><!-- content-5 --> <td> <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF" align="center"> <a href="'.$articlelink.'" style="color: #FFF; text-decoration: none;"><td height="30"><h5 style="font-size: 18px; margin: 0 0 0.8em; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #444444 !important; text-align:left;">'.$maincontenttitle.'</h5></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table id="content-6" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <p align="left" style="font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.5; font-family:'."'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans', 'Lucida Sans Unicode'".', sans-serif; color: #444444; margin: 0; padding: 0;">'.$article.'</p> <p align="center" style="font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.5; font-family:'."'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans', 'Lucida Sans Unicode'".', sans-serif; color: #444444; margin: 0; padding: 0;"><a href="" style="text-decoration: none; color: #4A72AF;">Visit the website now!</a></p> </table> </td> </tr> </table><!-- main --> <table id="bottom-message" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0" width="600" align="center"> <tr> <td align="center"> <p style="font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.5; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #444444; margin: 0; padding: 0;">You are receiving this email because you signed up for updates</p> <p style="font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.5; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #444444; margin: 0; padding: 0;"><a href="" style="text-decoration: none; color: #4A72AF;">Unsubscribe instantly</a> </td> </tr> </table><!-- top message --> </td></tr></table><!-- wrapper --> </body> </html> '; echo '<div class="Textbox"><h2>Email Preview:</h2>'; echo '<p>If you are happy with the below preview (note: Make sure you check all links work and spelling is correct before sending) then click te button below</p>'; ?> <form action="Send-Email.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" value="<?php $emailcontent?>" name="emailcontent"> <input type="submit" value="Send Email to Entire Contact List"> </form> </div> <?php echo $emailcontent;?> </article> <footer> <ul> <li><a href="">About</a></li> <li><a href="">Contact</a></li> <li><a href="">Use our media</a></li> <li><a href="">Search</a></li> <li><a href="">Social</a></li> <li><a href="#Top">Back to top</a></li> </ul> <br> <br> &#169; Worldwide Lighthouses <?php echo date("Y"); ?> </footer> </body> Essentially what im trying to do is create and display a preview of an automatically generated email (which works) then i want the email (all of whoms code is contained in $emailcontent to be posted to the next page where it will actually send. However this does not seem to work. any advice? Thanks. Danny <form action="form-to-email.php" method="post" enctype="text/plain" class="form"> <p class="name"> <i class="icon-user"></i> <input type="text" name="name" id="name" /> <label for="name">Name</label> </p> <p class="email"> <i class="icon-envelope"></i><span id="sprytextfield1"> <input type="text" name="email" id="email" /> </span> <label for="email">E-mail</label> </p> <p class="phone"><i class="icon-phone-sign"></i> <input type="text" name="phone" id="phone" /> <label for="web">Phone</label> </p> <p class="text"><span id="sprytextarea1"> <textarea name="text"></textarea> <span class="textareaRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span></p> <p class="submit"> <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Send message"> </p> </form>The form is located in index.html and separate page is form-to-email.php. Do I need to link them <link href=>, <link rel=> or the files just need to be in the same folder? <?php if(!isset($_POST['submit'])) { //This page should not be accessed directly. Need to submit the form. echo "error; you need to submit the form!"; } $name = $_POST['name']; $visitor_email = $_POST['email']; $message = $_POST['message']; //Validate first if(empty($name)||empty($visitor_email)) { echo "Name and email are mandatory!"; exit; } if(IsInjected($visitor_email)) { echo "Bad email value!"; exit; } $email_from = '$visitor_email \r\n"'; $email_subject = "New Form submission"; $email_body = "You have received a new message from the user $name.\n". "Here is the message:\n $message". $to = "";//<== update the email address $headers = "From: $email_from \r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: $visitor_email \r\n"; //Send the email! mail($to,$email_subject,$email_body,$headers); //done. redirect to thank-you page. header('Location: thank-you.html'); I have the simple code below which seems to have worked on forms from a contact page on a website. Unfortunately, it seems to only send the forms if all fields are entered. I have played with the code but cannot seem to get it to send any field that has been completed on submit. Can someone help please? <?php $emailAddress = ""; $thankyouPage = ""; session_start(); if (!empty($_POST)) { foreach ($_POST as $key=>$value) { $_POST[$key] = stripslashes($_POST[$key]); $_POST[$key] = htmlspecialchars($_POST[$key],ENT_QUOTES); } } if (isset($_POST['send']) AND isset($_SESSION['msgCount'])) { if ($_SESSION['msgCount'] >= "3") $alert = "Only 3 messages can be s +ent per session."; if (empty($alert)) { $_SESSION['msgCount']++; putenv('TZ=EST5EDT'); // eastern time $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n" +; $message = "<table cellpadding='5' border='1'>"; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) if (!preg_match("(^send)",$key)) { $value = wordwrap($value,65,"<br />"); $message .="<tr><td><b>$key</b></td><td>$value</td></tr>"; } $message .= "</table>"; $message .= "<br />Time of the message: ".date(" F d h:ia")."<br +/>"; $message .= "IP Address: ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."<br />"; $message .= "Hostname: ".gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])."< +br />"; $subject = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']." Message"; mail($emailAddress,$subject,$message,$headers); if (!empty($thankyouPage)) { header('location: '.$thankyouPage); die(); } unset($_POST); $alert = "Your enquiry has been sent, we will respond as soon as p +ossible."; } } if (!isset($_SESSION['msgCount'])) $_SESSION['msgCount'] = 0; ?> guys this function below posts the data into table and im also able to send a link in email with caregory name but the issue is getting the id to the particular post i got no isea how do i get that? Code: [Select] function insert($postData) { $postData['description'] = clean($postData['description']); if(!EmailExists($postData['email'])){ $sql = " INSERT INTO tbl_emails SET email = '".$postData['email']."', postersname = '".$postData['postersname']."', phone = '".$postData['phone']."' "; executeSql($sql); } if(empty($_FILES['image']["name"])){ $sql = " INSERT INTO tbl SET title = '".$postData['title']."', image = '', postersname = '".$postData['postersname']."', category = '".$postData['category']."', type = '".$postData['type']."', state = '".$postData['state']."', location = '".$postData['location']."', email = '".$postData['email']."', phone = '".$postData['phone']."', description = '".$postData['description']."', time = '".time()."' "; executeSql($sql); }else{ global $uploadPath; $remove_symbols = array('+', '=', '-', '{', '}', '$', '(', ')','&'); $removed_symbols = str_replace($remove_symbols, "_", $_FILES['image']['name']); $randomnum=rand(00000000,99999999); $imagepath = uploadFile($_FILES['image'], $uploadPath); $image = new SimpleImage(); $image->load($imagepath); $image->resize(250,280); $resize_rename = $uploadPath.$randomnum._.$removed_symbols; $image->save($resize_rename); unlink($imagepath); //delete the original file $sql = " INSERT INTO tbl SET title = '".$postData['title']."', image = '".$resize_rename."', postersname = '".$postData['postersname']."', category = '".$postData['category']."', type = '".$postData['type']."', state = '".$postData['state']."', location = '".$postData['ocation']."', email = '".$postData['email']."', phone = '".$postData['phone']."', description = '".$postData['description']."', time = '".time()."' "; executeSql($sql); } } |